The Geary Series Boxed Set (47 page)

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Chapter 16


Elijah and Lilly were left alone in the living room after the dinner had been finished. Mickey had left to go and meet Angie. They stared at each other in silence, Lilly looked down at her wedding band and twisted it around on her finger. She marvelled at how Elijah had managed to get the correct size for her finger. 

“Any regrets, marry in haste, repent at leisure?” Elijah asked.

“No regrets and I can’t wait to repent with you for the rest of my life,” Lilly said and kissed his cheek. “We should head home, but which one? We still live separately, have you organised that too?”

Elijah wrinkled his nose and winced, he hadn’t thought through anything further than getting Lilly to say I do. Living arrangements, he thought, would be him moving into her place. He didn’t want to live above his job anymore. Any spare time he had he wanted to spend with Lilly, watching her draw and paint, preferably in just a shirt.

“No problem, we can keep living at my place, we can make a home there and then we can think about finding a new place together if you’re not comfortable there. I have only ever lived there on my own.” Lilly suggested, she wanted a house one day but only if they had children. Her apartment wasn’t big enough for children.

Elijah grinned and picked her up, wrapping his arms around under her bottom lifting her vertical in the air. Lilly let out a squeak and held on by grabbing his hair. He turned in a circle and loosened his grip enough to let his new wife slide down his body. She stood on his toes and cuddled her husband. They stood wrapped in each other’s arms in the middle of the room, silent once more.

“We’d better get going, I want to make love to my wife.” Elijah squeezed her hard for a second and broke the embrace.

“Do you have any plans for a new job?” he asked as they retrieved their jackets from the spare bedroom.

“None, I’m unemployed, the wall painting at Blue’s is finished and Elizabeth’s portrait is finished. I am at a loss for what to do next. I’m sure I’ll think of something. I wonder if Harry has sent me the picture message yet. He told me he would send a photo of where he hung Elizabeth’s painting. I’d given him my keys to collect it on his way home today.” Lilly explained.


Chapter 17


Michael, Ruth, Lilly and Elijah said their goodbyes and left the dinner party, plump from eating the delicious food. The night had turned into a storytelling competition, it was fun for the girls reminiscing about the old days. Lilly and Olivia learned more and more about the embarrassing times of their husbands.

Lilly stopped dead in the street. “Shit,” Lilly said, she patted her pockets and rummaged in her handbag.

“What’s wrong Lilly?” Elijah asked, stroking her arm in concern.

“I’ve given my keys to Harry, how are we going to get into my flat and have wild post honeymoon sex?”

Lilly pouted and fished out her phone from her jeans pocket and pressed the on button. The few minutes it took to come to life, Elijah was amusing her with chaste kisses to her fingertips. He planted kisses to each finger pad on her left hand. Lilly struggled with balancing the phone in her other hand but soon gripped hard when she saw some notifications she had for missed calls and messages. She had missed seventeen calls from her dad and there were a dozen messages from her Aunt Jane as well as her dad. She refused to look at the messages, she wasn’t going to bail out her brother no matter who her mother tried to manipulate to convince her.

William had been kept in custody, pending his court appearance, which was today. Lilly had turned her phone off when she woke up this morning. She didn’t want to hear the outcome, if he were let off, then she would feel disappointment in the justice system. While she worked in the legal arena, she saw an increasing amount of criminals get off on technicalities. Hundreds of wasted hours, because someone somewhere didn’t tick the correct box. No doubt her mother would call her to gloat if he were a free man. The incessant phone calls had started yesterday morning, her phone ringing off the hook once she had arrived home. Elijah had taken her away for an extended honeymoon in Rome, he was determined to get her pregnant. He wanted to embarrass his kids by gloating they he or she was a honeymoon baby.

“Can we have wild sex yet?” Elijah asked sucking gently on the tips of her fingers.

“Yeah,” Lilly answered quietly and disinterested.

