The Governess' Examination (2 page)

BOOK: The Governess' Examination
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He turned his eyes back to her, eyebrows raised, and she blushed at her unintentional vehemence.

“There’s no need Dr. Talbot,” she said more calmly.

He smiled slightly and nodded his head at her and she felt relieved by the flash of admiration she saw in his look.

“Perhaps you are more of an adult than I had realized.”

Proud of his assessment she stood taller when Julia approached again to unfasten her dress. Her heart still pounded but she steeled her resolve with visions of her future life. Since returning from school, life at her aunt’s house had begun to chafe more than ever. Here she socialized exclusively with Aunt Matilda’s spinster friends. She knew herself lucky to have at least one relation who truly cared for her, unlike some of her schoolmates, but she was ready to strike out for something bigger.

Still, it cost her something to step out of her dress as it pooled at her feet. It felt unreal. Julia swept it up onto a chair and then began to loosen her stays. When Dr. Talbot turned towards her again with his stethoscope in hand, Virginia’s trembling returned worse than ever.

He reached for the top of her chemise and her hands sprang forward to clutch it closed. He smiled patiently at her reaction. She had no idea how much her unwillingness to disrobe increased his enjoyment.

“Ginnie, my dear, I can’t listen properly to your heart or lungs with your underclothes in the way.”

His reassuring voice assuaged her alarm and she allowed him to move each hand to her side in turn. But when he reached to move her shift away for a second time she couldn’t stop herself from cringing backwards.

“Virginia.” His voice was less patient this time.

“I can’t help it,” she pleaded.

“I know this is the first time you have had a grown woman’s examination,” he said, looking into her eyes, “but your childish reactions are making this unnecessarily difficult, for both of us.”

Virginia felt foolish for not having better control over herself. She reasoned to herself that Julia would speak up if she saw anything wrong happening, and so far the trusted servant had remained silent.

“Shall we end this? If this is too difficult for you…”

Virginia thought about the new life that was only weeks away from starting if she got through this. She would have her own salary, to spend or save as she chose. Every week she’d have an afternoon, or even a whole day, to do as she pleased. She would still be in someone else’s household, but without her aunt’s watchful eye and high expectations.

“No,” she was determined. “Please, let’s continue.”

Pulling her chemise over her head, Virginia thought her heart would burst out of her chest. Surely everyone in the room could hear it thudding. As she uncovered her face she saw Dr. Talbot staring at her with undisguised relish. When his eyes swept any part of her skin she felt as though she had been physically touched there and she became flushed and warm.

Virginia closed her eyes and concentrated on keeping her breathing calm as Dr. Talbot drank in her slim, naked torso. Her breasts were well formed and pleasingly heavy. He smirked in pleasure and looked up at Julia, who gave a lascivious smile in response.

Julia’s friendship with Dr. Talbot extended almost as far back as Matilda’s, brought together by their mutual discovery at a seedy establishment over a decade ago. Both anxious to keep their peculiar interests a secret, they each found an unexpected ally in the other. Dr. Talbot had an easy access to many young women, but he found a female companion invaluable for luring them into the compromising situations that ensured their silence.

Dr. Talbot began by listening to her with his stethoscope, front and back. After his first all-encompassing inspection he barely seemed to look at her. His activities were so businesslike, and Virginia found herself lulled by the pattern, “Breathe in deeply. Hold it. Breathe out again,” and the stethoscope was moved over a few inches.

Her panic subsided and she relaxed into his rhythm until something scratchy poked at her back and she froze, realizing it was Dr. Talbot’s beard. Rather than the stethoscope, he was laying his ear on her skin and listening directly. She squirmed and he grabbed her arms tightly, admonishing her to hold still. The hairs of his beard tickled at her, first on one side of her back, then the other, then up, then down, as she clenched her hands into fists with the effort of holding still.

It was an immense relief when he released her arms and moved to stand in front of her, but that was short-lived as he grasped her arms once again and brought his head to her chest. Virginia tried to pull back but the doctor was much stronger and easily held her in place. His ear mashed into her chest, right between her breasts. Virginia could feel his breath on her nipple, his mouth not even an inch away.

