Read The Jaguar Prince Online

Authors: Karen Kelley

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal, #General, #Fantasy, #Shapeshifting, #Love Stories

The Jaguar Prince (6 page)

BOOK: The Jaguar Prince
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Chapter 6

hanks for dinner, and letting me drive your car.” She got out, leaving it running, and hoping he would take the hint and leave.

“Can I use your bathroom?” he asked.

Now what was he up to? That was the oldest line in the book. If he thought she would succumb to his charm, he’d better think again. No way was she inviting him into her bed.

She sighed. But he had given her a ride home and bought her supper—sort of. “But then you’ll need to leave,” she told him.

He reached over and shut off the engine, pocketing his keys before getting out of the car. She couldn’t fault him for that. In this neighborhood it probably wasn’t wise to leave a Jag running. Shoot, it might not even be wise to leave one in the driveway. Not that he would be here that long.

She unlocked the front door, flipped on the light, and they went inside. He started toward the bathroom, but turned, placing his hands lightly on her shoulders. Okay, here it was, his move to get her into bed. But he only looked deep into her eyes.

“You have the ability to change form. Your guide is there”—he tapped her chest—“in your heart…and in your soul, waiting for you to acknowledge her. You need her as much as she needs you.”

Funny, she didn’t feel afraid because he was talking crazy again. Maybe because she knew he really believed what he was telling her.

She might as well play along and humor him.

Yeah, sure, who was she kidding? She was beginning to buy into his fantasy…sort of.

She cocked her head to the side. “And exactly how do I change form?”

“You only have to close your eyes and think about your guide. Think about your other form. It will happen if you let it.”

He moved his hands from her shoulders, taking his warmth with him as he walked out of the room.

What if he was right? What if she was part alien? She’d been about eight when she’d first heard the voice inside her. What if it had been her guide? Callie had been scared. She’d told one of the counselors and the next thing she knew, she was sitting in front of a psychiatrist.

Who would want to adopt a kid who heard a voice talking to her? She’d stopped listening, and eventually it went away.

Callie was so confused. Rogar had said to change form, she had to close her eyes and think about her guide. If she did this, and didn’t change, that would prove to him, and her, that she wasn’t part alien.

Before she could chastise herself for being as crazy as Rogar for even thinking she quite possibly could be part alien, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, then exhaled. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes, and looked at her arms. They still looked like her arms.

Rogar had said she needed to concentrate. She took another deep breath, exhaled, and relaxed her whole body. She pictured fields of green grass waving in the breeze, and could almost feel the wind on her face.
Animal guide, are you there?
The sun raced across the sky. The moon came out. There was strength in the magical orb in the sky. She could hear people speaking, and knew it was her ancestors who had crossed before her. She felt her body changing.

What was happening? Was she dying? Had Rogar come back and killed her while she wasn’t looking, and she didn’t know she was dead yet?

Ridiculous, she wasn’t dead. At least, she was pretty sure she wasn’t, but she hurt. Her body ached in places she didn’t know she could ache. And burned with an intensity she didn’t know existed.

She tried to open her eyes, but she couldn’t, and yet, she felt the damp fog surrounding her. Weakness enveloped her, and she slowly sank to the floor and curled into a ball as her heart began to race. The blood rushed through her veins. Her skin stretched, then tightened.

This wasn’t funny. Stop!

No sound came from her.

Oh, God, she couldn’t speak! She couldn’t see!

She whimpered.

As she lay there, everything began to return to normal. She heard a dog barking outside. A car zoomed past. A neighbor called her children to come inside.

For a moment, Callie just lay on the floor, trying to catch her breath, letting the world catch up to her. The pain wasn’t so bad now. At least, she didn’t feel as though her body was going to explode.

Finally, she opened her eyes. Something wasn’t right. She felt different. The room looked the same, only bigger. Why did everything look so big?

Her movements were disjointed as she made her way to the bedroom. Rogar better have some answers, and he’d better have them damned fast. She paused in front of the full-length mirror in the hallway, which was the only place she had space for it.

There was a rabbit in her house. Why was there a white furry rabbit in her house? And where was her reflection? She only saw the damned rabbit.

She had her explanation, Rogar was a vampire! They did exist. He’d probably bitten her that first night and now she was a vampire, too, and that was why she had no reflection. She’d never be able to go into the daylight again. Oh, God, no more Krispy Kremes.

Oh, great, the rabbit crapped in her floor. Black pellets were on her clean floor.

“You’ve changed form,” Rogar said from her bedroom doorway at the end of the hall.

He was still talking crazy. Why didn’t he just admit she was a vampire and now would be doomed to live forever? Never to know if her makeup was on straight because she had no reflection.

She thought about that for a moment. If she lived forever, she was bound to get the animal keeper job. But then, she couldn’t go into the light of day. It might be kind of difficult to work only at night.

