The Mistress of Black Grove Manor (52 page)

BOOK: The Mistress of Black Grove Manor
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It was a very weird twist and ending to the whole Patrick saga!  I had always wondered what really happened with him and why he’d let himself have a connection with me like that if he was married, engaged, or even dating someone.  I really never even knew if he was single at the time we met or had any explanation at all about anything.  Well, I got most, if not all of my answers through his wife.  She reached out to me to get answers but really I had manifested answers for myself through the process, as awkward as it was.

    She responded pretty badly, as you can imagine, when I first told her the time frame.  She kept asking me if I could have had the time frame wrong because Patrick was still sticking to what he’d told her.  So I kept giving her details of what was going on in his life at the time, what car he was driving, where he was living, etc.  I even had my diary page with the date on it, and of course I KNEW when it was because he was such an important person at that time as my life took a turn after meeting him.  Then apparently, Patrick’s sister and his parents admitted to her that they knew about me and even received the letter that I wrote to them.  Sonja was devastated and was threatening to divorce him.  It was like something out of a soap opera to me because she ended up pouring her heart out to me.  I felt bad for her but I still really didn’t want any part of the drama.  Towards the end of our communication her mind was all over the place and she even at one point suggested that I should take him if I wanted him (haha). She wrote, “If you want to do something with this guy...because maybe you can save something now...of the intense relationship you got...I mean I don’t know...I’m lost.  Maybe he would be happier with you if all of this happened because of the feeling you got for each other.”  I knew she was just devastated and of course I wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

    What I did find out though was that they were engaged when I met Patrick.  He had met her on a trip to Paris and they had fallen in love and she became pregnant.  She said that he asked her to marry him on the Eiffel Tower and it was a romantic love story according to her.  She also said that my description of our meeting sounded similar to how they were together.  She didn’t mention any energy or anything but I guess the romantic part was similar.  She was commenting that her and I looked a lot alike, which I would have to agree on.  Her thoughts about Patrick were that he always seemed to her to be very loving and genuine, just like I had read from him.  I did wonder though why she made a profile for him to see if he was cheating if she really trusted him.

Apparently, he was in San Francisco securing a job and preparing to bring her and their baby boy back here when we met.  He was here for a few months.  He did go back to Paris around the time that he said he was leaving but it was to retrieve them.  They were married about four months after that.  It was really weird looking at the wedding pictures of them and knowing that he’d been close to me while they were engaged!  I honestly was glad that I hadn’t ended up with him.  

I never found out through him why he let himself get close even though he was with her but I can only assume that he didn’t intend to cheat and the connection snuck up on him as much as it did with me.  I was the one who was asking to hang out after all.  Sonja also told me that she asked him if he had feelings for me and by the look on his face she could tell that he had.  None of that really mattered at that point but it was just a way for me to comprehend why everything had happened. I didn’t see anything as right and wrong, only as something that was meant to happen. I knew why it had happened to me and I hoped that they both could grow from the experience in some way. I know that I will see Patrick and all of my soul-mates again when I cross over and we will congratulate each other for a job well done. Life is all like a play after all.

Sonja and I stopped talking after we both got all of our answers and I knew that it hurt her to talk to me so that was fine.  I had wondered if they were really going to get a divorce or if they would work it out for their son.  After several months I had a very vivid dream that she was pregnant again and they ended up staying together because of it.  One night and about a year later, out of curiosity I decided to look on the Facebook to see if I was correct.  They had another baby and the time frame looked as if she were pregnant at the time she was finding out about the affair.  I couldn’t be sure about that but that’s just my guess.  I have no idea if they are still together now but I hope that they found happiness.







    At this point in my life I am so happy and content with everything going on, although at one point I distrusted the universe, my guides, and my destiny.  I kept thinking that I was cursed because none of the encounters lasted even though I tried my best to stay positive and think that there must’ve been a purpose for it all.  Now, I’m truly grateful for each and every experience and I know that nothing is about the end result.  Life is about the journey and I’ve been able to manifest all of these miracles.  One of my favorite quotes is from the book "Conversations With God."  God, who is being channeled through Neale Donald Walsch says, "You are traveling through this Space/Time Continuum to know yourself and to experience this fully, and then to re-create yourself anew in the next grandest version of the greatest vision you ever held about Who You Really Are." I believe that I re-created myself anew with each of these soul connections, which was ultimately a reflection of myself in their eyes and a direct alignment with source energy through them.

    One of the healings that I do is called Theta healing.  It is such a magical healing modality that has changed my life.  Part of the reason that I was able to manifest some of the soul-mates is because of the techniques used in theta healing.  Vianna Stibal is the creator of this modality and she quoted in her Soulmate manual, “It is likely that once you begin to manifest for a soul-mate you will bring in more than one at the same time.  This is because you will be giving a signal out to the universe that you really love yourself, and that you are ready.  When the signal begins to be sent out and broadcasted, it is likely that more than one soul-mate will be brought into your life to answer this call.”  Apparently, this is what happened in my case.  She does say that instead of asking for a most compatible soul-mate, you should ask for your most compatible life mate.  She says, “If you command for a most compatible soul-mate now, it starts pulling in whoever is the most compatible person that has the closest to compatibility at this space in time.” I sure did find that out!

    Finally, a miraculous synchronicity happened just as I was finishing this book.  I KNOW that it was orchestrated by creator so that I could conclude this chapter of my life and this book!  