She looked towards Julia, who was standing out of the way by the door, but Julia’s face registered no shock or surprise. Instead she calmly took in the scene, giving Virginia a pleasant smile as the young girl flushed deeper.

When he was done listening to her breathing Dr. Talbot pulled his head back and then looked down at her breasts. Virginia followed his eyes and saw that her nipples had hardened, the nubs brighter than the dusky pink skin surrounding them.

“Are they often like this?” he asked pleasantly, as if they were talking about the weather.

“I…well, I don’t…,” her voice trailed off, confused. She had no idea how to answer him. She knew they didn’t often feel like this, warm and tingling, but she hardly ever thought about her breasts in an ordinary day.

He reached up and cupped a breast with his hand, drawing his hand lightly up towards the nipple. She drew a breath in sharply and stared down at his hand in wonder. The sensation of it dragging across her skin stayed with her for some seconds after he had lifted his hand away. He repeated the action, this time squeezing her breast slightly. She felt a tingling between her legs and shifted her weight uncomfortably. Then he brought both hands up and squeezed both breasts.

“Does that hurt?” he asked.

She shook her head, mesmerized by the movement of his hands.

“What was that, dear? I couldn’t hear you.”

His hands were paused now, gripping her breasts lightly, and then he ran his thumbs over her nipples, flicking them teasingly. A strangled, “No,” was all she could manage. It felt like magic when he did that, but she was frightened to look at his face.

“No what?”

She looked up at him, confused, but his attention seemed to be fixed on his thumbs twitching over her nipples, back and forth, repeatedly.

“No, it doesn’t hurt.”

“Thank you,” he said genially, “it’s much more helpful when you give complete answers.”

“And now?”

Suddenly his finger clamped down on her nipples, pinching them with a vise-like grip.

“Ooo! That hurts!” Her hands instinctively came up towards his as tears formed in her eyes.

“Put you arms down at your sides immediately,” he demanded sternly.

Whether from the shock of his action or his change in tone Virginia obeyed instantly, her only protest a small whimper. He held them a few seconds longer while the young girl looked miserably downwards. When he let go she brought her hands up to rub away the ache left behind, not caring that he was watching her.

“Oh Ginnie,” he sighed, “now we’ll have to start again.” Before she could protest he pinched her nipples a second time.

“Please Dr. Talbot,” she asked, daring another glance up at him, “let go.” This time he met her eyes.

“You cannot keep interfering with my tests,” Dr. Talbot said, his voice betraying an edge of exasperation. He kept a steady pressure on her nipples and she was sure he was pinching her for much longer than last time. She flushed under his steady gaze and moaned slightly, desperate for him to stop but knowing she mustn’t ask again.

“I’m sorry sir,” she said softly, hoping to mollify him. Very soon after he did let go and she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Does that feel better or worse?”

“Better? It hurts when you pinch them,” she answered, wondering how it could be otherwise, “and feels better when you let go.”

“Yes, but what, precisely, does it feel like now?”

She wrinkled her brow, pondering how she might describe things politely. Looking helplessly at her breasts she flushed as she fully considered everything she was feeling right now. They ached but it was mixed with something else, almost a feeling of gratification and a desire to have them touched again. “They ache.”

“And if I were to rub them as you tried to? Would that help?”

Virginia blinked rapidly, thinking of how they had felt when he had run his thumbs over them, but uncertain that it would be proper. “Maybe,” she answered cautiously.

“Would you like me to make you feel better?”

She nodded, her eyes still cast downwards, but after several long moments of no response from him she looked up. He regarded her expectantly and nodded encouragingly when her eyes met his.

“Yes, please,” her voice shook.

His hands travelled back to her breasts, which he massaged gently before giving his full attention to her nipples. He rolled them between his fingers and then pulled back to a lighter touch. They barely grazed the tips of his fingers and Virginia panted, arching her chest forward. She hoped that he would bring his hands back and touch her more firmly, but instead he stepped back, suddenly businesslike again.

