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Authors: M Robinson

The Madam (7 page)

BOOK: The Madam
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“Mmm hmm,” I mumbled erotically.

“Move with me. Move your hips as I thrust in
and out…fuck yes, like that. Ride my cock, yes…just like that.”

We moved together, I rotated my hips in when
he would thrust in, and slowly the feeling of wanting to pee
subsided. It felt warm, like something was building in my lower

“Jesus…your pussy is like a vice. I didn’t
think it could get any tighter. I can feel you about to come,
kitten. You’ve got to relax, just feel, I’m going to go faster and
harder, and you’re going to come on my cock,” he huskily

He proceeded to do exactly what he just
described and I couldn’t control it anymore. The second he eased
out, my walls contracted, my back arched off the table, my mouth
fell open, and my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

“Agh…yes…yes…fuck...” he exclaimed, just as I
felt his cock pulse deep within my core. A wave of tingles flowed
from the center of my body out to the tips of my hands, my feet,
and even lips. I felt total relaxation and weightlessness. I could
feel my pussy throbbing from the aftershocks and it made me

He kissed my mouth one last time before we
both went our separate ways; the only difference was, I was $20,000

Chapter 6

may be the only cliché thing I have ever done in my life, but when
I got back to the condo that night, I went straight for the mirror.
I wanted to see if I looked different, older. I checked every
crevice of my body and although I didn’t look any different, I felt
unbelievable. It was as if I was born again, like I was a butterfly
that was finally out of its cocoon. I never wanted this feeling to
go away, I wanted to bottle it up, and hold onto it forever.

The months that followed were uneventful, or
so I thought. My mother had suggested that it was time that I go on
birth control and the pill was just being introduced to modern day
American life. The doctor came to The Cathouse like they always
had. I hadn’t met this doctor before, though I had heard the name,
Dr. Casler.

Dr. Casler performed specific procedures and
my mother took a phone call when he started to ask me

“Are you sexually active?” he questioned, not
looking up from his chart.

“No,” I responded, keeping my eyes on my

“Have you ever been sexually active?”

“No.” I felt him look up from his chart, he
knew I was lying and I didn’t have the nerve to look at him in his

He sighed. “What was the date of your last

“Ummm…like three weeks ago.”

“Anything seem abnormal?”

“Not really…they’ve been lighter than

“How long have the lighter ones lasted?”

“A day or two, I didn’t keep track,” I
responded, flipping through my magazine.

“All right, Lilith,” he said as he handed me
a cup. “Take this cup into the bathroom, and I want you to pee in
it. Bring it back to me when you’re done.”

I cocked my head to the side. “Why?”

“It’s a necessary precaution before I can
give you the prescription. Go on,” he insisted.

I handed the cup back to him when I was
finished and my mother walked in just as I was sitting back down on
the couch.

“We are almost through here, Madam. I’ll need
a few more minutes.”

“Thank you, James.”

We waited until Dr. Casler came back into the
room. I will never forget the look on his face. He looked
concerned, but most of all, he looked scared as fuck; for whom I
didn’t know, but I would soon find out.

“Madam, I need to talk to you. In private
please,” he announced without looking at me.

“James, I don’t have time for this. What’s
going on?” she demanded, showing her lack of patience. I stood up
from the couch trying to walk over to them but my mother raised her
hand in a stopping motion.

He looked at me, then once again at my
mother, pulled a stick out of his lab coat and handed it to

My mother’s face turned white as a ghost, and
before I could even interpret what was going on, she rushed over to
me and backhanded me right across the left side of my face. I felt
her knuckles pound into my cheekbone. My entire body flew to the
ground. I didn’t have time to acknowledge the pain before she came
at me again. She slapped me across the face again and this time I
saw stars.

She grabbed the lapels of my blouse and
jerked me forward. “Get the fuck up before I fucking kill you.” My
face was on fire and my body was going into shock from the pain and

“If you so much as shed one fucking tear,
Lilith…” she threatened as she roughly let go of my blouse to stand

Dr. Casler reached out his hand to help me up
and my mother shoved it away.

