The First Time is the Sweetest (15 page)

Read The First Time is the Sweetest Online

Authors: Erin M. Leaf

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #Menage Amour

BOOK: The First Time is the Sweetest
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“What else? I think it’s time for Jimmy to answer a question, don’t you?” Gabriel asked. He sounded hoarse and Sabrina loved that, loved his inability to speak clearly. Gabriel looked at Jimmy, who was still stroking Sabrina’s leg gently. How could they be so calm?

“What about you? Have you ever—?” Sabrina began, looking at Jimmy, but broke off as he nodded.

“Yeah.” Jimmy smiled, glancing from Sabrina to Gabriel and then back again. “Yes, I’ve had sex with a man, but no, I’ve never made love with one. I haven’t ever been in love with anyone,” he explained gently. “But I’ve had sex.”

“What does it feel like?” she asked, genuinely curious.

“Sex is, well, great.”

Sabrina noticed Gabriel nodding, too. She guessed that meant Gabriel had had sex with a woman. She was a bit frustrated. “Great” wasn’t exactly a descriptive explanation. She wanted details.

“What does it feel like to touch a man’s, uh…” she stuttered, unable to say the word. Both of them smirked at her as she blushed.

“A man’s cock?” Gabriel asked, and she nodded. “You’re touching one right now,” he said, amused. She tried to snatch her hand away, but he anticipated her movement and grabbed her before she could. “Here,” he whispered, moving her hand up and over his sex, slowly. Jimmy shivered as her fingers cupped Gabriel through the soft denim. Gabriel’s cock twitched under her hand. She squeezed gently, curious. Gabriel groaned, and Jimmy dropped his head onto her shoulder, staring intently across her body, eyes riveted on her hand. She remembered Jimmy kissing her, touching her, but she had never touched him back. She’d had no idea that giving as well as receiving pleasure would arouse her so much.

“Move your hand up and down, slowly, Sabrina,” Jimmy whispered hoarsely into her ear.

She did as he instructed, curving her fingers snugly around Gabriel. She felt the heat of him, felt the flex of his erection pushing into her hand. She gasped and Jimmy moved closer, slinging his left arm around her shoulders and fingering Gabriel’s hair. Sabrina leaned closer, trying to reach Gabriel better. Both men kissed her neck and she squirmed, unable to think coherently under the onslaught. She wanted more.

“Can I open your jeans?” she asked. She wanted to touch his skin. Gabriel opened his eyes and looked at Jimmy for a long moment before he nodded. Sabrina moved her right hand over and used both hands to open the button at the top of his jeans. Pulling down the zipper was a bit more difficult as Gabriel’s erection pushed firmly against the metal. She got it halfway down before she stopped. She didn’t want to hurt him.

“Here,” Jimmy said, reaching over to help.

She felt his breath on her neck when he slid his right hand into Gabriel’s open jeans, pushing down gently on the other man’s cock so she could pull open the zipper. Gabriel moaned, and Sabrina sucked in a breath at the sight of Jimmy touching him. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen, even more so as she realized that this was the first time Gabriel had ever been touched so intimately by another man. The thought of that pushed the heat spiraling inside her even higher.

When the zipper was finally down, Jimmy slowly withdrew his fingers, stroking Gabriel on the way out. Gabriel breathed harshly, looking so completely debauched Sabrina couldn’t stop herself from licking her lips. She looked at his face as her right hand cupped him through the soft cotton of his boxer briefs, using her left to peel back his jeans. He’d closed his eyes by now and tipped his head back into Jimmy’s fingers. He looked gorgeous. The heat of his cock seared her palm as she ran her fingers up and over the crown, gently touching the wet spot on his underwear at the top. Suddenly he opened his eyes and she froze, the heat in them startling her. She couldn’t look away, even when she felt Jimmy’s lips against her neck. Then Jimmy’s tongue darted out, rasping her skin as he licked under her ear. She shivered and clenched her hand around Gabriel tightly. He bucked up into her grasp.

“Please—” he groaned, but Sabrina didn’t know what he wanted. She was out of her depth, completely.

She cleared her throat. “What do you want?” Sabrina ran her finger over the crown again. Gabriel shook under her hands but didn’t speak, thrashing his head back and forth. Jimmy moved his right hand onto her waist, rubbing against her ribs right under her breasts. His left hand cradled Gabriel’s neck and Sabrina felt him grip Gabriel’s hair in his fist.

