The Little Red Kilt (Matryoshka #1) (3 page)

Read The Little Red Kilt (Matryoshka #1) Online

Authors: Elizabeth Woodham

Tags: #erotic, #short story, #romantic, #series, #explicit

BOOK: The Little Red Kilt (Matryoshka #1)
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Later that
night in the impersonal company flat, he mulled over the many times
he’d masturbated while fantasising about Barbara Austin.

‘Jeeze, she
couldn’t raise a stiffy now,’ he muttered, recalling her appearance
that day. ‘Really let herself go. Shame. Bet Wonder Boy is a slob

Opening the
entertainment centre, he selected a porn movie, unzipped his
trousers, released his cock, and masturbated luxuriously. Watching
a favourite scenario, a gorgeous girl, face buried deep between the
legs of another stunning girl. The action on screen guaranteed a
swift ejaculation.


Are you
busy this weekend
?’ said Barbara Austin’s text.

considered his options before replying. He wasn’t sure whether he
could be bothered reconnecting with people he hadn’t been in touch
with for years. They hadn’t registered him on their radar
previously; it was weird wanting to meet now. Nevertheless, he had
a low boredom threshold, and there was only so much porn a bloke
could absorb alone. He’d had a couple of nights out with
colleagues, but didn’t fancy spending too much time or money in any
of the city bars or clubs, they were far too expensive. Even though
he had no money worries, he couldn’t bring himself to fritter it
away in nightclubs.


Nothing in
,’ he replied.

having a barbeque on Saturday, just a few friends, and the kids,
give me your email. I’ll send you our address

Tapping his email address, instantly regretting his decision, gave
himself a metaphorical kick up the arse.


arrived all too quickly, and dragging himself out of bed, Owen
could not have been more pissed off, wishing he hadn’t been so
hasty. Resigned to putting in an appearance, he’d make his excuses
and leave as soon as decently possible. On the way, he nipped into
the off-licence for beer and wine, and headed for the DLR, to take
him to Greenwich.

He walked,
rolling back the years. Although there had been substantial
renovations and many new flats built, the river always looked the
same, and parts of his old territory were little changed. The
address Barbara had given him was easy walking distance from the
Naval College, so he went via the grounds, mingling with tourists,
taking his time, steeling himself to approach the house.

The door of
the smart address was opened by a girl who could only have been
Greg and Barbara’s daughter, his memory of the couple provided
confirmation as he stammered his greeting, the stunning brunette’s
vivid green eyes lit a lovely face. In fact, he doubted he’d seen a
lovelier face in his whole life.

‘You must be
mum and dad’s old friend from school, it’s terrific that you’re
here, they’ll be so pleased. I’m Anna, come in,’ she said, opening
the door wide, allowing him to enter the hallway.

Her perfume
reached his senses before she’d even closed the door.

flashes of porn from the previous evening sent signals to his cock,
which didn’t need further stimulus; he struggled to regain his

‘There’s beer
and wine, it’ll probably need chilling,’ he said, indicating the

‘Okay, I’ll
sort it out in a minute. Come through, everyone is in the garden,
you probably know quite a few people already. Mum and dad kept in
touch with most of their school friends, it’s mad isn’t it?’ Anna
continued, unaware of the effect she had on him.

Carmichael led him through to the back of the house and into the
garden by way of large patio doors leading from an immense living

recognised a few faces among the gathering, there must have been at
least forty people milling around, mostly couples, he noted,
feeling his single status for the first time in a long while.

‘Mum, dad,
here’s Owen,’ called Anna.

Carmichael looked up from behind a barbeque where he tended all
manner of meat.

‘Hi, pleased
you could make it. Babs, get Owen a drink will you? I can’t leave
the steak,’ he shouted. ‘Anna, give me a hand, I’m losing the

Owen virtually
drooled watching the girl, round buttocks, clad in tiny shorts,
wiggle away towards her father, and having finally got his cock
under control, experienced another twinge, watching the pert arse
move voluptuously in tight denim.

he thought, ‘
I’m never going to get through the day without a
.’ He tried to work out how quickly he could excuse himself
to the bathroom for a speedy hand job.

