The Parlour (VDB #1) (4 page)

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Authors: Charlotte E Hart

BOOK: The Parlour (VDB #1)
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“Tell her that, and then fuck her. Women need such closeness, as do you when it comes to her. Remarkably. You have removed her contact. Simply embrace who you are becoming and allow her inside again.”

“I don’t know who I am anymore,” was the response as the man took a step towards the rail. “And neither do you,” he continued, diving into the water to rescue her.

He watched for a while and smiled at the pair of them together as she splashed water into Alexander’s face and behaved like a child. Unbelievable, really, that such an innocent had been the one to claim the man’s heart. He had assumed it would be a Domme of some description, some woman who was strong in her own right, one that would be as controlling as he in some respects. Maybe that fact was still true. Elizabeth Scott was as much of a challenge as Alexander himself, not because she was switchy, but because she was Alexander’s world, his very reason for being. Something she needed to believe herself for this arrangement to work wholeheartedly.

“Are you swimming to Rome?” he called as the wind took hold and forged the yacht forward. They both smirked back up at him as Alexander towed her along toward the back steps. He gripped the wheel and turned the yacht into them as it started to glide past. The water crashed against the hull and caught her in its wake. Thankfully, Alexander grabbed the rail and held onto her with a death grip as if he’d never let her go. Pascal snorted to himself at the connotation because the fact was, he never would.
“She’s my air, Pascal, my freedom.”
Yes, she may have been, unquestionably so. However, he would not allow the man to leave his other needs behind, nor deny them. The world was not a safe place with an unhinged Alexander White in it, mainly for the man himself, and he’d spent years preparing him to accept his nature. He wasn’t about to let it go now.

She coughed and spluttered her way onto the deck and began stripping her costume off – what there was of it. He adjusted his cock again and thought about just grasping hold of her and making the bastard watch. That would get things moving along much more swiftly. The beating he would surely receive because of it would be passionate, debilitating, and undoubtedly harsh in its deliverance. Unfortunately, his back reminded him it wasn’t quite healed as Alexander’s hand slapped across it, purposely. Sadistic fucker.

At least he was smiling.

“Why do you need to go back?” she asked, standing there stark naked, drying her red hair on the towel and then swiping it over her body, deliciously.

“Make her put some clothes on,” he snapped. This cock adjustment was becoming tiresome and infuriating. She giggled at him and continued her seductive body brushing with a smile. Such a fucking enticing smile – he could wipe it off her damn mouth in seconds with his hand rammed in her cunt. Why had he agreed to this collaring?

Alexander simply chuckled and kissed her lips, apparently now in a better mood of sorts, immeasurably better. He could tell by the bulge in his shorts. Pascal watched him slip his fingers into hers quietly, then gaze at her for a moment with a knowing smile. It was small, unseen to most others he was sure, only a twitch of his mouth, but they could all feel the connotation in it.
Let me fuck you. Let me bury myself inside you and make us whole again.
She stiffened a little at his unspoken question, but kept her eyes fixed on him as only she could without reprimand. Beautiful, soulful eyes, asking him who he would be, whether he would hurt her or not. He would, but he would not cause damage, for now.

“Go,” he snarled at them both. Hesitation was not necessary, and needed removing from the three of them. “Fuck, do, suck, lick, bite. Remind yourselves.” Before he did it for them! Patience was not a virtue that enamoured him much, and this confusion over who owned whom and when he could fuck or not was beyond rational. He could fuck whom he liked, but was to yield when told? A month was too long to yield with no fucking, much as he might have loved the bastard.

Alexander smirked without removing his eyes from her. He knew very well the discomfort he was causing, and probably enjoyed the prospect of Pascal’s continued punishment. All this denial was undoubtedly because he’d hit him with that spreader bar to save her. Whether that was his job or not, Alexander had not been overly impressed with the only option he’d had at the time. None of them were strong enough to fight him when needed. The beast was quite untameable in its limitless potential. Glorious really.