Rogar came toward her. Good, because she was about to lay into him. He would regret ever turning her. Bleh, she was not about to drink blood to stay alive.

He stooped and picked up the rabbit, except she knew he was picking her up.

“I know things are confusing right now, but it will all get easier in time.”

What the hell was he talking about?

“You make a cute rabbit,” he said.

Rabbit? Rabbit! She’d shifted into a freakin’ rabbit? That was her guide? Hey guide, I don’t want to be a rabbit. If I’m going to be anything, I want to be a sexy animal. Rabbits were anything but sexy.

Oh, this was fantastic. Didn’t jaguars eat rabbits? Rogar had probably wanted her to change form so he could have a late-night snack.

She didn’t want to be a rabbit. She wanted to be Callie again.

“To change back, you only need to think about who you were before the change,” he said as if he sensed her thoughts.

Okay, she could do this because she damned well didn’t want to stay a friggin’ bunny. What would that accomplish? That she could be the life of the party leading the bunny hop? That she could have hundreds of baby bunnies? That sex would be really quick—wham, bam, thank you ma’am? Actually, that pretty well summed up her sex life now.

Nope, she was changing back ASAP. She willed her eyes, the rabbit’s eyes, to close. She thought about driving the Jaguar home and feeling the wind on her face, working at the zoo, how Mrs. Winkle would flip out if she realized Callie not only had a rabbit in the house, but a two-hundred-pound sleek muscled black jaguar.

I want to be Callie again,
she thought to herself.
I want to be Callie. I want to be Callie.

The fog once again rolled in and she began to change.

Everything went black.

Callie stretched her limbs. Her body ached. A burning sensation slammed her gut. She arched her back, moaning. There was pain, but not severe enough that she couldn’t stand it.

She didn’t hear the voices this time. Only soothing words coming from Rogar as he helped her to return.

God, she was so tired. As though she’d just run a ten-mile marathon.

“Callie?” Rogar whispered close to her ear.

She realized he was sitting on her bed, and she was on his lap. She threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. A myriad of emotions washed over her. “You weren’t lying. I’m part Symtarian.” She hiccupped.

“No, I wasn’t lying to you.”

“But I don’t want to be a bunny rabbit. I want to be something exotic.”

She could feel the rumble of laughter in his chest.

“It’s not funny. And I didn’t hear any kind of guide talking to me, either.”

“Callie, you surprise and mystify me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” He sighed. “I remember the first time I took another form. It terrified me.”

“Yeah, well, it scared the crap out of me.” She frowned. Literally, actually. That was so embarrassing. Rabbit pellets on her floor. “I still didn’t hear my guide.”

“It’s because you haven’t found each other yet. Sometimes it takes awhile for you to connect.”

“Then I’m not a bunny?”


“Maybe? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“When you take the form of your guide, then you will have a more solid connection with body, mind, and spirit.”

Good, she was glad she probably wouldn’t be a bunny. It seemed rather demeaning. Not that she had anything against bunny rabbits. They were cute and cuddly—when they weren’t dropping pellets all over the floor.

She sighed. “Shapeshifting hurts.”

“Are you in pain?”

She shook her head. “Not anymore.”

Callie could hear Rogar’s heart beat through his shirt. It soothed away her fears. The warmth from the heat of his body enveloped her in a warm cocoon. It was cozy. She snuggled closer, feeling safe and protected for the first time in her life.

It scared the hell out of her.

A cool draft of air brushed over her from the bedroom window that she always left cracked open just a bit. Her eyebrows drew together as she realized something else.

“I’m naked, aren’t I?”

“Quite naked.”

Chapter 7

t’s all right,” Rogar said.

“No, it’s not okay that I don’t have clothes on,” Callie told him.

“But I’ve already seen your body. I’ve felt it next to mine. You should be proud of how you look.” He still couldn’t understand why nakedness bothered her so much. Right now, it bothered him, but in a whole different way.

She leaned a little away from him, attempting to cover her breasts. “Well, it does bother me, a lot. I hardly know you.” She sniffed.

He tried not to laugh, but he lost the battle.

“It’s not funny,” she complained.

He sobered. “You’re right, it isn’t.”

She was so beautiful. The moonlight was the only light in the room, but it cast her in mysterious shadows and wavering soft lights.

And he couldn’t resist. He didn’t even try. It was the nature of the beast inside him. He lowered his mouth to her lips, wanting to taste her one more time, then he would let her get dressed, as much as he hated the notion of her covering that magnificent body.

She stiffened, then slowly began to relax against him. Her lips were soft, then she shyly opened them; her tongue explored his mouth, cautiously caressed him. Her touch was innocent and bold at the same time.

One kiss, then he would stop.

