The Gigolo (4 page)

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Authors: Isabella King

BOOK: The Gigolo
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he unclipped her bra and let that fall to the floor, too.

I’m going to spank you.’ His gaze had lowered to her thighs. His hand brushed lightly over her bottom. He was consuming her body with his dark eyes.

wriggled out of her panties. She didn’t know what to say. No one had ever spanked her before – although she’d thought about it a lot and often imagined herself being dragged over the knee of her man.

‘Not too hard,’ she said and he laughed.

‘What shall I do with them?’ Kara blushed and picked up her discarded clothes.

‘Cut them up,’ he

‘What?’ Kara looked up at him, shocked and
expecting him to laugh again, but he didn’t. He took a pair of scissors from the draw of the old Victorian dresser that dominated the hallway and handed them to her.

‘It shows me that you’re willing to do as I say and it proves that you trust me.
I don’t want to force you into doing anything you don’t want, Kara.’

Kara curbed h
er natural reaction to question him and embraced her submissive side for the first time in her life. What the hell! She could buy another dress. She wanted to do as he asked. She wanted to please him. She took the scissors from him with trembling hands and a determination to show him just how urbane she really was.

William watched impassively as
she cleaved into her clothes and as the ruined garments formed a pile of expensive rags around her naked feet Kara began to get the weirdest feeling. If he was asking for a sign of her commitment she was showing it by shredding her Gucci dress and presenting herself naked for his appraisal – and appraise he did, with the critical, confident eye of a man who had probably done this sort of thing many times before. Kara put that thought to the back of her mind. She wanted to be the
person he took to his bed. She tried to rein in her racing thoughts. If she read too much into this thing she’d only end up being disappointed. There was an attraction between them – she could feel it – but for now it was just a date between two likeminded people.

Kara was both petrified and
light headed with lust. The mixture of adrenalin and endorphins coursing through her veins seemed to have hotwired her brain to bypass her usual caution. She’d come too far to back out now and even though she could hear the faint jangle of warning bells ringing somewhere in the back of her mind she wilfully ignored them and climbed the stairs with him. She was an adult. She could do as she pleased – and right now William was the person she wanted to do. She smiled at her pun but kept it to herself.

She gripped the banister.
Her damp palms kept sticking to the highly polished handrail and her heart began to beat so hard in her chest that it hurt and made it hard for her to focus on anything other than placing one foot in front of the other.

She hesitated at his bedroom door, her e
yes instantly finding the chain. It looked bizarrely out of place, hanging with menace from the beautifully corniced ceiling. A pair of handcuffs had been fixed to the end of the chain. Kara couldn’t move. Taking another step would signify that she knew what was going to happen and she wanted it. A frisson of fear wound a stealthy path down the length of Kara’s naked spine. She shivered and looked back at William.

He took her hand and
coaxed her gently over the threshold.

won’t do anything you don’t want to do,’ he kept repeating. Kara almost wished he would.

Once he had her in the centre of the room h
e stood behind her and took hold of her arms, pulling them over her head.

‘What’re you doing?’ Kara asked nervously as she felt the cold steel cuffs snap around her wrists.

What’s wrong? Have you changed your mind?’ His voice was quiet and measured but his eyes still sparkled with desire. Kara felt her stomach lurch as she tried to fill her lungs with enough air to clear her head.

‘Would you rather I
called a taxi and sent you home?’

silently cursed him. She didn’t want that but she suddenly felt stupid standing here and letting him do this to her. Should she be struggling? Should she fight against him? What did he expect of her?

‘I don’t think you have any intention of letting me go,
otherwise why would you be doing this?’ Kara shook her arms, rattling the chain that connected the handcuffs around her wrists to the length of chain set into his bedroom ceiling and a nervous giggle escaped from her lips. She was way out of her depth but she couldn’t admit that to him – not now that she’d come this far.

You know very well that I’m not forcing you to stay here, Kara. You can leave anytime you want. All you have to do is say the word.’

studied William’s face – the set of his chin, the curve of his mouth and the way his dark eyes continued their leisurely tour of her body. She would rather he had refused to let her go. She would have felt better about her position if he would only say that he intended to keep her here until he’d had his fill of her body, but he didn’t and she was left feeling slightly ashamed of herself for admitting, if only by her silence, that this was what she wanted – that this was what turned her on.

It was you who asked for this.’ He was circling her now – inspecting her nakedness with a look of indifference that made her slightly uncomfortable. She blushed, wishing she could cover her breasts, suddenly embarrassed by her nudity. He was making it sound as if it had been her suggestion when she clearly recalled him bringing up the subject of restraints outside the restaurant. Kara was a little scared of what he meant to do to her. She had literally put her trust, and perhaps even her life, in his hands!

reached out with one finger and lightly traced the line of fine hairs that ran down the centre of her belly. Kara’s nerve ends rippled under his ghost like touch and her pulse began to race; thudding against her temple, pounding in her throat until her fear melted into a molten pool between her legs and she found herself moving towards his wandering finger.

smiled knowingly and leaned in as if to kiss her but stopped with his lips only a breath away from her own.

Sun streamed in through the large sash window
and lit up the piece of carpet she was standing on, highlighting her as the centre of attention. It should be dark. Her silhouette should be shrouded in night time shadows. This wasn’t the sort of thing people did in the middle of the day. She felt slightly depraved.

‘Are you afraid?’
His voice was softer this time; his smile warm and teasing.

couldn’t find her voice. ‘Are you?’ he repeated. His words vibrated on her lips, his sweet breath was cool against the raging heat of her cheek.

