The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged (9 page)

Read The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged Online

Authors: Marissa Honeycutt

Tags: #romance, #paranormal, #dark, #illuminati, #ending, #slave, #torture, #immortal, #immortal being, #slave and sex

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged
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“Yes,” she sniffed. Months! And why did he
have to bring up Alex?

“Do not be angry with him for waiting, Anna.
Most men do not take the time to rein in their desires without
thinking about how it will affect the woman he is with.”

“But what do I do now?”

“Is Aaron there?”

“No. He went to California for Jenna’s
funeral.... Did you hear about that?”

“I did. I meant to call but...things have
been very busy here the last week. I’m so sorry,
I should have remembered.”

Wilhelm knew and he hadn’t called her? That
hurt worse than Hugo’s rejection. “It’s okay.” She said softly.
“I’ll let you get back to sleep. Thank you for listening to me.
Good night.” She pressed ‘end’ on the phone before he could say
anything else. She went into her room, put her pajamas on and lay
down in bed. Well, her hurt had dissipated her need for sex. At
least she’d be able to sleep now.


Wilhelm stared at his phone in disbelief.
Anna had hung up on him. Not that he blamed her. He should have
called her and he was properly rebuked. Things had just
gotten...crazy here all of a sudden. She would forgive him once she
found out what happened. He hoped.


“I’m sorry I left like that last night,
Katrina.” Hugo sat down on the floor next to Anna the next morning
and spoke softly. “I didn’t want to hurt you, but I probably did
anyway, didn’t I?”

Anna looked up from her stretch and gave him
an understanding smile. “It’s okay. I understand. I...appreciate
what you were trying to do.”

Hugo let out a deep breath. “I was afraid
you’d be angry with me.”

She shook her head. “I’m not.” She smiled.
“But I’m not as delicate as you may think I am.” She grinned
mischievously, with a hint of seduction, at him.

His eyes widened for a split second and then
he shook his head and laughed. “Not nice to look at a man like that
before dance class.”

Anna giggled. “Sorry.”

He smiled, his dimples deepening. “I am
determined to remain a gentleman,” he said quietly. “If that’s okay
with you, I’d like to take you out again tonight.”

Anna nodded. “I’d like that.”


Aaron returned Sunday night and Anna greeted
him at the door with a passionate kiss.

“Are you okay, Anna?” he asked taking a step
back, surprise evident on his face.

“Please don’t reject me, Aaron. I...I just
need you to fuck me.”

Aaron grinned. “That’s what every man wants
to hear when they walk in the door.” He kissed her back and they
undressed as they kissed their way to his bedroom. They fell naked
into his bed and Anna rolled on top of him, straddled his hips and
impaled herself on him.

“Argh!” she cried, not having expected it to

“Are you okay?” he asked.

Anna winced and nodded. “It’s been a few
days.” She hung her head and tried to relax around him.

“We didn’t have to go so fast, hon,” Aaron
said, pulling her hand and bringing his lips to hers. “I’m not in a
hurry.” He held her as he rolled her to her back, still inside her,
and kissed her neck.

Anna closed her eyes and relaxed as he kissed
her. When the pain subsided, she moved her hips, wanting him to

“Better?” he asked, moving slowly inside her.
She gasped and nodded. “Good.” He grinned. “You feel so


“How was the funeral?” Anna asked later as
she ran her fingers over Aaron’s chest while they cuddled

“Sad.” He sighed. “Matt wasn’t taking it very
well. He looked like he wanted to jump into the casket with

Anna stopped moving her hand. “I feel awful
for him...and guilty. First Ben’s death and now Jenna’s. Does he
hate me?”

“No. He knows where the blame lies: with
Devin. He did ask about you, though.”

Anna looked up at him, expectantly.

“I told him it was better if he didn’t know.
He accepted that.”

“Did you see Devin?”

“Yes. He was there but, surprisingly, he kept
to the background. He watched me a lot so I was careful about what
I said and warned Justin to do the same.”

“What about Jenna’s family?”

Aaron shook his head. “Luke’s not well at
all. He’s so angry and I don’t blame him. I saw him and Devin
arguing. I assume it was about Jenna.”

