The Guest (8 page)

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Authors: Kelsie Belle

BOOK: The Guest
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“And one day we’ll both fuck you,” Cole continued, his eyes dark and
decadent in the dim light. “One in that tight little pussy and the other in
your hot asshole. Would you like that?”

She shivered at the thought, her pussy clenching almost painfully as
she imagined the pleasure they would bring her while using her body that way. “Will
it hurt?” she asked softly, knowing it was a real possibility.

“Maybe just a little at first,” Jared admitted.

“But we’ll be gentle and with time you’ll come to crave it, I promise,”
Cole said. “Now, get on your hands and knees for me, sweetheart. Jared, sit up
against the headboard and let her face you.”

Although, Julie was a little wary about what they were about to do to
her, she quickly complied with Cole’s wishes. Jared also got into position,
spreading his legs so she was kneeling between them then leaned forward to
close his mouth over hers in a fierce kiss. His hands were immediately all over
her, fondling her breasts, caressing her skin, tantalizing her senses even as
his tongue delved inside her mouth.

“Okay, lower your upper body and push your ass back a little for me,
Jules,” Cole whispered, rubbing his hand over her curvy bottom as he spoke.
Still kissing Jared ardently, she did as she was told. Soon she felt Cole
pushing her buttocks apart and then used his fingertip to rub something cool
and slippery all along the seam between them, circling the tight hole for a
moment before slowly pushing his finger in.

She gasped and her pussy instantly flooded in response to his illicit
exploration. Jared continued to kiss her as Cole worked his finger in and out
of her snug asshole, priming her for what was to come.

“How does that feel, hon?” he whispered and she groaned her response
into Jared’s mouth. “Good. I’m going to take it up a notch now.”

Seconds later, he withdrew his finger from inside her and she felt
something slightly larger lining up at her rear entrance, causing a shiver of
anticipation to course up her spine. Jared broke the kiss, looking into her
eyes as she felt the cool tip of the butt plug being forced into her anus. “Take
my cock into your mouth,” he whispered, brushing a wayward strand of hair from
her cheek.

As she lowered her head to close her mouth over the tip of his cock,
her bottom pushed up a bit higher making it a little easier for Cole to push
the plug into her anal cavity. She winced as the toy stretched her flesh,
widening the hole so that the larger portion could fit. She slipped her mouth
down over Jared’s cock to distract herself and soon she was sucking him off
fervently. He played in her hair and cooed soft words of encouragement to her
as Cole continued to push the plug in gently, forcing it passed the ring of
muscles that fought to keep it out. After a moment, the largest portion of the
instrument slid passed the barrier and she was finally plugged.

“There we go,” Cole said, giving her ass a firm squeeze. “How’s that,

She released Jared’s cock and whispered, “Really snug. I feel
incredibly full.”

Both men chuckled softly and Cole said, “Wait until I get my cock in
your pussy. Then you can tell me about full.”

Julie whimpered, moisture dripping from her sex at the thought. She
quickly lowered her head again and took Jared back into her mouth, resuming the
skillful back and forth rhythm she had found earlier. Then Cole was kneeling
behind her, his hard cock immediately poised at her entrance. At the first
thrust of his shaft into her, she cried out, the sound muffled by the massive
cock that filled her mouth.

“Shhh, angel, take it easy,” Jared soothed her. “He won’t hurt you.”

She moved her mouth off his cock, panting with the effort it took to
speak. “It d-doesn’t hurt … feels so good. Oh

“Hell yes,” Cole said as he began to move inside her. “You’re so damn
tight now, squeezing my dick like a vise!”

“Fuck!” Jared said. “I need to feel that soon.” He gripped a fistful of
her hair and gently pushed her head back down to his cock.

Julie whimpered as she started to suck on the head of his cock again.
Her clit throbbed and her hole clenched and released forcefully as Cole pounded
into her over and over again. Both men kept up a steady pace at each end of her
body until her climax crashed over her like a tidal wave and she was bucking
against them in her release. At that moment, Jared pulled her head off his cock
so he could scramble off the bed. Cole immediately withdrew from her body,
stepping aside so that the other man could take his place behind her.

