Read The Kyriakis Curse Online

Authors: Eve Vaughn

The Kyriakis Curse (7 page)

BOOK: The Kyriakis Curse
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She knew her nostrils were flaring and her cheeks were red as she finally looked at

him. “By you, I suppose?”

“I didn’t say that, but if you’re offering...”

“That’s it. I’m outta here. I’ve told you everything, yet you continue to play games. I don’t need this crap.” Screw them. She rose and stalked to the door; she could find her own way home.

Constantine got to the exit before she did and grabbed the knob, holding it firmly

before she could make her escape.

“Move,” she demanded.

“Sarah, if you really believe someone is out to get you, we can help. Add to that the fact you’ll soon go into heat for the first time... it can be a very frightening experience.”

She searched his rugged face. Constantine seemed sincere, but everything she’d learned was too much for her to handle right now. Part of her desperately wanted to give in and let him take care of her, but the other half, the sensible side that had kept her alive all this time, wouldn’t allow it. Sarah shook her head. “Just let me go. You said you wouldn’t keep me here against my will.”

He let go of the doorknob. “Yes, I did, but if you should need help--”

“I won’t.”

He rattled off a series of numbers. Twice. “It’s for my cell phone. Call it.”

She committed them to memory, although she doubted she would need them. Sarah

had been on her own for a long time; the only person she counted on was herself.

She opened the door and took off for the emergency stairwell, hurrying down several

flights, not daring to take the elevator. Once she was outside, she sprinted along the streets, not stopping until she was sure Constantine and Aries weren’t following her.

Knowing now that she was some kind of monster only made things worse for her. If it

was true that she did shift during the full moon, then she’d have to disappear again -- this time far away from civilization. At least that way she wouldn’t hurt anyone.

And she’d be beyond reach of the breathtaking Constantine Kyriakis.

* * * * *

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“I still can’t believe you let her go,” Aries said as they attempted to drive through downtown traffic.

“We would have been better off walking than trying to wade through this mess.”

Constantine grumbled, keeping his eyes on the road and his hand gripped firmly on the wheel. “How much further do we have to go?”

“Just a couple more blocks according to the gallery manager.”

“It’s past five. Aren’t most people off by now?”

“This is Manhattan -- who works regular business hours in this city? We’re going to

have to take our chances.”

They inched along. “You never did respond to my question.”

Constantine wasn’t in the mood to play twenty questions with Aries, especially where Sarah was concerned. “I wasn’t aware that you’d asked me one.”

“Fine. Let me rephrase it. How could you just let Sarah go? It’s obvious you’re smitten with her. I haven’t seen you react to a piece of ass like that since... since ever.”

“She’s not a piece of ass, and I’ll thank you not to refer to her as such.”

“Then what exactly is she?” Aries pressed.

“Just a confused half-breed in need of our help.”

His cousin continued to needle him. Apparently Aries didn’t realize how close he was getting to having his teeth knocked down his throat. “Ah, so that’s the only way you see her?”

“Yes,” Constantine bit out through clenched teeth, tightening his fingers on the

steering wheel.

He could feel Aries smirking. “So you wouldn’t mind if I had a taste? Her scent is

incredible. I bet she’s a virgin, too. There’s nothing sweeter than tight virgin pussy, is there?”

“Enough!” Constantine roared. “Touch her, and I’ll gut you.”

“But I thought she didn’t mean anything to you.”

“Fuck you!” He brought the Hummer to a halt at the stop light and opened the door,

leaving the engine running, before sliding out. “I’ll walk the rest of the way.” Constantine slammed the door, the sound of Aries’s laughter raising his ire even more. He knew his cousin had done it on purpose. Had his reaction to Sarah really been that obvious? Dammit, the purpose of this little errand was to get his father off his back, not to fall for the first bitch who came his way, and a half-breed at that.

Paris would definitely have plenty to say, since he was from the old school of thought.

His father believed only a pure-breed would be good enough for his son. Maybe it was best that Constantine leave well enough alone. Still, he couldn’t forget the sweet taste of her soft mouth, her tongue shyly stroking his like warm silk.

