The Home Court Advantage (10 page)

BOOK: The Home Court Advantage
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Commonwealth v. Blakey

“Officer Standish,” Braden began, striding up to the witness stand with his usual confident demeanor, “would you please describe the events that brought you here today?”

“On June third of this year I was traveling westbound on the Schuylkill Expressway when I noticed a gray Toyota Corolla following closely behind me. The driver seemed to be trying to catch my attention.” Officer Standish was a young guy and I noted that he looked very earnest.

“How so?” Braden asked. He had such a powerful voice. I loved his voice. Especially when he was talking dirty to me … okay, pay attention, Gabrielle! I shook my head to snap myself out of it.

“He was leaning out the driver side window shouting, ‘hey cop’.” Yep, seemed like he was trying to catch his attention all right. Brilliant deduction on Officer Standish’s part. He was going to make detective! Braden quickly glanced at me with amusement.

“What happened then?” he asked. Braden walked over to the prosecution table and put his hands down, leaning over, looking for some report, and the image of him leaning over me like that in bed flashed through my head. Concentrate, Gabrielle! Concentrate. He found his report and strode back to the witness.

“The Corolla pulled up alongside my patrol vehicle and the driver, defendant Wayne Blakey, called out ‘catch me if you can, copper’.” Copper? Oh great. A gangster wannabe - as in the 1920’s kind – driving a freaking Toyota.

What happened next?” Braden asked.

“He pulled into the passing lane, cutting off another driver, and accelerated, weaving in and out of traffic in a dangerous fashion. I activated my lights and siren and began to pursue him.”

“He was trying to outrun a Philadelphia police cruiser on the Schuylkill Expressway?” Judge Channing cut in. “In a Corolla?!”

“Yes, sir. He began the pursuit himself. For no reason,” Officer Standish said very sincerely. He seemed genuinely baffled as to why someone would do something so incredibly stupid. He was obviously new to the force. Give him a few years.

“And then what happened?” Braden asked, tilting his head to the side in a really sexy way. In case you haven’t figured this out, I pretty much thought that everything Braden did was sexy. I was also, obviously, still feeling the effects of hormones in my system, because even though I usually wanted him, at that moment I wanted to rip his clothes off. I crossed my legs and pressed my thighs together.

“He committed approximately forty-two moving violations, which I could see, and refused to pull over so I called for back-up and continued my pursuit.” I looked over at Mr. Blakey who turned to me with a proud smile. Wow, bad boy here actually outran a cruiser in a Toyota. That was weirdly impressive.

“What was the outcome of this chase?” Braden asked. He glanced over at me and my tummy flipped. God, he was hot. I needed to see him naked very soon. Like right after this case.

“We managed to cut him off in several directions, essentially herding him toward a parking lot where fellow officers had set up spike strips. His tires were punctured and he came to a stop. We ordered him out of the vehicle with our weapons drawn and we cuffed him.”

“Did Mr. Blakey offer any explanation for his actions?”

“Yes, sir, he told us that he had always wanted to try that.”

“Were there any witnesses who gave statements describing the events that you just related?”

“Yes sir, uh, I believe one hundred and twenty-three? The parking lot in question was at police headquarters.” I looked over at Mr. Blakey and raised my eyebrows. He just shrugged and smiled.

Thankfully, Mr. Blakey’s case was the last of the afternoon. After holding all of the charges for trial and having his clerk schedule it, Judge Channing left the bench in his usual good mood. Jess and Adam had already left and the courtroom was emptying. I came over to the prosecution table where Braden was grabbing his files.

“So, you know, maybe we should discuss a deal,” I said.

“On that case? Don’t expect much,” he answered. “Hey copper? Who is he, Al Capone?”

“Give the man some credit. Anybody could outrun a cop in a Lamborghini. We could at least discuss it,” I said, hoping he would get the hint. He got the hint. Braden’s a bright boy.

“Did you want to discuss it right now?” he asked with a smile, packing his files into his briefcase and turning to face me, looking rather interested.

“Are you too busy?” I felt myself blushing and I realized that I was being coquettish, running my finger along the edge of the table and looking up at him through my lashes.