In one long, deep plunge he sank himself into her heat, expelling a
harsh cry that mingled with her own wild scream in the otherwise silent room.
Cole sat beside her on the bed and she took his cock into her hand, working it
up and down in fast strokes. It took all her willpower to concentrate on
jacking him off as Jared continued to slam into her pussy forcefully. His cock
rubbed against the plug inside her ass through the thin membrane that separated
both cavities and the incredible sensation it created nearly drove her insane.

Soon he was panting and groaning and his strokes became faster, more
erratic and she knew his release was close. His fingers sank into the flesh of
her ass and he plunged his cock deep, then he came inside her. The feel of him
bucking behind was enough to trigger her own orgasm and she cried out as she
came once more. Cole brushed her hand aside and took his cock, into his own
hand, stroking it hard and fast as he watched Jared coming inside her. Seconds
later his own release shot from the tip of his cock and into his hand.





Chapter Eight


The weekend flew by all too quickly. The trio enjoyed every moment of
their time together, but soon it was time for them to pack up and return to the
reality of their everyday lives. After they’d checked out of their rooms and
loaded the luggage into their respective vehicles, Cole opened the passenger
door of Jared’s Jeep and helped Julie in, bending to place a soft kiss on her
cheek before closing it again.

“I had a fantastic time,” he whispered to her, giving her a warm smile.
“You’re the most amazing woman.”

A blush tinged her cheeks, but she returned his smile as she replied,
“You’re not too bad yourself.”

Jared slid into the driver’s seat beside her, giving them a wide grin
as he started the engine. “Yeah, he’s alright,” he joked, shrugging carelessly
and causing the others to chuckle. “Well, we better get going. Got work in the
morning, and you actually have a plane waiting for you.”

Cole glanced at his phone screen, his brows lifting in surprise. “Yeah,
you’re right. Drive safely, okay? I’ll send you a text as soon I get home.”

“Sure thing, man. I’ll do the same.”

“Bye, Cole,” Julie said, giving him a little wave. “Take care.”

“You too, angel,” he whispered and with that, he turned and walked back
to his car as Jared put the Jeep in gear and drove out of the parking lot.

Within a few minutes, he drove off as well. The drive back to the airport
went smoothly and soon he’d returned the rental and boarded his flight back to
New York. Though he felt drained, it was a short flight and he was too riled up
to sleep. Far too many thoughts and memories were replaying in his head. So on
the flight, he passed the time by catching up on some paper work that he’d
taken along with him.

Less than two hours later, his driver, Lewis, who’d been waiting for
him at the airport, dropped him off at the curbside of his penthouse. Cole
collected the bag the older man held out to him after he assured him he didn’t
need his help to get upstairs. He gave the doorman a polite nod as he strolled
past him and into the lobby.

When he finally entered his condo on the tenth floor, he set his keys
and phone down on a side table then went straight to his bedroom to put his suitcase
into the closet, as he always did when he returned from a trip. However, he
forfeited the other half of the ritual, a trip to the mini-bar for a glass of
scotch. Instead, he kicked his shoes off and lay back on his bed, resting his
head against the pillows, and folding his hands behind his head.

For the second week in a row, he wasn’t happy to be home. Usually,
business trips left him feeling drained and he was always glad to be back in
his own space where he could drop the façade he presented to his clients and
the world at large. But tonight, with all the amazing memories from the weekend
going through his mind, the penthouse seemed empty and far too solitary. He
wanted to be back in that not so large hotel room, laughing and chatting with
the two people who made him feel more alive than he had in years.

The beeping of his cell phone shattered the stark silence around him. He’d
been so lost in thought, the sudden sound made him sit up on the bed with a
start. Then he remembered that he hadn’t let Jared or Julie know he’d made it
home alright. That was probably one of them now. He quickly jogged back to the
living room to retrieve his phone and swiped it open to check the message. Just
as he thought, it was Julie. Her message read, “
Hey, you, hope you got back okay. Everything is okay this side. We’re
home, safe and sound.”

A smile touched his lips as he read her words and he hurried to send
her a reply.
“Hello, angel. Sorry for not
getting in touch sooner but I only made it in a few minutes ago. Thanks for
checking in, and I’m glad to know you guys are okay.”