His cock stirred.

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Constantine silently cursed as he lengthened his strides, heels pounding into the

asphalt, stopping only when he reached his destination. He strode into the office building and looked at the directory for Stella Peterson. Just then, the elevator doors opened. A woman who looked to be in her mid to late fifties stepped out, followed by a younger man who didn’t look very happy.

“Stella, I have other portfolios that you can look at. I’m willing--”

She held up one sun-grizzled hand. “Honey, if you didn’t bring your best work in the first place, then I’m not interested. You’ve wasted your time as well as mine.”

“I’m not giving up,” the young man persisted. “This isn’t the last you’ve heard of me.”

“I’m sure it isn’t.” Stella sounded bored and looked at her watch.

Constantine made his presence known by directing his comment to the would-be

artist. “I believe you’re being dismissed.”

Stella turned sharp hazel eyes his way. “And you are?” she drawled, her gaze traveling down the length of his body, resting on his cock.

He smirked. “Like what you see?”

“Oh, very much, stud.” She looked up at him again, scarlet-painted lips smiling widely.

“I suppose you’re an artist, too?”

The red-faced man interjected. “I was talking to her!”

Constantine shook his head. “And now you’re not. I suggest you leave the lady alone, or perhaps you’d like to be tossed out of here on your ass. I’ll give you until the count of three.”

“If you touch me, I’ll sue your ass.”

Constantine moved closer. “One.”

The man’s eyes widened. “Don’t you dare come near me.”

“Two,” He took another step.

“You’re crazy, man. Stay away from me!”


Before the word was completely out of Constantine’s mouth, the artist side-stepped

him and ran out of the building, but not before yelling, “I’ll be back with the police, you bastard!”

Stella clapped her hands. “Very impressive, stud, but if you’re looking for

representation, then you’re out of luck. God, I need a cigarette. Walk with me.”

When they were outside, Constantine patiently waited for her to light up and take the first puff.

“Ah, that’s heaven.” She exhaled a stream of smoke, blowing it from her nostrils.

He wasn’t particularly fond of cigarette fumes, but saw no point in riling the woman by saying so. She looked through squinted eyes as she took another drag.

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“So talk. What do you want?”

“I’m looking for one of your clients.”

“In what capacity?”

“I’d rather keep those reasons quiet.”

“Hmph. If you’re looking to swipe some of my clients, you can forget about it, stud.

You may be a cutie, but if you try to steal my clientele, you’ll learn why they say I’m hard as nails.”

“I’m not trying to do that at all. I’m simply looking for information. If you can help me, I’ll make it worth your while.”

She looked at him suspiciously. “What kind of information?”


Stella frowned. “Some artists wish to remain anonymous. Besides, if this has to do with their art, everything is handled through me.” She took another puff. “Which client are you interested in? If you give me your card, I’ll pass it along. It will then be up them whether they’ll get in contact with you or not.”

“That won’t do at all. I need to find the artist that goes by the initials S.E.D.”

Stella’s eyes widened briefly, a flash of fear entering them before quickly disappearing.

What the hell?

“I have no idea who you’re talking about. I don’t represent any artist by that moniker.”

“Of course you do.”

“Look, buddy, I don’t want any trouble, so I suggest you leave me alone. I have a lean cuisine in the fridge with my name on it.”

“I appreciate you wanting to maintain the privacy of your client, but I assure you, I can make it worth your effort.”

“And I said to get lost.” When Stella would have turned, Constantine gripped her

shoulder, whirling her to face him. “Take your hand off me!”

He looked into her eyes. “Tell me what I want to know. Where can I find S.E.D? I

guarantee there’ll be no repercussions if you give me this information.”

Again that look of fright appeared. “I-I can’t... I don’t know who S.E.D. is.”

What was going on? Something definitely wasn’t right. And why did she sound so

scared? Somehow, despite appearances, Constantine knew she was telling him the truth, but so had the gallery manager when the man had told him and Aries that Stella was the dealer for S.E.D’s art. How could both people be stating the truth and yet contradict each other?

