Read The Marine's E-Mail Order Bride (Heroes of Chance Creek Book 3) Online

Authors: Cora Seton

Tags: #romance, #Military, #Suspense

The Marine's E-Mail Order Bride (Heroes of Chance Creek Book 3) (26 page)

BOOK: The Marine's E-Mail Order Bride (Heroes of Chance Creek Book 3)
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“I will never get tired of you inside of me,” she said, looking over her shoulder.

“Come here.”

Storm eased off of him and burrowed down beside him under the covers. He traced a finger down her arm and up again. “Did I ever tell you how glad I am you’re not a mountain climber?”

“No.” She chuckled. “Why don’t you want me to climb mountains?”

“Because I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t. You’re stuck with me.” She rolled on top of him again.

“You have no idea how happy I am to hear that.”

Chapter Twenty-One

still can’t
believe you asked me to be one of your bridesmaids,” Belinda said as she came out of the changing room in the back of Ellie’s Bridals in her sky-blue gown. Ella and Regan lined up next to her and together they struck a pose. “I love it that you’re including your sisters, too. They look so cute in their junior bridesmaid dresses.”

Storm had always known she’d have her sisters in her wedding when she married, but they were still so young she’d decided she needed a grownup set of bridesmaids, too. Austin and Mason would stand up with Zane, with Richard as a young counterpart to the three girls.

Ellie, the owner of the store, bustled into the fitting room area and clapped. “Those dresses are so elegant.”

“And they’re not pretending to be anything other than bridesmaid’s gowns,” Regan said. “I hate it when people try to make them usable again for other occasions. It never works!”

“I’m not pretending this occasion is anything other than it is—a big, ol’ awesome western wedding,” Storm said. “I’m a modern woman in every way, but I always wanted an old-fashioned wedding. Big white dress, big white cake, dancing…”

“Don’t forget cowboy boots.” Ella tugged up the hem of the beautiful gown that Storm had tried on to show her boots underneath.

“Well, that goes without saying,” Belinda said. “What kind of bride doesn’t wear boots?” She kept her face straight until the other women exchanged a look, then laughed at them. “I’m just kidding. Although I did wear boots to my wedding. I’m a country girl through and through.”

“I think I’ll wear them too,” Storm said. “As a sign to Zane that I mean to stay here. That I love it here.”

“That you love him,” Regan added.

“That I love him,” Storm agreed.

“So that’s three of you,” Belinda said. “Who will Colt bring home, I wonder?”

“I hope he doesn’t bring anyone,” Storm said. “I hope he falls back in love with Heather.”

“Everything is so good right now on the ranch I don’t want anything to change.” Ella posed in front of the mirror. “What if Colt brings someone new home that we all hate?”

“Don’t even say that.” Regan joined her. “Anyway, why borrow trouble? Come here, Belinda.” She held out a hand and pulled Belinda into place beside them. Storm joined them, standing in the middle. “Look at us. Aren’t we a picture?”

Ellie pulled a cell phone out of her pocket and snapped a photo. “Yes, you are.”

“Three weddings in
one year,” Zane’s mother said when she arrived at the Hall. Zane helped carry her bag indoors and up the stairs to the third-floor room she’d use for the duration of her stay. He’d put her next to Cheyenne, hoping they’d get along and knowing his mother would enjoy the company of the girls down the hallway.

“I can’t wait for you to meet Storm.”

“She seems like a darling girl.”

“We’ve got some news, too.”

“Tell me.” She sat down on her bed and looked around the small room. “How strange it is to be up here where I used to put guests.”

He was instantly beside her. “Do you want us to move you downstairs? We can shuffle people around. I just thought—”

“Shh, it’s perfect. I simply miss it here.”

“As soon as Heloise gives us that deed, we’ll come to Florida to collect you,” he assured her.

“I can’t wait. But I can’t live with you in the Hall. And Austin’s taken the bunkhouse.”

“We’ll figure it out,” Zane assured her. “You belong here as much as we do. We’ll find a way that suits everyone.”

“What’s your news?”

“Be prepared to welcome another Hall baby in May or so. Storm’s pregnant.”

“You boys. Can’t even wait to get properly married, can you?” But she was beaming with happiness. “Grandchildren. I’m going to have oodles of grandchildren.” She looked at him archly. “Mason said you had a little trouble along the way to getting Storm to be your wife, but you got her in the end, didn’t you.”

“What Gunnery Sergeant Zane Hall wants, Gunnery Sergeant Zane Hall gets,” he said with satisfaction.

“What on earth are you talking about?”

“Nothing, Mom.” He dropped a kiss on her head. “Glad you’re here.”

A dusting of
snow covered the ground on Thanksgiving and Storm was glad the Hall was so cozy. Her wedding would consist of an afternoon ceremony at the Chance Creek Reformed Church, and a catered dinner to follow at the Hall. The furniture had been removed from the large living room and replaced by small clusters of chairs and tables around an empty space reserved for dancing. Austin had put together a song list with Regan and Ella’s help and they’d wired the living room for sound, as well.

Mia Matheson helped in a million ways and Storm was glad to have her nearby as she primped for a final time in a small room at the church while all her new friends and family took their seats.

