The Millionaire's Convenient Bride (3 page)

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“I had a feeling there might have been. Why has this only been discovered now?” He didn’t mean for it to sound harsh, but he heard the sharp intake of breath from Sophie. He looked up at Louisa to see her gaze was focused on a point on his desk.
, he thought,
she can’t stand to look at me either.

“Your father left the will in the care of his old lawyer, who didn’t keep very good notes
. If you remember, the files we were given were old, and we had the feeling he may have made a more recent one. Well, he did. I asked Mr. Jenkins for access to his computer and found the new will, which was written last year, shortly after he was diagnosed.”

The news was startling to Dominic
, if not unexpected. Louisa’s brow was creased with thought. Her eyebrows puckered together in the middle, and he longed to reach over and smooth the skin with his thumb. Instead he clasped his hands together on the desk in an effort to restrain himself. He motioned for Louisa to continue. She pushed a dark lock of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. He wondered if she realised how her fingers brushed her collar bone as she did it. Did she know how much it cost him to sit there opposite her and not take her into his arms and comfort her?

“The new Will was much the same as the old but for one clause. Before any of you can inherit, you must be married.”

There was silence in the room with each of them considering what this meant both to themselves and to the family business. It wasn’t just Cole, his older brother, who needed the money. The family business needed the funds to continue operating. They were in the software market, which changed so rapidly from day to day that Dominic needed the freedom to buy in and out of companies at will. Without access to his inheritance he was forced to withdraw money from the company, which would cause the shares to lose value, even if temporarily. 

“Is there any way around this? Cole needs these funds by Monday, Louisa.” Her name stuck in his throat. Such familiarity, the last time he said it, it had been a whisper against her cheek.

“Cole can claim his inheritance. As you have signed it over we can override his exclusion from the will. He was also married several years ago, and although he divorced it does not say that any of you have to remain married to inherit. I believe this was an attempt to see you all happy, rather than to cause you hardship.”

Dominic considered this. Louisa was an excellent lawyer, and he trusted her in these matters. He could tell that she wouldn’t have brought the matter to him if she could have found a way to get all three of them their inheritance. Yet her theory about his father’s motive couldn’t have been more than an idle dream on her part. He had done it as no more than a way to stop them from inheriting. He didn’t like any of them and never intended to give them the money.

It was Sophie who spoke first. “I do not need my inheritance for many years. I have this house and a comfortable living from my stocks. That leaves you, Dominic. You’ll need the funds, won’t you?” Sophie asked facing him.

Dominic nodded as he gazed at the computer screen to his left. It still displayed the statistics for the last quarter, which he had been entering. They would be okay for a while perhaps, but in the long term the company would suffer. Thousands of jobs would be lost if he made just one bad decision with no finances to fall back on, and Dominic knew that they might not recover from a loss like that.  His hands skated across the keyboard as he entered a few figures into the charts. The outlook didn’t look good. He would need at least some of the money, if not the full amount, which he estimated would be in the tens of millions. Still, the bottom line was that he needed to solve this sooner rather than later.

Looking up from his thoughts he found Louisa had her hand to her head, her eyes closed. He wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t realise she was doing it. It was rare for her to show emotion, let alone weakness in front of him.

“I’ll think it over. Sophie, will you take Louisa back to bed and ensure she stays there this time?”

Sophie seemed to come back from a deep thought and looked at Louisa, who looked frustrated with herself.

“Louisa, I’m sorry, my mind was elsewhere.”

“I’m fine. Don’t worry. We need to discuss this, Dominic.”

The sound of his name in her soft, rich accent drew memories out of him that he had worked too hard to bury. A heat stirred to life in his veins radiating through his body as he gazed at those full, glossy lips.

“We can, but you need to rest. You could have told us about this in New York. Why didn’t you?” His voice was harsher than he intended.

“I didn’t think you would all be available at the same time. Forgive me for thinking it would be easier to see Sophie first rather than disturb your social life

Her hazel gaze was accusing as she looked at him for the first time since arriving in his office. He narrowed his eyes but had to face that it was not her he was angry with
. It was himself for what he had become.

