The One Real Thing (Hart's Boardwalk) (42 page)

BOOK: The One Real Thing (Hart's Boardwalk)
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Thirty minutes later, Jeff and Wendy had our statements and were standing in the garden of the inn.

“I’ll have one of the deputies drop by tomorrow morning to get statements from your guests at breakfast,” Jeff said.

“Thank God I already offered them free food,” I muttered, put out that my guests would have to be even more inconvenienced.

Vaughn’s hand settled on my arm and I looked down at it, shocked by the touch, as I listened to him say to Jeff, “And Stu?”

“All I can do is bring him in for questioning but without a positive ID from anyone I don’t have a lot to go on.”

“That’s bullshit.”

“Tremaine,” Jeff warned. “It’s not that I don’t believe you. I’ll do what I can. I promise. Bailey, is there anything else I should know that might help me? Bailey?”

“Huh.” I jerked my head up from staring at Vaughn’s hand. “Oh.
No. Not that I can think of right now. If I do, I’ll drop by the station.”

“Get some sleep.” Jeff nodded and turned to leave.

I waved good-bye to him and Wendy and then turned to Vaughn. I was more awake than ever, and I wasn’t ashamed to admit that I didn’t really want to be alone right now. “You should get back.”

He scrutinized me for a moment, and as if he could read my mind he said, “I spotted a bottle of wine in your office that managed to escape destruction. Want to open it? It might calm your nerves.”

I was more than a little surprised by the offer, and also touched. Apparently I was seeing the other side to Vaughn Tremaine that Jess swore was there. Maybe she was right. “Do you want to drink it on the beach? The water always soothes me.”

He nodded, amiable.



I hid my shock as best as I could. “I . . . uh . . . let me change first.”

Vaughn’s eyes drifted over my skimpy attire and he suddenly looked pissed off all over again. “You do that,” he muttered, striding off in the direction of my office.

“Well this is going to be interesting,” I murmured. I held the collar of his jacket to my nose and took a whiff. My stomach fluttered of its own volition at the smell of his cologne.
Oh holy hell
. “Very interesting.”

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BOOK: The One Real Thing (Hart's Boardwalk)
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