He gently placed his hands on either side of her head and closed his eyes. Touching her mind with his, he delved into her psyche, shocked by what he found. No wonder Stella denied knowing S.E.D – there were large chucks of memory missing. A strong force jolted through him, pushing him back from her mind.

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Clearly, someone had gotten to the dealer first; Constantine couldn’t proceed further into her mind or it would kill her. From what he’d picked up, this could only be the work of a wizard or witch.

Why would they do this to a human, and why erase her memory like this? Judging

from Stella’s fear, they’d left an indelible impression on the woman, even though she couldn’t quite remember why.

“Enjoy your frozen dinner tonight, Stella. When you get home, take a bubble bath and relax.”

She nodded. “Yes. That’s what I’ll do.”

“And, Stella, this is your last cigarette.”

“My last cigarette. I was just thinking of quitting,” she agreed amiably.

Constantine packed her off in a taxi and watched it drive away as he tried to make

sense of what had just happened.

Aries approached him on the sidewalk. Incredibly, his cousin must have found some

place to park the big car. “So, did you find out anything?”

“Not only did I not find what I wanted, but something strange is going on.”

“What do you mean?”

“Parts of Stella’s memory have been wiped; I suspect those were the areas that contained what I need to find the person we seek.”

“Wizard or vampire?”


“How can you be sure?”

“Her subconscious remembers something happening but doesn’t know what.”

“I see what you mean. She wouldn’t remember anything at all if it were a vampire, but he or she could have been sloppy about it.”

“It’s possible, but I didn’t get that impression. And it happened recently. I have the feeling there’s something very extraordinary about this artist.” The shrill ringing of his phone interrupted his thoughts. “Constantine here.”

“Constantine! It’s Sarah. Please help me!” she whispered desperately on the other end.

A loud crash followed before the line went dead.

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Chapter Five

Paris glanced at his platinum, diamond-encrusted Patek Phillippe watch for the third time since he’d sat down. His companion was very late; perhaps he had forgotten their semi-annual lunch meeting. On the verge of pulling out his cell phone, Paris saw his friend enter the restaurant.

An amused smile tugged at the corners of his lips as the other man walked through the restaurant, drawing the stares of every single woman in the room.

“You’re late,” Paris chided softly as Dante Grimaldi took the seat across from him. They had been friends since Paris was a cub. At one time, Dante and his brothers had stayed with the Kyriakis pack shortly after the death of the vampires’ parents.

Paris had not yet been born then, but the friendship Dante had formed with his

grandfather Spyros had been extended to Paris’s father as well as to him. The vampire was considered family, and over the years, they’d both helped each other out of sticky situations.

Paris knew they’d continue to be friends until the end of time.

“Yes. I apologize, but it couldn’t be avoided. I had a bit of a family crisis.”

Paris frowned. “Is everything all right?” Now that he had a chance to inspect his friend, something seemed a bit off. As usual Dante was impeccably dressed; like Paris, the vampire wouldn’t dare appear in public in anything but the best. However, the far-off look in those cobalt eyes told him there was a lot more going on than his friend was revealing.

“Does it have anything to do with Romeo taking out the council? I must say that I

wasn’t too pleased to learn my nephew was caught up in that mess. Quite a few immortals are starting to wonder if the Underground members have become the very beasts they’ve sworn to fight.”

Dante lifted one dark brow. “Do you feel that way as well?”

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“I’ve known you long enough to know that if you gave your brother the order, you

must have had good reasons. I’ve also kept my own tabs on things, and it’s my understanding the council members were becoming a bit too power hungry.”

“Yet you object to Aries working with the cause?”

“I can hardly do that when I myself have done numerous missions for the

Underground. But I wasn’t head of my pack then. Now, I have others I’m responsible for.

Aries is as a son to me, and like any papa, I worry about my cubs.”

Dante picked up his menu and scanned its contents. “Is Constantine still upset with me for not sending him on a mission lately?”

BOOK: The Kyriakis Curse
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