The Mistress of Black Grove Manor (85 page)

BOOK: The Mistress of Black Grove Manor
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Chapter 3


Abby allowed the maids to help her dress, opting out of a hoop skirt today and instead picking a green silk dress, with black lace accenting.  As she stared at herself in the mirror she realized just how much she loved it.  Maybe she would be cut out for this life.

During their first meal of the day Thomas, after insisting she call him Tom, told her that she’d have her lessons from 3:00 until 8:00 that night.  And then she would have time to study, until then she was free to do whatever she wanted.  His eyes sparkled as if he knew she’d been invited out.  He probably does.  If they were best friends there was no doubt that Owen would have told him.  Abby finished her meal of taste, fruit and even a small amount of stake.  She excused herself from the table and rushed to her room, not sure what she was supposed to do with her time until she met Owen.

What was I thinking?! She asked herself.  How could she have agreed to go out with him?  She knew it was wrong.

Abby dropped onto the bed with a loud sigh.  What am I thinking?!  She asked herself.  She stared up at the ceiling.  A deep breath passed through her lips.

God, please give me the strength to make it through this.  Please, please help me overcome whatever challenges I may face here, please help me with these lessons.  I need to be a good wife, not just for Thomas, but also for my family.  Please give me the strength to know what to do.

Abby’s mind drifted to the man she had just spoken to.  The man she had just agreed to a date with.

Please, guide me.

Would it still be against Gods will if she lay with a man other than her husband- even if her husband was laying with someone else?  She knew many said what he was doing was a sin, but Abby couldn’t bring herself to believe that.  Back home, she’d known a girl who had fallen in love with her best friend- her female friend.  She saw love, not sin.  But Abby didn’t know God’s plans, or how he thought.  Maybe it was a sin, and maybe for that she would be punished as well.  As she closed her eyes she took a deep breath.  All she knew was that she had been given a chance at a new life, and she was going to take it.


Chapter 4


Owen met Abby outside just before noon.

His heart skipped a beat the second he saw her.  It was true that she would be marrying his best friend, but he knew there was more here than that.  She was here for more than just that reason.

Not even the other servants’ knew the other reason.

“Afternoon,” he cleared his throat, bowing lowly to her.

“Oh enough of that.  I don’t need to be bowed to.” She rolled her eyes as he glanced up at her, a wide grin spreading over his face.

“If you say so, ma’am.” He straightened, the basic in one hand, he extended the other to her.  She took it, thankfully.  Otherwise he might have feared she had no interest in him at all.

It wasn’t just that Tom had needed a wife, it was that Owen had needed someone as well.  When Tom brought home the catalogue and insisted that Owen help him find a woman, he hadn’t realized that they were looking for Owen, until later that night.  However he should have seen it coming.  Tom had always wanted to make sure that Owen was okay, he was pretty sure that’s part of the reason that Tom did bring him along when he moves out.  The feeling went both ways, and it’s not like Owen had never set him up with a male friend before; but this… this was a lifetime that Tom might regret if things went sour.  Would Owen be able to forgive himself if he blew this and Tom was left to pay the price?


Abby walked silently.  Owen looked lost in thought, and scared.  Well he’s the one who asked me to come out with him!  She couldn’t believe that she’d said yes.  As they passed a gardener she couldn’t help wondering if the gardener would tell everyone that they’d been seen together, or if the gardener knew about the master of the house.

“Are there a lot of servants’ here?” Abby asked.

“No, Tom likes to keep it small.  I think it’s to help protect himself to be honest.”

Abby nodded. It would make sense.  For someone to figure that out about him… they’d have a lot of power.  They could easily blackmail him.

“If I were him I would.” Abby nodded. “I’m sure there are many selfish people out there who would take advantage of someone in his situation.”

They all knew that if anyone were to find out about Thomas’s situation it would be bad all around.  He could lose everything.

“We don’t take new people into this house very easily.” 

Owen guided her over a hill and towards a forest. At the edge of the forest they stopped.  Abby marveled, looking around her. This was like something she had never seen before.  She’d seen the pictures, but it had been a very long time since she’d last seen so much green grass and such a large forest.

“Will we get lost if we go in there?” She asked.

“No, there are many trails that lead out of the forest, perhaps we will go in later.  I know my way around it like the back of my hand.  There’s a gully in there that is remarkable.”