He turned and fetched some painkillers he knew his father had kept in the desk draw
er for when the cancer pained him. He threw the box to Louisa and pushed the water jug forward for her.

One night won’t make a difference. Now, go back to your room. I need to get back to my work.” He stood and turned away from both women and strode to the small library that was attached to the office, blocking them from his view. He saw her recoil at his dismissal as he left. The two women spoke briefly, Louisa’s voice ringing louder than the soft-spoken Sophie’s. He tried to block Louisa’s sweet voice from his mind, but he couldn’t help but hear the anger in her words. He closed the door behind him and didn’t emerge until he heard the office door close as they left.

Why was this so hard for him? He had convinced himself that he was over her
, and that had held true for many years. He sat in the leather winged back chair and opened his book from the side table. If he could just distract himself. A woman might do as a fitting distraction, but he knew even as he had the thought that no other woman could satisfy him now that Louisa was back in his life. All he could do was make sure he spent as little time around her as possible and cleared this annoying will matter up before she could hurt him further. He had to focus on his work, on what he could control.



Chapter Two


Louisa was woken the next morning by a soft hand stroking her face.

Good morning, Louisa. How are you feeling today?” Sophie asked.

The curtains were open wide
, yet darkness still hung heavy in the room. Outside the snow had turned to a blizzard, muffling all sound and light. Louisa sat up and was glad to find that her head didn’t spin and barely hurt. Her side still throbbed with tiny needles pricking at her as she moved but not as much as yesterday, and she found she could move with minimal pain.

I’m much better, Sophie, thank you.”

Good. Dominic asks that you come have breakfast with us. He has matters to discuss with you, and you know how he likes to discuss such things over a meal.” Sophie smiled and left Louisa to dress.

She spent longer in the shower than she should have. The hot water washed away her drowsiness,
and more than that it helped to clear her head of all thoughts that would prevent her from thinking clearly about her work. She often cleared her head this way when she was having trouble with a case.  She would spend hours in the hot steaming water if she wasn’t worried about the water waste. Today, however, one thought couldn’t be washed away. Every time she closed her eyes she could see Dominic’s face above her as she lay on the side of the road. Those cool green eyes that showed such fear—she had never seen Dominic afraid, not even when his own life was at risk when he had been bitten by a snake one summer when they were younger. She tried not to think of it. She couldn’t help but wonder, had the fear been for her or for his own reputation if she had died in his arms?

She puzzled over it as she pulled on some jeans and a pale blue shirt before adding a grey cardigan to keep her warm.

The vivid image of a few wonderful nights with Dominic in their youth made her smile
. His caress had always been so careful and soft. The only time he was firm with her was whilst they made love. He was a wild and passionate lover, and her body tingled deep in her womb with memories of his lust for her. It had ended badly though, when Louisa had decided to go away for school. She hadn’t meant to hurt him, and had had no idea at the time at how much it would hurt her to leave. She worked many years to get over the pain she suffered from his one and only correspondence during her absence. It had been a small note, telling her that he had moved on and would appreciate it if she wouldn’t come home for the summers anymore. Since then, despite the years that now separated the event, she had kept her distance from him preferring to deal with Sophie or Cole but more often with Mr. McKillip in any matters that were essential for a member of the family to be present.

So it was with confusion that Louisa descended the carved oak stairs to the kitchen to meet the man who had ignored her for the better part of ten years. Her breath caught as it always did at the sight of him. He was three inches taller than her own 5’8
”, with dark, almost black, hair and a short beard, which he must have grown in the past few weeks as recent photos of him showed a clean, smooth chin. Today he wore black business pants and a tailored black jumper with a v-neck that just covered the fine layer of dark hair that she knew covered his chest. His gaze flicked to her and then away again to the sheaf of reports lying in front of him. She saw something in those green eyes before he looked away. She didn’t know what, but it was not anger as she had expected after their conversation last night.