‘I see you’ve
met Anna,’ said Barbara, arriving at his side with a beer.
‘Cheers.’ She chinked her glass against the bottle.

‘Cheers,’ he
replied, ‘thanks for inviting me. Is that Peter Burrows over

‘Yes, you
recognised him then.’ Her words triggered a prickle of
embarrassment, his cheek betraying discomfort with a small

‘Greg looks
just the same too,’ said Owen, nodding over at her husband. Greg’s
lithe, handsome form had barely altered since high school.

‘Keeps himself
fit, plus he hasn’t had two kids,’ she moaned, self-consciously
adjusting the straps of her sundress, which scarcely concealed her
pendulous breasts. ‘Anna’s lovely isn’t she? Just like her

apart from her colouring, she’s a lot like you.’

Carmichael allowed the compliment to warm its way through her body,
and smiled up into his eyes, before leading him over to make the
introductions. After a short while, Greg called her away to help
serve the food, leaving Owen reminiscing with the others.

Most had
married people from the neighbourhood and settled nearby, although
one or two had moved to other parts of the country or world, the
majority were still within twenty square miles of where they had
been brought up, and he found little common ground, apart from
their shared teenage years.

His eyes raked
over the wives, silently absorbing every detail, particularly the
hot looking ones with decent figures; he lingered a little too long
once or twice, and had to glance away when the woman or her husband
got wind of his lusty stares. But none of them was a patch on Anna
Carmichael, never far from his radar, wherever she was, his
interior antennae located her, her tinkling laughter, and bright
conversation seemed to wend its way direct to his ears, darting
rays of heat into him, awakening feelings that he hadn’t been aware
of since he first lusted over her mother.

Owen’s cock
ached. He guessed Anna to be around eighteen years old, and thought
about what it would be like to pop her cherry, she looked
unplucked, he liked that in a girl, clearly still in her teens, he
had discovered that her brother was twenty, and Owen knew him to be
the elder of the Carmichael children.

As the hours
ticked past, the warm weather gave way to a balmy, calm evening,
Greg lit garden torches, and a large outdoor heater; everyone
settled to enjoy the last of the day.

Owen invested
a great deal of energy into grooming the youngest Carmichael,
optimistic about seeing her again once the night was done. Unable
to seduce the mother in their teenage years, he fully intended that
a bite of young Miss Carmichael’s luscious cherry didn’t pass him
by, and deployed every snide trick and twist to reel the girl in.
It had been surprisingly easy, and incredibly, had gone undetected
by the others, only Barbara noticed his interest, but he was able
to bat her enquiries away by mentioning the possibility of offering
Anna a little work experience at his firm.

actually do that. Make my life a whole lot easier. It isn’t just
work experience I’ve got in mind for that little chick. If I keep
her parents sweet, I might have a chance for the main prize
he thought, staggering home with Anna’s mobile number safely stored
in his iPhone, and head too.


That night,
reclining naked on top of the coverlet, air conditioning keeping
the apartment cool and comfortable, Owen Shaunessy looked out of
the panoramic windows at the city sky, and listening to favourite
sounds, lazily rubbed his cock, moving slowly up and down his
shaft. Pre-cum seeped luxuriously from the tip, moistening the
crimson, bulbous head, exposed rhythmically as he moved his fingers
back and forth. Imagining Anna lying beside him, legs open, dark,
springy hair hiding the treasure between her thighs, he licked his
lips and imagined running his tongue up and down her slit, lapping
up her moisture, occasionally tweaking her clit with the tip of his

He dreamed of
bringing her to orgasm, fantasy coinciding with ejaculation,
spurting cum onto his stomach, which pooled in his navel. Holding
his softening cock, he reached over to the bedside table, retrieved
a handful of tissues to mop up the mess while his heartbeat slowed
to normal.

sweetheart, soon,’ he promised, before sliding between the sheets
and closing his eyes.


Barbara solved
his dilemma regarding leaving a decent interval before making
contact with Anna, by phoning to ask if he had been serious about a
job for her daughter.