“Not too busy for
negotiation style.” He laughed. “Although I will point out that you were right when you said that we can’t keep doing this and we may want to save it until after a more intense case than that one.”

“Yeah, you’re right about that. Mr. Blakey may be one badass Toyota owner but his case is pretty lame as far as adrenaline goes.” It was more like excess estrogen that was my issue but it would be selfish not to wait until he was revved up too.

“How about if we just get really seriously freaky when we get home tonight,” he suggested. “The entry hall was a lot of fun last night. Maybe I’ll take you up to the roof garden again this time.”

“Okay, it’s a deal,” I said with a smile. He hesitated for a moment and then looked around the now nearly empty courtroom. Wayne, the judge’s bailiff, was near the door talking to Jerry, the sheriff’s deputy, and their attention was diverted at the moment.

“Come here for a second though,” he said and grabbed his briefcase. He walked over to the deliberation room behind the jury box. I grabbed mine and followed him, wondering what exactly he had in mind. Well, I had an idea that he wasn’t interested in deliberating, but the details were kind of fuzzy. When we got inside, he shut the door and backed me up against it.

“Was there something you needed, counselor?”

“I want to at least kiss you goodbye,” he said, his eyes dropping to my lips before he leaned down and gently pressed his to mine. He started to pull back, but he must have changed his mind, because he leaned in and deepened it instead.

Oh Lord! He was such a good kisser and he tasted all minty and delicious. I slid my tongue up against his and rubbed it back and forth, burying my fingers in his hair. He groaned a little and slid his hands up to cup my breasts. I pressed against him and reached down between his legs to see how interested he was. There was emerging interest when I got there but my little exploratory mission quickly changed that to great interest. In fact, enormous interest wouldn’t be an exaggeration.

“Mm, you’re a very good negotiator,” I said breathily, moving to kiss his neck.

“Baby, we’re in the deliberation room. There’s a deputy right outside.”

“I guess that means we would have to be really quiet,” I whispered as I started trailing kisses along his jaw and stroking him on the outside of his pants.

“Oh Jesus, Gabrielle.” I took his earlobe between my teeth and unzipped his pants. “I’m not kidding around. I sense my good judgment leaving,” He was protesting, but I noticed that he wasn’t stopping me, and so I reached into his boxers and gripped him gently. Then I sunk to my knees and looked up at him with my bad girl smile.

“Braden, baby, I’m going to serve your subpoena,” I said and dragged my tongue along the length of his cock. He groaned and started breathing hard. I started sliding him in and out of my mouth as far as I could take him, and stroking him with my hand, sucking on the tip and running my tongue back and forth on the sensitive underside. All the things he loved best.

“Ah! Fuck! Oh, that feels so good! I’m serious Gabrielle, if you don’t stop, I’m going to nail you right on the jury table, and that may not be a great career move for either one of us.” I could tell that he was barely holding back. I popped him out of my mouth and looked up at him.

“Do it,” I said and cupped his balls, squeezing gently. That was it. His hand flew to the door knob. Luckily, it locked. I was sure that the deputy had the key but at least it would buy us a couple of seconds. Unfortunately, I could hear people starting to come back into the courtroom outside. There must have been a special hearing scheduled. It didn’t matter at this point, though, because he had warned me and I had insisted. I was about to get nailed on the deliberation table with court in session on the other side of the door. I really hoped that there wasn’t a jury empaneled! I was glad that we were independently wealthy because if we got caught, we would be screwed in more ways than one.

He pulled me up to my feet and over to the table and pushed my skirt up over my hips. I wondered vaguely if they could disbar us for this. That would sound great in the papers. Noted CEO’s daughter loses law license getting laid in court by senator’s son.

He pulled my panties down and sat me up on the table. On the other hand, law was a stressful career, maybe it was time for a change. I heard the bailiff call court to session. Jesus! The judge was taking the bench!
All rise
! Braden was way ahead of him! I now had his full attention. Holy moly! He pulled my panties the rest of the way off.
The Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County is now in session! The Honorable Louis Channing presiding!
Braden leaned in and started kissing me hungrily and I responded like a starving animal with a steak. He unbuttoned my blouse quickly and I opened his belt and undid his trousers.

