Read The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728 Online

Authors: Robert Middlekauff

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The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728 (81 page)

BOOK: The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728
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18. Morgan,
Visible Saints
, 113-38 discusses these matters with discernment.
19. The synod's statement on baptism has been reprinted in Williston Walker,
The Creeds And Platforms Of Congregationalism
(New York, 1893 and Boston, 1960), 313-37.
20. Increase Mather, "An Apologetical Preface."
24. Increase Mather announced his agreement with the synod of 1662 in
The First Principles of New England
A Discourse Concerning The Subject Of Baptisme
. In this second work he indicates that the
First Principles
was written in 1671.
Discourse Concerning . . . Baptisme
, 31-32.
26. Among many sermons Increase Mather preached along these lines see
Soul-Saying Gospel Truths
, 49-56, 82-85, 103-8, and
27. In the sermons Increase published as
The Blessed Hope
(Boston, 1701), he wrote: "What is the
of the churches?
Page 387
But that they consist of
Holy Members
, of Regenerate Persons; and that great care be taken, that so far as men are able to judge, none but Godly persons be admitted into their Communion." (114)
28. See
Discourse Concerning . . . Baptisme, passim; First Principles of New England, passim
29. All parties to the dispute over the Half-Way Covenant agreed on these points.
BOOK: The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728
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