The Game (17 page)

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Authors: Mackenzie McKade

BOOK: The Game
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With one hand Seth raised her wrists above her head. A guttural sound of rage arose from her. Her chest heaved, heartbeat throbbing fiercely against his chest. The wild scent of her fury caressed him. Savagely, his mouth crushed hers. Defenses firmly in place, she bit his lower lip. He jerked back, spearing her with a warning glare as his tongue slid across his offended lip. The taste of his blood was a heady aphrodisiac. He had to have more of the hellion beneath him. Terrance moved around them, but Seth was oblivious to him, even when the man drew one of Chastity’s hands away and secured it to a stake. For the moment, no one else existed but the two of them locked in a battle of wills. When her other hand drifted from his grasp he turned his attention to depriving Chastity of her clothes. Within seconds Terrance had removed the rope around Chastity’s knees, bound her ankles to the remaining stakes, and then quietly disappeared into the shadows. Chastity’s eyes dilated, knowing what was coming. The snap of her bra and the feel of her breasts springing into Seth’s hands was unbelievably erotic. The glorious mounds rose and fell rapidly, her taut nipples betraying her arousal. Seth eased off of her and kneeled beside her. The sight of her arms high over her head and bound to stakes, legs splayed wide for him, was an amazing stimulant. Seeing her clad in nothing but a scanty thong, silk stockings and stilettos made him even hornier.

His cock pulsed against his leather pants, the ache growing as his gaze lingered on the delicate blue veins visible beneath her alabaster skin. With a quick movement he released his dick. He hardened, lengthening beneath her hungry stare. She wanted him. The knowledge drove him crazy.


Mackenzie McKade

Pushing between her legs he nuzzled her mons, scenting her, and reveling in the perfume that was uniquely her own. Skin soft as silk met his hands as they caressed up the inside of her thighs, stopping when they came in contact with her thong. He smiled.

Fantasies truly did come true on the pleasure planet of Zygoman. Now it was time to make one of his a reality. Seth grasped the loose cloth of her panties in his teeth and tugged. The small clasps holding the material together on each side snapped, slipping away, leaving her in nothing but stockings and stilettos. He grinned at her from between her thighs, ignoring the defiant glare she returned. Chastity could fight him all she wanted, but the juices glistening on the lips of her pussy were a blatant invitation to take her.

But he wouldn’t. Not until she begged for his cock. It had to be her choice to give herself to him, only then would he bury his erection deep inside her body.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured, sliding flesh against flesh as he took her breasts in hand. “So succulent.” He bent over her, taking a taut peak into his mouth. Chastity gasped and then tensed, as if to hold back her reaction. Fury was moving in the shadows of her eyes, but then again, so was desire.

As he suckled he slid his cock along her slick folds. He teased her, nudging her swollen flesh with the knob of his erection. Her hips rose, her thighs parting as far as possible with the minimal play of the ropes around her ankles. Still he held back, gently taunting, then withdrawing before entering her.

Cradling her rib cage, he thrust along her heated center, feeling her full globes bouncing against the back of his hands. Cupping their weight, he pinched her nipples, wrenching another gasp from her lips. He licked, lavished attention on the rosy buds, and then blew a light path of air across them.

She sucked in a tight breath and a hot wave of her excitement anointed his cock. In a playful mood, he moved down her body again until his head was between her thighs. Elbows on the ground, chin resting in the palms of his hands, his eyes devoured her pussy. A single finger reached out, tracing her swollen sex, exploring and pushing on her clit, sending her hips off the grass. Then he leaned forward and tasted her essence.

A whimper escaped her lips. Triumphant, he moved again atop her and thrust his throbbing cock along the heat between her thighs.

Chastity tried to hide just how much her body wanted Seth. But it was the little signs that betrayed her. Erect nipples, a pussy wet and emitting the scent of her arousal. Even the ripple of muscles in his body, the power visible in his sensuous movements, made her body tighten with uncontrollable need.

When his breath fanned warm across her lips, she gave a shiver of pleasure. The anticipation of his caress, the feel of his goatee and mustache against her skin, was maddening. She wanted him inside her mouth and pussy now. 92

The Game

A featherlight touch, a wisp of skin brushing skin, teased.