Anna was quiet. So many people dead because
of her. She hoped Tom knew how to stop Devin and would do it


“Have you found her yet?” Devin growled as
Jack walked into his study at his house. Anna hadn’t taken the bait
with taking and killing Jenna. He didn’t know what else to do. He
supposed he could keep killing off her friends, but that would get
messy. He wasn’t that desperate. Yet.

“No. She’s...disappeared into thin air.” Jack
frowned. “There’s no trace of her anywhere.”

“That’s not possible!” Devin shouted. “She’s
a fucking Immortal. She can’t just disappear.”

Devin stood and walked to the window. Fucking
Ian. Devin would have gotten the information out of him if he
hadn’t killed himself.

“They’ve run the security footage on all the
airports in the area, Devin. She didn’t show up in any of them.
Could she have teleported somewhere?”

Devin shook his head. “No. Not without an
Immortal. Half-Immortals don't have that power.” He’d scoured his
books, trying to find any sliver of information as to how she

“What about the missing dancer. Justin? He
didn’t have anything to do with it?”

Jack shook his head. “Isaak caught him
smoking pot and fired him. He’s back home in New York.”

“Is he dancing?”

“I don't know. There’s no indication that he

Devin growled and looked out his window to
the street below. His powers were safe for now, but soon they would
start failing without Anna to renew him.

“He’s from New York?” Devin asked



“Yes. Danced for the New York City Ballet
until he came out here a few years ago. After Anna stopped

“What about her other friend...Aaron? The one
who was friends with Alex.”

“I believe that’s his name. Yes, he’s in New

Something told him there was some connection,
but he didn’t know what it was. She’d been invited to go to New
York before. Maybe she ran away to there? But how the hell did she
get there,
she was there? And why couldn’t he sense

Devin rubbed his eyes. This wasn’t supposed
to happen.

“Did you check Germany? With Wilhelm?”

“Yes. There’s no trace of her there

“Someone, somewhere has to know something,”
he said more to himself. “She wouldn’t stop dancing. She has to be
somewhere where there’s a dance company.” He turned around and
looked at Jack. “You’ve checked security footage around New

Jack nodded.

The logical place for her to go would be
there, but Tom had said repeatedly that she wasn’t there. None of
the Elders were sensing her in their areas and while there were a
few that he didn’t completely trust, there was no reason Anna would
go to LA or Houston. New York was the best option, but how the hell
was he supposed to find her there? Someone had to be protecting her
from him.

He looked at Jack. “Go to New York. Stake out
the ballet companies. I want firsthand knowledge whether she’s
there or not.”

Chapter Eight



The days flew by and before she knew it,
opening night had arrived. Anna didn’t dance until the next night,
so she was able to sit in some empty seats in the house and watch
the performance. Both Hugo and Aaron were dancing and she was eager
to watch them.

Just being in the audience was thrilling. She
felt so elegant and was reminded of when she went to the ballet
with Kurt in San Francisco. Alex and Wilhelm had been there, too,
and she got lost in the memories, not noticing when someone sat
down next to her.

“Hello, Anna,” the man said softly.

Anna opened her eyes in surprise. There were
only a few people here that knew her real name. Anna’s heart
pounded as she stared at the man next to her. “Jack?”

Her guardian gave her a wicked grin.
“Surprised to see me?”

Anna didn’t know what to say. Devin couldn’t
be far behind. Oh God, what was she going to do? “How did you find

“Logical deduction. New York City Ballet. Not
that hard to figure out where you would go.”

Anna started trembling. “Where’s Devin?”

Jack smiled. “At home. Waiting for my call to
tell him I found you.” He put his hand on her leg and slid up her
skirt. “He’s been awfully selfish with you, though. I thought I
might have some fun with you before I called. For old time’s

Anna pushed his hand away. “Don’t touch me,”
she snapped. She tried to stand but he held her wrist tightly and
twisted, making her whimper.