“He wants you to pull down his boxers and touch him, Sabrina,” Jimmy murmured in her ear. Sabrina’s breath caught as Gabriel nodded distractedly. His hips twitched, making little bucking movements under her palm.

“Are you sure?” she asked Gabriel. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Yes, yes. You couldn’t do anything wrong right now if you tried,” he muttered, moaning again as her fingers stroked him. Sabrina smiled to herself, enjoying the look on his face. She still felt bashful, but with Jimmy’s hand in his hair and her fingers on his cock, she could see that he couldn’t control himself any longer. He pushed himself into her hand again, then opened his eyes and stared hotly at her. “Do whatever the hell you want, Sabrina.”

A zing of excitement flashed through her. Given his firm encouragement, Sabrina found the courage to grasp the elastic of his boxers and gently pull them down. It was more difficult than she expected because his erection bobbed out toward her as she tugged the cotton away. Gabriel lifted his hips, and she pulled his pants and underwear down to his thighs until he sat there, fully exposed. She stared.

His cock arched up above his groin, thick and beautiful. He was uncut, the head flushed a deep rose color. A small, glistening drop of pre-cum decorated the tip. Sabrina licked her lips again, fighting the urge to bend over and lick him. Instead she stroked her hand up his length experimentally, and Gabriel groaned, shoving into her palm.

“God!” Sabrina looked up, afraid she’d hurt him. “I am so fucking hot right now.” Gabriel gasped and bucked again. The soft skin of him slid against her palm as Jimmy panted hotly down her neck. She paused, not sure what to do.

“No, Sabrina, don’t stop!” Gabriel groaned, gripping the sofa cushions with his left hand. His right hand flexed on her leg, and she realized he was holding back, trying not to frighten her. She watched as the skin of his cock moved under her fingers and then she let go, running her fingers through his pubic hair. His balls nestled tightly underneath and she fondled them gently, exploring their heft and wondering what it felt like when she touched them. When Gabriel moaned, she stopped again, not sure what to do. She hadn’t realized they were so sensitive. And she thought they’d be larger. Gabriel had his eyes closed, and he was definitely flushed now. Sabrina fondled him some more and watched a bead of sweat run down his face.

“Can I still ask questions?” she whispered, running her hand back up his length. Another drop of moisture seeped from his cockhead, and she ran her thumb over it, rubbing it gently into his skin as he bucked up into her grip. He gasped.

“What do you want to know?” Jimmy murmured in her ear when Gabriel didn’t respond. Sabrina felt herself breathing heavier, but even in her arousal she felt shy about voicing aloud what she wanted to know. “Don’t be afraid, sweetheart.” Jimmy stroked his hand along her ribs as she stroked Gabriel. When Gabriel opened his eyes and looked up at them, the blue was almost swallowed by the black of his pupils. Jimmy sucked in a breath, and Sabrina felt his hips move against her as though he needed to press against something.

Gabriel moaned again, and Sabrina abruptly realized she loved when he did that. It was hotter than her fantasies, hotter than anything she’d imagined. She hesitated, another question on the tip of her tongue, and Jimmy smiled reassuringly.

“You can ask us anything, okay?” Gabriel nodded agreement with his eyes closed.

“I always thought a man’s, um, balls would be bigger.” Sabrina grimaced, completely mortified that she’d said that aloud. Gabriel smiled, but didn’t open his eyes. She couldn’t believe she was doing this. She couldn’t believe she was holding Gabriel’s sex in her hand, feeling his warmth, the slightly moist skin. He was letting her touch him, letting her do whatever she wanted to him. And she especially couldn’t believe she was doing all this with Jimmy right next to her, breathing in her ear. Sabrina felt both powerful and shy, caught between the two emotions like she was caught between the two men.

“He’s really aroused right now,” Jimmy whispered. He’d moved his hand down from her waist and was inching over to Gabriel. He leaned over her and cupped Gabriel’s sac just as she slid her hand over Gabriel’s cock again. She wondered if she should lick her hand to make it easier to slide over him, but as soon as Jimmy touched the other man, Gabriel bucked in their grasp and she lost her train of thought.

“God!” Gabriel rolled his head back and forth on the couch now. Sabrina almost pulled away but Jimmy stopped her, holding her hand steady as Gabriel’s cock flexed beneath both of their fingers.

