The Icarian Legacy Collected Edition: Brave Souls - First Strike (Volume 3) (62 page)

BOOK: The Icarian Legacy Collected Edition: Brave Souls - First Strike (Volume 3)
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The Eisenhower Class had two main MAC guns placed on its ventral hull that went the entire length of the ship. They could fire fifty ton projectiles at a speed of four hundred miles per second and it could fire three times in a row before it would need to recharge. It also had twenty two primary kinetic energy guns and Twenty four M-100 plasma cannons placed on all four sides of the ship. Hundred and twelve rail guns placed on all sides of the hull formed its third offensive weapon. Eighty four missile launch platforms capable of launching both conventional and atomic missiles were positioned all over the ship. Four hundred and eighty dual kinetic weapons and sixty laser rings combined with the advanced Aegis system formed its point defense. That combined with an air wing of three hundred vipers, twenty raptors and ten pelican drop ships represented an awesome amount of firepower. As Anaya pointed out they were ships that could even give the Argus a fight for its money. The carrier had a crew of two thousand men. But it could also carry additional five thousand men and that was needed for the mission that lay ahead.

The Daedalus class of battle cruisers was the next third generation of cruisers. Fifteen hundred and ten feet long it had an air wing of sixty fighters, four pelican drop ships, one MAC gun that could fire a fifty ton projectile and it could fire three in a row, twelve plasma cannons, and thirty six missile launchers. An advanced Aegis system, four main rail guns placed on the front, forty eight placed on other parts of the hull and eighty four dual kinetic point defense weapons. It was impressive and it was powered by sixteen fusion reactors.

And the last group of ships was the Iowa class of battleships. The name was easy to choose considering their counterparts back on Earth.

They were not as big as the carriers but had just about the same amount of firepower.

Two thousand eight hundred and fifty five feet long, three hundred and sixty feet wide and hundred an eighty feet high with a main super structure that was fifty meters wide, armor that was consisted of thirty meter thick steel plates, fifteen meters of titanium, seven meters of composite armor plates of ceramics, carbon nanotubes, and titanium diboride and boron nitrides and the first line of defense the three meters thick electrical armor. Four MAC guns two on the ventral hull two on the sides that could fire fifty and twenty five ton projectiles at a speed of four hundred miles per second, twenty plasma canons, twenty primary kinetic energy weapons and eighty six rail guns placed all over the hull and ninety missile launch platforms represented its offensive weapons. The battleship had no air wing but it had the most impressive point defense system that combined the most advanced Aegis system, four hundred and sixty dual kinetic weapons and fifty five defensive lasers.

It was powered by thirty Mark two fusion reactors just as the carrier.

It had a crew of one thousand four hundred and sixty men.

“If we had them during the battle a lot of people would have survived.”

Johnson turned towards Simonson.

“Yes but the important thing is that we have them now and by the time the fleet leaves we will have twenty more ships of those classes. They can handle anything those bastards can throw at them.”

“The Excelsior should be there by now.”

“Yes William. I hope that they made it safely. But there is no way to know for sure. I wish we had a way of communicating with them but the drones that we have that can make the trip are too few and they only carry three. And we gave Jennings strict orders that he is to use them only in dire emergency.”

The older admiral who was in fact their commander in chief just nodded. The fleet would have a good number of drones with it in order to make contact with Earth after the invasion. But the Excelsior was on scouting and reconnaissance mission deep in to enemy territory. That’s why they didn’t use any drones.

The drones were another technology that was left from the Alterans, every ship of the refugee fleet had them and the three military ships had hundreds. A large number of them were sent to the newly formed colonies as a way of faster communication with the home system. They were a valuable asset and one that was rare considering that they represented a piece of technology that was far more advanced than anything humanity was capable of reverse engineering. With the new fusion reactors the scientists were confident that they would be able to create new drones but they would be far slower than their counterparts. But that was something that was expected and it was a project that was supported both by the military and the civilian government. 

“Let us pray that he and his men will succeed in their mission.”

Simonson looked out of the window towards the fleet that was exercising.

“I know admiral Jennings. If there is a man who can carry out a mission like that it would be him.  One way or another we will know in a year.”

Levin looked at his younger subordinate and smiled. He knew what Simonson meant. The younger admiral and he were the commanders of the task force that would go to Arcadia. Simonson would have command of Second Fleet that would destroy the planetary defenses and land the first troops on the planet. That honor belonged to the marines and several units from other nations. After the beach head and the orbitals were secured the rest of the task force including the ships that would be carrying the First Expeditionary Army would enter the system. That was the original plan. The planning was still in progress and so was the organization but both Simonson and Levin knew that the fleet plan would suffer minor changes. Most of the planning would go to the ground troops and their commanders.

“Our mission will be the hammer, but the ground troops would do the real fighting on that world. If what Anaya said was true there might be some other Alteran artifacts and pieces of technology that we might use.”

“Yes Eliot and that is the main reason why they will be on this mission. In a way I really hoped that we could just blast the damn world to pieces and not land any troops on it, but we all know that that is not possible. That remains an option if everything else fails but the army will have to kill every damn Dacarian on that world and destroy every piece of technology that we might miss so that every trace that points to Earth and Sol is gone. We need that time and even if we have to commit genocide on a large scale it is something that we have to do.”

