Read The Greek Tycoon Online

Authors: Stephanie Sasmaz

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Fiction

The Greek Tycoon (8 page)

BOOK: The Greek Tycoon
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“Nothing will Kate, Nik, Andreus and I
will make sure of it.” Melissa smiled.

“You ladies are looking very serious.”
He laughed as he sat with them and handed
Sophia to Katie.

“Love is a very serious subject Mr.
Sillas.” Melissa teased.

“Do you two always talk about Nik and
I behind our back?” He raised his eyebrows at

“Is that a problem?” Katie asked, she
felt her body tense as Andreus unbuttoned his
shirt and slipped it off his shoulders, it didn’t
matter how often she had seen him strip,
every time she felt desire shoot through her

“Not at all sweetheart, so long as you
are being nice.” He kissed her passionately,
Katie ran her fingers up his chest.

“Oh my God you two! Do you realise
there are other people around?!” Melissa
laughed. Andreus slowly pulled away and

“I’m just giving you two something to
talk about. Besides I’m not going to see her
for five days after tomorrow, I’m making the

most of it.”

“And you seriously thought you could
handle six months apart?” Melissa laughed.

“No, it would have killed me.” He said

“Lucky we are going instead then isn’t
it.” Melissa looked at Katie who was staring
intently at Andreus. “You’ve gone quiet Kate
that must have been some kiss.” She said as
Andreus walked away.

“It always is. His body Mel, God!…I
cant get enough of him, I hate it when one of
us has to leave.”

“Why don’t you move here then?”

“What about Rhiannon?”

“There are English schools here.”

“We’ve never spoken about taking the
next step. I’m not sure he’s ready or even if he
wants to.”

“He probably doesn’t know what to
suggest because of Rhiannon or maybe he
thinks you’re not ready. Kate you have to talk
to him, tell him what you are thinking and
what you want.”

“What if I scare him off?”

“Andreus? Are you joking? It’d take
more than that to scare him off. Anyway how
was the holiday?”

“Perfect. It was brilliant.”

“How was the sex?”

“I feel like I’ve lost my horse when I’m
walking.” She laughed.

“What’s he like? Hard and rough? Soft
and sensual? Slow? Fast?”

“Melissa! That’s your brother-in-law!”
Katie laughed.

“So! Come on! Spill.”
“It depends on…”


“Ok, ok…seriously it does depend on
the mood but he tends to be slow, soft and
sensual, unless we haven’t seen each other in
a while.”

“I always thought he would be an
animal in bed.”

“Who are you talking about?” Nikos
made them jump as he walked up behind

“Oh…erm…you!” Melissa stammered
as Nikos raised his eyebrows at her in

“Oh…erm…me?” He laughed. “Why
do I get the impression that isn’t exactly the

“Kate wasn’t we talking about Nik?”

“No.” Katie laughed.

“Kate!” Melissa looked shocked.

“I am an animal in bed so I know it
isn’t me you were talking about.” Nikos

kissed Melissa quickly then took Sophia.
“Who was mummy talking about?” Sophia
gurgled then smiled.

“We were talking about Andreus.”
Katie said grinning.

“Ah! So you always wonder what my
brother is like in bed then do you darling?”
Nikos teased.

“No!” Melissa panicked.

“Relax.” Nikos laughed. “So long as
you aren’t planning to try and find out first
hand you can wonder all you like.”

“I’d never cheat on you Nik.”

“I know sweetheart.” He smiled. “I
love you.”

“I love you too.”

“So Kate, my brother is rubbish in bed
is he?” Nikos teased seeing Andreus walk up
behind the girls.

“No he is not!” Katie laughed. “He’s
amazing and passionate.”

“Thank you.” Katie jumped at the
sound of his voice. “I’m glad you’re


“But why exactly are you talking about
our sex life with my brother?” He didn’t look
as amused as Nikos had.

“I’m sorry…” Katie jumped up and

almost ran inside the house.

“It’s my fault Andreus.” Melissa said.

“Bro’ there was no need to talk to her
like that.” Nikos frowned.

“Like what? I asked a question! I was

“It didn’t sound like a joke!”

“I asked what you were like in bed, she
didn’t want to say anything but I wouldn’t let
her get away with it. I had better go and check
on her.”