“Married for a couple of weeks and already sex is a boring subject, I must be losing my touch.” Elijah took Lilly’s index finger into his mouth right the way down to the join to her middle finger. He swiped at the sensitive skin with the tip of his tongue and watched as Lilly’s eyes closed slowly. The distraction that she needed from the colossal amount of messages on her phone was heavenly. She had made her statement to the police, her brother had been arrested, and he was going to be charged today. It was a simple process but one with so many outcomes. Having no regrets she ignored the unread messages and enjoyed the sensation of her husband’s tongue and relished the tremors rippling through her belly.

“You’re not losing your touch, not at all, you are distracting me enough for me to forget my family’s harassment.”

Lilly’s finger left the warmth of Elijah’s mouth with a pop. Frowning at her finger and then Elijah’s mouth she wondered why they had separated. Lilly’s phone had been taken from her hand and now Elijah was making a call on her phone. This time is was Elijah’s turn to frown and he scratched his chin as he listened. Muttering a few words Elijah punched a finger at the screen and ended the call.

“Lilly, sweetheart, we need to get to the hospital. It’s your mother, she has collapsed, that was what all the messages were about. She had an episode in court and passed out a few hours ago, it seems that William has been charged and has been taken to jail. We need to go to the hospital, now.”

Elijah held her hands as he explained, not letting go until the information had sunk in. He watched carefully as the range of expressions passed over Lilly’s face and until the one he was expecting appeared. Her face crumpled for a brief moment and then the tears fell. He knew that even though Lilly had a strained relationship with her mother she still cared about her.

“Is she ok?” Lilly managed to say once she had controlled her tears and breathing. Elijah wouldn’t let go of her hands so the tears stayed on her cheeks as well as any escaped mascara that was allegedly waterproof but rarely was.

Elijah pulled out his handkerchief and tidied up his wife’s cheeks and eyes and hugged her tight.

“She’s going to be fine, it was a stroke, she’s going to be ok, but she is staying in hospital for monitoring. She is a little delirious and muttering about random happenings that are making very little sense.” He said, watching his wife so visibly upset was torture, he had no way of taking away her pain and was at a loss.

“What’s going on, I thought you two love birds would be at home, making grandbabies,” Ruth said, standing next to them. Michael had his arm wrapped around Ruth and he kissed her temple. He wanted grandbabies too and with his other son Jack and his wife Olivia already with a baby on the way, he could wait a few months until Elijah announced they were going to have children.

“Lilly’s mum is in the hospital, she’s collapsed with a stroke, and we’re going to get a taxi to the hospital.” Elijah said, grateful that his parents were still around, he hoped that they could support her as well.

“We’ll come with you,” Michael said, “remember, she’s a formidable woman Lilly, she’ll be fine, I’m sure it’s just a scare.” He offered as comfort.

Lilly nodded numbly and followed the three of them to the taxi rank a few streets away.

Chapter 18


Michael chatted to the driver of the taxi at the front of the queue and gave instructions of where they needed to go. The London style taxi had plenty of room for the four of them. Ruth and Michael sat with their backs to the driver while Lilly and Elijah took the back bench seat.

Her calmness in the taxi to the hospital surprised Lilly, she sat patiently while the taxi stopped and started in the heavy traffic. Thinking through all the horrible things she had said to her mother before she married Elijah, the guilt that danced around her heart tortured her. Over and over she repeated in her head, what if they were the last words she uttered to her mother? Wringing her hands in her lap, she flashed through all the times she was mean and not the dutiful daughter she should have been. Her mother ruled her with an iron rod, she had done for as long as she could remember. Elijah had helped Lilly to stand up to her mother and act on her first impulse rather than act on what her mother would approve of. That behaviour now brought her regret.

“Stop Lilly, please stop, you’ll chew all the skin off your beautiful lips.” Elijah pulled her hands apart and held onto her right hand as they sat side by side in the back of the taxi. The seatbelts restricted any further contact. “Going over what you’ve said to your mother over the last few weeks is pointless. You meant those words at the time, her being ill doesn’t change the fact that you wanted to move away from her control.” Elijah said, attempted to counsel her mind.

Lilly stayed silent and squeezed his hand every few seconds, processing his words. They weren’t helping her, she knew she shouldn’t feel the regret but flaunting her wedding day and lack of invite was insensitive and cruel. She could have handled it better.