Eric Jeffries for the Commonwealth.
The lawyers were entering their appearances
. Mark Patterson for the defendant.
Oh great! Mark was out there! Braden unhooked my bra and leaned down first to lick and then to start vigorously suckling one hard nipple and then the other as I grabbed his head and arched my back, biting my lip to keep myself quiet.
Your Honor, we have to resolve the matter of the introduction of the telephone call into evidence before the jury is brought in.
Shit! The jury! It was a pre-trial motion but obviously the jury was waiting somewhere else. Braden moved up to kiss my neck as he reached between my legs and started teasing my throbbing clit.

“Mmm, my baby’s ready for me,” he whispered.

“Braden, there’s a jury,” I whispered back.

“He said that they had a matter to resolve. They’ll probably have a hearing.”

He slid two fingers up inside me and starting circling my clit with his thumb. I buried my mouth against his neck and started kissing him frantically. I was breathing hard and occasionally whimpering quietly but I was managing to stifle my usual moans.

“Oh God,” I panted. “This is really scary but really hot.”

“This is like a sexual fantasy come true, Gabrielle,” he said thickly.

Your Honor, allowing that phone call in would be highly prejudicial.
I wrapped my hand around the base of Braden’s stiff cock and began stroking him slowly just how I knew he liked it. Then he was pressing his mouth against my neck too. Braden was actually rather vocal in his lovemaking. He began moving his hips in rhythm with my hand.
Call your witness Mr. Jeffries!
His fingers slid in and out of me and I rode his hand feeling the sweet ache of wanting more, wanting to be totally filled up. It was a good thing we were getting married because Braden’s generous proportions had ruined me for the average man.
Do you solemnly swear or affirm to tell the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed him inside me.

“Fuck me.” I whispered it in his ear and then I nipped it kind of hard. I didn’t have to say it twice. He pushed me down so that I was lying on my back and then he grabbed one of my legs and pushed it open to the side and took the other and placed my ankle on his shoulder. I was spread open wide before him on the jury table with my skirt bunched up around my hips and my breasts displayed for his viewing pleasure. I said a silent prayer that the bailiff didn’t decide to check out the jury room or put a water pitcher in here or something.

“Do you know how many times I’ve thought about doing this to you here?” he asked, looking like he was about to lose control.

“So do it to me. Hard,” I panted and he officially lost it. Positioning himself quickly he thrust into me and we both paused for a second, stunned. We were actually having sex in the jury room with court in session. Clearly, we were nuts.

“Oh yeah!” he ground out under his breath. And then he started doing it to me. Hard. And I loved it.
Officer Michaels, would you please tell the court how you obtained the transcript of the phone call in question?

Soon he was slamming into me and I was trying desperately to keep myself quiet. Our skin was slapping together and my boobs were jiggling up and down. We really should write to Penthouse about this one.

“Oh God! Don’t stop!” I moaned as quietly as I could.

“Is this what you want, baby?” he said through gritted teeth as his hips crashed against me, driving him even deeper.

“Yes!” I panted. “I’m close.”

Officer Michaels, the informant hadn’t mentioned my client by name. Isn’t that true?
I was holding onto him and moving my hips to meet his thrusts, loving the feeling of him banging up against the end of me inside. The combination of intense pleasure with just a little pain drove me closer and closer to a powerful orgasm. Then he reached down and began fingering my clit again and I quickly started to climb.

The Commonwealth rests, Your Honor. Defense rests.
Oh shit, we needed to get out of there soon. They were done arguing and if the judge ruled from the bench, the jury would be on its way. I relaxed and cleared my mind and just let it happen. The tension built second by second, my inner muscles getting more and more taut, the pressure in my lower regions growing. I was right on the edge, and as usual Braden sensed it.

“Come on, baby,” he hissed thrusting into me so hard I could feel his balls slapping against my bottom. I went over the edge and I felt the first wave hit as I clamped down on him. Intensely pleasurable relief flooded through me as a tremor shook my body and my muscles continued to contract around him.
I have my ruling
I’m going to allow in portions of the call but not all of it.

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