“I’d very much like to see it.”

“You’ll be here for many years to come, you’ll have a chance to see everything.” He reached out, his fingers brushing over the skin on her cheek.

Abby closed her eyes, savouring the moment.  She opened her mouth.  She knew she should protest, but she didn’t.  She stepped towards Owen.

“M’lady.” He whispered.


“I’d very much like to kiss you.”

Abby’s heart skipped a beat.  This was not the man who had bought her, she had a choice to allow his lips to touch hers.  But here she found herself staring at him.  Before she could utter a single word her head moved.  A single nod.

Owen stepped closer to her.  Reaching out he brushed a strand of hair out of her face that had come free from the bun on her head.  His fingers traced over her arm gently. 

When he finally came to a stop Owen could get no closer to her if he had wished.  He pulled her into his arms, his fingers resting against the small of her back- but still high enough to be respectable.

Abby’s heart raced in her chest.  She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.  It’s not like she had never been in a mans embrace before. Not like this!

It was true, she’d never been kissed. 

Owen’s eyes locked don her, trailing over her body then back to her face- their eyes locking on each other.  Abby felt him pull her closer, something she did not think he’d have been able to do.  Their lips touched softly, his chapped lips against her soft ones.  Without realizing what was happening a soft moan escaped Abby.  She gasped, pulling away.  She stared at the man in front of her with wide eyes.  She hadn’t meant to have that forward of a reaction.

Owen’s eyes sparkled as he stepped towards her, holding his hand out to her.  “I’d say you enjoyed it.”

“I… I did.” Abby confessed, her cheeks burning. “I…”

“May I kiss you again?”

Abby’s heart raced, as warmth flushed her body.  She nodded, stepping towards the man in front of her.  She closed the distance, pulling him into her arms.  Her fingers tangled into his hair, their lips meeting.


Abby was no expert in kissing, but after half the hour with Owen she felt as if she might be. They lay on the grass, his fingers tangled into her hair and his lips trailing over her jawline, down to her neck.

He pulled away, his eyes sparkling.

“What?” Abby asked, breathlessly.”

“I just wanted to see your beautiful face.” He glanced down and pulled a watch out of his pocket. “We’d best get back to the house.”


“You’ll have lessons soon.”

Abby’s heart skipped a beat as a mixture of dread and sadness filled her.  She didn’t want to leave this hilltop.  She didn’t want to go back to the house.  She wanted to stay here forever, and make time wait for them.  She wanted to sat with Owen forever and savor every moment of it, every inch of him- eventually.  Abby reached out and touched the man in front of her, her fingers tailing over his muscular chest.

“Must we go already?”


He looked sad.  As he pushed himself up off the bed it looked as if the caused him as much pain as it caused Abby.  He held his hand out to her, and she took it.  They had not gotten around to their meal, but Owen picked up the basket and pull out a roll for Abby.

“I’d best feed you before you have your lessons, though we’ll have to walk and eat.”

“That’s quite alright.” It was not something Abby was not used to.  They ate as they made their way back to the house, as slowly as they could.

“I’d like to see you later.” He said.

“I’d like that very much.”

They came to a stop outside the door that Owen said her lessons were to be in. But as they stood there staring at each other neither of them actually moved.


“Perhaps we can go hunting some time, actually go hunting.” They’d spent their entire time too wrapped up in one another to actually go out and practice their shooting, which had been well worth it if you asked Abby.  She reached out and touched his hand ever so gently.

“I’d love that, m’lday.”

A smile touched her lips. “But perhaps, tonight we’ll stay in.”

“I can stop by your room, if you’d accept that.”

“Yes.  I’ll see you later.”

Owen’s eyes sparkled as he ducked his head to her and turned, walking away.  Abby took a deep breath, now it was time for her lessons, and that was scarier than anything she’d ever had to do in her life.

She turned to the door and let herself in, looking around.

“You must be the lords new wife.” A man said.

He was short, with grey hair and a long beard.

“His wife-to-be, yes.” Abby held herself stright as she crossed to the man. “My name is Abby.”

“It’s a pleasure.” The man shook her hand giving her a once over.

Abby could feel him assessing her, she could feel him judging. He circled around her, his hands clasping behind his back.

“The mistress said you would need to be tested, and we would go from there. You have good posture for a commoner, I’ll give you thank.”

