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Authors: Raymond Poincelot

The Manhattan Incident (57 page)

BOOK: The Manhattan Incident
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Anthony Balfano Jr
gets away with manslaughter thanks to his father. However, payback can be a bitch.


Frank Travers
is a bought jury member who carries the day for Anthony Balfano, Jr. The payoff carries a steep price.


is  a former army demolitions expert, Gonzo deals in illegal explosives after his dishonorable discharge.


Jefferson Pratt
is a Bronx Zoo janitor whose keys came in very handy.


Buford Kidd
, a police officer in the Bronx, leads a caravan of fellow church parishioners to safety.


Henry Zisterwicz
is a computer nerd and IT specialist. He is a member of HG, the Hackers Guild. Henry steps in to help the woman he secretly loves when she decides to battle the greed and politics hindering the movement of anti-plague pharmaceuticals desperately needed by the American public. Somehow he must protect her from the American government, while keeping the HG safe from exposure.


Anita Gray
Telltale Rose
becomes incensed when she learns that her own government is possibly complicit in slowing the delivery of anti-plague pharmaceuticals. Her child and all children become her rallying point. She adopts the persona of Telltale Rose to expose the greedy men at the helm of the drug companies. In doing so, she risks being arrested by the very government that might be involved in the wrong-doing.


Jolene Gray
, Anita Gray’s very young daughter, unknowingly becomes the driving force behind the emergence of Telltale Rose.


Donald Jones
Scot Scofield
are the CEO and CFO of RGen Corporation. Their greed has no shame.


Jason Ingels
is a presidential aide to President Chung. He has a sense of rightness, but can he act upon it?


Logan White
is the new CEO of RGen Corporation. He replaces the corrupt former CEO.


Clark Montauk
, the spineless FBI Director does President Chung’s bidding, even when he thinks it is wrong.


Dennis Malley
Gerald Huang
are FBI agents who must arrest Telltale Rose, even though their heart isn’t in it. However, orders are orders.


General Shen Rong
is in charge of the Chinese military presence in Tibet. His corruption knows no moral limits, even if it means genocide.


Colonel Cao Ji
is General Rong’s Aide. He hates the General’s plan for denying vaccine to the Tibetans, but can he do anything about it?


Liang Feng
is an MD in the Chinese Tibetan garrison. He is forced to do a horrible thing out of fear. Can he be redeemed?


Alfred Bradshaw
is a parishioner in Reverend Cooper’s church. The reverend has some very special plans for Alfred, but Alfred is unaware of the intent.


James Misri
is a parishioner in Reverend Cooper’s church. His job in the food industry makes him a pawn in Cooper’s dangerous plan.


Mahmoud Abu Basrah
, convicted bomb maker, is very careful about business.


Frank Johnson
, Zachery Johnson’s dad, disappeared during the early chaos of the alien invasion.


Bruce Beauford
, major of Rutland, Vermont helps fill in the missing part of Zachery Johnson’s life.


GAF pilot
co-pilot Angel Pintero
Norman Naderoff
, respectively, fly a very special cargo to Area 51.


Ephraim Rapstein
is a brilliant military psychiatrist at Area 51, but he can be very arrogant and pompous. It is his job to reach the alien POW and to learn everything.


Jeffrey Malford
is Commander of Space Station Backside Moon, which is stationed later near the wormhole used by the invading aliens. Humanity’s survival depends on his action, but there are two choices. Only one is right.


Dr. Martin Farnsworth
is Director of the Psychological Testing Center at Area 51. He is amazed at the test results of Zachery Johnson.


Nadia Olov
must keep everyone safe and healthy around the alien being held at Area 51. She has a motherly touch and is protective.


is the one and only alien POW. He is an enigmatic, non-communicative, and hateful creature. Being near him does things to your head.


Connecticut Judge Meghan O’Hara
gets an odd request from her friend Paul Laurent.


Attorney Curt Doolittle
Judge Vickery Chase
of Las Vegas specialize in quick adoptions.