“Please,” her plea was breathless.

He grinned behind sensual lashes. And then their lips met and time ceased. His kiss was a slow intimate knowing of her mouth. It was everything she expected and more. Passion. Tenderness. She tasted herself upon his tongue and sighed. A soft whisper caressed her ear. “Do you want me to make your skin burn?” His voice was smooth as velvet, dark as night. The sound, low, seductive, caused her body to shudder.

She yearned, ached, to touch him. Her fingers twitched, her bonds holding her tight. It was a torment unlike anything she had ever experienced. And it was exciting.

Oh, God, yes.
Her body arched, asking for what he offered. She watched as he licked a slow, sensual path down the valley of her breasts, stopping at her belly button. A carnal gaze met hers. His tongue dipped.


Chastity couldn’t take much more of this. Blissfully, she closed her eyes. “Yes, Master.”

A strong hand found her clit and pinched. She moaned as electricity shot through her body. In slow, seductive movements he brushed his body against hers, teasing her and making her realize how much she needed him driving his cock into her heat, his mouth suckling her breasts. She needed to climax so bad she could taste the salty flavor in her mouth.

A wave of longing swamped her. She felt like weeping, her desire for him was so raw.

“Tell me what you want.” His voice vibrated around her.

Chastity hesitated, not wanting to admit her depth of hunger. Then he flicked her nipple with a finger, sending fire radiating through her breast. Like a river racing freely she blurted, “I want you buried deep inside me. I want to burn beneath your touch. I-I want you to make l-lo… Fuck me. Fuck me, Seth, please.”

Still, he held back. He rubbed his cock along her swollen folds. Her body tightened, every nerve stretched to breaking. It would only take him entering her and she would shatter into a million pieces.

“I’ll only give you what you want if you promise not to come until I tell you to.” He parted her nether lips with the head of his erection, and then stopped.

“Yes, yes, I promise.” Her hips ground against his, she had to have him now.

“Please, Master, pleasure me.”

“And you will obey me in all matters?” A finger pressed against her clit, sending a shot of white-hot lightning up her channel.


Mackenzie McKade

, yes, God, yes.
, Master, take me now.” Chastity was going to scream if she didn’t come soon. She had agreed to all his demands—why wasn’t he thrusting his cock inside her hot pussy? And it
hot, fiery hot and burning. A cool gust of air chilled her body as Seth moved away. She opened her eyes to find him standing between her splayed legs, studying her. The sight of him, his huge member jutting out from the folds of his pants, made her even hotter. Maybe he planned to untie her, take her back to their bungalow. Hell, she wanted him here—now—on the hard ground among the wilderness of the forest. Even in front of Terrance, who had made himself scarce, but was still visible just among the trees.

“I’m pleased with you, Chastity.”

Bewildered, she looked at the man standing above her. “What?”

“I’m pleased that you trust me and have agreed to subjugate yourself to me.”

Rolling his hips he pushed his cock back into his pants. The strain on his face said it wasn’t an easy task. Pressing the folds together he sealed his erection away from her view. “When I return, if you still deserve it, we will consummate our agreement.”

In disbelief, Chastity’s jaw dropped. The
son of a bitch
planned to leave her staked out in the middle of a forest where any wild animal could maul her, or even kill her. He had teased her, played her like a fiddle.

Her arousal cooled faster than water in subzero temperatures. Seth knelt beside her, his shoulder-length, ebony hair falling in silken disarray as he inserted a finger into her pussy and began to thrust. Instinctively, her hips rose to meet his assault.

Okay, so she only
her ardor had shut down. She still walked a tightrope of desire—beyond help and lost to sensation as she faced the enemy.

Shrewdly, the bastard was wielding sex like a weapon. And what was worse, she had no willpower to resist him.

“From this moment on, you will not speak without permission. You will no longer fight my dominance.” He retracted his finger and stood before he issued the final caveat. “If you do, I’ll contact Voyeur II and end this charade.”

Stung by his threat, she found a new courage as she squared her shoulders. His infuriating air of supremacy roused her anger and made her determined to thwart him. He had thrown down the challenge. All she had to do was accept.

