The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance (23 page)

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance
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Seth pulled her to face him. “What makes you passionate?”

Cami was surprised at his question. “My work. I love to teach, same as you.”

“No.” He tapped her heart. “In here. All you’ve spoken of is what you
do for others. What do you dream for yourself?”

Cami was taken aback. There wasn’t anything she did for fun, for herself.

“I don’t know. I don’t let myself dream . . . in there.”

“I’d like to change that.” He took her face in his hands and brought his mouth down to hers. Their lips touched, lightly at first, then more demanding as they both tumbled into the moment, their tongues entwining. He tasted like everything she’d always wanted; sweet and dangerous. Hot desire clawed at her.

Cami clamped down her emotions and pulled away. “I . . . can’t do this. Not now, not ever.”

“I can’t believe you don’t feel me in your heart.” His hand skimmed the front of her jacket, sending tremors through her.

Cami ran a finger along his jaw, enjoying the slight rough texture. “I believe in you and your school. If you go to the bank tomorrow, you’ll find this house is not only for sale, but will sell at a very reasonable price.”

As she drew back, he captured her hand and covered his heart. A strong, rapid beat thumped against her palm. “Come with me.”

Cami had no idea what the future held for her, but knew his future didn’t include her. “I can’t.”

The last rays of sunset had faded to a deepening blue as they stopped in front of the Harbor House.

“Seth, I’ve had a ‘spectacular’ day. You’ll never know how great it’s been.”

He stroked her cheek. “You deserve ‘spectacular’ every day.”

Cami’s mind was in turmoil, her heart in an uproar. She hadn’t realized how much she missed being kissed and touched and held in a man’s strong arms. “This isn’t my reality.”

“I can make it so. It doesn’t have to end here . . . now.”

Cami shivered. More suggestion, more heat. No. She wasn’t a one-night-stand girl. “Yes, it does. I have to go.”

Seth nodded and opened the front door for her. “I’ll escort you to your room.”

“I don’t have a room here.”

“Where are you staying, then? I’ll walk you home.”

Cami paused, her situation striking her hard. “I . . . I don’t know. I don’t have any room and I have no money.”

“Then you shall be my guest.”

Cami hesitated, the implication thick between them.

Seth said, “I’ll purchase you a
room. It’s the least I can do to repay you for showing me the house.”

A very practical and convincing argument. It was either accept his offer or sleep on the beach.

“OK, but promise me you’ll build your school.”

“I promise.”

While Seth made arrangements for her room, Cami went into the parlour to look for the roulette wheel, the white poker chip, or even the guy who looked like Seth from the present. Anything to lead her back home.

There was nothing she recognized. She couldn’t get home. Tears formed in her eyes. Gina must be sick with worry.

Seth was beside her. He tenderly wiped at a tear slipping down her cheek. “Don’t fret, my sweet. You’re not alone.”

He took her hand and placed a silver coin in her palm, the same coin she’d given to him earlier. “This should be enough to provide you with safe transportation home, whenever you wish. You may need these as well.”

Cami accepted the coin and her package of clothes from the dress shop. She whispered, “I wish it were that easy.”

Maybe she should tell him the truth. No, it would only complicate matters for him and Cami knew he had his own destiny to fulfil. She couldn’t sidetrack him with her problems. She truly was alone in this.

Seth led her upstairs and stopped before a closed door on the third floor. He unlocked it and held out the key for her. “It’s yours for however long you need it.”

She took the key, their hands brushing. A crackle of energy passed between them, hot and raw. Cami jerked away.

As she walked into the room, he said, “I’ve also made arrangements for a bath. Someone shall be up promptly with hot water and towels.”

Cami turned for a last look at Seth. Their gazes locked. She wanted him with a ferocity that terrified her. She opened her mouth. “Thank you.”

“My room is next door, adjoined to yours.”

His eyes smouldered with unspoken desire. He said, “If you need anything, all you have to do is come through the door and ask.”


The invitation was very clear. All she had to do was ask. For anything. He’d be there. Cami leaned against the closed door and sighed. She didn’t know how to ask for anything for herself.

Resigned to being alone, Cami explored the room. A large canopied, four-poster bed stood in the centre, as if mocking her for her fear. Cami tossed the gift bag, package of clothes, key and coin on the bed and turned away. Yet, she couldn’t help having thoughts of tumbling on that romantic bed with Seth.

A beautiful, hand-painted screen stood in one of the corners of the room. Cami peeked behind the screen and gasped at the porcelain claw-footed bathtub. She stepped back and moved the screen aside. It was beautifully white and clean. Heaven on earth. She’d get her sensual soak after all.

A secretary desk and straight chair sat near a fireplace. On the desk was a small silver tray piled with cheeses and, beside the tray, a pitcher of water.

She selected one of the matching Victorian water glasses. She ran her finger over the beautiful ovals cut along the side before pouring the glass full. She nibbled on the cheese and took several sips of water.

Now what?

With Seth gone, she felt a surprising void. Trying to fill the emptiness, Cami unwrapped her old clothes from the paper covering. She’d make sure to wear them tomorrow. She grabbed the coin, intending to put it in the pocket of her jeans for safekeeping, but had an idea.

She held the coin tightly, squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated. She even prayed to return home. After several minutes, Cami opened her eyes, but she was still in the same hotel. Deflated, she stuffed the coin in her jeans and tossed them over the chair.

A knock sounded at the door. Cami’s pulse sparked.
Her heart sank when the hallway door opened and several hotel workers brought in buckets of steaming water. They poured the water into the tub, filling it about two-thirds full, laid several towels on the bed and left the room.

