Read The Geek Job Online

Authors: Eve Langlais

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Erotica, #Fantasy, #Literary Criticism, #Gothic & Romance, #Gothic, #Horror, #paranormal romance

The Geek Job (7 page)

BOOK: The Geek Job
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―Yesss,‖ he hissed.

―I‘ll suck you, but is that all you want? Do you want to come in my mouth?‖

―Yes. No. I want you to ride me. Suck me, then fuck me.‖

Lexie‘s body quivered as he mouthed the dirty words. They sounded so strange coming from his lips, but they excited her. With a mewl of pleasure, she went to work, her lips sliding down the length of his shaft, taking all of him down until her lips touched the root. His hips bucked, but she held on tight. She sucked him, her cheeks hollowing as she inhaled tightly. She slid her mouth back up his cock, swirling her tongue around his head, then she plunged right back down. He thrashed as she deep throated him, over and over. She kept her pace slow, methodical, knowing it would drive him crazy. The balls she kneaded drew tight and she let them go. She also released his cock with a wet sound and sat up to regard him.

He sat on the edge of bliss, right where she wanted him. Now for her turn before she took him over that abyss. She sidled up his body and held her mouth just above his. He strained to kiss her, but she kept out of reach, the slow tease and denial exciting her.

She moved again until she straddled his face, her pussy hovering over his chin. He stuck his tongue out and managed to flick the very tip against her slit. Lexie shuddered.

She lowered herself an inch. He laved her again and she moaned. But, she had another plan in mind. She flipped herself so she faced back toward his cock. She crawled forward on her forearms, leaving her cunt over his face while bringing her own visage above his prick.

Sixty-nine: her favorite number and position. She dipped her head down as she lowered her pussy.
Let the oral pleasure begin.

Anthony latched onto her sex eagerly, his tongue probing between her lips to stab at her core. Lexie keened around the cock in her mouth, using her concentration on sucking him to distract her from the fantastic things Anthony did to her clit. He swirled his tongue around it, then rubbed it before sucking it between his lips. She felt the moisture seeping from her, soaking him and coating his tongue. She didn‘t remember ever getting this aroused for anybody. Wanting someone so much she ached.

She‘d initially planned to get off on his tongue and make him gush into her mouth, but she suddenly wanted to see his face as he came, imprint this special man into her psyche, a rainy day memory for the future.

She pulled her sex away, but he fought to keep her, his mouth tugging and giving one last suck to her pussy lips. She released his cock as well and turned back to face him, panting. She impaled herself on his shaft in one swift stroke unable to wait any longer. She cried out and he bucked under her, his tilting hips driving him even deeper. She closed her eyes at the ecstatic sensation, but opened them again once fully seated. He watched her with bright eyes and she shivered at the desire in them.
Why couldn’t he be
wolf so I could keep him?

The astonishing thought made her lose control for a second and she found herself battling her wolf for supremacy. The bitch had lain in wait for a moment of weakness, but while Lexie sensed her she-wolf didn‘t mean harm to her geek, she didn‘t understand what she wanted.

Her hips began to move and Lexie, only partially in control, realized her wolf wanted to feel a part of this, to enjoy the pleasure found with this surprising man. Lexie closed her eyes knowing that even with his myopic eyesight that Anthony might find it odd that her eyes glowed. She rocked on top of his cock, the pressure on her clit making her channel squeeze the hard rod inside.

Faster and faster she moved, while the wildness grew in her. The urge to mark this male, to keep him, grew stronger and stronger.

A part of Lexie knew she should get off before she and her beast did something stupid and irreparable, but selfish pleasure won out, and she could only pray she wouldn‘t hurt him.

* * * *

Anthony stared up at Lexie, her luscious body undulating on top of his, and realized something illogical and mind blowing. He loved this woman. He‘d known her less than two days, but irrational as it seemed, emotionally and sexually driven as it was, he‘d fallen for her. He wanted to say something, or at the very least clasp her to him, but with his arms tied, he could only buck under her as she used her pelvic muscles to clamp down on him tight.

Then he forgot what he‘d wanted to announce because she opened her eyes and stared down at him, her usual green eyes changed somehow, and even more uncanny, they glowed.

