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Authors: Tamara Larson

The Love Laws (40 page)

BOOK: The Love Laws
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looked up at him expectantly as she reached out and ran her hand up one
muscular thigh. “Wasn’t there something you wanted to show me?” She asked as
she allowed her gaze to wander down his body. The front of his damp shorts
bulged impressively but instead of stepping out of them he dodged her hand and
moved out of reach.

chuckled. “I guess I have two things to show you. The contents of my shorts can
wait a few minutes. This can’t.” He walked over to his desk and held up a huge
stack of papers and waved it at her.

covered her mouth with her hand. “Are you serious? The book? You finished it?
When? Have you been holding out on me?”

gave her a sheepish look. “Not quite. This is a very rough draft and the
surveys, anecdotes and studies haven’t been added, so this is just my text. But
it’s complete. And I wanted you to be the first to read it in its entirety.” He
walked back to her, holding the pages like they were something precious, and
kneeled down on the floor in front of her.

snatched the bundle from his hands. “I can’t believe it. I’ve been reading bits
and pieces of it here and there and giving you my notes but I had no idea you
were so close.” She had originally planned on contributing more to Kevin’s
project but had decided to leave it in his capable hands once she’d seen how
intense his writing process actually was.

research consisted of plodding through numerous dry texts and studies before
putting anything down on paper. Fact-checking and research really weren’t her
things. But she did enjoy the results. Kevin’s book,
Finding Mr. Right: A
Comprehensive Study of the Challenges Faced by Modern Women
, was amazing –
humorous, insightful, informative and most of all, fascinating. And her macho boyfriend
had written it. She was so impressed that he was capable of writing something
so sensitive she wanted to ravage him like a wild hyena. After she paid proper
homage to his accomplishment, of course.

you want to check out the acknowledgements at the back,” he asked with an
amused twinkle in his eyes.

gave him a suspicious look. “You didn’t thank Kerry I hope.”

chuckled at her show of jealousy. “Why would I thank her? She nearly cost me
the most important thing in my life.” He leaned forward and brushed her lips
with his. “Besides, even if I did thank her for playing a part in getting us
together she’s living in Monte Carlo with some Eurotrash designer. This…” He
touched the pile of pages in Jamie’s lap, “…Won’t be a best seller. So she’ll
never even see it. Most people won’t.”

cupped his cheek with one hand. “You don’t know that. Women will be interested,
I swear. And your writing has taken on a whole new level with this book. When
you were writing true crime you sounded like another person – dry and clinical,
almost detached. But you allowed your personality to shine through with this
one and people will respond positively because you’re amazing. Don’t you know

ducked his head in embarrassment and rubbed at his stubbled jaw. “So, you think
I can bring pleasure to a LOT of women with this book?” He asked with an
innocent look.

think you’ve already pleasured a LOT of women in your life and should
concentrate on pleasuring THIS woman instead,” she growled, pulling him down
for a kiss.

her surprise, he removed her hands from his neck and placed them on top of the
pages in her lap. “C’mon. Read the acknowledgment and then the pleasuring will
commence, okay?”

sighed in frustration and flipped to the back page.

of a page filled with text she found a ring. Taped to the page.

large, sparkly engagement ring.

looked up at Kevin in shock.

hands were shaking but Kevin somehow managed to remove the ring from the page.
He held it up before her suddenly teary eyes and spoke softly. “Jamie. I’ve
been racking my brain trying to figure out a way to show you how much you mean
to me. No matter what words I came up with they just weren’t good enough
because there really isn’t a way of expressing how I feel about you without
sounding like a sappy Hallmark card. So, I’m going to say what all men say when
they are completely besotted with the woman who gives them all the Affection,
Admiration, Acceptance and Approval they could possibly ever want.  I love you.
So much. More than I ever thought possible. I want to spend every single day of
my life bringing you joy and my nights making you squeal.” He cleared his
throat and spoke a little louder. “If you agree to marry me I’ll do everything
in my power to do both. Will you marry me, Angel?”

felt a huge wave of emotion wash over her. It was almost too much. Looking at
his gorgeous, hopeful face she wanted to tell him exactly how she felt but
words failed her. He was right. There weren’t any good enough. So instead she
just nodded wildly and held out her left hand.

pushed the ring onto her appropriate finger and scooped her up into his arms.
He squeezed her tight against her chest for a long moment and then kissed her
wildly as he sat back down on the window seat with her cradled in his lap.

just so we’re straight. We’re getting married?” He said, pulling back to study
her face.

nodded again and laughed as he began undoing her dress.

you love me too, right?” He asked as he revealed her matching blue bra. “You’ve
never actually said the words with your clothes on, so I just want to be sure
before I have you naked.”

she was able to speak. “Oh yes. I absolutely love you. Totally and completely.
I’m so lucky to have you, Kevin. I want to marry you. More than anything.” She
reached up and wound her arms around his neck and whispered against his cheek.
“Please, please. Never leave me. I couldn’t bear it.”

smoothed his hand down her back in a soothing gesture. “Angel. I’m not going
anywhere. Ever. Consider that a Love Law I’ll never break. Okay?”

nodded once more and then kissed him with all the love she’d been holding back
for months. It was the first of many kisses that afternoon.

to say, they missed the end of the party. Clay, always so thoughtful, was kind
enough to clean up and lock the door when he left.

did, however, look a little puzzled as he walked out to his car.
Why do I
hear dolphin sounds coming from the loft?
He thought to himself. Shrugging,
he honked the car horn in farewell and drove down the hill. In his mind he was
already planning Jamie’s engagement party. He was fairly certain Rex had a
lovely gold G-string that would be perfect for the occasion.





Lost & Found,
Jessica &
Duncan’s story, is also available on Amazon.


Other titles by this Author:

Kingston Brothers Series - Contemporary
Romance Novellas (Tamara Larson)



Market Value (Coming Soon)


of Venus Inc., Series - Erotic Romance Novellas (Verena Vincent)


Cowboy Fantasy

Dream Lover Fantasy


Erotic Romance Novella (Verena Vincent)


Vampire’s Last Virgin





Kindle Edition

Copyright © 2013
Tamara Larson



BOOK: The Love Laws
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