Read The Lady's Wicked Proposition (Wicked Liaisons series) Online

Authors: Vivienne Westlake

Tags: #historical romance

The Lady's Wicked Proposition (Wicked Liaisons series) (3 page)

BOOK: The Lady's Wicked Proposition (Wicked Liaisons series)
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His heartbeat was steady, his body firm and strong. Whatever happened, she could rely on him, trust that he would know what to do. What a strange feeling. After her mother had passed, she’d had no one to rely on, for her grandparents were fickle and demanding and her great-uncle cold and indifferent.

She shivered, and Chevalier tightened his hold on her. Glancing up, she lost herself in the deep blue sea of his eyes, drowned in the liquid heat of his stare.

When they reached his chamber, he lowered her gently, far more softly than she expected for a man of his size. She wondered what magic he possessed to turn something so simple into a warm and ethereal moment.

Maybe it was his charm, maybe it was the fact that she was unused to such tenderness.

He closed the door and turned the key. There was a finality to the sound, and she knew that turning back would be impossible. Not that she wanted to.

As he lit the candles, she stood rooted in place. The darkness had covered her nervousness, and now she felt exposed in the light.

“You are so quiet,” he said, fingering the clasps on her cloak.

As he pulled her guise away, and she was left in her thistle-blue muslin dress with embroidered flowers, she covered herself with her arms.

“Are you cold, Edwina?” he asked, rubbing his palms over her arms.

Dina nodded, not trusting herself to speak yet.

Chevalier kissed her, a short, sweet embrace that a man might give his wife before bed time, and then walked away to start a fire.

“Please call me Dina.”

He flashed a smile before pulling off his jacket and waistcoat. She stared at the muscles under his white shirt, which flexed as he moved. A warm flush spread over her, ridding her body of the chill and the anxiety until she had no care save to enjoy the beauty of his magnificent form.

Taking a seat on his bed, which was covered in a thick green silk striped with brown—so masculine and clean, just like Chevalier—Dina pulled off her blue slippers and relaxed.

“There now,” he said, brushing his palms together and turning to face her.

He walked toward her, power and grace emanating from him like a tiger on the hunt. She sucked in a breath just as he took her in his arms and pressed her into the mattress.

Hot, steamy kisses trailed over every inch of her exposed skin, from her neck and shoulders to the swell of décolletage peeking from her bodice.

Dina hummed in pleasure as he unlaced her dress and pulled off the top layer. Watching wide-eyed as he stripped off his own shirt and undergarment, she let her gaze lower down to his pantaloons. She’d never seen a man’s penis before, apart from sculptures, and she was very curious.

Reaching out, she pulled open the top button of his falls. His hand stayed her.

“We will get there my sweet, but first you must be good and ready for me.” Climbing back over her, he settled down so that they lay chest to chest, and then he took her mouth with a fervor that she’d never seen in him before.

His tongue begged entrance to her lips, and she parted for him, eager to see where it would lead. The slow, seductive swirl of his tongue over hers overpowered all thought, so she barely noticed his fingers loosening her short stays.

When his thumb circled her nipple, she cried out. The sharp sting of rapture was almost too much to bear. He rubbed the peak between his fingers with enough pressure to make her writhe under him. While she did not want him to stop, she did not know how to handle the intense sensation of pleasure mingled with a hint of pain.

She’d never realized how sensitive her own body could be, but then again, she’d never been touched so intimately before.

Easing the pressure, Chevalier continued to toy with her nipple as he kissed his way down to the curve of her neck. The soft lick of his tongue was heaven, but when he sucked the skin, her sex clenched and desire lanced through her, piercing her to the core.

Dina panted and wrapped her arms around his back, gripping him tightly. So many sensations jumbled together, it was impossible for her to discern what she was feeling—apart from need.

A warm hand ran up her thigh, massaging as it went. Then, it slipped below the fabric of her petticoat and chemise, caressing her bare flesh. Her hips lifted, and moisture gathered between her legs.

“Open for me,” he whispered, and she obeyed, not knowing what he was about until she felt his hot fingers on her slit, stroking and teasing.