His mind refused to accept what he saw and he shut his eyes, blaming the change in her eyes on hotel lighting and on the fact he didn‘t wear his glasses. People‘s eyes did not reflect light like a nocturnal animal‘s.

Her hands came to rest flat on his chest, her sharp nails biting into his skin. She growled, a low sound that made his balls tighten. She buried her face in the curve where his neck met his shoulder and sucked at his skin as she continued to ride him. Anthony panted, trying to hold on for her, but she nipped him, her sharp teeth pinching his skin and he bellowed as his orgasm hit, shooting his seed deep inside her. The biting teeth squeezed harder and he winced at the pinching pain. She came with a shudder and a drawn out moan, the muscles of her channel flexing over and over, until Anthony, his dick so sensitized from her sensual play, thought he‘d pass out from overload.

Her body collapsed on his, the tension of their lovemaking receding to leave her relaxed on him. Her warm breath tickled his skin and made up for some of the ache he felt from her bite.
certainly enthusiastic.
He didn‘t mind, although this level of roughness in the bedroom was new.

Her hands crept up and massaged his neck, pressing against his muscles. ―I‘m sorry,‖

she whispered her face still buried in the crook of his shoulder. He meant to say for what, but his mind went blank.

Anthony woke hours later to find himself untied with Lexie snuggled into his side.
I can’t
believe I fell asleep on her like that.
He blamed it on the intense lovemaking they‘d enjoyed. He stroked her hair, brushing it back from her face. So much mystery surrounded her. He knew she hid something from him, an important facet of herself. Yet despite that, he couldn‘t help wanting to be with her. She made him feel like…a man.

And not just a man, but a virile one who could sweep a woman off her feet and also be her hero.

How strange for a geek who‘d always dedicated himself to the sciences. Anthony hadn‘t even known he owned an ounce of courage until he‘d seen her threatened by that thug. Funny, because when those same assailants ambushed him, he‘d let them drag him out of there without a fight. However, when they threatened Lexie, fear for her safety triggered a sudden rage in him. In that moment, he‘d acted, not caring for himself, just knowing he had to do something to save her, to rescue her from harm.

Great, I have hero potential, but I think the
more important thing here is the fact someone wanted me in
the first place.
Mr. Thibodeaux always insisted on absolute secrecy and guarded the grounds which included the chateaux and his lab, with a vengeance.
And violently.
For a moment an image flashed of one of the nighttime guards, his chin dripping with blood. As quickly as he recalled the thought, it disappeared and Anthony crinkled his brow. What an odd thing for his mind to conjure, especially given he wasn‘t prone to watching horror or gore flicks.

Back to his previous problem—who and why would anyone want to kidnap him? His project in Mr. Thibodeaux‘s lab, while exciting, was scoffed at by many in the scientific circles.

Could it be that someone other than his employer believed in and understood what he was about to accomplish? Anthony knew his research sat on a threshold that would possibly catapult him into the spotlight and worldwide recognition. If he looked at it from that angle, it made sense that someone other than his employer might want to steal that kind of knowledge and glory for themselves.

But surely, if he was in danger, Mr.

Thibodeaux would have never let him leave, especially without a guard. Or had he.

Lexie stirred against him and Anthony stroked her hair pensively. Perhaps had he spent more time out and about instead of making love to Lexie, he would have seen some familiar faces spread unobtrusively throughout the hotel, keeping an eye on Mr. Thibodeaux‘s investment.

His train of thoughts was broken by a hand that skimmed over his stomach and grabbed hold of his dick. ―You‘re thinking too loud,‖ she complained against the skin of his chest, before kissing it.

―Sorry. I was just thinking about the attack.‖

―I‘ve got something better for you to do,‖

she murmured squeezing his cock.

A few minutes later, Anthony could barely remember his own name let alone what bothered him about the attack. Thankfully, he remembered her name and he shouted it as he came inside her velvety softness.

Chapter Six

The next morning Lexie packed as Anthony showered. The night had been chaotic with her making love to Anthony and then rendering him unconscious as she dealt with the factions trying to kill and/or kidnap him. She‘d prevailed of course, but it pissed her off.
I’d kind of
hoped we could just fuck like wild animals all night long.

