Read The Intern, Book 1 (Alpha Billionaire Romance Series) Online

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The Intern, Book 1 (Alpha Billionaire Romance Series)

BOOK: The Intern, Book 1 (Alpha Billionaire Romance Series)
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The Intern (Book 1)


Copyright 2016 Lexi Summers

Published by Haut Pink Publishing




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Table of Contents



Thank You From The


The Intern
(Book 1)


Other Books by Lexi


Connect with Haut Pink




Thank You From The Author

To my amazing readers,


First off, thank you so much for
downloading my book! As an indie author, I really appreciate your
support and hope that you enjoy reading this book as much as I
enjoyed writing it for you.


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fun, steamy romance stories for you!


Lastly, be sure to check out my
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Thank you for your support and
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Lexi Summers




Chapter 1


You’re a complete…, complete…” I screamed and
couldn’t come up with the word I wanted to describe my boyfriend as
tears pricked at the corner of my eyes.

“Oh don’t be so
melodramatic, Melissa,” Jason replied. “It didn’t mean anything to

It was the comment that
convinced me that the relationship with the man I was staring at
was over.

“You fucking slept with
her,” I raged as my emotions got the better of me. “That means
something to me you lying, cheating bastard.”

“It’s not like we’re
married or anything,” Jason muttered and shook his head. “And at
least I could get my arms around her.”

The callous comment was
the final straw.

“Fuck you,” I shouted and
stormed out of his apartment.

There was no stopping the
tears now although that was as much to do with his cruel parting
shot as it was to the fact we just broke up. He probably didn’t
even think it was over and more than likely expected me to come
crawling back to him when I calmed down. I’d had enough of his
games though and knew for sure that wasn’t going to happen. The
relationship was always volatile and stormy right from the start,
but catching him out in a lie that proved his infidelity was too
much for me to take. He could go and fuck the skinny bitch he
cheated on me with as much as he wanted for all I cared.

“Shit,” I cursed when I
got out of the building to find it was pouring with

With no umbrella for
protection, I was soaked by the time I eventually got to my student
accommodation and Bella stared at me when I walked through the door
of the room we shared.

“Couldn’t you have just
waited out the storm?” she asked.

The water running down
from my soaked hair covered the evidence of the tears that were
still rolling down my cheeks.

“No,” I replied. ‘”I split
up with Jason and just wanted to get away from him, so I stormed
out of his apartment into the rain and was soaked in seconds. My
mind was all over the place, so I just kept walking.”

“I’m sorry to hear about
that,” Bella said sympathetically then changed her mind. “Well, no
I’m not really. He was an immature prick. I’m surprised you needed
so long to notice it.”

I was unable to stop the
sobs that suddenly came out.

“Go and have a shower
before you catch your death of cold,” Bella said firmly as she got
to her feet. “I’ll buy a bottle of wine and you can tell me all
about it.”

I nodded my head and moved
across to the door in the corner of the room to step in the small
bathroom. Stripping off my wet clothes took away some of the chill
of a bad evening and I tried to relax after switching on the hot
water then getting under it. Jason’s nasty last comment kept
running around in my head and I looked down at my naked body. I’d
always been chubby since my early teens and never particularly
worried about being a bigger girl. During my relationship with
Jason, I tried to diet to please him because of his nagging about
how it would be better if I was slimmer. In the end I liked my food
too much and never lost any weight. Suddenly I was glad that was
the case.

“Fuck trying to be
something I’m not just to please a man,” I let out under my

They could take me as they
found me from now on and if they didn’t like my big, beautiful
curves then they could take a running jump. I tilted my face up to
let the jets of water pound down on it and the tears were stopped
when I got out of the cubicle. I dried myself then secured the
towel in place around my chest before leaving the bathroom to find
something comfortable to wear. I was only just finished when Bella
walked in through the door.

“Feeling better?” she

“Yeah, a bit,” I

She walked to the small
closet in the corner of the room and opened it to find a couple of
big plastic tumblers. Opening the bottle, she poured the wine then
came to sit beside me on the sofa.

“Get that down you,” she
said with a smile and handed over one of the tumblers before going
on. “You’re better off without him.”

