The Forgotten One (10 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

BOOK: The Forgotten One
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He sat down beside her, picking her up and placing Willow in his lap. “I know what they called you, we both know, but that is behind you.” Maxim cupped her cheeks and placed a warm kiss on her lips. “Now you are our woman, our Little Kitty, and that is the only name you need to worry about. Do we know you can protect your family, us, if need be, yes? But we are old school, Willow, and that will not change. You will always be protected, as will our children, and that includes Dylan.” Maxim laid back on the bed. “Put me inside you, because if I do, it I’ll lose control and right now you need loving, not rutting.”

“I like Little Kitty even though I’m not that little,” she said, almost purring and licked the top of his cock before placing a kiss on it. He was thicker than any man she had been with, and larger than most humans as far as length. Willow rubbed her cheek on his cock before placing kisses in a trail up his chest.

“I love your scent,” she murmured, licking around his nipple.

“You keep this up and I won’t be able to hold on,” he snarled and Willow knew the wolf was close to the surface as his clawed hand dug into her bed. She swung her leg over him, straddling him, but not yet lowering herself down on him. She looked at him, meeting the wolf’s gaze. “Don’t hurt me,” she whispered, and sank down on his cock, moaning as he stretched her.

“You’re so damn tight.” Maxim sat up, wrapping his arms around her. He shifted their positions so that he was staring down at her. “Beautiful, our little kitty to hold, love and play with.” He lowered his head and sucked her nipple into his mouth at the same time he started to move inside her.

“What a beautiful sight,” Alton said, coming into the room and staring down at her as he stripped out of his clothes. “Not to worry, your sister and my grandson have Dylan playing a game, while Gage starts a cleanup of his pack.” He crawled onto the bed and laid down next to her. “Is he stretching you?” Alton lowered his head as Maxim lifted up and grabbed onto her hips.

“She’s tight and already my wolf can feel her cat,” Maxim said with a growl. “Smells so good.” His thrusts were now faster and harder. Maxim lifted her right leg, putting it up on his shoulder and did the same to the left leg, as he grabbed onto her ass cheeks and squeezed. “Soon we’ll share her. The thought of you in here with me…” Willow could feel his claws digging into her butt, which made her cat push forward as she gripped onto the bed with one hand and the other into Alton’s dark hair.

“Please!” she begged, sweat starting to roll down her face.

“Mine!” Maxim snapped as the part that was wolf in him came out of his cock and attached to the wall inside her, holding her as his warm seed pour inside her. A slap to her ass sent her flying, as she arched up, screaming as Maxim seemed to grow wider inside her, his thrust now quick hard pounding.

He released her ass and lowered her legs as Alton slid off the bed. Maxim met her gaze as he sank his fangs into her left breast, drinking from her. He had changed, she wrapped her arms around his neck holding on as he drank. Her gaze met Alton’s as he stroked his cock, waiting.

The first week you left we joined, knowing we wanted it done before we came to you,”
Maxim stated inside her head as he retracted his fangs, licking the small pin holes where he had fed from her. “Drink from me, Little Kitty. Finish our joining.” Maxim said out loud.

She closed her eyes and took in his scent. It was as if she was home, safe in his arms. Willow placed a kiss on his chest, licked the spot right above his heart before sinking her fangs into his skin. His rich warm blood filled her starving body. It had been weeks since she’d fed. She hated that she had to go out into New Orleans and feed. To her feeding was erotic, personal.

“It is and you will not have to worry now that anymore. We are here. Soon you’ll explain to us how you changed?” Maxim placed a kiss on the top of her head as she sealed the holes.

“I don’t think you want to hear that story and I really don’t like to repeat it.” She shivered and the lock that held Maxim and her together released her. He slid out of her, as he looked down at her.

“Oh, we’ll hear it, but don’t worry, I’ll have this chat with my grandsons.” He kissed her lips softly. “Thank you. I’m sorry our joining wasn’t as romantic as it should have been.”

She saw regret in his eyes and Willow shook her head. “Don’t. I don’t need candles, flowers and such. I’m just happy to have you in my life finally. I thought for sure I was going to end up being my mother. Don’t get me wrong, I’d do the same for Dylan, but the loneliness she felt at times, well, I had a glimpse of that when I came back home and I didn’t like it one bit.”