Sophie motioned for her to sit opposite her where a plate of fried eggs, bacon
, and toast had been prepared. Sophie was dressed much the same as Louisa in jeans and a light shirt. Louisa would never possess Sophie’s presence or beauty. Her hair was as dark as her brother’s and cut short around her shoulders. Her eyes were brown like her mother’s had been, and she possessed her mother’s pale skin whereas both her brothers had taken their father’s olive complexion. The house was warm despite the storm raging outside the tall windows. Every room held a majestic fireplace, each blazing with heat from its gas-fuelled flames. Carpets and soft mink throws covered dark stained floorboards and draped the corners of lounges each retaining the warmth of the fires. She longed to move and wrap herself in the throws, feeling the soft fur between her toes and snuggling down into its warmth. The idea was a childish one. She would never do such a thing in front of Dominic. It would remind her that this was no longer her place of refuge as it had been. It was now nothing more than her client’s home.

What did you wish to speak to me about?” Louisa asked, looking from Dominic to Sophie as she cast thoughts of home aside.

Dominic made to say something
, but Sophie cut him off.

Eat first to gain your strength, and then we can talk business.”

Dominic spared a glare for his sister but made no comment, turning back to his papers
, which Louisa now noticed were stacked around his breakfast plate. The three ate in silence. Louisa’s gaze was drawn back to Dominic’s face. She knew he was not looking at her, but she felt uneasy to be so close to him.

I would like to see the will,” Dominic said as soon as she had placed her fork back on her plate.

Well I don’t have it. There was a copy in the car, which I assume is ruined?” Louisa said.

His eyebrows lifted in surprise
, and he leant back and crossed his arms at the refusal.

The original will is back at my office. The papers I had with me for Sophie to sign I assume were destroyed in the crash.” She looked to Sophie for confirmation.

We had a man go to check on your car yesterday while you slept. They found nothing else salvageable in the vehicle.”

I have contacted my office to have them faxed,” Louisa said. This conversation was wiping away all of the calm that the shower had filled her with and was only succeeding in reminding her that she was injured, weak, and tired. She didn’t have the strength to argue, but she couldn’t stop herself. How was it that whenever she was around this man she lost herself in one way or another?

The telephone lines went out early this morning,” Dominic said shaking his head.

I don’t know what else we can do except wait for them to come back online.”

Dominic seemed to think on that. She could see him battle with himself
, and she wondered what bothered him so much. Was it that he wanted her gone so bad that he was considering going outside in the storm to attempt reconnect the line, or was it that he feared for his money? Either way it was not Louisa’s problem. She had done what she thought best. The fact was that she was just as eager to be away from the man who tempted her with his every glance and movement, who drove her mind in circles of passion.

I would like to see the original. As soon you can arrange it.”

Louisa was taken aback at his abrupt need to check up on her work. No one in the McKillip family had ever even been to her office or questioned her work for them. For Dominic to do so now put Louisa on the defensive, but more than that it hurt her pride. Louisa nodded
. If this was business then she wouldn’t allow herself to become distracted by his presence. As she had the thought he rose and paced to the window, leaning against its frame. She watched as his broad shoulders filled out his shirt and tapered to a thick, well muscled waist. She had once lain upon his stomach and run her hands over that chest, feeling the muscles flex and relax under her touch. Did he remember? Did her own body drive him to distraction? No, she must not think on it. He had closed himself to her. He said so in his note. She was nothing to him.

Sophie seemed shocked at her brother
’s behaviour. “Dominic! It’s not that we don’t trust your work, Louisa, but it is a lot of money, and we are concerned that it may take a great toll on the business.”

Louisa nodded. She understood
. She did, but that didn’t stop the sting from seeping under her skin.

There is nothing we can do until this weather lifts, so if you would both put your claws away we should play nice for the next day or so,” Sophie said firmly.

Louisa looked at the younger woman who never said a harsh word in her life. She hadn’t imagined the scolding she just received, and worse was that Sophie was right.  Dominic’s reply to her words was a slight smirk
, which was whipped from his face with Louisa’s next words.