“Oh, no you don’t. I’ve been here for weeks
trying to find you. You’re not getting out of my sight so you can
disappear again.” He stood and pulled her to her feet. “But I can
have more fun with you in my hotel room rather than sitting and
watching a ballet with you, so let’s go.” He twisted her wrist and
she began making her way to the aisle. She looked around, desperate
for a familiar face, but there was no one she recognized.

Jack pushed her up the aisle and into the
promenade. Tons of people milled about, but she still didn’t see
anyone she knew. He led her outside and down the stairs to a

“Mandarin,” he told the driver.

It was only a few blocks away and they
arrived at the hotel within minutes. Jack paid the fare without
letting go, then pushed her out of the taxi, into the hotel and up
to his room.

Anna stood in the middle of the hotel room,
watching Jack as he removed his tie and jacket. She wracked her
brain, trying to figure out a way out of here. She glanced at the
door, wondering if she’d make it before he could catch her, and
Jack laughed.

“I’m not that stupid, Anna.” He strode across
the room and pulled her further away from the door and pushed her
to the bed. “Undress, unless you want me to rip that dress off of

She blinked back tears as she stepped out of
her shoes. With shaky hands, she unzipped her dress and removed it,
laying it across the back of a chair. She looked back at Jack who
raised his eyebrows at her. “All of it, Anna.”

She removed her panties and bra and lay them
on her dress.

He walked over to her and ran his hands down
her breasts and she shuddered. “You don’t like my touch anymore,
Baby? I’m hurt.” He squeezed her nipples and she whimpered.

“Please let me go, Jack,” she whispered. She
didn’t want to go back to Devin or her old life. She wanted to stay
here. The last few weeks had solidified that. She and Hugo had
grown very close and he had invited her over to his place after the
show tonight.

She closed her eyes and tears burned behind
the lids. She would never get to make love to him.

Jack pushed her onto the bed and held her
hands above her head. She felt something around her wrists and she
realized he had tied her to the bed. The ties were unyielding as
she pulled against them.

A glimmer of hope poked a hole in the
darkness of her heart. Devin didn’t know she was here. Maybe she
could still get away before Jack told him.

Jack laughed and kneaded her breast.
“Sweetheart, I know how to tie you. Though I’m kinda turned on that
you’re trying to get away.” He arched his brow. “I have more where
those came from if I need to tie your legs.” He grinned. “Maybe I
should anyway.” He trailed his hand up her thigh. “Spread you open
nice and wide.” He brushed over her pussy and she squeezed her legs
together and kicked at him.

He laughed and stood to finish undressing.
“Oh, Anna. I always wondered what it would be like if you had more
spirit in you.” He stroked his hard cock. “I guess I get to find

He knelt on the bed and she kicked at him,
but he grabbed her ankles and laughed again, spreading them apart.
“Who’ve you been fucking since you got here Anna?” He bent down and
kissed her pussy while he held her legs apart.

The feel of his mouth on her both sickened
and aroused her, and she squirmed to try and get him off, but he
just laughed. He pushed her knees into her chest and held her tight
as he licked at her clit.

She bucked her hips, but her body was
betraying her and she moaned softly. He locked his lips around her
clit and sucked. Her legs relaxed and she closed her eyes as he
lapped at her. She squirmed again, but this time to open her legs
wider. He released her legs and they fell open on the bed. She
arched her back as she felt the orgasm building. He slid his
fingers inside her and she moaned loudly as her orgasm overtook

“Good girl,” he murmured as she came back
down to earth.

Her body lay limp and she closed her eyes as
shame filled her. She’d given in so easily. She deserved to go back
to Devin.

Jack moved her legs and quickly tied them to
the upper corners of the bed, spreading her legs into a V above her

“You’re so easy, Anna. Of course, we made you
that way.” He kissed her swollen pussy again and then positioned
his cock at her slit and pressed inside. Her eyes snapped open as
he entered her body and she cried out in pain.

“How long’s it been since you’ve been fucked,
Anna?” he asked, not stopping to allow her body to adjust to him.
She whimpered and cried out as he rammed himself against her

She pulled furiously against the ties, trying
to get free. No! She wanted to go home to Aaron and Hugo, not be
here with Jack. She didn’t want to go back to Devin.

Jack laughed and Anna looked up at him,
suddenly angry.

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