The Geary Series Boxed Set (15 page)

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Chapter Thirty-Five


Feeling fully refreshed after food, grapefruit juice and coffee, I dressed in my most comfortable clothes. I enjoyed shopping, but hadn’t indulged in it for a while, and had no idea if purple was a fashionable colour this season. This trip would be easy or hellish depending on how helpful the shop assistants were.

Jack dressed so well, so I needed a knockout dress to match his style and smartness, it didn’t help that I didn’t know what he had planned. I decided that I needed to go all out. I gazed down my body while I was buttoning up my coat and wondered how tonight would end. Would I be naked in bed on my own or with Jack?

Now that he knew everything and had sucked the life out of my nipple this morning that was a sure sign he wasn’t put off by me being a widow. Just thinking about having sex with Jack made my pussy throb, I thought about which type of dress would suit me. I had decent sized breasts, flat stomach and long, lean legs. Sadly my arse was way out of proportion with the rest of me, and I found it difficult to find dresses that fit my larger than the rest of me backside.

Hopefully, the shops I went into would be able to help me with style.

I took one more look at my body shape and grabbed my bag to head out for the day. I wandered down to reception and asked for a map of the city and directions to the streets Jack had mentioned. The receptionist raised her eyebrow at me and explained in great detail, which way I needed to go. She also recommended that if I had time, which hairdressers would be able to fit me in for a blow dry. It was my turn to raise an eyebrow at this, and she blushed and apologised for suggesting I looked unkempt.

I roared with laughter and told her I was just teasing her and asked her if there was a beauty salon near these streets. She gave me a list of everything I would need to make me perfect.

I walked out into the sunshine and grinned, I felt happy, such a difference in emotion from this time yesterday. I deserved a little romance, I told myself I had nothing to be guilty of. It did help that Cecily had said this last night, when I drunk dialled her when I got in. She talked to me for over an hour after I blurted out everything that had happened this week. She hadn’t known all the details about my husband’s accident, so I spent some time consoling her about my heart ache. I had a perfect memory when I drank to excess, and I was grateful on this occasion because it felt good to be kissed this morning.

Striding into the first shop I saw, I looked through the rails of clothes that were on display looking for purple. When I didn’t see anything in that colour, I moved to the next shop and then the next. After five shops, I headed to a coffee shop and sulked into a latte and flapjack and decided to search for stores on my phone to see if they had anything in purple.

: Finding a purple dress is becoming a tedious adventure, it seems purple is not this season’s colour, what is your second favourite colour Jack?

I continued to browse through the shop websites looking for some hope when Jack text back.

: Purple is also my second favourite colour, click on the link attached and try there. You may have some luck. I can’t wait to see you in five hours and thirty-two minutes.

I rolled my eyes at his efficiency and also his eagerness to see me again. He made me feel wanted and desirable, it was intoxicating and I loved it.

: I could get used to this attention.

: That is what I’m hoping for.

Smiling, I clicked on the link and found the website of a small boutique not that far away. I finished up my coffee and made my way to the address Jack had suggested.

Standing outside the small shop, I looked at the window display, it had three gorgeous evening dresses on display, all black. It gave me a clue to the dress he was expecting me to turn up in at least. Something exquisite. I could do that, wear a beautiful dress, and I couldn’t wait to try on some of them.

Entering the shop, I heard the tinkle of a bell above the door and was thrown back to my childhood sweet shop. Walking inside from the sunshine, the shop seemed dark and sumptuous, red velvet chairs were scattered around the store and low tables had displays of lace and silk underwear sets. This shop looked like it catered for entire outfits, not just dresses. There were purses and shoes, as well. I felt like a kid in a grown-up sweet shop.

I twirled on the spot and looked for purple. I zoned in on the corner rail and saw three, jackpot. I walked over to the dresses and heard a woman’s voice call out behind me.

“Can I help you dear?” She asked.

She was flawlessly dressed, perfect dark grey day dress with matching stiletto heels. Guessing her age, I would put her at mid-fifties. Her salt and pepper hair giving me a hint to her age. She had a warm smile and sized me up in a few seconds.

“I’m looking for an evening dress and it needs to be purple. I would like to try these dresses if that’s ok.”

“Of course, please go through to the back of the shop and you will see a red velvet curtain. That is the dressing room, I’ll bring the dresses through to you.”

Walking through the small shop it only took ten paces to get to the dressing room. Drawing the curtain closed behind me, I dumped my bag on the floor and hung up my coat. I started to take my clothes off and stood in my lace black underwear gazing at my reflection again. I hoped that if he did get me naked, he liked what he saw because I sure as hell liked what I saw of him.