“Thank you.” It took everything Abby had not to turn with him as he walked around her, taking everything in.

The door opened and both of them spun to see who it was.  Thomas smiled from the doorway.

“I hope you don’t mind, I thought I’d stop in and see how it goes.”

“You are welcome to take a seat, as long as you do not distract the girl.” The old man said.

“Don’t worry Marvis, I’ll not get in your way.”

He crossed over to the other side of the room, found a chair and sat down in it, his eyes locked on Abby and taking everything in.

Abby hated it.  She hated being judged, but Tom it might have been okay, but by this man she hardly knew… it took everything she had not to stick her tongue out at him.  She took a deep breath.

“Alright, we’ll start with the basics.  I’ve brought your reading list, I’m sure the master of the house has most of them, if not I’ll bring them for our next session.”

He held the paper out to Abby, then glanced over at Tom and pulled the paper away, instead crossing over to the man of the house and giving it to him.  Tom looked it over quickly.

“We have them all.” He said, tucking the paper into his pocket. “I’ll be sure that she is given them.”

“Good.  Your mother insisted that she be well read.”

“My mother, while trying her best, is over demanding.  The girl needs practice and guidance, but she does not need to be tortured.”

He flashed a quick look over to Abby, the smile across his lips growing.  Abby returned it, mouthing a silent “thank you”

“Alright sir,” The man cleared his throat. “but if your mother has an issue with what the girl has, or has not, learnt I’ll tell her to take it up with you.”

“I’ve many years of practice with my mother,” Tom’s eyes sparkled. “I’ll deal with her need be.”

And with that the old man made his way back over to Abby.

The lessons lasted longer than she would have liked, and by the time they were done she was dead tied.  She wanted nothing more than to fall over right there and take a nap. She was given her reading list, and told to practice her cursive within the next 4 days, and that the old man would be back on the 4th day to give another lesson.

“Thank you,” Abby said, not meaning a single work. “I am thankful for the work you’re doing. I cannot tell you how much it means.”

The old man, for the first time that night, gave her a smile.  He bowed his head and headed out of the room.

“You did well.” Tom said, closing the distance between them.  He held his arm out to Abby and she took it.

“Thank you.  I must admit, I’m still trying to process everything, but I hope I did alright.” She confessed.  “I’d very much like to do well.”

“I think you’re on the right track, then again I may not be the best to ask.” His eyes sparkled.  As if there was something there that Abby didn’t understand.

“What do you mean?” She asked as she realized just how little she knew about her husband-to-be.

“I mean that I am not what most people would have liked me to be.”  He paused.  “I… not just my relationships, but who I am as a person is not what most people wanted from me.”

Abby walked down the hallway, she caught Tom’s eye, waiting.

He signed deeply.

“I was never my mother’s favorite, I know that.  And when it took me a while to find a wife, I knew that even more.  I’ve always known that to her… it doesn’t matter what I do.  Growing up, I was the only child in the house, but not the only child in the family. My cousin, Ruby, was the favorite.  She was smart- but not too smart for her own good, like I was.  She was quiet, and well spoken, she was good looking.  She had a strong grasp on manipulation even at a young age.  She was the one who would take this family places, at least that’s what I was always told.”

“That’s dreadful.” Abby moved closer to the man who walked with her, in some attempt to give him comfort.  She had been one of 6 siblings, but her parents had never played favorites.  They’d never acted like any of their children weren’t good enough. 
Because we all were.
She thought.

“It was life.  Owen and I became close, er… of course not close.  But we were, and still are, good friends.  He’s been my best friend for a very long time.”

It almost sounded as if Tom was trying to put in a good word for his friend.  Abby grinned softly.

“Yes, he mentioned that.”

“Yes… I forgot, he took you out to show you the grounds today, didn’t he?”

Abby’s cheeks flushed as she nodded, looking away- suddenly finding the art along the walls well worth looking at.


“And what?”

“Did you enjoy yourself?” He asked as they came to a stop in front of Abby’s door.  He reached out and opened it, his eyes on her. “Are you seeing him again?”

“Who is Abby seeing?”

His voice made Abby’s heart skip a beat.  They both turned to see Owen sitting on the windowsill in Abby’s bedroom.

BOOK: The Mistress of Black Grove Manor
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