The Mating Season: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (11 page)

Read The Mating Season: A Paranormal Shifter Romance Online

Authors: Jade White

Tags: #Romance, #romance adult, #Alpha, #Shifter, #WereLion, #Erotic Romance Fiction

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They reached Kim’s house, and she unlocked the front door. She looked up at Tony and smiled. “You know, with Smiley out there somewhere, I might need someone to stay over, because you know, he knows where I live and all. “

Tony grinned. “I have no problem with that at all. Let me head over to my house for a min to grab a few things.”

Kim smiled and opened her door. “Sure, I’ll be here waiting.”

Tony waved and sprinted towards his house. He hoped at least some of the items he wanted to pick up were still good. It had been a while since he had used them.


Kim jumped up and answered the polite knock at the front door. She was greeted by Tony’s smiling face as she opened up the door.

“Hey!” Tony greeted her as he stepped into the modest house, “Told you I’d be quick.”

“I wasn’t worried that you’d ditch me,” she said with a grin. “I grilled up some deer kebabs for dinner. All I had was some ground deer and I was tired of burgers.”

Tony’s mouth was watering at the thought. “That sounds awesome. Never thought of making something like that. I can’t wait to try it.” He put the non-descript bag he was holding down beside the couch, out of Kim’s view. If he did manage to get lucky tonight, he had a few surprises up his sleeve, and he hoped she would enjoy them.

Kim busied herself in the kitchen with the final touches for dinner. It was 9 pm and she was starving. “Sorry for it being so late, I usually eat at this time when I work. Rusty doesn’t have a microwave for our use so I don’t bother eating much when I’m there.”

“You know, you can use the burrito microwave. I don’t think he’d care,” Tony said from the living room as he grabbed the remote and began to channel surf.

“True, never thought about it that way,” Kim mused as she placed a spoonful of basmati rice on Tony’s plate and garnished it with two spicy venison kebabs, and put a few slices of cucumber on the side of the plate. She harvested the cucumber the day before, so it was pretty darned fresh. Most of her garden was ready to go, actually; she’ll need to talk to Betty soon about getting help with canning it all.

Of course his mouth was watering for another delicacy. He promised himself he wouldn’t make a move unless Kim made one first. Their initial encounter was probably pretty lack luster for her. It was so quick, and fierce. He couldn’t help himself at the time, though. Her mere presence drove him up the wall. It was quite some time between trips to the city, so he had months of buildup waiting to be let out. None of the other local women would let him near them after a few fell pregnant and Rusty pointed a wizened old finger at him as the sire.

Kim walked in with a plate loaded with aromatic food. Tony’s stomach grumbled as he realized he hadn’t eaten yet, either. He voraciously devoured the food that was set before him, washing it down with gulps of cool water between bites.

“Mmff... sorry,” he apologized between mouthfuls. “I forgot I didn’t eat either and I’m starving.”

Kim smiled at him. “It’s not a big deal. Glad you like it.”

They sat and ate in silence after that, considering there wasn’t much to be said between them at that point. Kim got up and cleared the dishes from the coffee table as the ten o’clock news came on. There was a report of a fire in a near-by township.

Tony had known about it, since it came across the radio scanner at work. No one in the house survived. He was requested to go over to the scene to help the RCMP do an investigation because it was another isolated Cree band, that didn’t have a police officer of their own yet. It was probably the worst carnage he had ever seen. The deceased family comprised of three little girls, their parents and a dog and a cat, all perished in the conflagration.

As Tony walked around the scene, listening to the RCMP officer and fire marshal go over the details of the fire, he caught a whiff of gasoline and an unwashed body. He put his hand up to silence the two as he made a b-line directly towards the empty gas can that was hidden in the bushes just off the back yard of the smouldering house. The fire marshal dubbed it arson right then and there, and a criminal investigation was launched. Tony provided Smiley’s name as part of the list of suspects to investigate, since he hadn't been apprehended yet, and provided evidence of his ongoing harassment of Kim.

The RCMP investigator thought it was a long shot but he would follow up on it.