“When a man is this close to coming, his balls tighten up and draw close to his body. Sometimes, you can keep him from it if you grasp them and pull them gently down and away, like this.” As he spoke, he gripped Gabriel again, gently but firmly, and pulled down the sac as Gabriel groaned. His cock pulsed under her palm. Then Jimmy let go and moved his hand up to cover Sabrina’s.

“Shit! Stop fucking teasing me!” Gabriel gasped weakly. Sabrina’s eyes flew up to Gabriel and then Jimmy, who laughed and then looked at the other man.

“All right, Gabriel, hang in there,” he said, his voice low and sexy, and Sabrina watched Gabriel shiver at the sound.
, Sabrina thought.
He’s as attracted to Jimmy as I am!
Then Jimmy pulled her hand away from Gabriel and she had a moment to be confused before he spoke again.

“Sabrina, here, lick your palm, okay?” Jimmy brought her right hand to her mouth. Just as she went to lick her palm, Gabriel’s eyes shot open and he looked right at her, his pupils blown with arousal. She licked her skin slowly, not looking away. She even sucked briefly on one of the fingers Jimmy had curled around hers. Gabriel swallowed hard and Jimmy choked.
Arousing two men at the same time has to be some sort of accomplishment for someone as inexperienced as I am
, Sabrina thought, feeling a thrill. She was really here, touching them even though she was still a little scared, but the way Gabriel looked, gripping the sofa’s cushions and shaking, was enough to convince her that she wanted more. A lot more. Jimmy brought their hands back down to Gabriel’s cock and slicked her palm down over the crown. When Gabriel thrust up, she curled her fingers around him, savoring the silky heat.

“This part is the most sensitive,” Jimmy instructed, moving her thumb carefully, rubbing it into the spot just beneath the top while the other man thrashed his head. “Most men really like it when you stroke them there.”

Sabrina did as he instructed, delighted when Gabriel moaned again. His balls drew up even closer to his body as he opened his legs further. His cock flushed a darker red and she’d never seen anything so beautiful in her life. She wanted to lean down and kiss him, right on the top, but wasn’t sure if she should. She let Jimmy move her hand some more.

After a few more strokes, paying careful attention to that one spot, Jimmy shifted and murmured in her ear, “He’s really close now.”

Sabrina flushed, thinking about what that meant. She felt hot and sweaty and excited. Jimmy pressed against her.
Is he really uncomfortable?
Sabrina wondered, then felt him turn more, pressing his erection against her hip, hard. She moaned, unable to keep quiet, sandwiched as she was between two of the most gorgeous men she’d ever seen, one of them on the verge of climax, the other one pressing his sex into her.

Gabriel was sweating and Sabrina could feel him throbbing in her hand. He was so close, he didn’t seem able to think, or form words. He opened his eyes and Sabrina licked her lips as Jimmy thrust against her, both of them watching Gabriel’s cock. His head fell back when Jimmy scraped his thumb over the rim of his cock yet again, making his hips buck. Sabrina watched as Gabriel clenched his teeth, trying to hold back his climax, knowing even in her inexperience that he’d be unsuccessful.

She let Jimmy move her hand quicker, grateful that at least he knew what he was doing. Then Gabriel’s sex thickened, growing impossibly harder, and she found herself wondering,
How the hell could this fit inside me?
She didn’t have long to dwell on the problem though, because when Jimmy tightened his hand, Gabriel suddenly gasped and thrust his hips up, cock pulsing as he came. Jimmy moaned as he worked his fingers around hers, stroking Gabriel through his orgasm. He gripped Gabriel more loosely now, rubbing along the slowly softening length. Jimmy shoved his erection even harder into her hip as Gabriel bucked again, and then once more before dropping bonelessly onto the couch. Sabrina felt him soften beneath their fingers, but Jimmy didn’t let her pull away. They held Gabriel’s cock gently as the other man shuddered, then fell still.

“Oh my God,” Sabrina croaked, aroused beyond belief. She hadn’t really thought about what they were doing, but now that Gabriel had come all over her hand, she realized that she wasn’t just playing with some guy from school. Gabriel was a man, an incredible, desirable man. She desperately wanted to kiss him. She wanted him to make love to her just as much as she wanted Jimmy. She suddenly realized that he’d given this to her, let her touch him, knowing what would happen, knowing he’d be totally vulnerable. It was at that moment that Sabrina realized she was falling in love with him just as much as she already loved Jimmy.

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