“I’ll go.” Andreus walked into the
house and found her in his suite sitting on his
bed talking on her mobile, he sat down next to
her. She hung up ten minutes later and turned
to look at him. “Was that Rhiannon?”


“Is she ok?”

“She’s fine. Listen Andreus…”

“Kate, I wasn’t angry.” He smiled. “I
was joking, I’m sorry if it came out the wrong

“I’m sorry if I embarrassed you.”

“You didn’t.” He smiled running his
fingers through her hair. “I love you Katie.”

“I love you too.” He pulled her onto his
lap so she was straddling him and kissed her
passionately, one hand was on her hip pulling
her closer to him whilst the other was knotted
in her hair angling her head to deepen the


Katie lifted her head, breathless from
the onslaught of his kisses. “I’ve had an
amazing two weeks with you Katie.”

“Me too, I don’t want to leave.” She
was hinting for him to ask her to stay, silently
begging him to.

“I’ll be over Friday night baby.”

“Unless you have too much backlog of
work.” She said disappointed that he hadn’t
got the hint. Or maybe he had and he didn’t
want to take their relationship any further.

“I’ll work twenty four hours for the
next five days if I have to. I will be in London
Friday night, and we’ll take Rhiannon to Lego
land on Saturday. Nothing will keep me away

Chapter 18

The next morning Andreus drove Katie
to the airport. “I’ll miss you.” She said trying
not to cry, she wasn’t upset because she was
leaving, she was upset because Andreus
wouldn’t talk about the future any further than
the next weekend.

“I’ll miss you too baby.” He pulled her
into his arms and kissed her. “I love you. I’ll
pick you up at about seven o’clock on Friday


“Yeah.” He gave her one last kiss then
watched her walk through to the departure
lounge before going back to his car.

Gregory and Heather were waiting at
Heathrow airport when Katie walked into
arrivals, she walked over to them and hugged
and kissed them. “Did you have a nice
holiday?” Heather asked.

“The best thank you.” She smiled sadly.

“You don’t look very happy! Did you
two have an argument?” Gregory asked.

“No. We’re fine, I just don’t like the
fact that I’ll only see him two days a week
again after spending two weeks together.”

“It’s better than nothing.” Heather

“I suppose so. I cant wait to see
Rhiannon tomorrow I have missed her so

“So have we.” Heather said.

The next day Rhiannon came home full
of excitement over her holiday. “It doesn’t
sound like you’ve missed us at all.” Gregory
laughed when she finished talking.

“I have! But Disneyland was so fun!”
Rhiannon looked up at Katie. “Did you have a
good time in Greece?”

“I did princess.”

“When will I see Andreus?”

“On Saturday. He said something about
going to Lego land.”

“Yippee! I cant wait!”

Chapter 19

Andreus drove straight from Heathrow
to Katie’s parents house on Friday night, he
couldn’t wait to see her, he hated spending the
week apart but he knew she couldn’t just up
and move to Greece, not with Rhiannon so he
had to take what ever time he could.

He rang the doorbell and Gregory
answered. “Hi Andreus.” He looked at his
watch, it was only five o’clock. “You’re early!
She wasn’t expecting you until seven.”

“I managed to get an earlier flight.” He
followed Gregory into the living room which
was empty. “Is she out?”

“They left a note saying they went out
at mid day so they shouldn’t be too long.
Would you like a coffee?”

“Great thanks.” Andreus was sitting on
the sofa when Gregory came back, he handed
him a cup of coffee then sat on an arm chair.

“Did you enjoy your two week
holiday?” Gregory asked.

“I did thank you, I hope Katie did too.”

“She hasn’t spoken about it much but I
think she did.” Gregory put his cup down and
turned to Andreus. “I hope what I am about to
say doesn’t cause any trouble but I can’t sit
back and watch Katie get hurt again. Andreus
my daughter is absolutely besotted with you,
I’ve never seen her as depressed as she is
every time you two part, she goes quiet and
withdrawn and that’s just not Kate. Are you
serious about her? Can you see this
relationship working? Because if not go now
and stop putting her through this hell. If you
can see this working then fine, carry on as you
are at least it’ll be worth it in the end. But if
you see this as a quick fling don’t put her
through this anymore.”