Kim sat back down next to Tony, interrupting his ruminations of the day’s events. “Hey, let’s watch something else. This news is pretty depressing.” She grabbed the remote from Tony’s strong hand.

Tony grunted in agreement. He didn’t need to relive the day’s events a second time. He stretched his long arms across the back of the futon as Kim leaned back. She flicked through the channels and found a late night talk show for them to watch.

Kim placed the remote down on the coffee table and settled in to watch the monologue of the comedian that hosted the show. She and Tony chuckled at the jokes and pointed satire that he read off of the teleprompter. Kim placed her dark-haired head on Tony’s lean, muscular chest as the spectacled comedian concluded his monologue, causing his heart to start drumming in his chest, and his manhood to surge to attention.

Kim still had the ‘good girls don’t’ mentality in her head so she coyly began to send signals to Tony to show she was interested. She placed her hand on his thigh, she really didn’t know of any other way to initiate yet, so she went with the tried and true method.

She was still a little emotionally shaken up by Smiley’s impromptu visit at the store earlier that day, but she might as well take advantage of Tony being there. She felt his tension as she snuggled next to him. She wondered what was going on in his head to cause him to feel so tense. Yes, their last encounter was a bit rushed and rough, but she didn’t get upset over that part. She was more upset at herself than Tony after they slept together the first time. She felt awful that she didn’t have a chance to explain it to him during the intervention type visit Rusty held.

Tony shifted his weight away from her and turned around and looked her straight in the eyes. His piercing dark gaze held hers as he tried to formulate what he was trying to say to cause the least amount of offense and his angular face was creased in concern. “I don’t know what kind of signals you’re trying to give out. I felt bad last time because I thought I misread and I might have...”

“You didn’t. I was madder at myself for allowing myself into that kind of situation. I wanted it,” she reassured him.

Emotion flooded Tony’s normally stoic face as he took Kim’s face gently in his hands and leaned in for a kiss. His tongue danced across Kim’s velvet lips as it sought admittance to her sweet mouth. He gently caressed her arm as he drew her closer to him.

Kim opened her mouth and returned Tony’s kiss with one of her own. Their tongues danced together, one smooth, one rough as they embraced on the futon. Tony reached up and folded his hand in Kim’s long, dark tresses as they kissed passionately.

Tony’s other hand moved under Kim’s red t-shirt and fondled one of her breasts through her black lace bra. She moaned into his mouth as she felt his hand graze her pert nipple through the lacy fabric of her bra.

Kim decided to take the lead and unbuckled Tony’s blue uniform pants. Tony stiffened up and moved her hands away. “It’s okay, you don’t have to,” he whispered. He narrowly avoided her touching his rigid dick. He wasn’t sure how long he would be able to keep himself contained if he felt that soft hand stroke his manhood; that and he didn’t want her knowing how much mountain lion showed through the human facade when one mated. There was plenty of time for that once she got used to the idea.

Tony nuzzled Kim’s sensitive neck as he caressed her firm B-cup breasts through her bra. “I have something special in mind for you tonight; last time was a little sudden. I want to take my time with you this evening. Show you what I’m really like.” Tony murmured in her ear while nibbling it.

“Mmm, I hope it’s worth it,” She whispered with a smile as she pulled away just long enough to remove her t-shirt. She leaned back in for another passionate kiss while wrapping her arms around Tony’s strong shoulders. Their lips met and their tongues stroked each other once again. Kim breathed in Tony’s musk and allowed herself to be swept away by the pheromones it contained.

Tony reached around her back and unclasped Kim’s bra and cast it aside. He lay her down on the futon and grinned, looking at her slim, topless body. He undid her tight jeans and pulled them off of her slim hips. Her tan skin gleamed in the dim lamplight. He took in her beauty as he stood up. Tony lifted Kim off of the futon, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He took her to her bedroom and lay her down on the bed he had helped put together after her move.

“Stay right here, I need to go get something from the living room,” he said as he left the bedroom. He hastily took off his shirt and jeans, but left his boxers on, since he was pretty modest about his manhood. One time a woman he dated had seen it and fainted.