Underwear had always been my passion, and I never dressed in anything other than lace or silk, even under jeans. I hadn’t brought anything purple with me, so I needed to get some underwear too, I hoped that she had that colour.

“Can I come in? I have the dresses that you could try. I also have brought some underwear and shoes so that you can see the whole outfit.”

I drew the curtain back and let her hang up the dresses, and I took the underwear from her hands.

“May I know your name?” I asked her.

“My name is Evelyn, and I’m happy to meet you.” She said and stretched her hand out for me to shake.

I shook her hand and let her know my name too.

“I’m going on a date with the most gorgeous man and I want to knock him dead in a sexy but demure dress. He told me his favourite colour was purple, so I want to knock him dead in his tracks when he sees me.”

“Well, these dresses I think will look arresting on you, but it will depend on how comfortable you feel in them. I’m reasonably sure these will fit you, give me call on this button if you need any help.”

She pointed to the doorbell type button on the wall and then closed the curtain behind her. This was a fantastic shop, and I wondered if there were any like this in my hometown. I would investigate once I got back.

I tried the first dress on, and it was too short for a dinner date. This was a perfect dress for dancing all night. The second dress showed too much cleavage, the split in front of the dress dropped to the waist. I had a little too much on show and thought that my breasts might pop out at any stage. I would be worrying about that all night.

When I put the third dress on, I knew it was the one. It was backless with a halter neck, tied at the back of my neck. The dress looked like it was made of one piece of material because there were no other zips or fastenings. The panel of material at the front fitted snugly to the waist and then flared out into a floating skirt to the floor. The silk felt amazing against my skin. I couldn’t wear a bra with this dress, so I needed some magic to keep my nipples from showing. I was positive that Evelyn would have just the thing. I looked at the underwear she’d brought in and noticed that there wasn’t a bra, in the selection, just a range of thongs in different shades of purple.

She knew which one I would choose. She was good. That was a lady who knew her business.

This dress was dark purple, and so was the shoe selection. I chose the shoes that were the highest, they were pointed and had a metal stem for the heel. They were killer, and I fell in love with them instantly. Putting them on I looked at my reflection and nodded, this was going to be epic.

I quickly changed back into my own clothes and left the dress I wanted, hanging up on the opposite side of the dresses I had discarded along with my chosen heels and underwear.

Wandering out of the changing room, I saw that there was still no one in the shop but me. I felt relieved that I could have all of Evelyn’s attention to ask her for my nipple issue.

As I approached the counter, I saw a selection of silver bags, she did think of everything.

“Which dress did you choose?”

“I’m sure you already know that answer, it was the backless one.” I said

She smiled knowingly and nodded to the counter with various sized bags.

“Will you need a bag for this evening?”

I looked at the bags and settled on the sparkling hard case bag with a long chain.

“Are you going anywhere else this afternoon before you go back to your hotel Olivia? I can package your clothes up and send them across so that you don’t have the carry them with you.”

“That is incredibly kind, I would be grateful for that, I need to go and find a beauty salon that can take care of my hands, feet and hair.”

“It will be my pleasure, I can call a colleague of mine and fit you in for an appointment if you like, he is superb.”

“Wow, you’re a real life saver, thank you.”

She smiled at me and prepared my bill, when I looked at the total and handed over my credit card, I blanched inside. I hadn’t spent that amount money, ever. In fact, I had just spent more money in an hour than I had spent in the last year.

I hadn’t bothered with any extravagance since we got back from honeymoon. When we first came back, money was tight and remained that way for a full year. It was not until my books became popular that I started to become comfortable, but old habits had set in, and I didn’t spend very much. Jack brought out the sexy me, and I wanted to go all out, so I felt that it was worth it.

I reached the door handle and pulled only to find it locked. I heard a click, and the door pulled open in my hand, turning around I looked at Evelyn in question.

“I give my total and undivided attention to each customer with the utmost privacy. I hope to see you again in the future Olivia.”

She smiled warmly at me as I headed out the door.

Walking down the street, I headed for the salon that Evelyn had told me about. She said she would call ahead and that they would be expecting me. Whilst strolling along I did a bit of window shopping and realised that I needed to let Jack know about my dress colour.

: Dark Purple.

: You’re a goddess, see you in three and a half hours.