But he’d forgotten about the heat that radiated from her lush body or that it would quickly ignite the flames of his desires. When she tangled her fingers in his hair, he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop at just a kiss.

Callie gasped when he cupped her bare breast, but she didn’t pull away or tell him to stop. He ran his thumb over her nipple. She moaned.

He ended the kiss, lowering his head until he could take her breast in his mouth. She cried out, arching her back, when he sucked, gently tugging her nipple with his teeth.

She was driving him wild with need. His body ached to fill her, to plunge deep inside, and test the heat within.

He laid her back on the bed. She scooted up farther, and he wondered if she would tell him to leave. By the ancient saints, by the gods and goddesses, it would drive him insane if she were to send him away without the release he sorely needed. Many a weaker man had been driven insane when they didn’t get fulfillment. Their race was a race that survived only by controlling the warring emotions inside them, keeping their animal instincts reigned in. It wasn’t always possible.

His eyes narrowed as he tried to read what she was thinking. Would she save him from going mad with lust, or cast him away?

Callie opened her arms. “Make love to me.”

A low growl emitted from deep in his throat as his gaze moved over her naked body. He hadn’t dared look too closely when he didn’t know the outcome. What if she had turned away from him?

She was beautiful, her breasts full, nipples tight. The curls at the juncture of her legs hid what he wanted to touch, to taste, but not for long. Soon, he would part her legs. He would listen to her sweet voice beg for more.

He swallowed hard, and slipped off his jacket. She watched him, her gaze drinking in every one of his movements. He intentionally slowed as he unbuttoned his shirt, then let it fall to the floor.

She drew in a deep breath when he reached for the button on his slacks and pushed it through, then drew the zipper down. Her eyes widened in anticipation. He kicked out of his slacks, then hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his briefs.

Earth clothes were too bulky. On New Symtaria he wore loose robes until the climate turned cooler. But maybe wearing more clothes wasn’t so bad because watching Callie’s eyes widen, the way her chest raised and lowered when she began to pant, made him feel powerful, made him want her pleasure to be great.

He pushed his briefs down, then let them slide over his legs and drop to the floor as he straightened again. She bit her bottom lip, but not before a moan escaped. He’d known she had a passionate side. It ran through the veins of all Symtarians. Her Earth blood could not dilute it. He planned to see just how strong it was. He kicked the briefs away, then climbed on the bed, lying beside her.

“You’re beautiful,” she whispered.

He frowned. Women were beautiful. If anything, men were handsome. But never beautiful.

She tentatively lowered her hand and stroked down his length. His body jerked in response. Maybe it didn’t really matter how she thought he looked. They were just words. Callie pushed on his shoulders and he gave in, moving to his back.

“You don’t look like an alien,” she said as she explored his chest.

“Our races are very similar in many ways. That’s why our people were sent here when our planet was dying and we had to find another one.” He’d read some about Earth’s history and understood that women liked to talk before, during, and after sex. He didn’t mind this need. Symtarian women were much the same. He liked listening to their voices. They were softer, and most of the time, sweeter than a man’s voice.

But there were times when talk wasn’t needed. He turned back to his side, brushing the back of his hand lightly over her body, moving between her breasts, over her abdomen, down to her hip, then her thigh, then repeated the moves as he journeyed back up her body. Ah, she was lovely to look at, to touch. Her skin was soft as the finest material.

When she moaned, he knew she wanted more. He’d have liked to hear it from her lips, have her tell him exactly what she wanted, but maybe it was too soon. He didn’t want to push her, but some day he would have her telling him everything she wanted without embarrassment, and he would do the same until they knew instinctively what the other craved.

He leaned forward, drawing her tight nipple into his mouth and sucking gently, then gave equal attention to the other. His hand moved down her body. He ran his fingers lightly though her curls. Her body stiffened.

He leaned away from her. “Do you want me to stop?”

She shook her head. “More,” she choked out.

He smiled. “Yes, that is exactly what I plan to give you.” He fingered the fleshy part of her sex. She cried out, spreading her legs wider for him. He delved deeper, feeling her readiness.

His own ache grew stronger. He moved between her legs, spreading them wider. The moon bathed her skin in translucent light. “Beautiful,” he whispered before lowering his head and running his tongue over her.

Callie cried out, raising her hips, knotting the sheets in her fists.

He slid his hands beneath her bottom, bringing her even closer to his mouth, sucking her inside, running his tongue over her until she quivered and cried out.

Rogar had been too long without a female companion, and the sounds Callie made were pushing him to the brink of his lust. He moved so that he could easily slide into her moist heat.

“Wait,” she moaned.

“You would stop me now?’ he croaked.

She turned and stretched until she could open a drawer in the table beside the bed. She brought out a small packet. He could see her face had turned a bright red.

“Condom,” she said, then tore it open and handed it to him. “It’s for your…you know.”

