The Mammoth Book of Irish Romance (13 page)

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Irish Romance
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Rohrke gestured towards it. “You are likely tired after your travels and al your searching. Please make use of my bed.”

“Where wil you be?” she asked.

He sat down in a large, stuffed chair. “Here. ’Tis quite comfortable, I assure you.”

“I was not particularly concerned with your comfort, my lord, but my own privacy.”

By the goddess, she was beautiful—lush and golden. Rohrke could almost believe she was Áine, come down to see what was amiss in the world.

If only it were true. He would have no qualms about bedding Ana Mac Lochlainn. He did not know where Sláine and her father were, but they would surely not be pleased at the attention he was paying to Ana. Not when they expected him to make Sláine his wife.

He shook off his cheerless thoughts of them and watched Ana remove her shoes and lie down.

Her feet were smal and delicate, reaching nowhere near the end of the bed. Rohrke could easily imagine sliding one of his own feet between hers as he pressed her into the soft mattress.

He’d barely touched her lips with his, and he wanted more. Wanted to know her taste and the feel He’d barely touched her lips with his, and he wanted more. Wanted to know her taste and the feel of her naked skin sliding against his.

She closed her eyes and expel ed a long breath. She seemed completely relaxed, with her hands extended at her sides, her palms up. Her gown was soft and the colour of butter, or perhaps sunshine. And it lay perfectly arranged about her. There was nothing about her dress or her bearing that should arouse him, and yet . . .

He rubbed a hand across his face and closed his eyes. It was not wise to al ow himself to think such suggestive thoughts about Lady Ana, a stranger whose purpose he did not real y understand.

Perhaps he should give further thought to what she and Sedric had said. That there was evil about.

He did not know what it could be. Or how it could such infuse him – and Teague – with such animosity towards each other. Nor could he understand what its purpose would be.

He stood and looked down at Ana, who lay perfectly stil , hardly breathing. There seemed to be no colour in her lips or her cheeks, but her knew naught was wrong with her. Soothsayers had their own ways, ones he was not privy to.

Rohrke went to the window and looked down at the standing stones in the circle. Geileis was there, standing just outside its centre . . . waiting, it seemed. He scratched his head. Hadn’t he seen her do this before? His memory was cloudy, as was his recol ection of the time they’d spent together that afternoon. Or any other time. It was not like him to be so vague.

He derived no satisfaction from Geileis’ company and, in fact, wondered why he did not know where she and her servant had come from. He could not quite remember how she’d arrived, either

. . . on foot or horseback?

Ana was in her seer’s trance. Rohrke was reluctant to leave her, but he was not a man to hover.

He left her to her deep contemplations, and departed the room in search of Geileis. He hurried down to the vil age circle, determined to ask the woman some questions and gain some answers this time.

But when he arrived at the centre of the vil age, Geileis was not there. Rohrke glanced around and caught sight of some movement near the gate. Staying in the shadows, he hurried in the same direction, certain it must be the dark-haired woman and her servant.

He could not imagine where they were going so late at night, unless their purpose was il icit.

They carried no torches, and managed to slip past the guards that had been posted at the gate.

With that troubling sign, Rohrke realized that Sedric and Ana had been correct. Something evil was present at Bal ygur, and now he knew what it was –
. She’d used some kind of magic on him, duped him and dul ed his senses when he was near her.

He would not al ow it to happen again.

Without making a sound, he came to the guards and motioned them to remain silent and to fol ow him. They took up their spears and fel in behind him as he fol owed Geileis, who was headed towards Lough Gur.


The sensation of Rohrke’s kisses was nearly overpowering. Ana knew his seduction was only a vision, but she could actual y
the rasp of his whiskers on her cheek, then her neck. Her breasts tightened at his touch, and her legs trembled with anticipation.

The sensations were unlike anything Ana had ever experienced inside a vision or out. She wondered if this was what had compel ed her to come to Ireland.