When his finger skimmed the tight, sensitive nub, her body clenched and convulsed. If she’d thought her nipples were sensitive, she’d been mistaken. Nothing could have prepared her for the fierce ecstasy of a hand on her bud. How had she not known this before?

She lowered her hand above his. “May I?”

He nodded and she slipped her fingers into her cleft, which was slick with her body’s dew, pausing when she found the little knot just under the hood of her sex. When she touched it, everything around her went dark, and all sensation flooded to that one spot. She moaned and clutched the sheets with her free hand.

Inside, it felt tight and coiled, but as her finger circled her spot, she realized how soft it was. She played with the hood and labia, then made her way back. When in her entire life had she known such rapture? Yet, she wanted more, she needed more. For as she stroked, her body grew tense, and her longing intensified.

“Let me,” he whispered, kissing his way down her chest and belly. He pulled her hand away, and she waited to see what he would do.

Chevalier kissed her cleft, his warm breath fanning its heat over her sensitive flesh. She giggled and opened her legs wider to accommodate him.

The first touch of his tongue was magic, transporting her to another world, and she could only grip his head and shoulders and hold on as he kissed and licked every inch of her tender skin.

The swirling over her pearl made Dina lose control. Her whole body arched as she reached out and grabbed the pillow behind her, her hips lifting into his face. He flicked his tongue fast and then so slowly over the bud, sending her body racing into bliss.

Her body trembled, satisfaction rippling through every pore. She purred and stretched under him, and then assaulted him with little kisses on his neck, jaw, and lips.

“That was wonderful.”

Chuckling, he rolled over so that she lay spread across his body. He palmed her derriere, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. The intensity of her release finally hit her, and she snuggled into him, resting her face on his chest.

For a few minutes, they lay in contented silence, and Dina relaxed into the quiet, letting everything go.

When she moved, she became aware of a very firm bulge against her thigh and realized that while she’d found rapture, Chevalier was still hard, his desire unsated Curious, she let her hand drift over to his cock and pressed down.

The fabric impeded her, but she heard his intake of breath and decided to proceed. Releasing the top buttons of his pantaloons, she released the flap and uncovered him.

In her hands, he was hot and stiff, yet softer than she’d expected. She cupped him and slid her hand down to finger the sac. Again, there was a dichotomy of hard yet soft as she massaged his bollocks. When his cock surged under her fingers, she smiled.

“Be careful, my sweet. If you do not want the lion to roar, you should not tease it.” He plucked her hand away, bringing it to his lips, and kissed it. “I will come all over your fingers if you continue to play with me like that.”


“Sshh.” Pulling her close, he whispered. “I think you will like it far more if I come inside you.”




She’d surprised him when she’d taken his cock in hand. He’d expected her to be far too timid for it as this was their first time together. What might she be like two months from now, when she had the experience to know just how to make him come?

Dina would make a very good student. She wasn’t one of those beautiful women a man chased after, imagining all the ways he’d swive her, then got into his bed only to find she was frigid, non-responsive, or worse, overzealous to the point that he lost interest half-way through the business.

Fucking Dina Merriweather would be more exciting than dreaming about fucking her, and in his jaded experience, that was a rare thing.

“May I undress you?” she whispered.

“Of course,” he said, though he could easily take her with his pantaloons on.

But he wanted to watch her, to learn what she liked, and what man didn’t enjoy seeing a woman’s mouth inches away from his cock? As much as the idea of letting her suck him off appealed to him, he wasn’t sure she was ready for it. And tonight was about what she wanted, what she needed. His desires could wait.

Delicate fingers trembled as they worked the buttons free, and he hissed when her arm brushed his cock in the process. She pulled his pantaloons down, and a tendril of hair swept back and forth over his shaft. He shivered and a drop of moisture beaded over the head.

“Lie down,” he commanded, unable to endure the inadvertent tease of her body caressing his.

Dina obeyed, climbing back onto the bed and spreading her legs for him. At the sight of her wet pussy, he couldn’t help but stroke his cock. He was hard and ready to spend himself inside of her.

After yanking off his boots and tossing his pantaloons, he padded over to a small black and gold
cabinet. Picking out a French letter, he tore off the seal and slipped it over his erection.