He took it from her. Of course, he’d heard of this tradition. On New Symtaria, everyone took an injection to prevent any disease or children. When they were ready to have offspring, they took another. He would follow her customs.

Rogar slid the condom on, then slowly he sank inside, letting the rush of heat flow over him. He closed his eyes, and gritted his teeth at the sheer pleasure she gave him. This was good. He didn’t mind so much the sheathing as he shifted his hips, and sank a little deeper.

Callie cried out, and he was lifted out of his fog of passion.

“Am I hurting you?”

“No, it just feels so damned good.” To prove her words, she brought her legs up, wrapping them around his waist.

He sank deeper. Gasped as pleasure rushed over him.


Callie had gotten greedy. Not that he could blame her. He wanted more, too. He slid out, then plunged deeper. She rocked her hips. He knew he couldn’t hold back any longer, and sank back inside.

His movements intensified until they both cried out at the sheer ecstasy of the moment. The world exploded around him into brilliant lights. He gasped for air as he rolled his weight off Callie.

Mating with Callie had been more than he expected. It had been wonderful, it had been…

The familiar ache began to burn inside him. He tried to stop it, but the burning sensation had already begun to consume him.

Callie watched the changing expressions on Rogar’s face and knew he’d experienced the same thing that she had. She’d finally had the earth-shattering orgasm that she’d always thought some fanciful author had made up while eating a chocolate bar or something. No, this was the real thing.

She turned on her side, watching him with more than a little wonderment. If there was ever a bumper sticker that read,
, she was getting it. She’d never had sex like that. He was magnificent, superb…

He suddenly doubled up, groaning.

Oh, no, sex with her had been too much. She’d killed him. Been overly aggressive…or something. Was she doomed to never have another orgasm like the one she’d just had?

“Rogar? Rogar!” She sat up, grasping his shoulders as he seemed to struggle for air. A thick fog rolled across the room. His shoulders began to sprout hair. Oh, crap, he was shifting. Maybe making love wasn’t nearly as good for him as it had been for her, and now he was going to eat her. Not good! Well, not when it was literal.

She jumped up and ran for the bathroom door, slamming it closed, and then fastening the latch. She’d never realized how flimsy the door was. She started to unlock it and hurry through to the living room, but she heard a deep throated purr and froze. Okay, maybe it wouldn’t be prudent to leave just yet. She eased over to the toilet and plopped down on the lid.

The purring grew louder, as though the cat was right outside the door. Cold chills washed over her. Not just from being nervous, either. She glanced around, then breathed a sigh of relief when she spotted her white terry cloth robe on the counter by the sink.

Wrapping her arms around herself in an attempt to ward off the chill in the air, she tiptoed over and grabbed the robe. Pure bliss. Now if only Rogar would change back to human form.

She stopped in the middle of tying the belt. It was true. Everything he’d told her about being an alien was true. And what was worse, she was part Symtarian, too. She’d changed into a bunny rabbit.

A host of questions swarmed inside her. She nibbled her lip as she looked at the door. Was the black jaguar still in the other room? She really found it hard to think of the jag and Rogar as being one and the same.

If he’d changed to a bunny, she wouldn’t mind opening the door. Bunnies couldn’t really hurt anyone. They ate lettuce and dropped pellets on your floor.

Maybe he’d changed back and had fallen asleep. She’d felt tired when she’d changed back to herself. Well, until Rogar kissed her. After a few moments, she hadn’t even been thinking about how tired she was.

But did she want to take that chance and possibly get eaten alive? Nausea rumbled in her stomach. She was a coward, so what.

She knelt in front of the door and peered through the keyhole. Damn it, she couldn’t see anything. She lay down on the floor and moved her face as close to the crack at the bottom as she could get it, peering from underneath. Everything was black. She let out a deep breath. The blackness moved. There was a loud purr just on the other side of the door.

She rolled away, probably looking like a white tootsie roll with arms and legs. She didn’t stop until her head banged into the side of the tub.

“Ow.” She sat up, rubbing her head.

There was another loud purr.

Was the stupid jaguar laughing at her? She crawled into the tub, tucking her bath pillow beneath her head. It wasn’t as good as her pillow on the bed. This was just one of those cheap ones that you inflate. It was an indulgence, but it had only cost a dollar.

She tried to get comfortable, but finally gave up. It was a lost cause. She sniffed. Her first major orgasm and what happens, the guy changes into a jaguar. She snorted. That was one for the advice columns. Maybe she should write Dear Abby. She could see it now.

Dear Abby,

What do you do when you have the greatest sex for the very first time in your life, and your lover turns into a jaguar? Is it a reflection on your performance?

Need advice ASAP!

One Who Sleeps in a Bathtub

This was so not fun.

BOOK: The Jaguar Prince
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