I hurried along the street to the salon and let the receptionist know who I was, and she ushered me to a chair in front of a mirror. A few minutes later I was chatting with a marvellous man about what I needed for tonight.

Chapter Thirty-Six


When Janine was painting my toenails, I had a sudden thought that I hadn’t told Evelyn, which hotel I was staying at. Once I had completed my beauty session, I retraced my steps to her shop only to find the door locked. I hoped that she was with a customer and not closed for the day. I found her number on the link Jack had given me and called the shop.

“Good afternoon, Evelyn’s, how can I be of service?”

“Hello Evelyn, it's Olivia, I realised that I hadn’t told you where I was staying, I’m outside now so I could pick up the dress to save you the trouble.”

“There is no need Olivia, when Mr Geary called earlier, he let me know where you were staying, you should find the dress is already in your room waiting for you.”

“Oh, ok, thanks. How did you know to ask Mr Geary?” I asked, extremely curious.

“He called this morning and told me to expect someone with your description. He didn’t say anything else. We used to work very closely together, I was happy to help you this afternoon. I’m so happy that he has found you Olivia, he is a wonderfully kind man.”

“Thank you for your kindness today, goodbye.”


I looked at my phone, puzzled by her phrasing why did she say, he used to be? Why wasn’t he still a good customer? My phone rang before I could think about it further, and I saw that it was Jack.

“Where are you right now?” he asked.

“Outside Evelyn’s shop, why?” she said and paused briefly.

“Turn around.”

I did turn around and saw a black car with blacked out windows idling at the curb. The window of the back window slid down to reveal Jack’s face and shoulders. He winked at me, and I talked to him on the phone even though he was standing in front of me.

“How did you know I was here?”

“I called Evelyn earlier to see if you had left and she said where you had gone to next. I’ve been waiting for you to come out of the salon but must have missed you. Hang up the phone Olivia, and get in the car.”

I kept staring at him with the phone to my ear wondering if he had me fitted with a tracking device. I blinked out of my haze and dropped my phone in my bag. Stepping towards the car, his chauffeur got out of the car and held open the back door for me. I climbed into the back and sat next to Jack on the leather seat.

“Is this your car?” I asked him.


“Is that your chauffeur?”


“Did you slip a tracking device into my bag?”

He laughed.

“No, Evelyn called me after you hung up from her. She was concerned that you didn’t know that I had asked her to help you choose a dress, and told me off for being underhand. She told me where you were. I was sitting outside the salon just up the road.”


“Did you have a good day, darling?” He said and leaned in to kiss me.

It was a few minutes before he let me answer. He parted my lips with his firm lips, very slowly he seduced my mouth, seeking and searching. Demanding entrance with his tongue he deepened the kiss and stole my breath. He stopped the kiss and stroked my cheek with the back of his hand and stroked down my neck, traced the edge of my jacket collar and down my arm to my hand and squeezed it.

“I had a great day, how was your day at the office?” I asked.

“I played hooky and didn’t go in, I had too much to plan for this evening.”

“Played hooky? Your boss will not be happy with you. What if you get fired? I’m not worth losing a job over.” I said searching his eyes for honesty. He seemed to be telling the truth.

“Firstly, there is no chance I’ll get fired, and if I were to be given the boot, you would be worth it.”

He kissed me again, a soft pressing of his lips to mine.

“Can I give you a lift back to the hotel?”

I agreed to his offer, and he told the driver where he needed to take us, calling him Sam. Sam pulled away from the curb and headed towards my hotel.

Jack held my hand for the five minute drive as I rested my head on his shoulder we didn’t talk, we sat in amiable silence. I thought about the car, the chauffeur, suits, impeccable flat in a great area of the city. There was something missing to my knowledge of Jack. We had arrived at the hotel, but I made no move to get out, Jack squeezed my hand, and I sat up and looked at him.

“You don’t just sell underwear do you?” I asked.

“No, I don’t just sell underwear. Go and get ready, I’ll see you in an hour.”

I went to open my mouth to ask another question, but he silenced me with his searing kiss. I pulled away after enjoying the battle of control for a minute or so.

“You can’t stop me from asking questions with kisses all the time.” I said and huffed.

“I realise that, but it’s most enjoyable trying.” He said and smirked.

I playfully pinched his cheek and then kissed it and got out of the car without saying goodbye.

As I walked through the lobby, my phone buzzed, and I checked the message.

: I forgot to tell you that you looked beautiful. I’ll see you in an hour.

Grinning to myself, I skipped to the lift and made my way up to my room to get ready.

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