The Last of His Kind (9 page)

Read The Last of His Kind Online

Authors: Doris O'Connor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: The Last of His Kind
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what happened to you? You said you couldn't leave the

let her go, and his eyes didn't quite meet hers, a slight flush on his chiseled
cheekbones giving his discomfort away.

you one of those silly young males?" Penelope forced a smile on her lips,
even though the sharp stab of jealousy poked at her insides. Had he, too, run
around biting women willy-nilly? But that couldn't be. He'd said they only bit
the ones they loved. Had she been a complete fool, and lost her heart to the
fishy dinosaur equivalent of Don Juan? But if that was the case why hadn't he
bitten her? She wouldn't have stopped him. She framed his face in her hands to
make him look at her, and the emotion blazing in his eyes soothed some of her

was stupid, but not in the way you mean,
He brought his hands up and removed hers
gently. Turning his head he dropped a tender kiss into the palm of her hand. He
kept hold of it, his thumb rubbing reassuring circles on the back of it. His
warmth seeped into her very being, and she relaxed marginally. He wouldn't hold
her this tenderly if he didn't care, would he?

if he'd heard her warbled thoughts, Doric shook his head and smiled.

meant what I said earlier. We only bite the ones we love. That's the way it's supposed
to be, because every bite prolongs your mate's life. You see my kind, we don't
die easily. And we live a very long time indeed, in theory forever. The only
fail-safe way to kill us is to take off our heads." He smiled grimly at
her gasp in response. "So biting our mates not only ensures that we can
procreate, it makes sure they stay with us. My mother and father lived happily
for nigh on a millennium. We had to keep moving, because, being human, Mother
could never stay somewhere for too long, before people asked questions, and we
had to be close to water, because a part of us dies if we're not in our natural
habitat for any length of time."

see." Penelope had to say something over the frantic beating of her heart,
grateful beyond belief that she was ensconced in Doric's arms, as otherwise
she'd have disgraced herself by falling off the chair.

you okay there,
You're not going to pass out on me, are

if you promise to give me the kiss of life." Her sassy comeback brought a
belly laugh from Doric, and she had to grasp his arms for support as the whole
kitchen shook. He sobered and kissed her nose with such tenderness that
Penelope had to blink away tears.

what happened to your parents and your brothers? Those were your brothers in
the cave, weren't they? And did I call them somehow?"

you did. You invoked a protection spell that called them out. To
protect the woman I love." Again, he didn't look at her as he mumbled the
words, and this time Penelope didn't even try to stop her tears from falling.
They splashed on his arms, and he swore, pulling her closer into him.

cry. I don't expect you to love me back. I couldn’t ask that of you. You've
given me so much already." He put one hand on her mouth to stop her from
interrupting him. "No, let me finish. You need to hear it all, and if I
don’t tell you now, then I never will, and if you keep looking at me like that
then I will lose what little control I have left. All I want to do right now is
bend you over this table and fuck you silly. I want to bury my cock in your
body, sink my teeth into your soft flesh, and your choice be damned, make you
mine – forever. Because I love you so much it hurts. I've never wanted anyone
or anything so badly in my whole fucking life, and it scares me. It scares the
hell out of me, because I'm no good for you. Binding you to me will mean you're
always looking over your shoulder. There will always be people after me, the
last of my kind, people like Euan, people like the ones who slaughtered my
mother and my unborn siblings. My father went crazy when he lost her. He lost
the will to live and allowed himself to be killed to escape a life without my
mother. I hated your kind so much for that."

shook his head, lost in the past and his painful memories, and Penelope cried
harder for his pain and all he'd lost.

then I met Antje, on one of my trips into town. I was hunting for my father's
killers, even though that is not our way, and she blew me away. It was as
though I had been struck by lightning, just like my father had always said it
had been for him and my mother. I was a stupid fool. She was a witch, who'd
used a potion to lure any man she fancied to herself. It so happened she wanted
me. Lured in by her beauty I lay with her. She swore she loved me, and
desperate as I was to believe her, I bit her and revealed my true self."

roared his anger, and the air around him shimmered as every muscle in his body
tensed, and Penelope watched in stunned fascination as his skin changed to the
texture of his true self. Just like before it bled back to human where she
touched him, and she dropped a tender kiss on his chest, just where his heart
was beating frantically. The touch soothed him, and some of the tension left
his frame. The shimmering stopped, and he was once again just his human self.
He looked at her with a wry smile.

have no idea how you do that to me, but it must be how you broke the

curse?" She asked.

Antje, she didn’t take my revelation well. She ran away screaming and brought
the wrath of the village upon my brothers and me. I escaped; my brothers were
slaughtered, as was my son."

what? She killed your son?" Penelope's voice was a high pitched squeal,
and Doric winced. He nodded grimly.

told you no one would want to give birth to a monster. She'd cursed me into the
. I couldn't leave ever, not in my human
form and certainly not in my true form. The only way I could was if I found a
woman ready to accept me in my true form. I never thought it would happen, and
when I found the body of my son...I knew that I would rather stay the last of
my kind than risk that again. He was perfect, you know, just perfect, and your
kind killed him."

words stung, even though Penelope knew it was his grief talking.

my kind, Doric. Not all humans are that cruel. I couldn't do that to someone I
hated, let alone someone I love. You may not believe me, but I love you, all of
you. From your whole fishy dinosaur type self to your ‘drop your panties if you
just smile at me’ human self. I.Love.You. Do you hear me?"