The acute awareness of Rohrke went on, his tender embrace, his gentle caress. Ana felt more alive in his arms than she’d ever felt before, and when they became one, she knew
, the deep connection that was felt only by souls meant to be together. The revelation was deeply disturbing, and yet Ana could not dispute its veracity. Her visions were never wrong. They could be altered, however.

The vision changed sharply, and Ana suddenly
Rohrke, beaten and bound in some dark, nasty place. Her heart lurched at the sight of his injured body, and she knew he’d been hurt by the evil ol phéists with their long claws and sharp teeth
When she final y saw them, they were coming out of water – a lake – rising out of it to meet a beautiful woman with black hair and white skin who changed during the vision to her true form. She became a hag with grey skin, colourless eyes, and hair that dripped ice about her face.


Ana sat up suddenly, her visions completely gone. She’d recognized Cail each, the goddess of death, at once.

The evil goddess’ presence troubled Ana. Centuries ago, the Druzai had made it impossible for Cail each to plague the human lands with her horrors. Yet somehow, she’d discovered a way to circumvent the powerful Druzai spel s that kept her away. She was here. And she’d captured Rohrke, who was powerless to protect himself against her.

There was no time to waste. Ana would not al ow the powerful goddess to harm the man who . . .

who possessed her heart.
The vision had shown her what was meant to be – she and Rohrke were destined mates. And she had no wish to alter that. Ana could not become the virgin Oracle, not after seeing the bond that she and Rohrke shared. She’d felt it as wel , with al her heart and soul.

She recognized the lake in her vision
It was near Cnoc Áine, where she’d first met Rohrke as the old woman. Ana knew now that she’d fal en in love with him then. And yet she had not foreseen it.

She hurried down the steps and out of the keep, then ran to the gate, where she was surprised to see no sentries standing guard. It was an ominous sign, but in the absence of any threat at the wal s, Ana left the vil age. The moon was nearly ful , so she had no difficulty running across the barren plains that surrounded the wal s. She hoped no enemy lurked in the forest beyond. But she felt no threat. Not here.

Cail each would be at the lake, bringing monsters through to Tuath. And Rohrke would be somewhere near, tied and imprisoned. Ana had to find him quickly, before the goddess made her escape, taking him with her.

Ana did not use any sorcery to speed her trek to the lake, in case Cail each could sense it.

Many other creatures were able to see Druzai magic, and Ana knew she had to be cautious. The element of surprise must work in her favour when she confronted the goddess and her minions.

Desperate in her hurry to find Rohrke, Ana forced herself to slow her pace as she reached the trees close to Lough Gur. There were strange, furtive sounds in the distance, sounds that were not of this world. They were the gruff snuffles of the ol phéists, and Ana realized she was closing in on them.

She stopped to get her bearings, and to listen. Mostly for Rohrke’s voice. She hoped she’d arrived before Cail each could hurt him.

There was a slight rustle of leaves and a quiet splashing of water. Underneath those natural sounds, Ana heard furtive voices, and she sensed that another group of ol phéists was entering Tuath from their shadowy netherworld. They were not visible to a human’s eye, but they could move about and make vile insinuations in people’s ears. They were brutal, disgusting beings that thrived on discord.

And yet Rohrke seemed immune to their abhorrent suggestions. His people were vaguely hostile, but not as hateful as they should have been, had the monsters held sway over them.

Something about the Ó Scannláin clan was different. Ana did not understand why they were not susceptible.

There was no time to puzzle over it now. She closed her eyes and focused her attention on finding Cail each and making herself ready for battle. The goddess had a great deal of power, and Ana knew she could not act precipitously. She had to make sure Rohrke was unharmed, and that Cail each could not take him back to her harsh world of black winds and sharp cold. She could take naught for granted.

Ana moved from one hiding place to another in the hope of locating Rohrke while keeping out of Cail each’s sight. The goddess was cold and heartless, her only purpose to cause death and destruction. She thrived on plague and pestilence, and existed only to acquire victims to take with her to her terrible abode. Hence her plot to use ol phéists to destroy Ireland.