“Mind your own fucking business, James, and
get the fuck out. Lilith, get your ass off the floor before I
really make you sorry.”

“Madam, there are things that need to be
discussed before I can ethically leave.”

“There is nothing that needs to be discussed,
James. She’s having an abortion, END OF FUCKING DISCUSSION!” my
mother violently yelled.

“It’s too late, Madam, by my calculations and
her responses, she’s probably around three months. No one will
perform an abortion; she’s too far along. If you find someone to
perform one at this stage, she could die. It’s too complicated,” he
calmly explained.

My mother ran her fingers through her hair in
a frustrated gesture. “So what you’re telling me is, my
sixteen-year-old daughter got knocked up and now it can’t even be
taken care of? Am I hearing this correctly, James?” He hesitantly

“FUCK!” she shouted.

She looked over at me with disgust. “Lilith,
if I have to tell you one more fucking time to get your ass off the
floor, I will personally escort you off; and trust me. You. Do.
Not. Want. That. To. Happen,” she roared.

I grabbed whatever big girl panties I had
left and picked myself up off the ground. I could feel my left eye
starting to shut and I focused on trying to keep it open. My whole
world came crashing down on me in less than five minutes. The
feelings of being empowered, a woman, a VIP, slowly left my mind. I
felt like a child. I was a fucking stupid naïve child. Not once did
I think about protection or pregnancy. It hadn’t even crossed my

I was pregnant and I had no idea what to even
think. I felt empty, alone, and utterly fucking confused. I
couldn’t be a mother, I was sixteen, and I couldn’t get rid of it,
what other options were left? All I wanted to do was breakdown. I
knew better than to allow it, the mere thought of it would have my
mother beating the fuck out of me, again.

I did the only thing I was conditioned to do,
I held it all in.

“Go get yourself cleaned up, Lilith; James,
follow me.”

What happened next, I still remember as if it
were yesterday. I spent as much time as I could changing my clothes
before making my way into the bathroom. I turned the faucet on,
avoiding looking at myself in the mirror. I soaked my washcloth,
took a deep breath, and finally looked up. I had no idea who was
staring back at me. My eye was almost swollen shut, it had already
started turning purple and blue, and there was a cut on my
cheekbone, probably from one of my mother’s rings.

I brought the washcloth up to my bruise and I
yelped in pain. I couldn’t regulate the tears that uncontrollably
came down my face. I threw the washcloth across the bathroom and
unconsciously put my hands on my stomach. There was a person inside
of me. I couldn’t fathom how I could have let it happen. I felt
weak and out of control. I once again looked at my reflection, and
it further ingrained how weak I was, how weak I looked. I wanted it
all to go away, I needed to be in control, I raised my fist and
punched the mirror as hard as I could. It shattered all around my
fist; I cocked my head to the side, watching the blood drip off my

I don’t know how long I stood there wallowing
in my own self-pity.

All I know is that my life had changed
forever, with or without my consent.




I didn’t see my mother for the next few days.
I know she was avoiding me; there was no doubt in my mind that she
really wanted to kill me. I still wasn’t truly convinced that she
wouldn’t try…after the third day of her being MIA, she made her
appearance as I was eating breakfast.

She looked right at me. “Have you been icing
your eye? And applying cream on that cut? I don’t want it to scar,”
she questioned without looking away from me.

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Madelyn said she cleaned up glass from your
bathroom. How did that feel on your knuckles? From the looks of it
you did quite a number on them.”

“I’m fine.”

“Finish your breakfast and meet me in my
office. You have fifteen minutes.” And with that, she was gone.

Ten minutes later and I was knocking on her

“Come in,” I heard her say. I walked in and
she was leaning against her desk, arms and legs crossed. My mother
looked extra intimidating that day.

“What a pleasure you could finally join us,”
she announced.

“Us?” I cautiously responded.