startled eyes sought hers, and Penelope smiled through her tears.

don't give two hoots about the likes of Euan, or what other people think, or
how often we may have to move, and I would love any children that we may have,
even if they come out with webbed feet and two heads, because they'll be ours.
You know why I came back to the
after all
these years? Because my mum told me to." She smiled at his frown. "I
think she knew all along that I met you that first day we got here. She used to
get visions, and she always told me to stay away from the water, yet she was
drawn to the
as much I was, and when she
died, she told me to come back and embrace my destiny. I didn't know what that
meant until now."

took a deep breath and pushed her hair out of her face, suddenly unsure of how
he would take this news.

see, my family, too, has their tales. Traditionally the first females, like me
and my mum, we have powers. My mother used to say it was a connection to the
ancient forces of nature, and we have atoned for centuries for something one of
our distant cousins did. Their branch of the family embraced the dark arts, and
caused untold miseries, not only to your kind, but anyone they came into
contact with. I can’t be sure, and I really hope not, but that Antje may well
belong to that branch of our family. I'm so sorry; you must hate me now,

went so still she couldn’t be sure he was even still breathing. Dread settled
in her stomach like lead, and her insides clenched and knotted in fear. Not for
herself, but for causing Doric more pain. When he finally spoke his voice
trembled with barely suppressed emotion.

could never hate you. You're not responsible for what your ancestors did any
more than I am."

smiled in wonder, his hands roaming over her body as though he was seeing her
for the first time, and Penelope held her breath.

guess that explains why I couldn't let the four-year-old you drown. I was drawn
to you even back then, and I knew I was in trouble when you didn't scream blue

smiled in remembrance.

thought you were the most beautiful, if rather wet, stuffed toy I had ever
seen." She giggled when Doric raised his eyebrows and tapped her ass playfully.

toy?" His affronted growl rumbled through her, and she nodded.

I was four. Give me a break. But I thought you had the kindest eyes. Every
summer we came back here I was hoping I'd see you again. But I never did."

watched you." He leaned in and inhaled deeply. "It broke my lonely
existence, watching you. I made sure you never saw me. I couldn't risk it.
Then, when you didn't come back for years…" He kissed her neck and smiled
at her moan in response.

grasped his shoulders and rubbed her breasts against his chest. He groaned and
ran a hand under her negligee to caress her breast. He flicked the nipple, and
Penelope started panting in excitement. He kissed her with such tenderness and
passion her tears fell again. Doric broke the kiss and kissed the tears off her

. We found each other again."

nodded and tugged at the apron he still wore. With a wicked grin Doric ripped
it off, and Penelope gasped at the feel of his hardening cock under her ass.

me." The whispered words brooked no argument, and she hastened to comply.
"For the record, I love the outfit, but it has to go."

one swift rip her expensive negligée lay in tatters on the floor, and with
another audible rip her thong followed. Doric grasped her hips and lowered her
on his impaling cock. She was so wet for him he slipped in easily, and with a
deep groan he thrust.

I love the feel of your tight cunt around me. Ride me, ride me hard."

smiled at her panted, "Yes, Sir."

met him move for frantic move, taking him deeper than ever before, as he grew
bigger still inside her body.
Their lips
clung to each other, hands linked and bodies surged, as his thick cock inside
her opened her wider, every delicious friction-filled thrust pushing her closer
to a mind-blowing orgasm. It built in ever increasing waves, and he tilted her
hips so that every move of his prick bumped her clitoris.

over there,
See how beautiful you are."

hand behind her neck he nudged her sideways, and Penelope groaned. There in the
kitchen mirror was their reflection. Her small breasts bounced with every
thrust, her skin flushed, the veins on Doric's neck bulged, his tanned skin
such a contrast to her pale complexion. She looked as wild as he, lost in the
waves of sexual abandonment, the sight of their bodies slapping together, his
huge cock tunneling in and out of her cunt, as they strove to reach completion
the most erotic sight she had ever seen. Just as she hovered on the edge, her
clit quivering and her pussy clenching around his invading member, Doric went
still. Their gazes fused in the mirror, and Penelope's eyes grew huge at the
sight of his fangs. Without a word she tilted her head and pulled her hair out
of the way, seconds before Doric bit down. The pain morphed instantly into the
most intense feeling of pleasure enveloping her like a huge wave of rapturous
bliss. Penelope screamed her release as her body exploded into pure sexual joy,
and she flew up, and away. Higher and higher she climbed on the rungs of
Doric roared his own release
into her shoulder, sending Penelope into a succession of white-hot aftershocks.
Grounded by Doric's low rumble into her ear, she gave herself up to the waves
of heat engulfing her, heat that spread from her core to every pore of her
body, leaving sparks of awareness on her oversensitive nerve endings in
spiraling arcs of liquid waves of ecstasy until she collapsed in his arms with
the warm glow of his possession taking hold deep inside her womb.






pulled the cardigan a little tighter round her shoulders. The evening shadows
were drawing in, and the air got chillier, even with her inbuilt central
heating. She rubbed her extended, swollen tummy, and smiled at the kicks in
return. Arac and Morin seemed as anxious to meet their parents as Doric and she
were to meet them. When they'd found out she was expecting twins there were
only two names the boys could be called. Penelope smiled remembering the
sonographer's surprise, when Penelope had insisted the babies would be boys.

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