MI Agent Esther Gates
is a mole in Reverend Cooper’s operation. She can be very useful to MI.


Dr. Barry Fodor
, forensic anthropologist, suspects his client is not what he appears to be.


MI Agent Charles Kee
in the New York office plays a major role in the apprehension of Reverend Cooper.


MI Agent Michael Ang
in the New York office plays a major role in the apprehension of Reverend Cooper.


Vladimir Dubrov
is head of the New York City office of MI. He keeps tabs on the rabble rouser, Reverend Jerimiah Cooper. He is soon drawn into a cat and mouse game with the Reverend while trying to prevent an assassination. The more involved he becomes, the more mysterious the circumstances become. Will he figure it out before it is too late?


Manney Lisko
, a petty criminal, likes to impersonate cops and collect the fine on the spot. Perhaps MI might have a new job for Manney.


Julio Montez
Rosalie Gallin
, are MI agents useful for tailing activities, especially when it involves Reverend Cooper.


Sharon Bates
is Director of the New York State MI office.


Big Cat
black ops soldiers who work for MI and handle the dirty jobs. They have no problem killing people if needed.


Antonio Adam
Juliet Snowe
are MI agents with secret orders, or so they think.


Ricardo Calhoun
is a busboy in Scarpetto’s Restaurant in Stamford, Connecticut doing the bidding of the Church of the Rapture.


Bariska Minkov
, a no nonsense Russian women is Chair of the Earth First Council. She hits hard and any favors or positive responses have their price.


Darius Rushmore
is the GOP challenger to President Chung’s full term.


Nikita Korchev
is a bartender, but on the side he is the go to man for illegal needs.


Emanuel Akoyo
is the judge overseeing the trial of Reverend Cooper on murder charges.


Abraham Goldblat
is Reverend Cooper’s defense trial lawyer for Cooper’s upcoming murder trial.


Ailig Kelso
is a GAF Private in the Communication Center in Area 51.


Commander Mitch Janickson
of Space Station Moon Watch makes the ultimate sacrifice for humanity.


GAF Private Tao Liang
gets the gopher jobs.


Admiral Thaddeus Sterling
, naval advisor to President Rushmore, proves US submarines still have a purpose when the aliens invade the second time.


Richard Grafton
commands a US submarine suddenly thrust into battle against an alien submersible vessel that no one knew was coming. Failure means disaster for the US.


Webster Flint
Norman Braxton
Lee Chiu
, and
Amy Haberstrom
are GAF Air Group Delta brave pilots who play a pivotal role over Washington DC against the alien fleet.

GAF CAG Jackson Whitefeather
commands the Atlanta, Georgia air group rushing to assist in the DC battle.


GAF CAG Harry Memsley
commands the air group of Toronto Canada rushing to assist in the DC battle.


Chaz Woburn
is Doctor-in-Chief at Area 51.


Captain Matthew Hauser
heads the GAF garrison in Boise, Idaho. He must scramble with inadequate weaponry when an alien fighter craft shows up unexpectedly.


Daryl Jones
is a member of the militia in Idaho and is rabid against the US government. He does ultimately do something good for his country, but for the wrong reasons. Can he move beyond his wrong doing?


Jeb Brody
heads up the Idaho militia known as RUSS.


Colonel Hito Takahashi
heads up the engineering group in Area 51.


Astrid Jones
the wife and daughter, respectively of Daryl Jones.




Raymond Poincelot is Professor Emeritus, Fairfield University. His doctorate was in biochemistry and his teaching specialty was plant biology, environmental science, and environmental health and safety. His research expertise covered plant biochemistry, compost science, and sustainable agriculture. He wrote numerous research articles and books and edited several books and a scientific journal. The books were for professional and lay public audiences. Ray also served as Chair of Biology, Associate Dean and Interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Safety Officer for the University. In the latter area he was involved with chemical, biological, and radioactive hazardous waste and safety protocols. This latter experience and his avid reading of science fiction led him to writing this book. Ray lives in Connecticut with his partner, Elizabeth Gardner.








BOOK: The Manhattan Incident
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