“Greg, I love Kate and Rhiannon. I
can’t see into the future but I know I want
them both in mine. I go through hell every
time we say goodbye too, I work from six in
the morning until ten every night, partly
because Katie wont be at home waiting for me
but mainly so I leave as early as possible on
Friday to spend as much time with her at the
weekend as I can. I don’t want to hurt either
of them Greg and I’ll do everything in my
power not to do so. This isn’t some short term
fling, I’ve never felt this way before. I’ll be
honest if she didn’t have Rhiannon, I would

have asked Katie to move to Greece by now
but I know that she cant just up and move
with Rhiannon after nine weeks of a
relationship. She needs to be sure this can
work and I’m going to prove that it can.”

“So you would be willing to take
Rhiannon on as your own child?”

“Yes. But Katie has got to learn to trust
me first. Rhiannon doesn’t need to be
uprooted from the only life she knows unless
we can prove we can make this work.”

“Thank you.” Gregory smiled.

“What for?”

“You’ve put my mind at ease.” The
front door opened and Rhiannon came
running into the living room. “Andreus! I saw
your car.” She jumped into his lap.

“”You’re early.” Katie smiled. “Have
you been here for long?” She kissed him

“No, only about half an hour.”

“I’ll go and get ready.” Katie left the

“Can I come with you?” Rhiannon

“Not tonight honey, I’m taking mummy
out for dinner, but we will pick you up early
tomorrow and go out together.”

“To Lego land?”

“Of course!”

“Can I stay at your apartment tomorrow

“Yes.” Andreus laughed.

“Andreus, why was mummy sad when
she come home from Greece?”

“Rhiannon!” Ellie said. “Don’t be

“What?” Andreus looked shocked.
“What do you mean she was upset?”

“She wasn’t happy. One night I went to
her room and she was crying. Was you mean
to her?”

“Rhiannon that’s enough!” Gregory

“I…I don’t know why she was upset.”
Andreus frowned trying to think back to what
might have upset her.

“I’m sure she was just upset about
leaving you.” Heather said.

Katie ran downstairs dressed in a calf
length black skirt with a silver sequined top
and black heels, she had her weekend bag in
her hand. “Are you ready?” She asked. They
said goodbye to her family and went out to his
car. “Are you ok?” She asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

“You’re quiet.”

“I’m fine, we’ll talk about it when we
get home. I’ve booked a table at Gianni’s

restaurant for seven o’clock.” He drove
straight to the restaurant where they were
shown to a table.

“Andreus what’s wrong?” Katie asked
as their desserts arrived. “You’ve hardly said
two words to me since we got here.” She was
starting to panic, she didn’t understand what
was going on. Normally they were
comfortable with each other and talked about
nothing in particular, but tonight they might
as well have been sitting at separate tables.

“Nothing is wrong Kate, I said we’ll
talk about it at home.” He paid the bill then
they walked out to his car.

“It’s over isn’t it?” She blurted out.
“You have decided that we aren’t going to
work and you are dumping me. Well thank
you for the meal but it really wasn’t
necessary. You should have called me and
saved yourself a trip.

“Katie stop talking shit and get in the

“I’ll get a taxi thanks.” She started to
walk away from him but he grabbed her wrist.

“Katie, get in the car.”

“I’m giving you an easy way out

“Who said I want out Katie! You have
made some pretty stupid assumptions. Now

get in the fucking car.”

“What stupid assumptions?”

“That I am finishing this, that I would
dump someone over the phone and that I
would bother with a pity date. Will you please
get in the bloody car.” Katie got in and
Andreus sped away. They drove in silence,
Katie had tears rolling down her cheeks,
neither spoke until they were in his apartment.

“So come on then!” Katie sobbed as
soon as he had closed the door.

“Katie, come here.” He pulled her into
his arms. “Babe why on earth have you got
yourself so upset?”

“How do you expect me to be?!” She
shouted. “So you didn’t want to dump me in
public, will you just get it over with now!”

“Will you shut up.” Andreus laughed.

“This isn’t funny!”

“Yes it is.” She pulled her hand back
and slapped him hard around the face. “Ouch!
What the fuck was that for?!”

“You’re laughing at me Andreus! I’m
hurting and you think it’s funny. I never
thought you were cruel.”

BOOK: The Greek Tycoon
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