I let out a long

“Yeah,” I eventually
replied. “The bastard cheated on me, which was bad enough. He was
so blasé about it though, like it didn’t mean anything. Why is it
boys will stick their cock in any wet hole they find?”

Bella laughed at the crude
language before answering.

“When they get a hardon
there’s no blood left in their head for their brain to function,”
she joked. “They can’t help themselves and that goes double for an
arrogant dick like Jason. If ever there is a guy that thinks he is
God’s gift to the opposite sex, it’s him.”

“He even insulted me about
my size,” I said.

“The stupid idiot has no
class,” Bella commented before taking a drink. “You shouldn’t let
what he says bother you. You’re far better off without him in your

“I’m off men altogether,”
I told my friend.

“Oh…, you shouldn’t let
one useless waste of space put you off men for good,” Bella said
and laughed. “They do have their uses.”

I shook my head as I
joined in the laughter. The wine and company was making me feel a
little better after the trauma of earlier in the evening, but I
meant what I said about staying away from guys. It was coming up
towards the summer break and I set my mind to just concentrating on
my studies then going home to my parent’s farm to enjoy a break
away from the city.

“Oh…,” Bella let out. “I
bumped in to Professor Hamilton when I was out buying the wine. She
asked if you could go and see her tomorrow after classes

“Why does she want to see

Bella shrugged her

“She just asked me to pass
on the message, but didn’t say what it was about. You just have to
go to her room after your last class of the day.”

My mind ticked over as to
what Professor Hamilton wanted to see me about, but as the wine and
chat flowed I put the meeting out of my mind.

Chapter 2


The next day, the meeting
with Professor Hamilton was all I was thinking about and I couldn’t
shake off the trepidation that crept over me as another day of
lectures came to an end. I packed my books in my bag and set off
for the meeting. My nervousness grew as I approached her room and I
stopped outside her door to take some deep breaths before

“Come in.”

The sound of the shout
prompted me to open the door and step inside Professor Hamilton’s

“You got my message,” the
older woman said with a smile.

“Yes,” I replied. “Bella
told me last night after meeting you.”

“And did the wine go down
well?” Professor Hamilton said with a smirk.

“Oh…, yes, it did,” I
answered slightly hesitantly.

“Good,” she said. “Take a

I moved across to sit on
the chair opposite her and said nothing as I waited for her to go
on. She opened the top drawer of her desk and brought out some
papers before looking across at me.

“What are your plans for
the summer?”

“I’m intending to go home
to my parent’s farm,” I told her.

“Would you be interested
in giving up a few weeks of your vacation?” she went on.

“To do what?”

“Well, I have contacts
with the media company Reed Commerce,” she told me. “They’re
interested in hiring an intern this year for a four week summer

My interest was piqued at
the mention of Reed Commerce. The billionaire boss in charge,
Conrad Reed, built it up from scratch to become one of the most
successful and influential media companies around. As part of the
business studies course I was doing, we’d looked at case studies of
the biggest companies, as well as the men and women that ran them.
That included Reed Commerce and it was certainly one of the
companies I planned to apply to once I finished college. A chance
to get a foot in the door was definitely something to

“Have you been asked to
provide someone?” I asked.

“I’ve been asked to put
someone forward from this college,” Professor Hamilton replied.
“You were the name that sprang to mind.”

“Why?” I

“You’re in the top five
percent of your class,” Professor Hamilton said. “And from what
I’ve seen of you, I know you are diligent and hard working. I think
you would make the perfect candidate although there’s no guarantee
you’ll be accepted. The company will go through a screening process
to find the person they want.”

“What’s involved in

“If you’re interested in
applying, you’ll need to tell me what is involved,” she said and
laughed. “This is the first time of going through this for me

“I’m definitely
interested,” I told her.

“Great,” she said and slid
the papers she got from the drawer in her desk across the table.
“That’s the details I have about the internship. The number on the
brochure will get you through to someone called Mrs. Samuels.
She’ll give you the details of what you need to do. Her email
address is also there if you need it.”

“OK,” I said. “I’ll give
her a call tomorrow morning and take it from there.”

Professor Hamilton got to
her feet to signal the end of the meeting and I followed suit. She
came around the desk and walked across the room with me.

BOOK: The Intern, Book 1 (Alpha Billionaire Romance Series)
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