“You’re as pretty as a picture,” Mia said, fluffing out her veil. “It’s fun to watch the Hall boys bring home their brides. It’s fun to see you all working together the way we do at the Double-Bar-K, too.”

“This is a pretty special place.” Storm met her gaze in the mirror.

“That it is. Come on. I think they’re nearly ready for you.”

As she moved to leave her room, her mother met her in the doorway. “Mia, could you give us a minute?”

“Of course.”

As soon as they were alone, Cheyenne pressed an envelope into Storm’s hand.

“What’s this?”

“Open it.” Cheyenne smiled.

Storm tore open the envelope and pulled out a check. A shock ran through her at the amount it was made out for. “Mom—you didn’t need to do this.”

“I don’t need to buy you a ranch, so I’m giving you this instead. A nest egg.”

“It’s too much.”

“No, it isn’t,” Cheyenne said firmly. “Eight years of work, that’s what this signifies. Eight years of putting off your dreams to allow me the time to mourn my husband. What mother ever had a better daughter? I wish I could give you that time back, honey, but I can’t. This is all I can do.”

“I’ll start a college fund for the baby. And order in the best stock for my store anyone could imagine. People will be coming from California to shop there.”

“I bet they will. I’m so proud of you.”

Tears pricked Storm’s eyes. “What about you? Are you happy?”

“Happier than I’ve been in a long, long time.”

As the first chords of the wedding processional rang out in the church, Mia returned and beckoned Storm to take her place beside Hank, who had volunteered to walk her down the aisle. She took hold of his arm, trembling with emotion at what Cheyenne had done, but it was the cowboy at the end of the aisle who held her attention now. Zane stood strong and proud beside his brothers and Richard, waiting for her. Love and happiness swelled in her chest as she stepped toward him, and she couldn’t think of anywhere she’d rather be than in this country church, with this community she’d grown to love so much.

Near the altar, Zane watched her approach, beaming at her with pride and happiness until she fell in love with him all over again. As she joined him in front of the minister, Hank put her hand into Zane’s.

Zane squeezed it, his eyes telling her how much he loved her. She hoped he could read the depth of her love in hers.

“Dearly Beloved,” the minister began, and Storm’s heart filled to bursting.

She was right where she belonged.

Chapter Twenty-Two

ere’s to Colt,”
Mason said, lifting a glass of champagne many hours later. Most of the guests had gone home after a wonderful meal of traditional Thanksgiving fare and vegetarian alternatives, followed up by dancing. Zane was happier than he could say with Storm pressed close to him, knowing as he did he’d have a full week alone with her.

“To Colt,” the others answered, clinking their glasses together. Storm’s was filled with a non-alcoholic champagne substitute, but she was as flushed and happy as everyone else.

“I hope he gets in touch soon,” Regan said. “I can’t get used to this lack of communication.”

“Just part of the job,” Austin said. “Wish he was here, though.”

“Me, too.”

“Here’s to Heloise for bringing all of us together,” Ella said suddenly. “That woman is a pain in the ass, but she’s done a good thing here.”

“I’ll toast to that,” Zane said. He checked his watch. “And it’s time for us to go, Mrs. Hall.”

“I’ll get my things,” Regan said with a saucy grin.

“I’ll get my things, too,” Ella said. “A week in New Orleans sounds like just the ticket.”

“Sorry, ladies. I’m only taking Mrs.
Hall on this particular honeymoon.”

“And since this is the only honeymoon
. Zane Hall is ever taking, you’re out of luck,” Storm added pertly. She stood up and held out a hand to her husband. “Besides, I don’t think we’ll be very good company.”


But as they drove off in the limousine hired to take them to the airport, Storm looked over her shoulder out the back window at Crescent Hall blazing with light, and found herself already anticipating their return in a few days’ time.

The ranch had become her home.

The End


The Heroes of Chance Creek
series continues with
The Airman’s E-Mail Order Bride

Read on for an excerpt of Volume 1 of
The Cowboys of Chance Creek
series –
The Cowboy’s E-Mail Order Bride
. Please note that this novel is not part of the Heroes of Chance Creek series; it is the first in the earlier series, The Cowboys of Chance Creek.

Cora Seton’s website
sign up for her Newsletter here
. Find her on

Other Titles by Cora Seton:
The Heroes of Chance Creek:

The Navy SEAL’s E-mail Order Bride (Volume 1)

The Soldier’s E-Mail Order Bride (Volume 2)

The Navy SEAL’s Christmas Bride (Volume 3)

The Airman’s E-Mail Order Bride (Volume 5)

The Cowboys of Chance Creek:

The Cowboy’s E-mail Order Bride (Volume 1)

The Cowboy Wins a Bride (Volume 2)

The Cowboy Imports a Bride (Volume 3)

The Cowgirl Ropes a Billionaire (Volume 4)

The Sheriff Catches a Bride (Volume 5)

The Cowboy Lassos a Bride (Volume 6)

The Cowboy Rescues a Bride (Volume 7)

The Cowboy Earns a Bride (Volume 8)

The Cowboy’s E-Mail Order Bride

By Cora Seton

Chapter One
BOOK: The Marine's E-Mail Order Bride (Heroes of Chance Creek Book 3)
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