“Well, now you don’t have to worry about that, don’t you?” Alton said, kneeling down at the end of the bed, latching onto her legs and pulling her so that her ass was at the edge of the bed. “Hold her legs up, would you, Maxim? I want to put this plug in her ass to start stretching her for the two of us.” Alton stated, lifting a nice size plug up for her to see.

“That thing is huge!” Willow tried to scoot back, but Alton shook his head and grabbed onto her hips, holding her in place.

“Stop!” he ordered, and slapped the side of her thigh, drawing her attention.

“This will fit, trust me,” Alton tried to reassure her, but once again Willow stared at the huge thing and had some serious questions about it.

“How do you know? I could be very small in there,” she grumbled and again tried to pull away, but both men refused to allow her to move as a cold gel was squirted into her butt.

“You could have heated that damn shit up.” Willow jumped. “I feel like I’m in the damn doctor’s office not being loved by my men,” she grumbled.

Both men glanced up at her and frowned. “Do you really?” Alton asked and she sighed.

“No, but I’m uncomfortable with this,” she pouted.

Alton placed a kiss on her inner thigh. “Thank you for being honest. I know this is uncomfortable for you, but you will enjoy this when we are done.”

She laid her head back and sighed. “I hate to bring up others, but it’s not my first time someone has fucked me back there.”




Alton leaned over and sank his fangs into her thigh, punishment for evening bringing up another man while they were worshiping her, but he also needed her taste in his mouth, her essence. With a quick swallow, Alton protracted his fangs, allowing the fluid in his fangs to seal his mark on her thigh.

“That hurt,” she grumbled and glared at him.

“Then you should have kept your mouth shut.” He shot back and continued working the plug into her ass. “We know your history, Little Kitty. Both of us have been in your head.” Alton gave her a heated look over. “Of course later we will be discussing this need of yours to always put yourself in danger.”

Willow laid her head back down and stared up at the ceiling. He could hear her thoughts and worries that they would find her not good enough for them. That made him frown as he crawled up her body.

“Why would you even think that? If anything, we should be worried. It would be us who have to prove to you that we are perfect for you. Sure there are differences in how we see the world, but as long as we are together, we can handle those differences.” Sliding his cock up and down her wet pussy lips, Alton slid into her, watching as he twined his fingers with hers, pulling her arms up over her head. “Maxim was right, you are tight, and your scent is addictive as is the taste of your cream,” Alton lowered his head and nipped her lip. “Stop worrying and feel me Little Kitty. Know I, we, will always be here for you. You will never be along again.” Alton covered her mouth with his, sliding his tongue in, tasting of a hint of bacon and what was her.

Their tongues swirled together as their bodies performed a synchronized dance. Her legs circled around his waist, hugging him tight, their hands still clasped together as their bodies were joined at the hips, his cock sliding in out of her to the music his kitty played in her head.

All other thoughts were now gone from her. Alton smiled when he felt her gasp against her lips. He lifted his head up, smiling as he played with the plug. “Just wait until it’s both of us in you,” he whispered and nipped her chin, knowing they didn’t have much time. “Now,” he whispered angling to the right, hitting the little spot inside her.

Her pussy tightened on him, squeezing him tight as did her legs. She let out a little gasp as she tried to arch up, her eyes rolling back as another orgasm danced over and through her, but she wasn’t the only one.

Alton thrust into her once, twice, and stiffened as he released inside her, hoping he or Maxim had created a child within her belly. He rolled overtaking, Willow with him, hugging her tight as she rested her head on his chest.

“I’ll get the shower going,” Maxim said, moving towards the bathroom.

“How are you doing?” Alton asked.

She lifted her head up and smiled up at him. “Hmm, good.” Willow’s smile turned into a frown. “I’m surprised you didn’t well,” she shook her head. “Never mind.” Willow placed a kiss on his chest and tried to get up, but he held onto her.

“That I didn’t mark you?” he asked, and knew that was what she was asking.

“Oh, we’ve both marked you, and in places on your body no other man will touch. As for our show of ownership?” he lifted her up and pointed to the floor. “Kneel for me, pet.” He reached over and pulled out a box from his pants pocket.

