Read The Game Online

Authors: Mackenzie McKade

The Game (4 page)

BOOK: The Game
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“Cast down your eyes, wench,” the one called Tor demanded. “You’re not worthy to look upon us.”

She winced, still refusing to divert her gaze.
Fuck you
was on her tongue, but before she could speak he grabbed her breast. He twisted the clamp and she dropped to her knees. White-hot pain imploded at her nipple and ripped through her body. She fought for air. Her stomach pitched. The sensation of rolling waves crashing against her insides made her drop further onto her cuffed hands.

, but her nipples hurt. At the pace she was going, she’d be listed in the Feats Book of Records for the most titty-twisters in one day.

Jaws clenched, she pondered what she might do to the man when she caught him asleep. Maybe a phazer-gun to the backside of his balls would put him in a more cooperative mood. The thought was interrupted when he grabbed a handful of hair and jerked her to her feet.

son of a bitch
!” Dangling in the air, Chastity attempted to regain her footing, while remaining as still as possible to avoid ripping out any more of her hair. If he didn’t release his hold soon she’d have a bald spot as big as an orange. When she was placed firmly on her feet, punishment came swiftly. Two stinging slaps to each bare ass cheek. She could feel the outlines of his large palms marking her skin. When he smoothed his hand across her burning ass she wanted to strike out. Mouth agape, preparing to issue a string of expletives, she paused. This was intergalactic cinema. If she fought back she would simply feed the frenzy that had already taken hold of the crowd.

One man’s happiness was another man’s pain.

Only it was
pain, and the crowd loved every aspect of the exchange. From the audience she heard someone scream, “Pinch her tit again.” Another yelled, “Fuck her doggy style.”

The man beside her was bigger, stronger, and he had backup. From the corner of her eyes she saw his powerful cronies poised—ready to restrain her if she decided to retaliate or bolt. She couldn’t win this battle. At least not here, not now. 20

The Game

Breathe. Inhale. Exhale
. Chastity calmed herself. When she was young and scared, she’d learned to disassociate, to move inside herself. To form a shell to block the ugliness of the world and withstand the anguish it held. Slowly, she drifted to her knees resting on her haunches. Head bowed.

Inhale. Exhale
. She felt a soothing blanket of calm cover her as she went into that safe place in her mind where nothing and no one could touch her.

“Nice.” Like an arrogant man, Tor took her acquiescence as submission. Only she knew the truth. Well, Seth did as well. In fact, it might be the only weapon she had to fight him.

“Now, as you’re aware—” The host of the Voyeur II series’ voice was muffled—

hollow—as though it was being forced through a funnel. Chastity lingered on the edges of consciousness, floating in a realm of peace and tranquility. If only she could linger here for the next seven days.

“The cameras of Voyeur II will check in several times during your stay at Ecstasy Island, located on the planet Zygoman. Chastity will meet her coach, the lovely Passion Flower, upon their arrival. She will learn the art of submissiveness and how to pleasure her Master. If she’s successful she’ll win


.” He paused for effect. “Now enjoy yourselves and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

! It sounded like the vacation of a lifetime. But by the smirk on Monty’s face and Seth’s menacing expression, it was going to be anything but, for Chastity Ambrose.

Seth paced impatiently outside Chastity’s dressing room. He didn’t know relieving oneself could take so long—or was it his anxiety and need to get on with this charade that made him uneasy?

When Chastity finally exited the room, his pulsed jumped. He gathered up the leash and gave it a jerk, earning a frown from her.

The crowd separated as Seth led Chastity backstage. Hearty slaps on the back came his way as he moved passed. Men were envious—as they should be. The woman tethered to him was a virtual sex goddess. And for the next week she was his. Anticipation swelled his testicles. His cock hardened, lengthening with alarming speed. What would she do if he bared himself here and now, and demand she take him in her hot, wet mouth? Would her lips willingly embrace him, her tongue caress his erection?

When the leash was almost jerked from Seth’s hand, he glanced over his shoulder expecting another confrontation. Instead, he was surprised at the wild look in her eyes. Fear? Panic?

Were the realities of the next week and what was in store for her finally setting in?

Would she renege? Steal his chance for revenge?

