Read The Makeover Online

Authors: Thayer King

The Makeover (10 page)

BOOK: The Makeover
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Tania slid into the booth opposite her. “Why the sad face?”

“Greg says he’s over Daria.
He’s ready to move on.”

Tania picked up her menu and perused it as though she’d find something new. “Well, you knew your project would come to an end sometime. And isn’t this what you wanted? For him to wake up and smell the coffee?”

Mykal sipped her water. “He wants to move on with me.”

“Again, isn’t that what you wanted?”

She gasped. “No. I was trying to help-”

“It was bound to happen. He was bound to fall for you. You’re always stroking his ego.” She rolled her eyes. “And his shoulders, his hair, his face, and his chest. I thought y’all were going to go at it in the store when you picked out his suit.”

“I was checking out the fit!”

Tania scoffed. “Girl, please! You’ve turned him into a total hottie. Don’t tell me you don’t want some of that?”

She had turned him into a sexy beast. Armed with his new clothes and new haircut, he’d been turning heads as they walked out of the mall. She wasn’t sure if Greg even noticed. It was only more reason for her to worry. What if like Mario he couldn’t resist testing out his new allure?

The waiter arrived and took their orders. When he was gone, Tania asked, “So what did you tell him about the two of you? Are you going to date?”

“I told him I needed some time to think about it

“Worried he might be a klutz in the bedroom department?”

Mykal bit her lip. “Um, no. Well, you see, um-”

Tania’s laughter cut her off. “Oh, damn. You let him do you.”

She pressed her hands to her hot cheeks. “Okay, it happened last night.”

“So how was it?”

held up her pointer finger. “I learned two things. One, Daria didn’t leave him because of his lack of bedroom skills.” She extended her middle finger. “And, two, he wasn’t stuffing his briefs with socks.”

Tania laughed so loud that they drew stares from occupants of tables halfway across the room.

Rolling her eyes, Mykal smiled. After a minute, she said, “Enough already.”

When she calmed down, Tania wiped her eyes and said, “Well, well, who would have suspected? That must have been a nice surprise. So what is the problem? He’s great in bed and you’re always telling me how sweet he is. Why are you hesitating to date him?”

“I thought Mario was sweet, too.”

“So, what
, you’re never going to date a nice guy again? It’s only assholes for you now?”

“Of course not.” She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m not ready to date again.”

I hate to point this out to you since you’re clearly clueless about it, but you’re practically dating him as it is. You’re always with him. Plus, if you don’t date him, you’ll leave him alone and vulnerable to Daria swooping back in there. I know you’re worried about him turning out to be another Mario, but you can’t live your life in fear. You like him. Go for it.”




Greg paced an anxious path from his front door to his den windows. A brief glance outside was enough to ascertain that Mykal’s driveway was empty. He felt a bit like an obsessed stalker watching her house this way, but he couldn’t seem to stop. He checked the time on his phone and returned it to his pocket. Mykal should be home at any minute. Then she’d change into her workout gear and come over to help motivate him as she did almost every week day.

However, today was different from all the previous days. Today, hopefully, Mykal would agree to become his girlfriend.
He was tentatively optimistic. She seemed to like him. They had fun together. When they’d made love, she’d responded with abandon. He
she’d had orgasms. She
to say yes. Or at least he hoped so.

He could scarcely credit the situation in which he found himself—putting his heart on the line for another woman so soon after having it stomped on by Daria.

He grabbed at his hair only to come up empty. What remained of his former mane
was too short to really grasp. Finally, he heard a car pull up in the adjacent drive.

Greg cast a quick glance down at himself. He was wearing loose shorts and a fitted t-shirt. Normally, he wore long t-shirts that concealed his crotch. Working out with Mykal, it was inevitable that he’d grow hard. She had a killer body and he wasn’t blind. Watching her breasts jiggle as she used the elliptical or ran on the treadmill was delicious torture. He considered changing but nixed the idea. His desire for her was no longer a secret.

