The Happy Endings Book Club (23 page)

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Jane Tara is the author of
Trouble Brewing
, as well as over twenty children’s books. She lives with her partner Dom and their four sons in Sydney.



By Jane Tara


The Shakespeare women were what the locals of Greenwich Village called “gifted.”

They did tarot readings and cast spells from their infamous shop Second Site. And each morning, Rowie would perform her popular weather prediction on the pavement outside.

Sure, Rowie’s predictions were helpful for forecasting the weather, but when it came to love, her abilities were more like a curse. Why bother dating a guy if you knew at the first kiss he was destined for someone else? And how would she ever meet anyone while she was stuck working at the family shop?

Rowie was resigned to never finding love. Until Drew Henderson, New York’s hottest weatherman is injured and the network decides to replace him with a gimmick—the Psychic Weatherwoman.

The very scientific Drew is furious. The witch might light up the TV screen. But how dare the network make a mockery of meteorology. 

Now Rowie’s overbearing grandmother Gwendolyn won’t talk to her. Sixteen generations of Shakespeare women have worked in the family business. How dare she make a mockery of her gift.

But Rowie loves her new job, and won’t let anyone ruin it. Until the day Drew Henderson kisses her, and she can’t predict his future. In fact she can’t predict anything.


is the first book in the Shakespeare Sisters series. The second book is
Trouble Brewing.



Trouble Brewing

By Jane Tara


Calypso Shakespeare knows what the future has in store for her, and not just because she's psychic.

The “gifted” Shakespeare women have always had their one true love. Problem is, Calypso’s came and went and didn’t work out too well. She doesn’t need a crystal ball to see that she’ll never love again. Even her gift of mixing magical cocktails can’t help heal her own bruised heart. 

Instead she concentrates on concocting potions that help other people find love. A dash of this, a pinch of that, a nip of liquor, muddle with flower petals and then part the veils and cast a spell. Calypso’s supernatural services are in demand everywhere. It’s the perfect life for a wanderer like Calypso.

Calypso drifts between bars in Paris and Vienna, and her own tiny Cauldron in the basement of her parents’ haunted London pub. She’s regularly on the road or at her Cornwall cottage harvesting herbs and checking her distillery. She’s never in one place for long. Certainly not long enough to date. Calypso’s future is clear: Cocktails and travel. And that’s just fine.

That is until Taran Dee shows up and Calypso finds she has real trouble brewing …


Trouble Brewing
is the second book in the Shakespeare Sisters series. The first book is


First published by Momentum in 2013
This edition published in 2013 by Momentum
Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd
1 Market Street, Sydney 2000

Copyright © Jane Tara 2013
The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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A CIP record for this book is available at the National Library of Australia

The Happy Endings Book Club

EPUB format: 9781760080587
Mobi format: 9781760080594

Cover design by Carrie Kabak
Proofread by Dianne Blacklock

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