“I’ll feel better once I’ve seen her, she’s always been a solid figure in my life, stern and domineering. To hear that she is hooked up to machines is a shock, but I’ll get over it. To realise that she is vulnerable is not something I can process with at the moment.” Lilly said, she fiddled with the strap of her handbag, her eyes darting from left to right looking at the scenery out of the taxi window but not taking in any detail. Her mind was racing and couldn’t fix on one single detail. She tried to remember the last time she was kind to her mother and struggled to go back in time to a point where she enjoyed her mother’s company.

“Ok, just know I’m here, right by your side to give you whatever you need. Anything, Lilly, please tell me what you need?” Elijah pleaded, he was helpless and needed Lilly to tell him what to do. His dad looked at them both, and then back to Elijah and shook his head in guidance to leave it for a while. Elijah understood and held her hand, remaining quiet.

“Don’t let go of my hand, that’s all I need.” She whispered.

“Never.” He replied and held on tighter.

The rest of the journey was in silence, the bottleneck of traffic eased and they were soon arriving at the hospital. Elijah checked with the reception of where her mother was, but they wouldn’t tell him. He should have remembered this from the last time he was here, waiting to see how Lilly was after she had been drugged. Elijah ushered Lilly to the desk and she asked for her mother’s room. Lilly stuttered her way through asking for the information and as soon as the receptionist imparted the details she was being pulled along by the hand by Elijah. Michael and Ruth followed behind. The wide hospital corridors were empty of visitors and staff, it was eerily quiet.

“Are we in the right place?” Lilly asked.

“Yes sweetheart, visiting time must be over which is why it is quiet.” Elijah was guessing, he found the quickest reassuring words he could find. He had no idea how she was feeling, had no experience of this, his parents had always been fit and healthy.

By the time, they reached the lifts to take them to the fourth floor a dozen people appeared by their sides.

Lilly didn’t see them. She had lost her mind, her head in a numbed state until she could set eyes on her mother. The wide metal lift doors opened and the group assembled moved forward as one. The elevator was large enough to carry two hospital beds side by side. Elijah manoeuvred Lilly to the back and cuddled her until the lift took them to the floor they needed.  Silently he took her hand and led her down the corridor until they reached the nurse’s station which had been left unattended.

“Elijah, I can’t go in,” Lilly said, she started to step backwards with wide eyes. Elijah anchored her to the spot, he didn’t want her to run away and regret not seeing her mother.

“What’s going through that head of yours?”Elijah asked gently.

“I have spent a long time hating her and now that she’s in the hospital I feel regret coursing through my veins like poison. I won’t be able to look her in the eye. It seems hypocritical to care now that she’s ill.” Lilly said.

“Someone being ill doesn’t make them a good person, it doesn’t erase their past. Someone being ill is just that, we can go and get a coffee and talk some more before you see her if you’d like?”

It was Ruth who offered her solace. Lilly pondered her insightful words and sorted her mind out, she was about to speak when a door slammed behind her.

“Can I help you?” The nurse asked, straightening her top.

“We’re looking for Gale Harrison’s room.” Elijah volunteered.

“I’ve just come on shift, let me check my list, stay there for a moment and I’ll be back.” The nurse said and hurried off down the corridor and left them alone once more.

“I’m ready to see her Ruth, I think what I’m scared of is seeing her frail and weak. I have only ever known her as hard as nails, invincible. I still want to hate her, especially as she forbade me to marry your son without a reason.”

“Well, she didn’t win that battle did she?” Elijah said and raised Lilly’s hand and kissed her wedding ring.

Ruth remained quiet and so did Michael. Lilly smiled at the gesture and turned to see the nurse walking briskly back to her station. Reaching up on tiptoe to lift the clipboard off the wall fastening, the nurse searched through the pieces of paper, looking for Gale Harrison’s room.

“I’m sorry it’s taking me so long, she’s in the last room on the left, her husband and her sister are already in there. Are you family?” She asked.

“I’m her daughter and this is my husband and these are my husband’s parents.  Lilly answered, the brief squeeze of her hand once she had introduced Elijah as her husband filled her heart with joy. She now had a champion at her side.