“This next part of the examination I will be carrying out manually, rather than have you lower your drawers,” Dr. Talbot announced. “I would do anything,” he added with a gentle smile, “to avoid offending or harming your modesty.”

For lack of any better response, Virginia nodded at this ridiculous assertion. Her thoughts were elsewhere, worrying about the growing sensations from beneath her drawers. She had become increasingly aware of a prickling sensation down there that she instinctively knew ought to be hidden. But would a doctor be able to tell?

He knelt in front of her and began feeling his way up her legs, massaging and kneading her calves, then knees, then thighs. His touch flared up the strange excitement that had been rising inside her, coalescing somewhere in her belly. As his hands came nearer and nearer to her cunny the tingling increased and she found herself trembling slightly.

Virginia felt almost as though she
him to touch her there, but when she felt his hand brush against her curls there she drew back automatically. “Keep still,” the doctor commanded. “Perhaps you should part your legs a bit more, to help you balance?”

His hands pressed against her inner thighs and Virginia widened her stance. Her stomach fluttered with a mixture of anxiety and longing, until finally his hands reached her sex again and Virginia let out a strangled moan, half desire and half distress, but she made no move to stop him, or even to close her legs. A solitary finger slid along her slit, driving every thought from her mind.

“Hmmm,” Dr. Talbot said, looking up at her, “you’re very, very wet.”

She looked down into his steely eyes, the momentary blankness of her mind giving way to awareness that this moisture, which she had hardly noticed before, was somehow giving away her most shameful secrets. The finger stroked her again, delving deeper this time.

Virginia had touched herself there before but had never allowed it to pass a softly pleasing languor. The few times she’d taken it any further the intensity of the feelings it stirred had frightened her and she’d always stopped. But now, with Dr. Talbot caressing her there, she surrendered to the waves of pleasure as they grew in strength.

Dr. Talbot watched her face relax and her mouth fall slack, panting in response to his strokes. She had closed her pale blue eyes and now moved her hips back and forth gingerly. He speared a finger into her tight sheath and her eyes shot open, meeting his. He pumped into her twice more and then pulled his hand away.

Standing, he said, “I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to remove your drawers, so I can get a better look at this moisture.”

Virginia crimsoned as Julia approached and Dr. Talbot stepped aside. They were each on one side of her, trapping her should she try to fight, but she only stood submissively and watched as Julia loosened the drawstring at her waist. When her final garment fell to the ground she quickly moved her hands to cover herself, staring down at the linen pooled at her feet.

But even totally naked, looking down in defeat, she found that she had further to descend as Julia’s face came into view below her. The maid watched Virginia’s face avidly as she gathered up the fabric, indicating with her hands that Virginia should bring up each foot in turn. With the maid’s eyes on her, Virginia felt a wave of heat wash through her belly and her sex clenched around nothing.

“Uncover yourself, girl, don’t be silly,” Dr. Talbot ordered sharply.

Her hands parted hesitantly. By now her humiliation had less to do with the fact that she was stark naked in front of others and more to do with how much it thrilled her. She desperately needed him to touch her again and nothing could chase that thought from her mind.

Once again Dr. Talbot knelt down before her and reached up. Virginia bit her lip and waited but instead of rubbing her as he had before he grasped her outer lips and spread them apart. He moved his face up closer, so she could feel his breath on her, and it was all she could do not to cry out with need. But still he didn’t resume stroking her and instead rose up again.

“Just to be sure everything is as it should be I’ll need some instruments to allow me to stimulate both areas at once,” he informed her.

“Both areas?” Virginia guessed immediately that he meant both her cunny and her breasts, but wasn’t sure it would be proper to let on. She felt there was some sort of string connecting the two, when one was touched the other throbbed in reply.

He reached into his bag and drew out two metal objects that flashed briefly in the dim sunlight, too small for her to get a good look at. “It’s very important you stay absolutely still,” he said seriously. “In fact, perhaps you ought to bring your hands up behind your neck.”

BOOK: The Governess' Examination
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