When the doorbell sounded
almost twenty agonizingly long minutes later, he took a deep breath and ran his hands over his hair and clothes. Nerves made his palms sweaty and he had to grip the knob extra hard to get it to turn.

“Hi,” Mykal said with a shy smile, for once not seeming super confident.

“Hi,” he echoed, backing away to allow her to enter.

“So, um, I guess we should talk first?” She crossed her arms and his eyes automatically dropped to the smooth mounds of her breasts as they pushed up above her exercise top. Dropping her arms, she fidgeted with the hem of her shorts. “So…we’ve both recently gone through bad break ups.

He felt such a sharp pain in his chest that he actually reached up to massage the area. “You’re not still in love with Mario, are you?”

Her lovely brown eyes widened. “No, no, of course not. I guess I’m not going about this
the right way.”

Damn it, she was going to turn him down. “Mykal, it’s been months,” he said quickly. “You said yourself last night-”

“Greg, my answer is yes.”

stopped and grinned. “Yeah?”

She returned his grin. “Yeah.”

Unable to contain himself any longer, he grabbed her up into an exuberant hug and swung her around.
“You’re not going to regret this,” he told her, showering her face with kisses. She cupped his jaw and drew his mouth down to hers. He groaned as she wet the seam of his lips with her tongue. Opening to her, he let her control the kiss for as long as he was able. He tightened his arms around her, totally on board with the idea of getting a different kind of workout today.

Mykal pulled back. “Wait.
There’s one more thing.”

He was already semi-hard, but he prepared himself to wait. Girls had some weird ideas about stuff. Just because she slept with him yesterday didn’t mean she wouldn’t want to call a halt to their physical relationship to spend time getting to “know” him. Although, in the previous months he felt that he’d developed the closest friendship with Mykal
that he’d ever had with any woman aside from his mother.

He cleared his throat and mentally prepared himself for the worst. “Okay, what is it?”

“We’re both just out of relationships where we were cheated on. I don’t think either one of us wants to go through that again. So…if you ever decide that you want someone else, please at least do me the courtesy of breaking up with me first. Even if it is just a text saying, ‘I want to see other people.’ Okay?”

“I would never do that to you, Mykal. I’m not a cheater.”

nodded but she didn’t appear convinced. “Neither was Mario.”

“I’m not M
ario. Mykal, I know how much that hurts. I wouldn’t do that to you.”

, would you, please, just agree? It would make me feel better.”

He sighed. He couldn’t blame her for having issues with trust.
He should have his own reservations, but he knew what he wanted and he wasn’t going to let fear interfere with his living a full life. And he could no longer envision his life without Mykal being part of it. In a relatively short time, she’d become integral to his day. “Fine, I’ll agree. I suppose I should ask you to do the same for me.”

She blinked and then she frowned. “I’ve never cheated on anyone.”

“You’re a beautiful, sexy woman. You’re more likely to get offers than I am.”

She opened her mouth as though to speak, a pained expression flickering over her lovely features. But then she shook her head.
Flashing him a completely false smile, she said, “Well, that’s settled. Let’s work out.” She whirled away from him, heading for his home gym.

He caught her wrist and drew her back to him. He probably shouldn’t let this cheating thing go, but she would learn in time that she could trust him. At the moment
, he had something more urgent on his mind. “I thought perhaps we could do a different sort of exercise,” he said, hopefully.

“What sort of-” she began with a confused little frown wrinkling the smooth skin between her neatly plucked brows before it cleared and she grinned. “
! That sort of
.” She laughed and threw her arms around his neck. She slid her fingers up into his hair and drew his head down to meet hers. Her light touch against his scalp sent a pleasant shiver down his spine.

When their lips met, she nipped his bottom lip before sliding her tongue inside.
Though this had been his suggestion, she quickly took over, walking him backward until his calves connected with his sofa and he went down. Straddling his thighs, she followed so that they never lost their connection. She’d allowed him to be in control last time, but he suspected it was because he had the element of surprise on his side. It was fine with him if she wanted to be in charge. He still didn’t know where he’d gotten the nerve to be so bold or speak to her so explicitly.