His phone beeped not even a minute after he hit send.
“I can’t stop thinking about our time

He rallied just as quickly.
me, angel, you have no idea. I enjoyed every single second of being with you.
The weekend was perfect, from beginning to end.”

Just as he hit the send button, the loud chiming of the doorbell
brought him up short. Who could that be? He sure as hell wasn’t expecting
anyone. And how had the door man let someone up here without calling ahead
first? Well, maybe it was one of his neighbors. Toby Donovan on the floor above
his, was one of his clients with whom he’d started up a friendship of sorts,
and the man loved to stop by at all odd hours to discuss this and that. That
was likely him now.

Resting his phone back on the side table, he hurried over to the door
and checked the peephole. His heart sank in his chest like deadweight when,
instead of Toby Donovan’s rotund figure, he saw a flawless, svelte blond
standing outside his door. Chelsea Caldwell, stood clutching her purse in front
of her with both hands, as she waited patiently for him to let her in.


Chelsea Caldwell did not like being played for a fool. She was used to
getting what she wanted in life and what she wanted right now was Cole
Richardson. She hadn’t been too crazy about the idea of getting married when
her father had said it was time for her to settle down, but then she’d set her
sights on Cole and the prospect didn’t seem so dim after all. The man was
sexiness personified. Tall, dark and brooding, he could make her drool with
just a look. And it wasn’t just the fact that he was incredibly handsome. He
had a presence about him, a commanding air that spoke of power and prestige. Of
course, the fact that he was worth his weight in cold hard cash, didn’t hurt
his appeal any either.

She knew he would make her a fabulous husband. All the snotty little
New York society bitches would be green with envy if she could snag such a
prize. It didn’t even matter if the marriage didn’t last, all she needed was
enough time to repair her own dwindling family fortune and a fat alimony check
when she walked away. Her plan was completely foolproof, except for one tiny
problem—Cole Richardson was not ready for a serious relationship, much less to
settle down permanently. Although he was one of the most sought after bachelors
in the city, he had a reputation for being terribly elusive and his
no-strings-attached, bed-’em-and-leave-’em attitude was one of the reasons he
was so appealing. Every woman wanted to tame him, to be the girl who made him
stick around after he got the cookie.

Having known him for quite some time, Chelsea was fully aware of all
this. That’s why she was taking a whole different approach in dealing with him.
She didn’t plan on wooing him with her carnal talents, though she was positive
she could probably blow his mind if he ever gave her the chance. But no, she
was aiming to make him see her as the perfect wife material—beautiful and
poised at all times, always faithful and supportive. She was a thoroughbred
through and through, which was exactly what Cole Richardson, and his mother she
might add, wanted in his wife.

One of the ways to do that was to make sure that they were thrown
together in as many social settings as possible and it had seemed to be working
quite well up to a point. He’d asked her out several times and each date had
gone perfectly. Eventually, they’d begun spending a lot of time together and
had even kissed a few times until Chelsea was considering taking their
relationship to the next level. But all of a sudden he’d started to pull away.
Their dates became less frequent. He stopped calling her as much and even
seemed to be avoiding her calls.

This weekend had all but taken the cake, though. He was supposed to
accompany her to her mother’s charity luncheon and then was a complete no show.
She called him a hundred times, but his cell phone was turned off and when
she’d done some investigation through mutual friends she’d found out he was out
of town ‘on business’.
. She
knew his job did call for regular trips out of state but something about the
last few times he’d been away just seemed odd. His behavior of late simply
reeked of something but she couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was.

Well tonight, she would get to the bottom of it. Stepping out of the
elevator on the tenth floor of the building which housed Cole’s penthouse, she
sauntered over to his front door and quickly reached out to press the buzzer on
the door. Then she waited. She knew he was home, she’d paid the doorman to
notify her when he got home. She’d told the elderly man that it was a special
day for them and she wanted to surprise him when he got back from his trip.
Luckily the old fart had bought it and had even been kind enough to let her up
here without notifying Cole first.