! I can’t leave this minute. I must…uh…I need to…” The handcuffs had been removed earlier so that she could attend to personal matters. Desperately, she held onto 21

Mackenzie McKade

the strap connected to her collar like it was a lifeline. Whatever urgent matter had her upset was important enough to expose her to additional punishment. Or was it a stalling tactic?

Anxiously, she pulled against her restraints. Blue eyes looked up pleadingly.

“Please, I can’t leave now.”

What was she up to? “Why?” he asked. Then he chided himself for even asking.

“A trans-planet call…just let me make one trans-planet call and then we can leave.”

Anger flamed inside him. “What, Chastity, need to call your lover, Josh?” Savagely, he bit out, “If it’s a cock you require, I will more than fulfill your needs every minute of the next seven days, six nights.”

She flinched at his sarcasm. Resentment flashed in her narrowed eyes. She stood, arms akimbo, fists buried in her round hips.

Her rigid stance shoved her breasts forward. His mouth watered, wanted to taste them, feel them pressed against his chest, her naked body sliding over his. God have mercy on his soul. He ran a shaky hand through his hair. Once again, she stood before him, proud, defiant, heat glowing like embers in her eyes. A breathtaking sight. And a reminder of what he had been deprived of. He would crush her before the week was over. A week was sufficient time to drive the thoughts of her lover from her mind and her body.

“No. If you must know, I need to trans-call my mother.”

“Mother? But your parents are d—” Vexed, he shook his head. She was doing it again. “
. Damn you, Chastity, if it’s the last thing I do, I’ll teach you to never lie to me again.”

Regret flickered in her eyes. Hands floating to her side, her stance softened along with her voice. “You don’t even want to listen to my explana—”

! Not another word.” He extracted the handcuffs from a strap connected to his pants. “Your wrists,” he grounded out. Reluctantly, she shoved her hands out and allowed him to cuff her. He focused on the clicking of the locking mechanism as he snapped shut each wristband.

Control. He had to gain control of the situation, not allow her to manipulate herself back into his heart. Two years he had waited for this moment. She would not take it from him.

“This has nothing to do with the past.” Now it was his turn to lie.

“Seth, it has
to do with the past.” He jerked away from the hand she laid upon his arm. He didn’t want her pity. He had gone beyond the suffering. He had no more sleepless nights. Well, almost. His appetite was back. In fact, he’d gained ten pounds. On the field he was a brutal animal. And women? He had a different one every night to warm his bed. Yeah, he was doing just fine, thank you very much!

“There are rules to this game. And, that’s what this is, Chastity. A game.” With a dismissive action he brushed his hand through the air. “Unfortunately for you and me, 22

The Game

the fates have thrown us together at different ends of the spectrum.” Another lie—he was getting good at this.

A harrumph of disbelief pushed from taut lips. So. If she knew, all the better!

“You will walk behind me with your head bowed and your hands behind your back.”

She responded with a “Yes, Master”. But it came out more like “Fuck you, bastard”. She raised a brow and then the wrists he had cuffed in front of her. He held back a chuckle. She was feistier than he remembered.

Seth met her glare. He sprung the lock on each of her handcuffs so that she would be able to follow his mandate. He fastened the manacles to the strap on his pants.

“Remember…the rule is to pleasure me. If I demand that you drop to your knees and take my cock in your mouth—” her eyes widened, “—you will do it without hesitation.”


“You will not speak unless I permit it. When you do speak, you will refer to me as Master. This is my last warning…before the punishments begin.” Even he heard the menacing edge in his voice. She backed away and pivoted, presenting him with her back.

Damn, but her obstinate attitude was infuriating. Fingers closing tight around her biceps, he jerked her around, eliciting a squeal of surprise. “And, you will never turn your back to me. Now, a transport is awaiting us.”

“Master, may I speak?” Her teeth were clenched so tightly he wondered how she got the words out.

A “no” was on his lips. “Yes.”

“I need clothes, toiletries.”

“I will decide what you need, and if I choose to provide them.”

“Yesss, Master.” Then, like a coiled snake, she sprung to life. “I can’t do this.” She frantically pulled at her collar, attempting to separate herself from it. “If you think that I will stand by and let you strip me of all dignity, you’re crazy. There were…
valid reasons for what happened two years ago.”