He groaned as she sucked on his tongue.
She palmed his face, tilting his head up to receive her kiss. When she settled over his rapidly expanding cock and did a needy little swivel with her hips, he bucked beneath her. She was going to drive him right out of his mind. He gripped her thighs. “Mykal,” he moaned, as she nibbled his earlobe. He wrapped his arms around her as she trailed kisses down the column of his throat.

“You’re wearing too many clothes,” she said.

“You, too,” he returned with a grin.

She sat up and removed her top. Grabbing a fistful
of the back of his collar, he pulled his shirt off and flung it aside. It was a good thing that they’d acted simultaneously as he went completely still at the sight of her perky breasts bouncing in front of him. His mouth went dry at her beauty. He cupped them, his thumbs, brushing over the peaked milk chocolate centers. The contrast of his tan fingers next to her firm butterscotch breasts one was a massive turn on. With a groan, he took one of her nipples into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue. She tasted even better than she looked. Mykal moaned and ground her hips into his erection. He withstood her sensual movements for as long as he could, but with only their thin workout clothes on, he could feel her heat on his cock only too well. Releasing her breast with a gasp, he grabbed her hips. “You’re too good at that,” he said. He couldn’t take much more of her wicked motions or he’d explode in his pants.

She stood and shimmied out of her shorts and panties.
Greg could only stare at her in awe. He couldn’t believe he’d gotten so lucky. Not only was she kind enough to have offered to help him, she was incredibly beautiful. Even better, she was willing to date
. She could have any man she wanted. Greg suffered from no delusions. He’d never been popular. He wasn’t rich. His looks were passable. He was the type of guy women looked over. He was a nice guy. In other words—simply friend material. He was the guy women turned to for help with their homework or with malfunctioning computers. They rarely viewed him as a man with feelings and needs of his own.

Mykal placed her hands on her waist and smiled at him. “Are you going to get undressed or what?”

“Yes.” He lifted his butt and shoved down his shorts and underwear.

“Do you have protection?”

“Damn. Upstairs.” He glanced down at his dick. He was in no shape to walk, let alone negotiate stairs.

She flashed him a grin. “I’ll get them.”
Greg watched as she bounded upstairs. He gripped his cock and pumped it a few times to relieve the throbbing ache. Thankfully, Mykal was quick. Perhaps she was almost as eager to be with him as he was to be with her. She placed the foil square on the couch next to him.

“Only one?”

She laughed.
“If you want more, you’ll have to get them yourself.” Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she climbed on top of him and fused her mouth to his. He moaned as her tongue tangled with his. She fitted her sex over his cock and began to move on him once more. Her wet heat called to him. He couldn’t wait to be inside her again. Greg could only pray that she was ready to take him.

He ran h
is hands down her back and gripped her lush ass. Her skin was unbelievably soft. “Mykal,
.” He grabbed the condom and ripped the wrapper open with his teeth. She lifted off him enough to give him room to don the latex. Once that was done, he stroked his tip through her moist folds before centering on her opening.

came down slowly, her pussy engulfing the head of his cock and little more before she stopped, gasping. She bit her lip and her nails dug into his skin.

He dipped his head and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. He tugged on her other nipple with
his thumb and forefinger. She moaned and rotated her hips. Thrusting up, Greg worked with her until he was buried inside her to the hilt. “Oh, God, Greg,” she moaned, her voice unsteady. Groaning, his head fell to the back of the couch. She was incredibly tight.

Mykal rose over him and slid down again gradually. He held still to give her time to get used to him.
He crushed the sofa cushion beneath him to keep himself from grabbing her and fucking up into the sweetest pussy he’d ever known. He gritted his teeth, praying she would be able to go faster soon.

BOOK: The Makeover
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