Tony grabbed the paper bag he had left in the living room and walked back to the bedroom. He smiled as he set it down next to the mattress.

Kim looked up and appreciated Tony’s lean, muscular frame. His muscles weren’t bulky, but still well defined. He definitely moved with a cat-like grace in everything he did. His tan skin shone with a thin sheen of sweat, due to it being warm in the house. She didn’t want to open any windows to give Smiley a chance to break and enter.

He sat back down on the bed. He smiled warmly at Kim as she reached for one of his lean legs. Her warm hand snaked up towards the leg of his boxer shorts in an attempt to give him pleasure. He grabbed her hand and stopped her.

“Shh, just being near you drives me crazy enough as it is. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle you touching me,” he smoothly lied as he bent down to kiss her.

She wondered why he didn’t want her touching his manhood, but she rolled with it for now. He might not be as comfortable with her as he let on; she’d figure it out eventually.

Kim’s train of thought was interrupted as she felt his mouth kiss and nibble its way down to her sensitive nipple. She moaned as he drew it into his hot mouth while his hand massaged her other breast. He lightly grazed her nipple with his teeth, which elicited a cry of delight from Kim’s throat.

His hand moved from her breast down her abdomen, and towards her moist womanhood. Shocks of pleasure surged through her body as his hand made its way down to the moist juncture between her thighs.

She craved his touch; the deep musky odor he exuded as he lay over her caused her senses to swim. She abandoned all rational thought, willingly this time, and let Tony work his magic on her body. No more fighting, not anymore.

Tony smiled to himself as Kim lay on the bed, panting, as his fingers gently grazed her dewy cleft, her eyes closed with pleasure, eagerly expecting the next jolt of erotic pleasure. He gently spread her smooth pussy lips with his long, sensitive fingers and gently stroked the warm, moist folds within.

Kim cried out with pleasure as Tony softly touched her most intimate area. While she was distracted, he reached into the bag and pulled out a bottle of warming massage oil. He pushed open the top with his free hand and drizzled some over Kim’s soft mound.

Kim gasped as the cool oil dripped on her skin, the sensation jolted her unexpectedly, but it wasn’t an unpleasant jolt. She then felt Tony’s fingers massage her sex causing the oil to warm up.

Kim began to move her hips and moan as Tony’s fingers massaged her inner lips. Up and down, gently pinching each side and rubbing the oil gently into her already sensitive folds. He purposefully avoided her pleasure pearl as he gently massaged her. His fingers picked up more moisture from her deep, eager well as she became more and more aroused at his ministrations. He then judged it was a good time to concentrate on her erect, pink clit.

Kim cried out in pleasure as Tony gently rubbed her pleasure bud with his sensitive, oil covered fingers. He gently squeezed and tugged on her sensitive clit causing her to cry out more in response. Her climax began to build as he gently teased her button with his hot, oily digits. He noticed she was about to orgasm, and kept up his expert massage of her sex. Stroking her exposed clit with well-oiled hands, the combination of cinnamon, ginger and a bit of capsaicin from the massage oil drove her wild. Her nerves were on fire, in a good way, and before long, Kim cried out as her orgasm washed over her, filling Tony’s hand with her juices.

Tony brought his hand up from Kim’s quivering womanhood and inhaled deeply. Her sexy musk mingling with the cinnamon flavored oil caused his desire to surge to the point that his animal instincts almost kicked in. He shook his head to gain control of himself once again as he stared down at the panting Kim. Her eyes opened up and looked at Tony with an expression of lust he had never seen before on a woman. He growled in his throat and bent down to kiss her.

She returned his passion in kind. She allowed her animalistic nature to take over as well. Deep within her she felt something awaken. She didn’t know what it was, nor did she care at that time but she let out a growl in Tony’s ear as he nipped at her neck with desire.

She felt his mouth move down her body, stopping briefly at each breast to draw in and lightly graze a nipple with his sharp teeth, sending Kim’s body rocking with pleasure mixed with pain. Tony’s hungry mouth moved down Kim’s flat, tanned stomach and rested on the small patch of dark pubic hair she allowed herself to keep.

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