Both younger admirals looked at their commander. They knew what his words meant and they knew that it was not an easy decision. Humanity knew what genocide meant, what the killing of every living creature of a country or a world is. They’d had shameful experiences in the past and they vowed that they would not allow it again. But now in this situation it looked as a possible solution for their problem, like the only solution. For the secret to remain safe everyone on that world, in that system who knew of Earth had to die or disappear.

“Does this mean that the president and the congress gave their approval?”

Levin exhaled.

“Yes. The federation has made its decision and we have our orders, if the choice is between that world and ours that world will die!”

The words were harsh but they were something that they and every soldier that would leave this system knew deep inside him. And the hundred million dead were a guarantee that the hate was great enough that the order if given would be carried out.

“I hope it won’t come to that. And if it does may god forgive us for what we must do.”

Levin turned toward Johnson and they stared at each other not saying anything for several minutes. Simonson was quiet as well. He wondered deep inside him what Jennings might think of the plan. He knew that his friend hated the enemy just as they did, maybe even more considering the personal loss but just as him he also loved and appreciated life and its beauty. They were warriors but not murderers, and this mission might make them that.

As if Levin read his mind he broke the silence at that moment.

“I feared this when the first battle finished, I realized at that moment when those two ships fired their weapons at the planet in a desperate act of revenge that this might be a war without mercy, a war in which we might have to become beasts, we might have to embrace our darkest side in order to survive. We are fighting an enemy that has no mercy towards its opponents, an enemy that will do anything in order to win, and from what Anaya tells us, they hate our race with a cold passion like no other. They fear us, fear what we might become. Make no mistake gentlemen this might become a war in which one side will have to die, and may god be my witness, humanity will not be the one to lose.”



May 21 2020

Bitola Macedonia


Fillip looked at the letter he was holding in his hands. He read it several times. It was a break up letter, a small piece of paper with just a few words on it. He knew that today might be the last time he would see her. He was supposed to return to his unit in two days and then ship out to one of the ships in Task Force One.

He knew that it might be a mistake, it probably was, but he knew that it was something he had to do. In several days he would depart, leave this world, taking part in a mission that might claim his and the lives of almost nine hundred thousand men and women, and he had to say his goodbyes…and deep inside he knew he had to see her again.

He was hurt, he knew that he should be angry, but instead all he felt was peace. He still felt the pain and the betrayal, but in a way he knew that he was already at peace with her decision, and with his.

He looked at her as she approached. He felt a little anger as he noticed the guy with her. He knew him well, they were never friends, he knew they would probably never be, but he also knew his brother, and he made a promise he wouldn’t do anything. He smiled as he remembered the day he made it. It was the day he found out she had cheated on him that she went out with Petar while he was on a mission and continued after he got back. He wanted to break him back then but as he watched him he realized it would not be fair.

He was tall at least a head taller than him. He had blond hair, a strong face that had a small scar on his forehead showing he didn’t have a peaceful childhood. He had blue eyes, small nose and full lips with a strong jaw that combined with his head and the strong well-muscled body that Petar didn’t mind showing off under his garments now consisting of a tight t-shirt and jeans reminded Fillip of a pit-bull. He knew that it was insulting but he smiled at the thought. It was an honest smile, a smile he always had on his face, a smile she used to love.

Next to him she looked amazing, and it wasn’t just because he loved her. She had long blond hair, green eyes, full lips, perfect body that she kept by exercising and running. She was wearing a white dress, he stopped for a second as he saw it…it was the dress he bought for her. He felt that it was her way of teasing him. And he wasn’t surprised that it was working. He felt his anger rising for a second.

He noticed her smile and he knew that she was watching him and knew she managed to break through his armor. He guessed that her sarcastic smile was supposed to hurt him but instead it only helped him. Watching her he knew that he had already won. He knew he loved her but he also knew that he was better than anyone she would have. Instead of showing anger he returned her smile.

As she noticed his smile she caught Petar’s hand. He smiled at the gesture. If it was supposed to help her assert her control over him it wasn’t working. And as she approached he knew that she knows.

She whispered something to his ear and he stopped looked at him and nodded. As he watched him Fillip noticed his smile. It showed pride. In a way it was deserved one he had to admit it and he nodded to him.

She didn’t notice what happened between them but she could feel as Petar nodded back. She looked first at him then at Petar but couldn’t notice anything.

After a second she started walking towards him.

“What do you want Fillip?”

Her voice was firm, and he knew she was trying to show strength. He waited a second just watching her.

“Well? What do you want? You called me remember?”

He smiled.

“Yes I did.”

“And what is the reason you did?”

He turned.

“Can we walk? I won’t bite promise.”

She looked at him. He noticed her hesitation.

“Don’t worry he can wait, and after today he won’t see me. As a matter of fact neither of you will, not for a long time.”

He noticed her look as he said that. It was a look of fear, a fear she tried hard to hide.

He knew that in the past he would have embraced her. He would tell her it was ok but not today, not now. She made her decision and so did he.


He slowly turned and started walking through the park. She watched him go for a second and then showing to her companion to wait for her she went after him.

He could hear her increased footsteps.

“Slowdown, will you?”

Even before she said those words he did. He knew she loved to walk but she loved to do it slow. He liked the same, although his training made him sometimes forget himself and walk fast.

She reached him and they started walking together neither of them saying anything. 

He looked at the green trees in the park, and the blue sky. As he did he remembered the look of the planet from space. Of the blue shimmering ball in the darkness, of the small beacon of light that represented everything he loved and cherished, of his home. He smiled again at the thought.

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