“Oh yes.” She nodded while looking behind

I turned to find Julian sitting on the couch,
leaned forward with his head in between his hands.

My jaw dropped and I had no words.

“I’m to assume you have been properly
introduced…Veronica?” she facetiously asked.

“The Madam” was not only going to beat the
shit out of me, she was going to embarrass the fuck out of me too.
Which was a far greater punishment than her putting her hands on

“You know, I kept wondering why a client of
mine would keep calling to ask for another date with a Veronica.
Who the fuck is Veronica, I thought to myself. Then, when your
bastard decided to make its presence known, it all clicked. Your
baby’s daddy is looking at mandatory jail time for knocking up a
minor, darling,” she revealed with a giddy smile.

“The Madam” was enjoying each and every part
of my humiliation. She was getting off on the power and control, as
well as scaring the shit out of Julian.

“Please, the expectant mother should have a
seat. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to my grandchild.”

“That’s fucking enough, Madam!” Julian
shouted, getting up off the couch.

“You know as well as I do that I am not
serving jail time. Your precious VIP organization would be held
responsible, because I will sing like a motherfucking cannery if
you so much as try to put this on me. The stories I have would put
VIP in ruins. She’s a child. What the hell did you expect would
happen? I’m held responsible for this, not her. I was high as a
fucking kite that night. I barely remember any of it,” he
responded, putting my mother in her place.

I knew he was doing it for my benefit, but I
didn’t think it was possible for my dignity and heart to break any
more than it already had.

My mother cracked her neck and moved to grab
a file off her desk.

“I made some calls. There’s a place in
Vermont that will take her for the duration of her pregnancy. It’s
a five star resort for expectant teen mothers that are high
profile. No one will find out, and the second she delivers, the
child goes up for adoption. I need you to sign off on this form
before I can proceed.” she handed him a file.

“It’s a confidentiality agreement. You agree
to not speak a word of this and to sign off all rights to the
child.” He nodded and immediately signed the last page of the
document. He threw the file on the table and acknowledged me for
the first time.

“Oh, and by the way, you’re no longer a
client of VIP. Now get the fuck out.” He didn’t address my mother’s
malicious words or even look at back her. He walked over to me and
grabbed my chin to make me look at his eyes.

“You will understand this one day, kitten, I
am so sorry.” He kissed the tip of my nose and left.

And I never saw him again…

Chapter 7

In the
weeks that followed, my mother made preparations for my “mini
vacation” as she called it. I started to experience pregnancy
symptoms and to this day have no idea why women consensually put
themselves through that. I loathed being pregnant, all I wanted to
do was get high or drunk and I couldn’t do that either.

I was in an auto pilot state of mind.

“This will be over before you know it,
darling. Then you will return home good as new, and we can move
forward toward your destiny. This is just a speed bump in the
road.” She pulled me into a tight embrace.

“Will I see you while I’m there?” I asked,
burying my face in her neck.

“Of course, I will come see you as often as I
can. I will also be there for the delivery. This will be done and
over with before you know it, Lilith, I promise,” she said.

She pulled away, grabbed my face, kissed my
forehead, told me she loved me, and sent me on my way.

My mother wasn’t lying when she said The
Oasis was a five-star resort, it was the Betty Ford Clinic for
expectant teenage mothers. I made friends with some of the girls,
but I mostly kept to myself. My mother sent me all sorts of books
to keep me entertained and my pregnancy wasn’t bad, just the
typical symptoms; at least that’s what the doctors kept telling

I turned seventeen when I was five months
pregnant. I spent it alone; my mother sent me a gift basket and a
card, stating she had to leave the country, and that she would make
it up to me on my eighteenth birthday. I only saw my mother three
times while I was there, each time she didn’t stay long, and all
she talked about were the plans for the future. I tuned her out
half of the time, I didn’t know if it was pregnancy hormones, or
the fact that I was a fucking teenager, but I couldn’t stand to be
around my mother. Let me rephrase that…I couldn’t stand to be
around anyone.

BOOK: The Madam
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