“Maxim and I had this made for you, and we want you to wear it always. As a matter of fact, once we place this on you, it won’t come off unless we take it off.”

Maxim came into the room and knelt beside her. “It has been charmed. Anyone who even reaches to touch you in harm will die, plus it is an added protection to help locate you if we lose our connection. But mainly it’s our collar, Little Kitty. Will you wear it?” He placed a kiss on her forehead, showing her how much she meant to him.

Willow’s tear-filled eyes met his and she nodded. “Please, I’d be honored,” she whispered and lowered her head as Maxim gathered her hair and he fit the choker around her neck. It sealed itself.

“Is it too tight?” he asked as she reached up, fingering the Little Kitty charm. On the bottom of it was one word, “Ours.”

“No, it’s perfect, thank you.” Willow jumped up and hugged Alton tight before turning and doing the same to Maxim.

“Come, we need to clean up so we can plan out our next move to find this spider lady.” Alton moved into the steamed-filled room, but he had seen willow shiver.

“I really do hate spiders,” she shook again.

He stepped into the massive shower and turned, taking her hand. “So do I,” he admitted and pushed her under the water as Maxim grabbed the soap. “Time to clean you up.”

Thirty minutes later, their woman had come three more times as they cleaned her with wobbly legs.

Willow stepped out of the shower into the warm towel Alton held out for her. “Our son is waiting at the door for us. It seems everyone is waiting on us,” he informed her, as Maxim held out a dress and pulled it down over her head.

Her head snapped up and she glared at him. “They’ve been waiting, while you two…” Her face turned a light shade of pink, and he had to laugh.

“We’re not the only ones. Seems your parents.” She covered his mouth.

“I so don’t want to hear that. Sorry, but some things should not be discussed, and one of those is the sex life of your parents, yuck.” She pulled her dress down, staring at it. “Pretty, thank you.” Willow ran her hand over the material. “It’s cotton, but not. Breaths so when it gets hot it will keep you cool, but feels like silk against my skin, nice. Now where are my panties?”

He swatted her ass. “No panties, ever. Not get moving,” he ordered, fastening his black pants before sliding on a tank top.

Willow glanced over at him and smiled. “You know this is the first time I’ve seen you in something not dressy? And I have to say you look hot.” She ran her fingers up his chest and he grabbed them, bringing them up to his mouth, nipping one of her fingers.

“Behave, go. Dylan is waiting.” He opened the bathroom door, and moved to the bedroom door where the little one waited. As soon as he opened it, Dylan looked up. He had the same eyes as his mother and when he smiled, Alton could see the child just waiting for the extra attention every little boy needed.

“And did you have fun with your aunt and uncle?” he asked, as Willow lifted him up into her arms, hugging him.

“We sure did. Uncle Lars even started to teach me a new language.” He frowned. “It’s called,
?” he questioned, looking towards him as Willow moved down the hall towards the living room.

“It’s an old language that the warrior inside you should know too. He’ll be able to help you learn it. In the next three years, we’re all going to have to learn this language if we are going to destroy this new threat coming our way.” Alton explained.

“Even my son?” Willow asked as they moved into the living room where everyone waited for them.

“Yes, everyone.” He turned to see Baal and her mother coming into the living room. “I’ve called in my children. They will be meeting us at the hotel. Willow, you and your men, along with your son, will have the penthouse apartment, right along with Tamara and her men. There are two apartments up there for you. We will work from there to once and for all destroy my mistake.”

Willow frowned. “Wouldn’t it just be easier to ask your father for help since we have a bigger threat coming at us. I mean even he must see the threat coming as more dangerous as this spider bi...woman.”

Her father shook his head. “No, I want to wait and only call on him, if we need him. Yes, I believe your grandfather would help, but could you see him taking some of these other species to his world, mating them and releasing them when he wants?”

“You really believe he’d do that if these things are such a threat to our world? Hell, what’s to say they won’t try and take over his realm?” Alton shook his head. “If what my other says is true, all worlds, realms, are at risk. Think of the different species that walk here on Earth. Half of them the humans know nothing about. If these things find them and enter their worlds, maybe we should warn them and have them close the doors until this threat is over?” Alton suggested.

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