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Authors: Lutishia Lovely

The Perfect Deception (19 page)

BOOK: The Perfect Deception
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e didn’t run away from a problem. He rushed right to it. First thing Saturday morning he dialed Jessica’s number and was glad she answered.
“We need to talk about last night, but I don’t want to fight.”
“Want to meet for breakfast?”
Thirty minutes later, they sat in a booth. A waiter brought Nathan coffee. Jessica drank tea. The menus had not been touched.
“I need to understand what happened last night.”
“I walked into your house, heard you talking to a woman, and got upset.”
“Obviously, but why? I don’t understand. It was a casual conversation. That I kept the call on speaker when you walked in made it obvious that it wasn’t something I was trying to hide.”
“Stepping into that situation triggered stuff from my past. I probably overreacted, but in that moment the anger was real.”
“By that statement can I assume that your ex-husband not only physically abused you but cheated, too?”
She snorted. “Many times. After a while he didn’t even bother hiding his other women, would bring them over and entertain them right in my house. When it first started he’d try and cover up, calling them casual friends, acquaintances, cousins, accountants—oh, he had all kinds of jobs for his women of choice. But I knew better. I’d listen in on the home phone, eavesdrop while he was talking on the cell. Then I’d walk into the room. In the beginning, he’d get off the phone if I came into the room, or change the direction of the conversation.
“The first time I confronted him he denied it; in fact, the first few times. Then he met someone who he really liked and basically told me that he was going to have her and me too, and there was nothing I could do about it. That’s the first time I tried to leave.”
“What happened?”
“He found me. After he . . . showed me how angry my leaving had made him . . . I never tried to leave again. Until I knew it was for good.”
Nathan, quiet, simmered with rage. In his mind the lowest man on the planet was one who put his hands on a woman. “I’m sorry that happened to you,” he finally said, wanting to touch her but also wanting to let her know his feelings went far beyond their physical connection. “No woman deserves to be mistreated, disrespected, the way he did you. Obviously he didn’t have anyone around to show him what a real man looks like.” She remained quiet. “Perhaps you’ve never seen one either.”
She looked at him then—sad, vulnerable—and slowly shook her head.
“Hopefully, you’ll give me the chance to show one to you, to prove that not all men are alike. I can’t do anything about what’s happened in your past. If I could, I would. What I can do is try and make sure ours is a positive relationship, one totally opposite from the others you’ve had. I can’t do that if you won’t let me, if anytime you see or hear something that you don’t understand, you assume the worst about me. I’m not perfect. I’ve cheated before; not proud of it, but it happened.”
“Then how do I know it won’t happen with me?”
The innocent desire in her large, doe eyes caused his heart to clench, made him want to protect her from all of life’s miseries, to find every man who’d ever hurt her and inflict pain on them. He took her hand, rubbed his thumb across the ring on the third finger of her left hand. “This is how you know. When I proposed to you, I was saying that from that day forward you would be my one and only. You’re the only one for me, Jessica. I love you, not only as someone who’ll be my wife, but also as the mother of my son.”
She cocked her head. “A son, huh? And what if we have a girl?”
“I’m not trying to need a shotgun to keep jerks off a daughter. I only have boy bullets.”
“Oh.” She smiled.
He brushed her cheek with his finger. “I feel differently about you than all the other women I’ve dated. That makes all the difference.”
They decided to go back to his place. As she got into her car and drove over, Jessica was more conflicted than ever. No man had ever said the things Nathan had said, the way he’d said them. So forthright and sincere. She wanted so very much to believe him, and had it not been for the conversation with Sissy last night, she probably would have scooped up his declarations and swallowed them whole.
“I don’t know, Sissy. He’s really mad this time.”
“Doesn’t matter. If a man is into what’s between your legs, he’s not going far. He’ll call, and be sorry, and whisper all the sweet words and smooth lies he thinks you want to hear. I want you,” Sissy said, lowering her voice to mimic a man. “I need you. I love you!” She took her voice even lower and drew out the words. She and Jessica laughed, a rare light moment between them. It was short-lived, as Sissy’s tone turned dark. “A man will tell you anything to get your heart in the palm of his hand . . . so he can control it and you. Your ex proved that better than anyone. Give him your body, Jessie, but not your heart. Do you hear me? When he calls you with a comeback line, invites you over—and you know what for—go give him what he wants and give it to him good. Perform the blow job of your life. I’ve chained many a man to my heart with my mouth, and I wasn’t talking. Let me give you a couple tips . . .”