She‘d managed a few, pussy clenching rounds in between ass kicking, the final one occurring less than fifteen minutes ago while under the hot spray of the shower. At least while they were fucking, she didn‘t have to think of what she had to do next. She dreaded the imminent goodbye. Stupid since she should have celebrated her fat bank account. The geek job hovered on the edge of completion, successfully so, so why did she wish Frederick would call and extend her use?

Just the fact she even thought of it made her lips tighten. Anthony was simply a target that required protection and no matter the fun they‘d had—and orgasms she‘d enjoyed—he didn‘t belong in her life, and she didn‘t belong in his.

Even if he could look past the fact she‘d initially seduced him as part of her protection plan—a hard thing to overlook for any man with pride—

her very heritage made it impossible for her to contemplate a future with him. Already, she had to fight her urge to love him more roughly. Hell, she‘d almost lost it the night before and counted her lucky stars she‘d only bruised him. Never before had she needed to fight her wolf like she did currently. Her inner bitch paced restlessly even now, urging her to bite and mark Anthony as if he were a shifter, a fucked up conundrum indeed.

She needed to get away before she lost control and treated him like her body increasingly urged.

Her violent brand of love was not something she recommended given his fragile human status.

She‘d maim him at the least, kill him at the worst.

The best thing she could do for him was walk away. Now, if she could only find the words to make him understand.

I am, of course, assuming he’ll have an issue
about us parting ways. Heck, for all I know, I was just a
fun conference fuck.
But she knew better. She saw how he watched her and came to life when she was near.

With a curse, she zipped her suitcase shut as Anthony strode out just wearing a towel around his hips while he used a smaller one to dry his hair.

―Thanks for letting me use your shower,‖

he said softly. ―Weird how the plumbing in mine got all messed up. So, what‘s the plan?‖

It was her turn to end up tongue tied.

―Um, my cab is coming in about twenty minutes, so I need to get downstairs.‖

Anthony peeked at the clock. ―Shoot, my boss‘s limo will be arriving in fifteen. I better get a move on. Wait for me, we‘ll go down together.‖

He dashed through the adjoining door and she heard the sounds of him rapidly packing, their last sweet love making session this morning having put them both behind schedule. The minutes to their departure crept by quickly, and it was in silence that they left their rooms with suitcases rolling behind them to the elevator.

Anthony wore what she liked to call his pensive face, his head slightly dropped as he tumbled a thought over in his mind. When the elevator doors closed behind them, on impulse she dropped her suitcase handle and pressed herself against him, her mouth seeking his hotly.

He returned her embrace fiercely, his timidity of the first day, completely vanished.

The bell dinged and the doors slid open.

Lexie broke off the kiss and grasped her suitcase before she stepped out. She immediately noticed Frederick‘s men—Lycans like her—waiting by the glass doors and her stomach plummeted. The geek job was officially over.

Her throat tight for some strange reason, she gave Anthony a smile that shone perhaps a tad too bright and managed a low, ―Thanks for everything. Bye.‖

She turned and began to walk. Of course, escape wasn‘t that easy.

―I want to see you again.‖

Lexie froze mid step. Despite her half-baked theory this was just a weekend thing for him, she‘d—hoped—expected this. With his simple statement, he dangled temptation before her, and for a moment she reacted; her body tingled in pleasure, her heart stuttered and her mind screamed ‗Yes, I want to be with you, too‘.

Then reality intruded as she reminded herself, he was simply a job. Fun as the sex had been, they both had their lives to return to. He to his lab, and her to, well, doing whatever paid the bills in between full moons.

She turned back to face him, steeling her face and resolve. ―I can‘t.‖

―Why not? I-I thought we had something going.‖ His face showed bewilderment.

―The sex was great, thank you.‖ Her cheeks warmed as did her pussy. ―Very fun, but really, you can‘t tell me you expected this to continue beyond the conference? You‘ve got your work you need to get back to and I‘ve got a life, too.‖

She hated the hurt and confusion clouding his blue eyes, but he‘d get over it. And once she got back to her home and day to day world, she would as well.


―It was nice knowing you.‖ She turned to walk away and, to her shock, her eyes brimmed wetly. However, tears and a strangely aching heart didn‘t prevent her from scenting the danger. She recognized the distinct odor of Fae.

BOOK: The Geek Job
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