‘A…a little,’ she stammered and the throbbing between her legs grew stronger
and more demanding of his attention.

‘That’s good,’ he replied.

Kara looked into his eyes. It was as if he’d found that itch she could never quite reach and left it exposed for him to exploit.

His hand was behind her now, his fingers dancing softly across her
buttocks. Her flesh quivered under his touch. She whimpered softly and heard his intake of breath.

I know you’ve been longing for this since the first moment we met.’ He leaned in to plant a soft kiss on the nape of her neck, and as she took a shuddering breath she felt the hardness of his cock beneath his clothes pressing into her. She pushed back against it but he moved out of her reach.

His fingers brushed her inner thigh –
but only fleetingly and then they were gone again. Kara’s head was spinning and her hips seemed to thrust involuntarily towards his roving finger wherever it landed. She parted her legs, longing to be touched…there…right there where she ached for him so much. Her breaths were ragged now, her body tingling with desire as she fought against her restraints to be closer to him.

William backed away and leisurely
peeled off his top but remained otherwise fully dressed.

Are you ok?’ His rich, deep voice interrupted her madly racing thoughts. His face was serious and his voice gentle again. Kara squirmed with embarrassment. His insistence that she keep confirming her compliance and come to him voluntarily forced her to confront all her hidden desires and admit them to him. She was ashamed of her need to be dominated and scared of where it might lead her if she gave in to it totally. She had so much to lose, but her hunger for this man and all that he offered seemed to push aside all rational thoughts.

Now he was slowly circling her,
the tip of his fingers skimming her belly, stroking her trembling thigh, caressing her swollen nipples, tracing a sensuous path towards her shaven mound and sending a quiver of bubbling excitement straight to her groin. Any remaining defences she may have been weakly holding onto instantly crumbled as his finger made contact with her throbbing clitoris. She cried out. Her senses seemed somehow sharper, her reactions almost beyond her control.

I know exactly what you want,’ he whispered.
‘I can see it in your eyes. I can see your darkest secrets written right there in the reticent curve of your swollen red lips and the quickened heave of your magnificent breasts…and in the way you stand in front of me, head modestly bowed and eyes discreetly lowered to the floor.’

tried to concentrate on regulating her erratic heartbeat but now he was pulling a medieval looking pair of iron leg spreaders from under his bed.

‘Open your legs,’ he ordered and kicked at the inside of her ankles with his booted feet
when she was slow to comply. Kara’s plump, hairless sex lips peeled open to reveal the glistening dampness hidden inside and no matter how she writhed and twisted she could do absolutely nothing to preserve her modesty, now.

I don’t want you to be able to hide anything from me,’ he purred in her ear and ran his finger lightly over her exposed damp sex. ‘I want to own you, Kara Kavanagh. I want to mark you as my property so that no one else will ever be able to touch you without knowing that I was there first. I want you to wear my ring.’

Kara’s belly was doing cartwheels.
She wanted that. She wanted to be his but what exactly did he mean? Was he asking to marry her? No, that would be preposterous. They’d only just met – and look where that had gotten her?

‘I want you to wear my ring here.’ He reached between her legs
and squeezed her sex lips.

‘Oh God!’ she whispered under her breath
and closed her eyes lest he see the need that shone there. She wanted to say stop teasing me and just do it. I want that more than anything, but then she felt something else between her legs – something cold and hard against her inner thigh. She looked down but it was too late. He’d already pressed the trigger on the piercing gun between her legs. Kara let out a yelp.

Ouch! What have you done?’

‘I’ve claimed you
as my property,’ he said.

‘You didn’t?’ she laughed.
She was pretty sure he was joking but the thought of wearing his ring appealed to something primal hidden deep inside her psyche. Kara suddenly had an image of a dozen or more beautiful women wandering around the streets of London with William Baron’s ring hanging between their legs. It made her clitoris swell and throb insistently between her own legs. She looked down and took a sharp intake of breath as she caught sight of the big gold ring that was hanging from her inner labia. That’s why he had used the leg spreader. He had wanted to make sure she couldn’t stop him. She was powerless. She was completely at his mercy. A hysterical giggle erupted from her lips. She felt light headed with lust. All her blood, and her common sense with it, had sunk into that hot, molten, throbbing pool between her legs.

She watched as he poured a glass of whisky from the bottle on his dresser, but he didn’t pick it up and drink from it. He put his finger in it and circled her, remaining out of sight behind her back as he spoke softly against her ear

‘Does it excite you to be subjugated
in this way?’ William pressed his damp finger against her pulsing sphincter and she gasped. ‘Is this how powerful women like to get their kicks?’ He was taunting her. She didn’t like that. And then he pushed his finger into her bottom.

whimpered. She could feel the heat of the whisky inside her, warming her from within. Her head was beginning to wonder how she was going to get herself out of this stupid mess but her body had long since surrendered to his expert touch.

Is this what you wanted?’ His other hand was between her legs, delving between her parted sex lips again. Kara was ashamed at how smoothly his finger moved across her slick entrance and mortally embarrassed as he brought his moist digit up to her nose.

‘Can you smell your need?’

Kara blushed and turned her head away. 

‘Suck it,’ he urged. ‘Taste the f
lavour of your lust.’

felt her cheeks flush as he pushed his finger in through her lips and she was forced to suck her own juice from his flesh. She expected it to be unpleasant, but like a drug, once in her system she relished its heady effect on her and sucked hard on his proffered finger as her head filled with thoughts of his stiff cock taking its place, but he seemed to know what she was thinking and withdrew his finger slowly, teasingly and with a slightly mocking grin.

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