Read The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728 Online

Authors: Robert Middlekauff

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The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728 (117 page)

BOOK: The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728
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15. (Boston, 1722).
. 16-27, and
17. For Mather's private worship, see
Diary, passim
. His theory of the Holy Spirit is discussed below.
18. Cotton Mather,
Christianus Per Ignem
. 9.
19. Although
Christians Per Ignem
was published in 1702, it seems to have been written in 1700. See page 125 of it. It is one of the most important of Mather's works on worship.
. 9, 10, 12, for the quotations.
21. Cotton Mather,
Coelestinus. A Conversation in Heaven
, 68.
23. For all these, Diary,
Page 418
24. See above, Chapter 14.
, II, 376, 396, and
26. For example, Cotton Mather,
Deus Nobiscum
(Boston, 1725) and
Vital Christianity
(Philadelphia, 1725).
27. (Boston, 1690), Preface.
Memorable Providences Relating To Witchcrafts And Possessions
(Boston, 1689).
29. (Boston, 1691). See, too, Mather,
Dust and Ashes (Bos
ton, 1710), 33; and
Diary For The Year . . . 1712, 79
30. George Keith,
The Presbyterian and Independent Visible Churches in New-England And else-where (Philadelphia
, 1689).
31. Mather,
Principles of the Protestant Religion
, 27, for the quotations.
32. See
. 21-35, for a full explication of Mather's early ideas on the Spirit.
33. The
Diary, passim
, offers evidence of his inner life.
34. Cotton Mather,
(Boston, 1727).
35. See, for example, Cotton Mather,
Divine Afflations
, 3-10, 12, 22-36;
Pia Disideria
, 3-10, and
36. (Boston, 1710).
BOOK: The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728
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