She reached Nathan’s condo. He’d texted her saying he was already inside. She went up and within minutes they were naked and screwing on the rooftop patio as a light rain fell. At one point she dropped to her knees, took him in, and did what Sissy suggested. In less than a minute he exploded with such force they almost fell over. Jessica smiled, confident she’d followed instructions to a tee. She couldn’t wait to tell teacher what student had done. Later that night, Nathan whispered sweet words and smooth lies into her ear. Jessica listened to him but thought about Sissy. The next night was spent at her house. She went into the kitchen to fix Nathan a Hennessy and OJ, and add something extra. Before mixing it, however, with a brief spark of conscience, she took off the engagement ring.
athan, there’s a Dr. Sullivan on line one for you.”
Nathan walked over and closed his office door before taking the call. “Good morning, James.”
“Good morning, Nathan. How are you feeling?”
“Fine, and you?”
“Can’t complain.”
“I assume you’re calling about the physical.”
“I am.”
“So, what’s the verdict? Am I going to live?”
“That’s a question for somebody with more power than me.” Nathan laughed at James’s impassive answer. “But going from the tests I’ve run so far, which are all of the common ones, I’d say you’ll be around for a pretty long time.”
“That’s good news.”
“Your blood pressure is good, cholesterol average; there was no sign of prostate cancer or tumors. The only potential cause I saw for your recurring illness was a slightly lower than normal white blood cell count, which in some cases can lessen the body’s natural ability to stave off viruses and other common, highly contagious diseases.”
“I really hadn’t been worried about my health, all along thought it was a virus of some kind. But to get proof is definitely a relief.”
“Glad I could help. I ran every test of a general physical and a couple more as well. So unless you have a recurrence of past symptoms, I’d say to take extra precaution when going out into the elements and as much as possible, get eight hours of sleep. The lack of it is another major reason why our bodies break down.”
“You know, James, I would like to run one more thing by you.”
After a soft tap, his door opened. He looked up to see Broderick entering his office, suit coat slung over his shoulder and briefcase in hand. “On second thought, let me get back to you on that.”
“Or send a text.”
“Even better.” He ended the call. “You out of here, boss?”
“Yes. The wife has a society function, so I have to go and put on a monkey suit. How’s it going?”
“A little swamped but manageable.”
“That trip to New York was right on time. Hadn’t been for that tip from my man up there, we may have lost the account already.”
“Things are back on track, at least for the moment. I’ll have to stay on top of it though, do a little hand-holding until the final decision has been made.”
“It’s a million-dollar hand, so rub it, pet it, even kiss that baby if you have to, but don’t lose that deal!”
“Ha! I’ll do my best.”
“Solid experience trumps a blue-blood boost when there’s money on the line. I sent you an e-mail on the junior consultant candidates that were interviewed. There’s a couple I’d like to pass on to you for a second.”
“Good.” Nathan reared back, his eyes narrowing. Broderick seemed to sense a change in mood. “What else is going on?”
“I’m concerned about my report for the board meeting. It will be my first one as vice president, so the scrutiny will be intense.”
“I’m not worried. Looks like you are, though. Don’t stress about it, Nate. You’ll do fine.”
“Are significant others invited on this trip?” Like many businesses, this company’s annual board meeting was held in a beautiful location. This year they were headed to the Enchantment Resort in Sedona, Arizona, with seventy panoramic acres of natural red rock terrain.
“The chairman is against it, of course, because he’s going through a high-profile divorce and won’t be able to bring his mistress.”
“Good Lord . . .”
“But the treasurer just got remarried and wants to show off the trophy wife twenty years his junior. I say we stick to business and entertain our women some other time.”
“I’m with you.”
“But some of the wives will never go for that. So Jessica is welcome.”
Broderick looked at his watch. “I have to go, man. You should, too. Wouldn’t want you to get burned out within months of the job.”
“No chance of that, man. See you tomorrow.”
He’d planned to stay late. But following Broderick’s advice, Nathan placed some materials in his briefcase, sent a text to James, and less than an hour after his boss’s departure, headed out of the building.