Alexander and Elizabeth walked away together towards the cabin, so he gripped the wheel tighter, almost to the point of ripping the fucking thing off its hinges. He supposed he could amuse himself up here. Maybe he could just get that out of the way. It would do until he reached New York where Ruebin would be waiting for him. Preferably with two more unwilling participants. Emanuelle, perhaps. Hmm. Alexander’s head turned back to him. No words were uttered, just another sadistic smirk as his fingers flicked along her overly tempting spine.

You will not.

Marvellous. Fucking man.




Can we actually see some of New York while we’re here?” Elizabeth asked as she purred on Alexander’s lap. It seemed she did need fucking, several times in fact, as did he. The result was a far more manageable Alexander and a far less tetchy English rose who had not yet left his side. Whether that was out of choice or not was debatable.

“I have phone calls to make, a thief of a sister to track down and an office to visit. Other than that, we can see anything you like,” he replied, stroking her hair and twirling a lock of it around his finger. “How long will you need, Pascal?” A month of fucking anything that moved, two days to sort the deal out, and then another three days of beating something. Anything. Maybe her if she kept taunting him with her little mewls and whimpers of need.

“Somewhere in the region of two weeks,” he snapped, glaring at her opening thighs as she ran her fingers across her own skin. This teasing was not comical anymore. It had been happening since they first fucked in that cabin the other day, and then on the fucking deck in front of him, then again on the plane. This car needed to get to his club so he could answer the call of nature, directly.

“Two weeks to deal with Jon? What do you intend to do with him?” Fuck him too, preferably. Not that he would oblige.

“It is a difficult negotiation, one I will have to tread around carefully. The shipment is…” Elizabeth sucked on her finger and ran it across the fabric of her dress at her crotch, tempting him. Enough was enough. “If she is going to continue to rile me, I will not be held responsible for my actions. This is beyond intolerable now. Why are you allowing this?” The bastard chuckled and let his hand join hers, gently flicking across her cunt as she began to squirm in his grip and held her legs open wider. She was straddled across Alexander’s knees now, allowing Pascal to see everything on display. He looked back at Alexander to gauge his reaction to the situation. He was calm, relaxed, reasonably open to suggestion.

“Come,” she said softly, lifting a hand to him and wiggling her fingers. He sneered at the thought of her being the one to order him. However, he couldn’t deny the urge any longer and was across the floor and on his knees before she had time to blink at him. Alexander simply chuckled again and grabbed the back of his head before his mouth made contact with her. He tugged his face to look up at him and only then relaxed his hold enough to allow him forward again. She smelt divine, and the scrap of material in the way was already doused in her juices, so he reached his finger forward and wrenched the string out of the way to allow him access to the nectar. She moaned as his tongue made contact and pushed her cunt into his mouth. She ground it into him and groaned as he slipped his tongue inside her. He lapped it up like a starving Frenchman; over and over again he drunk her down and savoured her taste, all the time keeping his eyes trained on the man he loved. This was an exquisite place to be, on his knees, waiting for that darkening glare to descend. His cock hardened immeasurably as he watched Alexander pull his own cock out and lift her dress out of the way. What he wouldn’t give to wrap his own lips around it, rather than watch hers. What he wouldn’t do to just get one fucking taste of the man’s come in his throat first rather than from her mouth. He rubbed his fingers into her and listened to the mewling she let out. She needed to be fucked again, harder this time. He pressed his glistening fingers towards her ass and hoped Alexander would respond to his request, because he needed to fuck her, too, preferably with only a thin slither of skin separating him from Alexander’s cock.

She groaned in delight as he worked his fingers into her gently. He was still a little nervous of the frown that was being thrown his way, but it wasn’t enough to stop him, and there was no conversation telling him to halt. Quite the opposite actually. So he pushed harder and spread that hole ready for his cock, reaming it out until it was only just flexible enough. He liked her tight, liked her squealing when he drove in hard. She’d be turned for him in a minute. Alexander wouldn’t give her cunt away lightly; he kept that for himself. Only once had he been allowed a feel of it around his cock, and he doubted he’d get it again in a hurry. He continued to suck and lick his way around her, drying her out for his master, just as he always did. The man liked them raw and bruised. He enjoyed the feeling of chaffing against him as he punished himself, and them, with every stoke ramming into waiting holes. Fuck, he could come just thinking about the pain it would cause him if he ever got that feeling forced into himself. Fucked raw by his Sir, battered and used by the one thing he’d spent years training for.