You are right, Sophie. Just because your brother is being an ass is no excuse for me to be one also,” Louisa stood and left the room. She didn’t know where she was going, only that she couldn’t bear to be in the room with that insufferable man any longer. She paced the lodge for half an hour before she became tired as the pain crept into her bones from standing for too long, and she sought out her favourite room from her visits. She was not alone in her thoughts and found Sophie and Dominic already inhabited the space.

I ordered you some strong tea. I thought you might be tired,” Dominic said before striding to the other side of the main room and sitting down with his book.

Sophie appeared much calmer,
and besides, Louisa couldn’t bring herself to make it to her room. Grudgingly she sighed and went to the lounge where the tea sat steaming on the coffee table.

The remainder of the day was spent out of Dominic’s
immediate company. She and Sophie played games of chess and backgammon in the large, wood panelled room whilst Dominic ignored them to work on his sums on his laptop alternating between his office and the lounge when they ate.

Are you cross with him?” Sophie asked as their dinner was cleared away and they once again sat before the fire playing games.

It’s his arrogance that bothers me, not his tone.” She glanced at Dominic, who sat on the other side of the fireplace his nose buried in a book.

Try not to be harsh with him. Remember how it was when your mother died. He is hurting for Father although he won’t tell anyone. He also longs for the freedom he had before he was forced to take over the business.” Sophie paused as Dominic shifted in his seat.

I know that,” Louisa said keeping her voice down. “But just being around him puts me on guard, and I speak without thinking.” She considered what the other woman said about Dominic giving up his freedom. She hadn’t given much thought to how Dominic might feel about taking over the business. It was true that he worked closely with his father, but he never put his hand up to offer to take over his father’s position in all his years with the company. He was the only person left for the job now. Still, he took it up without so much as a word about what he gave from his own life to do so. She herself had to grow up too fast once her mother died, and she had resented that for a long time. Dominic was an adult, but that didn’t stop him from having to grow up also. His life used to be about doing what he wanted when he pleased. Trips to private islands, parties every night of the week and the freedom to choose how his life turned out. Still, he gave all of that up to support his sister and brother and keep his employees and company in business. He could have refused, but he didn’t, and now he was trapped in a job he didn’t like or want.


Dominic watched the two women talk over his book. He saw Louisa’s gaze flick to his once before she looked away as if they spoke about him. She still sported a heavy bruise over one eye, which was thrown into relief by the firelight. His stomach turned over to see her this way. He flexed his hand to keep from reaching out to her. His whole body was tense being around her. Having her so close to him, every nerve in his body came alive at the full curve of her hips as she leant forwards intent on her game. She obviously had no idea the effect she had on him, and that maddened him more than her sharp tongue.  His anger didn’t allow him to sit, so he rose and went to tend the fire. The women’s conversation dropped off as he drew nearer to them. He imagined they were speaking of him again and cursed himself as a fool for caring.

Sir?” One of the service people stood at the door. As he passed Louisa he could feel her gaze on him.  He passed close enough to feel her shiver as his hand brushed her shoulder.


The weather is letting up downhill of here. If you would like to leave tomorrow it should be clear enough for the chopper to land out by the fields.”

He thanked the man and left the room, which was becoming uncomfortably heated, and made for his office to make the arrangements. 

He didn’t get as much work done as he would have liked. With the telephone lines still down he could only review the files he already had. One thing troubled him. He had received an email earlier in the week from a friend who received an anonymous email the previous day. It told him not to use the Callum law firm as it was involved in bribery and criminal practices and might soon close. He had thought to tell Dominic as he knew that he used the firm for his own business. His friend didn’t know that the Callum Law firm was Louisa’s own firm.

He wanted more information about this correspondence
, but after receiving the email the lines went down.  Now all he could do was speculate whether it was a hoax or if all of Louisa’s had clients received the same message. More disturbingly, as her biggest client he should have received one also, not just from his friend. The fact that he hadn’t showed that the person behind them might know of Louisa’s and his past. He couldn’t do anything about it now though. The computer blinked out as he hit the shut down button and walked back to his room. The sheets were warm as he lay for a while waiting for sleep to take him, listening to the wind outside his window. He wasn’t tired.

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