Frantically she searched for the neckband’s clasp. “
Fuck it
.” She gave up trying to rid herself of the collar and focused on the leash that Seth refused to part with. A scowl skewed her features. She jerked harder on the leather strap. “Let go,” she growled vehemently. If she were a dog, she’d be foaming at the mouth, ready to attack. What a turn-on. He’d give anything to throw her on the floor and bury his cock deep within all that heated fury, a place that had once welcomed him. The backstage area was filled with people, their eyes riveted on the pair. But all Seth could think of was getting between the her legs, feeling the wetness of her excitement as her pussy sucked him in.


Mackenzie McKade

“Is there a problem?” Monty asked, approaching. The gleam in his mischievous eyes revealed his enjoyment. “Miss Ambrose?”

Her body shook with rage. She clawed again at the neckband and jerked against the leash. For a moment she couldn’t speak.

Concern flashed across Monty’s usually jovial face. “Miss Ambrose? Are you all right?”

She swallowed hard, forcing words from her mouth. “Release…m-me. I-I c-can’t do this,” she admitted weakly, shame evident in her tone and posture. Blue eyes pooled with emotion. Red welts rose on her neck where her fingernails continued to dig.

“Quit?” Monty looked toward Seth for direction.

! Seth mouthed firmly.

For a moment his friend floundered. Then he said, “It’s your decision, Miss Ambrose. Just transfer the funds on your way out.”

Flustered, she stopped struggling. Face flushed, chest rising and falling with each agitated breath. Confused and wild-eyed she glared at the man. “Funds?”

“Surely you read the fine print?”

“Fine print?” Her voice was barely audible. The trembling had subsided some. But her usually bright coloring had been replaced by a pasty-white hue. Leave it up to Monty to ensure there were no escape clauses in the contract, unless of course, they were to his benefit. “Yes, you agreed to fulfill the contract or pay us five hundred thousand dollars. Recompense for the station’s losses, finding a new contestant, rescheduling the reservations at Zygoman, et cetera, et cetera…”

“What?” A strangled cry of disbelief shot from her mouth. She went boneless, swaying, and her knees buckled.

Seth grabbed her arm, steadying her. She was cold to the touch, her skin clammy. Cradling her against his chest, he worried about shock.

Placing a finger beneath her chin, he guided her head up. When their gazes met, defeat was written on her face. Dark, haunted eyes stared back at him. She blinked back unshed tears, but one renegade drop rolled down her cheek. Hands shaking, she released the grasp she had on the leash and dropped her chin back upon her chest. Seth had won.

But instead of his victory laying sweet upon his tongue, it tasted sour. Even Monty seemed affected by her sudden acceptance. The coat of indifference he always wore wavered as he again looked toward Seth for direction.

“Is the transport ready?” Seth
to go through with this. If he let her walk out now he would regret it for the rest of his life.

“Yes.” Monty’s earlier hit-her-below-the-belt attitude had vanished. Chastity had a way of drawing people in. She was easy to like, easy to love. She could be tender and loving.


The Game

Then rip your heart out with the next breath
, he reminded himself. His friend was just another man taken in by her lies.

Seth released his hold and stepped away from Chastity. He tugged on the leash, half expecting her to resist. Instead, she took an unsteady step behind him. Quietly, she followed him through the studio hallway leading outside. A gust of warm air hit him square in the face. Catching his breath, he listened as the metallic conveyor revved its ion engine and a stream of radiant energy released into the atmosphere. Chastity hated this mode of transportation. You’d think in all the centuries of medical advancements that the cure for motion sickness would’ve been discovered. From the corner of his eye, he watched the appreciative glances she received from men and women alike. She was a rose among thorns, but just as prickly. Her stance said that she had regained some of her defiance. The woman was resilient, he knew she wouldn’t be down for long.

Still, she refused to look at him.

Motioning to a teleporter he held his hand out, palm side up and allowed the boy to scan his fingertips. Then he said, “Load my bags and possessions.” He shoved Chastity’s leash into the boy’s hand. Her head twisted to meet the teleporter’s gaze, an expression of pure disdain distorting her features.

BOOK: The Game
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