“W-what is that?” Dina asked.

“Neither of us wants a babe,” he said, giving her a pointed look. “This will take care of that.”

Her blue eyes were the size of robin’s eggs. Before his startled little deer could run away, Francis knelt onto the mattress and cupped her face. After planting soft kisses on her ears, her nose, and her lips, he whispered, “You wanted a man of experience, who would take good care of you. I promise to do exactly that.”

Dina nodded and wrapped her arms around his back. He lay still for a moment, giving her time to acclimate to his weight. This close, he felt the rapid pitter-patter of her pulse, and his fingers drew circles over her heart.

She sighed and slid her thigh over his, warming him all over. Moving slowly, he settled himself against her sex, letting her feel the full weight of his cock.

When she moved her hips, rubbing her pussy over him, he had to grip the headboard for a moment to keep from shoving himself inside. As much as he wanted to fuck her, he had to be gentle or risk ruining the experience for her.

He reached down and slipped a finger inside her opening, testing her. She was still slick from her earlier orgasm, so he eased in a second finger. Inside, she tightened around him. He pumped in, letting his fingers go halfway before pulling them out again.

At first, she tensed up, but he used his free hand to play with her nipple as his two fingers slid back and forth in a slow, steady rhythm. Her soft cries resonated deep within him, and he knew that tonight would not be enough.

He wanted more of her. More of her body, her kisses, even her laugh. It was more than sex, because he hadn’t even fucked her properly yet, and she was still at the beginning of her sexual journey.

Dina pulled at his hair, her fingers gripping hard as he thrust his fingers deeper. He slipped a third finger inside, and she rotated her hips.

“Relax your legs,” he instructed.

She became pliant, and he spread her thighs wide open. He positioned his cock at her entrance, gripped the headboard with one hand, and flattened his other hand onto the bed for greater control.

“Breathe deeply,” he said. Waiting until she exhaled, he inched inside of her. Following the rhythm of her breath, he eased his way inside and back again.

Her vaginal walls closed tight around his shaft. The pressure felt so good, but he hated the thought of hurting her, so he slowed the pace until he could discern that she was aroused rather than discomfited.

With a light flick of his thumb, he teased her nub, hoping to rekindle her desire. Dina moaned, so he stroked her more firmly.

As her hands dug into his shoulders, he eased a little deeper. He took his time, easing back out and then fingering her clitoris each time he thrust forward. When she started to rock her hips, he let himself go, lunging deep.

Dina cried out, and he bent to kiss her cheek and stroke her face. Then he circled his finger over her jewel again, massaging it until Dina relaxed. With his other hand, he played with her nipple, squeezing it between his thumb and forefinger.

Her soft gasps urged him on, and he resumed his thrusts. Giving into the pleasure, he moved faster, driving in and out of her in a steady rhythm. Eager, she pulled her knees toward her chest. He sunk deeper, harder.

As Dina’s moans increased, he resumed toying her nub, knowing that she was close to finding release. His own need clawed at him, and he barely held himself in check. He wanted to fuck her hard and fast, but it was important to him to make her first time memorable.

So he measured his thrusts—slow, long, short, pull back, slow, long, short, pull back.


He kissed her forehead, then her lips. Taking a deep breath, he gave in and let go. She wanted more, and he would give it.

Increasing the pace, he took her the way he wanted, lunging in and out, so hard and deep that the oak bed rocked and creaked under them. Dina gripped his arms and squeezed tight around his cock, her body freezing as her eyes rolled back and she screamed in pleasure.

Her tight pussy clenched over him, and he couldn’t help himself. Losing himself in her warm body, he rocked his hips back and forth until his body tensed and his release shattered through him.

Though he wanted to stay inside of her, he was far too cautious to take the risk, so he slipped out, then collapsed, wrapping his arms around her. She clung to him, and they said not a word, only sighed.

As they lay entwined, he threaded his fingers through hers. Tonight was the first of many nights to come. He would teach her about desire, show her how to seduce and enthrall, how to give and receive pleasure.

BOOK: The Lady's Wicked Proposition (Wicked Liaisons series)
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