‘Sure, we do
all our recruitment in-house, I’ll recommend that she’s given an
interview, leave it with me, it’s just for the holiday, isn’t it?
Before she goes up to uni?’

‘Yes, thanks,
Owen. She needs a stop-gap until the end of September, she probably
told you she’s been helping out at the local library, but she’s not
enjoying it much, it’s not terribly lively, and she’s a vibrant

‘Hmm, yes
indeed,’ replied Owen, cock twitching in agreement.


Seeing Anna
Carmichael standing hesitantly in the doorway, Owen looked up with
pleasure, and a ready smile.

‘Come in,
Anna, how are you?’

‘Fine, thank
you Mr Shaunessy, I wanted to thank you for helping me get the

Unable to drag
his eyes away from her luscious mouth as it formed her words, Owen
had difficulty concentrating, and his heartbeat drummed a pulse
insistently in his ears.

‘Not at all,
Anna, I only passed your Resume to Recruitment, you did the rest
all by yourself. By the way, it’s okay to call me by my first name.
Settling in?’ he said. ‘
God, she’s really hot
,’ he thought,
struggling to maintain a professional facade.

‘Yes, thank
you,, Owen, everyone has been great.’

‘Look, why
don’t you let me take you for a drink after work? Celebrate your
first week.’ Surprising himself, feeling nervous as he waited for
her response.

he thought,
‘am I actually holding my breath?’
his heart
threatened to burst its way through his ribcage.

‘I can’t be
late home, mum and dad will expect me for tea,’ replied Anna,

‘Well, I’m
sure they won’t have a problem with you stopping off for one
drink,’ he said. ‘But it’s your choice. I’ll be at The Blackfriar
from about six if you change your mind.’

He swivelled
his chair and started typing, dismissal effective.


Taking a first
sip from his second pint of real ale, Owen chatted amiably with
colleagues, some had drifted off after the first drink, but a
couple looked as though they may be at the start of a long session.
Thursday night was always “get off your face night” in the City, in
spite of the need for a clear head on Friday, most still risked
mega hangovers to party. Owen had just made a deal with himself to
call it a night and go home when Anna Carmichael arrived.

He saw her
standing hesitantly inside the doorway, long before she spotted his
group. Rising, his heart flip-flopped and after taking a hasty gulp
of his drink, shouldered his way through the throng, closing in on
her just as she turned to leave.

‘Anna, over
here. Anna.’ He called when close enough to avoid shouting.

Catching his
eye, her anxious face broke into a breath-taking smile, and Owen
felt what was left of his heart plop down into the pit of his

‘What can I
get you to drink?’ he asked, taking her elbow and guiding her
towards his table.

‘Dry white
wine, please.’

‘This is Anna,
she’s working at the firm for a while,’ he announced to the others,
‘Anna, meet Charles, Mikey, Natalie, Mary, and Graham.’

Anna shook
each of their hands in turn as they moved their chairs around, to
make room for her. Leaving them to become acquainted, Owen went to
buy Anna’s drink, frustrated by the interminable wait at the bar.
He eagerly re-joined the happy group, only half aware of their
general banter, studying Anna closely thinking himself unobserved.
He couldn’t have been more delighted when the others decided to go
on somewhere for a meal.

‘Get you
another?’ He pointed to Anna’s glass.

‘No, thank
you, I feel a little squiffy already,’ she giggled. ‘Itshh gone
straight to my head.’

‘I’ll see you
home if you like, or into a cab, you can’t get onto the train alone
if you’re wobbly. We’ll catch a cab, I’ll drop you off.’

‘Okay, but you
live near here don’t you?’

‘Not far at
all, but having allowed you to become tipsy, it’s hardly
gentlemanly to leave you alone. Your parents would never forgive me
if I didn’t look after you.’

‘I told mum
and dad I was going out with a girl from work and may stay over. I
don’t want to go back to Greenwich tonight.’

‘Are you
saying you want to come back to my place? You planned to come back
with me?’

‘Yes and

He felt as if
he were a dumb teenager. She had a weird effect on him; he couldn’t
think straight, all his suave sophistication had fled, leaving him
feeling foolish.

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