When she heard the click of the lock, she quickly fluffed her hair and
plastered on her sweetest smile as he pulled the door open. His face was a cool
mask as he looked down at her, not even the hint of a smile on his lips and his
blue eyes completely expressionless.

“Hello, Chelsea, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

Her eyes narrowed and she bit back the biting reply that surged to her
lips and instead said, “Good evening, Cole, may I please come in?”

His expression didn’t change, but he stepped back and waved his hand,
indicating for her to enter. She quickly stepped over the threshold, and walked
through the foyer into the living room while he closed the door behind her.
Taking a deep breath to fortify her nerves, she spun around to face when she
heard his footsteps behind her. “So, how was your trip?” she asked as
pleasantly as she could manage.

He shoved his hands into the pockets of his slacks, rocking back on his
heels as he studied her. “Why don’t we cut to the chase, Chelsea? We both know
you aren’t here to find out if I had a successful business trip.”

She rested her purse on the sofa and folded her arms under her pert
breasts. “Alright then. I must tell you, I
a little put out that you didn’t show up at the function yesterday and didn’t
even have the courtesy to let me know you weren’t going to be there.”

He had the decency to look a tad shamefaced as he expelled a loud sigh.
“Look, this meeting came up unexpectedly and I didn’t even have time to make
much preparation for it. I’m sorry, I should have said something to you.”

Forcing her lips into a smile, she nodded in acknowledgement of his
apology and took a step closer to him. She placed one palm against his chest as
she purred, “I understand it’s the nature of your job, darling. But I would
appreciate some sort of communication if there’s a change of plans between you
and me.”

One strong hand closed around her wrist and gently removed her hand
from his chest so he could step away from her. “I did tell you I had a previous
engagement and you weren’t to wait on me to pick you up.”

She took a calming breath before responding. “Yes, that you did. But I
still expected to at least

He closed his eyes briefly, running a hand down his face. “Okay,
Chelsea, I think it’s time you and I get some things clear. This isn’t going to—”
The low ringing of the penthouse telephone broke into his speech and he swore
under his breath. “Excuse me for a second, please,” he said, then hurried off
to take the call.

Chelsea sank down on the sofa closest to her,
her throat closing off with horror, hands shaking slightly as she rested them
on her lap. Her heart thudded behind her breastplate as the reality of what was
happening hit her between the eyes. He’d been about to tell her it was over.
She knew it in her gut. For some reason he wasn’t interested in her anymore and
there seemed to be nothing she could do to change that fact. Could it be he’d
found someone else and she hadn’t realized it? Was that it? Had some other girl
come along and swept him right out from under her nose?

She glanced about wildly, a million similar thoughts going through her
mind. She couldn’t afford to lose her chance with him, she needed to fix this
and fast. Just then, her eyes fell on his cell phone sitting on the side table,
a message flashing across the screen and instantly a bulb went off over her
head. Glancing over her shoulders to ensure he was still out of the room, she
snatched up the device and pressed ‘view’ to read the message. It was from
someone named Jules and read,
doesn’t even begin to describe it. I really hope it won’t be too long before I
see you again.”

Just as she suspected, there was a woman involved. She scrolled back to
check the preceding message to see what it was the woman was replying to. Her
stomach sank like an anchor when she read Cole’s words.
“Believe me, angel, you have no idea. I enjoyed every single second of
being with you. The weekend was perfect, from beginning to end.”

Chelsea was fuming, she swore there was steam coming out of her ears.
That damn two-timing, double-crossing son of a bitch! Well technically he
wasn’t a two-timer since they weren’t in a committed relationship, but right
now she couldn’t think of a more suitable word to describe the bastard. They’d
been seeing each other on and off dammit, he knew she was interested in him.
Yet he goes off to spend the weekend with some bitch and claim it was business.

Well, it definitely wasn’t ending like this. Not as long as her name
was Chelsea Caldwell. She’d set her sights on him and she’d be damned if some
whore he was fucking would stop her from claiming him as her own. She threw the
phone back where she’d found it and jumped to her feet as she heard him ending
his call. When he finally walked back into the living room she was calm and
collected just as she was when he’d left her.

“Sorry about that,” he said as he approached. “As I was saying—”

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