The looming emptiness nearly suffocated her. How could she miss Seth when they’d only just met? Cami flounced on the bed. Another stay from the corset poked her. She couldn’t breathe. Her temper flaring to life, she unbuttoned the jacket and shook out of it. The remainder of the Victorian garments flew off, until she stood in only the fine cotton chemise and drawers.

She threw up her hands. Damn it, why was she here? In this time? In this room, alone? She thought once she’d convinced Seth to build his school, she’d
back to her own time. There must be more to it.

She heard the echo of Seth’s question. What did she want? Work? No. She wanted passion. And connection. The harder she tried to ignore the truth, the more it persisted. She wanted love.

Oh God. She’d been so wrong. No wonder Seth thought she was lost. She’d given up on herself . . . years ago. In her quest for security, she’d lost her emotional identity and suppressed her needs. She’d let her baggage from the past dictate her future.

Her eyes strayed to the connecting door. Take a chance. Her vow not to become involved shattered. She didn’t want to be alone any more. He was here, ripe for her taking, and she needed him.

Cari dumped the contents of her gift bag on to the bed.

She couldn’t just show up in his room. She lit the candle with matches she found near the fireplace and grabbed the bar of soap.

Cami approached the door and listened, not hearing any sounds. She wondered if he was asleep, but decided to push ahead before she lost her nerve.

She knocked lightly. “Seth, are you awake?”

There was no answer. She tried the knob and found it unlocked. The door opened with just the slightest creak. Soft light from the candle spilled through the dark opening.


A movement on the other side caught her eyes. Then she saw him, outlined by the light at the window. He turned towards her.

“Cami. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I . . . I just wanted to talk to you.” It sounded lame even to her ears. She held up the soap, as if it explained everything. “I have some . . .”

He was in front of her before she realized he’d moved. His skin smelled clean, yet musky and very, very male. He was bare-chested and had changed into clean trousers. Light from the candle turned his skin a golden brown and flickered off his toned muscles.

Cami glanced beyond him and saw a wet floor surrounding the tub.

“Oh, you’ve already washed. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have bothered you.”

Cami turned away, but his warm hand on her arm stilled her.

“I said all you had to do was ask. Walking through that door is asking.”

What could she say? She was asking for more than words.

“I . . . ah . . . yes.”

Seth lifted Cami in his arms and carried her into her room, elated she’d come to him. He’d been standing at the window watching the moonbeams flickering on the water, thinking of her.

Seth looked across the room and discovered her tub full of clean water. “You’ve not bathed.”


He placed her on the bed and tested the water. It was still warm. “We shall remedy that.”

He took the soap from her hands and placed the candle on the bedside table. He wanted this night to be perfect. He didn’t think there’d be another.

Coming to stand before her, he drew her to her feet. He pulled the pins from her hair and spiked his fingers though the silky tangle of waves. “I’ve been longing to do this since the dress shop.”


He nipped lightly at her earlobe and she shuddered. “Umm?” He placed feather-light kisses on her neck and then drew her chemise over her head.

“I am a little . . . lost.”

Seth stroked the curve of her back, down to the first hint of her buttocks. “I know, my sweet. I’ll help you find your way.”

“No, I mean really lost. Like as in from another time, another place.”

He planted a searing kiss on her mouth, gently sucking her lower lip, and then pulled the string on her pantaloons. They fell to the floor.

“I know so little of you, my mysterious traveller. Yet I know you’ve changed my life.”

She caressed his face, tracing his cheek with her velvet-soft fingertips. “As you’ve changed mine.”

Seth lifted Cami in his arms and carried her to the tub. “I’ve only just begun.”

He set her gently in the water. She closed her eyes

He knelt beside the tub, dipped the soap into the water and rubbed, producing a thick lather. His brain faltered when her scent enveloped him. Desire twisted in his groin, making him hard.

Seth gathered her thick, silky hair and drew it over one shoulder. He placed a last wet kiss along her neck. Scooping warm water over her bare shoulders, he gently rubbed the bar in languid, swirling circles on her back.

At his first slow caresses Cami relaxed, bending forwards, bracing her forehead on her knees. At some point the hard bar disappeared, and Cami felt his soapy palms and fingers run up the muscles on either side of her spine, creating the most delicious sensations of her life. Oh God, this was her fantasy. She’d stopped dreaming of a happy-ever-after.

She gave another sigh, this one coming from deep within her throat.

“Feel good?” His voice was low and thick.

“Oh God, yes.”

“Your skin is so soft.”

His slippery thumbs dipped lower in the water, massaging the small of her back. Chills of pleasure caused gooseflesh to appear.

“I want to touch you here.”

From behind, Seth’s warm hands cupped her breasts and her breath caught in her throat. Cami felt a gush of heat.

“And here.”

His hands smoothed down her abdomen. She quivered with pleasure from his strokes.

With a low, harsh groan, Seth raised her from the tub and carried her to the canopied bed.


Cami awoke in her bed alone, the sun higher than usual. She stretched, feeling her muscles flex, remembering the workout they’d received the night before. Sounds from the room next door alerted her to Seth’s whereabouts. She actually heard whistling.

Cami’s stomach growled. She hadn’t eaten much yesterday, substituting lovemaking for dinner. What she wouldn’t give to have the luxury of breakfast via room service. Cami swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood, wrapping the sheet around her naked body while she searched for her clothes.

Cami found her blouse draped neatly over the chair and smiled when she saw the silken cord hanging above the desk labelled
. Dressing quickly in her jeans and shirt, she pulled the cord, excited at the prospect of surprising Seth with breakfast in her room.

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