“Forgive me, Master,” she said with a degree of dryness that bordered on the acerbic. “I will not forget that I am only here to serve your needs, to obey your orders, to accept your domination and
please your desires

Then she closed her eyes to block out his handsome face. The final knife had been twisted. He had won her body and submission, but she would leave here with one hundred million dollars, save her mother, and then never set eyes on Seth Allen again. 94

The Game

Chapter Nine

From behind the cover of the trees, Seth watched Chastity. It was six o’clock in the evening, and for five hours she hadn’t moved, hadn’t cried out in a fit of rage. There were no tears. In fact, there was no emotion whatsoever. Her eyes remained closed, her breathing shallow and steady as if she slept.

Had she escaped into her safe zone?

Leaving her so aroused had almost killed him. He’d been so friggin’ hot that it took only two pumps of his own hand to release his seed. The act had left him unfulfilled, empty. The desire to feel his cock buried between the folds of her pussy was overpowering. But he had no other choice. He needed to know what her motives were. The fear in her eyes when he threatened to contact Voyeur II and end their game had confirmed her need of the money.

Now he had to discover for what purpose. But how?

“Are you ready for tonight?” asked Terrance. His gaze was intently focused on Chastity.

“Yes.” Seth studied the man beside him. He’d be livid once he got a good look at his eye. Chastity had given him a hell of a shiner. Puffy, it already was darkening into shades of black and blue.

Something lay between Terrance and Chastity. Even if it was just animosity, Seth couldn’t stop the tinge of jealousy that seeped into his bones. Terrance turned and faced Seth. “You understand that Voyeur II wants your woman to fail.”

“I do, but everything done to her must be within reason.”

Seth didn’t like the arrogant lift of the man’s mouth as it slid into a grin. “Define reasonable.”

Between Terrance and Tor, Seth worried about the outcome of the night. “Don’t fuck with me. You know she isn’t to be harmed. I’ll call this thing off if you get any ideas to hurt or debase her.”

The man’s response was to deepen his grin, then he turned and disappeared into the forest.

Seth stood glaring at the place where Terrance had vanished, before he pivoted back toward Chastity. Quietly, he exited the trees. Standing before her, he gazed upon her perfect body splayed wide for his pleasure. A slight pink color tinged her skin. He had forgotten that she might burn in the light of the day. 95

Mackenzie McKade

Her blue eyes opened, but she made no attempt to speak. He smiled, pleased that she had remembered his first edict.

“Are you ready to consummate our agreement?”

“If it pleases you, Master.” She closed her eyes and said no more, giving him the feeling that he was about to slay a sacrificial lamb, instead of fucking the woman of his dreams.

Even though she lay placid before him, he knew where to touch, to caress, to make her body react. In minutes he would have her where he wanted, hot and wild and begging him to take her.

A finger slid over her nipple and he watched with pleasure as it tightened into a needy bud. Gently, he kneaded her breasts, waiting for the sharp intake of breath that told him she craved his hands moving across her body.

But it didn’t come. Neither did it appear when he sucked a nipple deep into his moist mouth and bit down hard.

Defiance would get her nothing but a fast trip back to Earth. Frustrated, he thrust a finger into her pussy. Wet and warm, a flow of heat released in his hand. Yet the expression on her face remained statue-like.

Anger pulsed through his veins. His little plaything had slipped into her safe zone, daring to deceive him.

“Chastity!” he barked, then gave her a rough shake.

Leaden lids lifted. “Yes, Master?”

She responded too quickly to be submerged into herself. He sat up, baffled at the situation. How was she able to physically react, but mentally tune out, deny his seduction? Whatever the answer, fucking a corpse left little appeal, and his hard-on died a quick death.

There was nothing left to do but untie her and figure out his next move. Once released, she made no attempt to rise. He stood dumbfounded, wondering what her game was. Then it dawned on him. She awaited his command. As soon as he said, “Rise,” she stood, swaying weakly on her feet in nothing but her stockings and stilettos. When he turned to walk away she didn’t follow. When he handed her the black silk robe that Terrance had supplied she didn’t put it on until he told her to.

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