Read The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728 Online

Authors: Robert Middlekauff

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The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728 (88 page)

BOOK: The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728
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51. Cotton Mather made this statement in his life of Phips,
Pietas in Patriam
(London, 1697), reprinted in his
(London, 1702), Book II, 62.
52. Miller,
From Colony To Province
, 204.
53. John Higginson, "An Epistle To The Reader," in John Hale,
A Modest Inquiry Into The Nature Of Witchcraft
(Boston, 1698), 6.
. 166.
Chapter 9
1. For information about the Mathers' church, the Second, or Old North Church, see Kenneth Murdock,
Increase Mather
, Chandler Robbins,
History Of The Second Church
(Boston, 1852); and Cotton Mather's
(2 vols., New York, 1957) contains material on the church.
2. Increase Mather left no great manual for the guide of ministers, such as the
written by his son. But his ideas and his practice are clear from many scattered comments in tracts and sermons. Perhaps the most important is "The Work of the Ministry described" in
Practical Truths, Plainly Delivered
(Boston, 1718), 104-38.
3. In
Soul-Saving Gospel Truths
, 5, Mather reviews the
Page 393
varied subjects of his own work over the years and concludes that 'I
Plain Practical Sermons,
the design whereof is to promote
Conversion and Holiness,
do the greatest Good.
4. For the Arminian implications of the covenant theology, see Miller,
From Colony To Province
5. Increase Mather,
Practical Truths Tending To Promote the Power Of Godliness
, 98 and
passim; Renewal Of The Covenant The Great Duty
(Boston, 1677), 3-4;
Sermons Wherein Those Eight Characters
Practical Truth's Tending To Promote . . . Godliness
, 98.
. 129.
BOOK: The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728
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