Standing at the water’s edge, a number of the smal creatures surrounded Cail each, slavering before her. The goddess seemed to be giving silent instructions, and then they quickly began to scatter.

Ana had to al ow them to go, but only for now. As soon as she found Rohrke, she would be able to protect him and use her Druzai magic to keep him safe while she sent Cail each back to her Druzai prison.

The lapping of the water masked her movements and, when she’d gone far enough to be out of Cail each’s sight, she heard a low hum in the hil ock that arose from the water’s edge.

The sound grew louder as she climbed, and she soon found the gate guards from Bal ygur, unconscious and tied together next to a deep hole in the ground. Dropping to her knees to climb down inside it, she discovered Rohrke fighting against a powerful vortex that was trying to draw him inside. His face was bruised, and he was bound by a thick brown vine that seemed to twist and grow around his limbs as he fought it.

“Let me help you!” Ana cried quietly.


The attack had come so suddenly and so viciously that Rohrke had not been able to defend himself. Hoards of partly hidden assailants had pummel ed him, bringing him to his knees as they bound him with some charmed twine that twisted and lashed him every time he moved. They shoved him into a smal , ominous space that seemed to be a gateway to some swirling black hole that was trying to suck him in. He struggled against it, but his bindings tightened and restricted his every move.

Desperate to escape the hole, he managed to push his feet against the wal s to keep from being pul ed in, but he could not hold on forever. One foot slipped, and he was sure it would only be another moment before he was pul ed down. And then suddenly the ropes loosened and he could move.

He shoved away from the hole and, as he turned to pul himself out of the cramped space, he saw Ana Mac Lochlainn, reaching for him. He could barely see her, but he did not need his vision to know who it was. He’d felt her before she’d even touched him. It had never occurred to Rohrke that Ana would fol ow him to the lake. But he was very glad to see her.

“Come! We must get you away from here!” she said with a quiet urgency in her voice.

“’Tis Geileis,” he rasped. “I’ve got to stop her!”

“Geileis? No. You do not know who you’re dealing with.”

He got out of the smal space and felt Ana’s hands upon his face. “Aye, I do. She is the one causing the trouble between our clans.”

“True, but Geileis is only her human name.”

His face no longer felt swol en and painful. Somehow, Ana healed his injuries with the touch of her hands. She had more skil than any Druid he knew.

“Where else are you hurt?”

He grabbed her hand. “You are a healer too, Ana Mac Lochlainn?”

“Among other things. Quickly, Rohrke. There is no time for explanations. Let me heal you so that you can get safely away.”

“And leave you here? No.”

“Please. I—”

He drew her into his arms and kissed her, not a gentle brushing of mouths, but a ful possession of lips, tongues and teeth. It was what he’d wanted to do from the moment he’d seen her, approaching him as he stood with Sedric.

He felt as though they were part of the same whole, and wanted to show her . . . possess her . . .

She broke the kiss, and he heard a breathless catch in her voice. “Aye, Rohrke. I feel it, too. But we must take action now, against the evil that walks among the clans. ’Tis Cail each and her minions.”

“The goddess of death?” Rohrke said, aghast. “What does she want with us?”

“What she always wants. Suffering and il ness. War and death. My forebears locked her away aeons ago, but . . .”

“Who are your forebears, Ana? Are you Druzai?”

She took in a sharp breath of surprise. “You know of the Druzai?”

“The Ó Scannláin Druids have kept Druzai teachings alive for centuries. They have not al owed us to forget who you are.” He turned towards the lake. “If ’tis Cail each then we must act quickly.”

“’Tis too dangerous,” she said. “Stay here and I’l —”

“Ana, I am High King of al of the south. Druzai or no, I have no intention of al owing you to face Cail each alone. Tel me how I can help you.”

She took his hand and led him away from the vortex that had nearly swal owed him. Her hand was smal , but it fitted perfectly in his, and when they’d gone only a few feet under the cover of the trees, she released him. “I am wary of involving you any further, Rohrke. My confrontation with Cail each and her ol phéists wil be dangerous. It could turn into a battle . . .”

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