“Go on down, she is sedated and sleeping from the medication but you can see her. Can you make sure that there are only two people at a time, the rest of you can wait outside and take you turn.” The nurse encouraged.

They strolled down the corridor until she reached the hospital room. The open door allowed her to see the visitors that were already with her mother. Dylan, her father, sat on the only chair in the room, his head bowed and he fiddled with a piece of cotton. Her Aunt Jane sat on the edge of the bed holding her sister’s hand. Jane stared at Gale, muttering words over and over again. Lilly couldn’t hear the words she uttered, her feet had planted themselves at the door and refused to move. Michael and Ruth stood behind Lilly and Elijah, waiting patiently for Lilly to move forward.

Gingerly stepping forward, Lilly entered the room, her quiet feet didn’t alert the occupants to her arrival. She put her hand on Jane’s shoulder. Her dad looked up, dazed with bloodshot eyes. His timid smile filled Lilly’s heart with guilt. Her selfishness had hurt her mother. If she followed what her mother wanted and not married today, she could have helped her brother instead. William wouldn’t be rotting in a jail cell and her mother would be her usual bitter persona.

“Don’t you blame yourself, Lilly,” Jane said when she hugged her. She whispered these words into her ear.

Jane looked at the other people in the room with a pained expression. Jane didn’t greet Michael, Ruth or Elijah and sat back down to stroke Gale’s hand. Lilly was at a loss to why Jane had dismissed the others and turned to her father instead.

“Dad, what happened?” She asked carefully, her voice kept neutral.

“It’s your damn fault, why couldn’t you just help. Why did you have to report William? She is in that bed because you are a selfish girl.” Dylan said, his face was red and flushed, he narrowed his eyes at Lilly, and jabbing a finger at her body.

The words stung Lilly, she expected them, believed them to be true but they still stung.

“I’m sorry dad,” Lilly whispered.

“Don’t you dare apologise, Lillian, don’t you dare.” Jane barked from the bed.

The anger displayed on Dylan’s face contorted his features, his bubbling rage prevented him from spitting out more hateful words. The venomous stare he gave his daughter chilled her heart. This was the first time she had seen her dad upset with her. He usually stayed quiet when she was on the receiving end of her mother’s acerbic comments. The anger didn’t match with what she had done. The air stilled with the outburst, no one moved, they waited for the next reply, but no one spoke. Elijah moved to stand next to his wife, took her hand and pulled her away from the glare of her father. They backed away and stood at the foot of Gale’s bed with Michael and Ruth.

“I’m sorry about the baby Michael, I’m sorry I lied to you,” Gale said quietly.

All eyes pivoted towards the woman lying on the bed. Each person moved their head to show their ear to Gale. They willed her to repeat what she had said, just to be sure, but everyone had heard.

“Hush now Gale, the drugs are making you delirious, they’re making you say bizarre statements.” Whispered Jane and squeezing her hand.

“I’m not delirious, I need to make things right,” Gale said a little louder, finding her voice.

Michael, Ruth, Jane and Dylan wore worried faces, and they shifted their glances back and forth to each other. They silently made a pact of unity.

“Would you go and find a nurse and let them know that your mum’s awake?” Ruth asked in a soothing voice, she stroked Lilly’s arm. “Elijah, would you go with her?” Michael added.

This time Ruth pleaded with Elijah to do as she asked without any further questions. He obliged his mother and took Lilly by the elbow and escorted her out of the room.

Once Lilly and Elijah had left the room, the anxiety levels soared. Michael and Ruth stepped forward and stood next to the bed on the left and Dylan stood from his chair and stood next to Jane. The four of them stared at Gale not uttering a word, waiting for her next sentence. Gale had opened her eyes fully after coming round from her drug induced sleep.

“What are you all staring at me for?” Gale said, her haughty voice ringing through the air. “It’s about time the truth came out, don’t you?” She said, her jaw set firm, her lips thinned with determination.

Silence rang out with the group.

“We need to tell him about the baby, he should know, it’s been buried for long enough,” Gale spoke again, she looked directly at Jane.

“Don’t you dare utter a damn word, Gale.” Jane bit out.

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