    A few days ago, I signed up for a theta healing because a healer was offering free healings to bring in more clients.  I wouldn’t have signed up otherwise because I really feel like I didn’t have anything that needed to be cleared.  I told the practitioner, whose name is Simon, that I wanted to do a healing to see if I had any remaining blocks that might keep me from manifesting more money and a career that I love.  I’m already doing pretty well in those areas but I couldn’t pass up a free healing to see if I could create even more magic.  

    So anyway, Simon who knows nothing about me by the way, asked creator to show him if I had any blocks.  What he told me was that creator said that my spirit guides are not for my highest and best good at the moment.  It’s not that they are trying to do anything wrong, it’s just that most of them are part of my soul group who were assigned to work with me in this lifetime and I need them to progress upward on my spiritual path.  I chose, before this incarnation of course, to move on with them but they aren’t ascending as fast as I am and therefore aren’t able to assist me as well as they should.  I also can only progress so far because I don’t want to ascend further than they are because I will end up leaving my soul group for a more spiritually advanced one.  

    So, I had to stop him and ask him if the soul-mates that I met in this lifetime were part of that same soul group, even though I already knew they were. I guess I just needed further validation.  Simon said that yes they are and that creator says that none of them were on my level spiritually. This is why I met them.  Apparently I had a contract to meet them and help them move up with me.  I was to do this with the power that I was given that had opened them up to this amazing energy.  God (Creator) kept telling him over and over that it was all divine timing.  All of it!  I was supposed to meet them at those specific times and it was also divine timing that I was getting a healing on that day that will help conclude my book.  Simon then did a healing to give my spirit guides the upgrades they needed to be able to assist me better, and so that I will be able to flourish in any career or anything I choose to pursue.  He then saw me with wings and my main spirit guide’s face changed the way it looked.

    It was all soooo clear to me at that moment and a wave of emotions came over me.  I had entertained the thought several times that maybe that was why I was meeting them but that was just one possibility that I’d tossed around in my mind.  Upon writing this book it was even clearer to me that none of them were as spiritual as me.  Not that that was a bad thing, but in retrospect I could see how I could be overwhelming for them.  A few of them had an interest in it but that was the extent of it. They were all in shock when they first felt the intensity of the energy, just like I was the first time I felt it with Patrick.  Maybe that was a contract of his that he had to open me up to this energy.  I’m sure this was the case.  I don’t mean to suggest that I’m better than any of my soul-mates.  All of them opened me up to connect to this divine energy as well, even if they might not be aware of it on the same level as I am.  

    Now you might be thinking, “How can I manifest a soul-mate if it’s not in my predestined contract to do so?”  First of all, I believe that if you have the strong desire to meet a soul-mate then it is part of your life plan that you created before you came here, otherwise it wouldn’t be programmed in your DNA to want this.  Second of all, I know that I consciously created these experiences by doing the mock ups, theta healings to clear limiting beliefs, and by choosing to raise myself to a high frequency.  

    Are you scratching your head in wonder yet?  Yes, there is fate but there is also free will.  I believe that I was predestined to meet people in my soul-group but with free will anyone can alter how things happen.  You have a choice to a certain extent on how your life is going to unfold.  For instance, I believe that if I wasn’t vibrating at a super high level, which simply just means being really happy, that I couldn’t have magnetized these people to me.  I also believe, as Vianna described, that we attract the soul-mates that are energetically a match to us at any given time.  These were the ones who matched my frequency at the time.  As Abraham Hicks always says, “If you align with source energy by raising your frequency then all and any of your desires HAVE to manifest.  It is universal law.”  The problem comes when people worry too much about how they can manifest their dreams and they want it immediately.  I believe that if you just align with the happiness frequency, then soul-mates will come to you when it is the right time for you.  The universe needs to match you up with someone who is lined up with you at the same moment, so be patient and it will happen.

    As for me, I’m extremely happy being single at the moment.  Freedom has always felt really good to me.  I’m sure that was programmed in my DNA as well so that I could meet all of these soul-mates.  I do KNOW that I will meet at least another, if not several, soul-mates.  I can sense it with every part of my being.  The ironic thing is that I’m actually okay now if I ultimately don’t end up with a soul-mate, although it would be a bonus if that energy was there.  I’ve come to the conclusion through all of this, if I did choose to date someone long term, that it is more important to be best friends with them because this is what truly will last.  

I feel that it is important to be open to whatever the universe is going to bring you, whether that be a best friend who is a lover, or a soul-mate, or a life partner.  All are for your highest good at that time, and if you don’t like what you are attracting, then shift your energy to a better feeling one and more positive experiences will unfold.  

I would like to offer you a few theta healing downloads that I have programmed for you to receive.  All that I ask is that you please leave an honest review of my book.  Just read the download and say yes out loud to receive it.  


Would you like an unconditional love download from creator?  Say yes now.  

Would you like to know what it feels like to manifest your most compatible soul-mate (life partner if that is what you are looking for) into your life?  Say yes now.

Would you like to know that it is possible and easy to effortlessly manifest your most compatible soul-mate in your life?  Say yes now.


You may or may not have felt the downloads.  People experience the sensations differently depending on how open they are to them and how sensitive they are to energy.  If you didn’t feel anything at the moment of the download, it doesn’t mean that you didn’t receive them.  It still has been downloaded into your cells.  A full theta healing on manifesting a soul-mate is best to find out what beliefs you hold that are limiting you from bringing this person in.  Simon and his wife Suzie are two really great theta healers that I would recommend if you are interested.  Their site is  Suzie did many sessions with me for the purpose of bringing a soul-mate into my life.  I do not get an endorsement from them.  I am simply sharing for others who would like an amazing healing.

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