Something tugged his hair again so he looked up to see the man manoeuvring her around roughly and positioning his cock at her ass. He was going to fuck her ass? But that meant... He very nearly gaped in response and sat back to watch the mastery in action. Precise fingers worked her over and she accepted whatever he asked of her.

“Now, Pascal,” he growled out as she squealed at his size entering her and tried to brace her hands to hold her off his entire length. She should have been thankful for the offering. He quickly yanked her hands out of the way and watched her gasp out as she seated fully on Alexander’s cock. She didn’t move, just sat there and panted as he pushed her thighs wider and clamped her hands behind her back. He twisted them a little viciously to encourage her moaning and then wrapped a hand around her throat. “I won’t offer it again,” he snarled out as his buttocks began to ride into her. Reality snapped back in at the words, so he fumbled with his pants to get inside her, and with a quick drive, was as far in as he could get. Heaven lived there, or hell. Either way, he was going. Millimetres from the cock he most wanted and centimetres from his mouth, the fact that his rose was between them was insignificant. He could smell the man, feel his breath, even dare a kiss if he wanted. She moaned again and tried to reach his mouth as he pushed in again and felt the hard muscle of cock grinding against him. Over and over he fucked her until he could barely feel Elizabeth at all. It was Alexander’s hand on the back of his head, egging him on further, Alexander’s cock making him come; she was nothing but a channel, a vessel to be used in the pursuit of more. Rough hands tugged and pushed in his hair as he listened to the glorious sounds coming from Alexander’s mouth. Grunting, groaning, swearing and snarling as he forged in again and again, creating the perfect rhythm for explosion. He had hardly ever been allowed this honour. It was so rare for him to be offered the opportunity to make the decisions.

“Harder,” she called as he felt the twitching of her muscles inside her, but all he could sense was Alexander coming. He could feel the spasms rallying him to fuck deeper, faster. It was he who would make Alexander come this time, him creating the friction, him dictating the pace, the speed. Lips met his and he almost came instantly. The biting and licking at him was all consuming as he was offered his reward for fucking well, and true. Alexander’s mouth, just his mouth and his teeth, his touch on his own skin.

“More,” was growled through their tongues, so he forced his cock in as hard as he could and heard both of them moaning in approval at his efforts. He fucked home again and again and again, until she screamed and went limp between them. He couldn’t have cared less about her in that moment, only that he was so close to the man behind her that he could barely breathe through the concentration it took not to come. Alexander wasn’t finished. He had to make him come before he could empty himself. He reached down between them and gently grabbed hold of the man’s balls. It was the first time he’d dared, but something about this was different, closer somehow. Alexander groaned and tensed immeasurably, allowing Pascal to continue driving in while fondling those beautiful balls dexterously. Finally, with a grunt, Alexander let go of his hair and relaxed his mouth away from him. He felt the heat erupt inside her immediately, felt it curl across the slither of skin separating them, and for a second, he relished the thought before plunging in one last time. His own expulsion of come came instantly as he rocked into her and landed his mouth on her weakened lips.

She moaned into his mouth quietly as she stayed still and allowed them both their time inside her. She just let them both rock inside her and find their moment of peace together. Warmth filled his heart for the woman who had given this to him. He had fucked countless women with Alexander before now, used them, tortured them, played with them for hours, but never had there been any sense of love from the man. He’d never once received a kiss, nor a kind hand on his body. Whatever she did for the man, it had opened up the version of him Pascal had hoped for. Brought it to life, sanctioned its freedom. Unfortunately, this towed the beast along with it, something which needed to find solace in itself. Yet more of that elusive peace to find.

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