On the way home, he phoned Jessica and asked her to meet him at his house. She was there when he arrived. He wasn’t surprised to see she’d brought over dinner, this time from one of his favorite steakhouses.
“What’d you get me?” he asked, once he’d gone upstairs and changed into baggy jeans and a tee. He walked over to where she was reheating the food. “And what did you snatch up when I entered the kitchen?”
She gave him a playful push in the chest. “You are so nosy! Do something useful like pour our drinks.”
He pulled two glasses from the cabinet and walked to the fridge, chuckling as she stopped and watched him pour cola for them both.
“You didn’t see the orange juice in there? That cola is for me.”
“I feel like switching it up tonight.”
“I thought you didn’t like cola.”
“Usually I don’t. But I’m tired of orange juice.”
“Try and treat a man special and look where it gets me.”
He walked over and kissed her temple. “It’s gotten you a ring, baby. I’d say that’s a pretty good return on your investment.”
Jessica brought their plates to the table. For a few minutes, clanking silverware was the only conversation.
“This is good, baby,” Nathan mumbled around a bite of steak and baked potato.
“I thought you liked creamed spinach.”
“I do.”
“You haven’t touched it.”
“Here.” He scooped up a forkful. “You try it.”
She moved her head away from the fork. “I don’t like spinach.”
“Come on. It’s good for you.”
“You eat it. I’ve got broccoli.” She speared a floret and popped it into her mouth. “Yum.” Pointing at his untouched spinach, she demanded, “Eat it.”
He took a couple bites as she watched him.
“That’s better.” She walked into the kitchen to get more cola. When she came back, the spinach was gone. “Dang, that was fast.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever had their spinach and it’s delicious. Besides, I told you I’d eat it.”
“Good.” She walked back into the kitchen and returned with a glass of orange juice. “Now, drink this, too. You’ve been feeling good lately. We don’t want a relapse.”
“I’ll get to it,” he said, cutting another bite of steak. “Having a woman like you around makes a man want to live for a very long time.”
They retired early, made love, and went to sleep. Or tried to. Hard to do when minds were full and hearts were torn. Jessica lay waiting for the arsenic-laden spinach and antifreeze OJ to take effect and send Nathan running to the bathroom. Nathan tried not to squirm and disturb Jessica as he fought nausea and his stomach cramped. Each thought the other was sleeping, but when dawn slowly stretched her pink and orange fingers across the sky, Nathan and Jessica were both wide-awake.
Unfortunately for Nathan, the alarm clock didn’t care what time he went to sleep. It still went off promptly at six a.m. Easing out of the bed so as not to wake Jessica, he headed for the shower. She sang out good-bye before he was done. He dressed quickly and by seven thirty was seated in his office.
His new executive assistant arrived shortly thereafter. “Good morning, Beverly. I need to see you for a minute.”
“Certainly.” Within seconds she entered his office with iPad in hand. “Good morning, Mr. Carver.”
When she called him that he still had the urge to look and see if his dad was standing behind him. He’d told her to call him Nathan, but she felt it improper to not use his surname. “You’re a high-level executive and my boss,” she’d told him. “It’s the respectful way to address you.”
He held up his hand as she prepared to sit down. “I need you to run an errand for me.”
“Oh, okay.”
He pulled a small package from his briefcase. “I need this sent FedEx, overnight, a.m. delivery. It’s important, so make sure a signature is required.”
She gave a curt nod and took the padded envelope. “Is that all?”
“Not quite. Have you had breakfast?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Me either, and I’m starved. Go somewhere and find us a good breakfast sandwich. Bring mine back with a large coffee.”
“I thought you preferred tea, Mr. Carver.”
“Usually, but today I simply prefer to stay awake.”
Beverly chuckled. “Then I’ll try and get back quickly.”
“I appreciate that, Beverly. You’re doing a great job.”
“Thank you. I’m grateful for the opportunity.”
She left, and for a moment he sat deep in thought. Beverly’s hadn’t been the most accomplished résumé he’d received. He’d interviewed candidates from more prestigious schools and with more job experience. But something in his gut had told him Beverly was the one he should choose: good character, strong morals, loyal employee, and hard worker. His intuition didn’t kick in often, but if he paid attention when it did, the actions he took were usually the correct ones.
The phone rang. Nathan turned his attention to the demands of the day, feeling good about the actions he’d taken.
BOOK: The Perfect Deception
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