The Firefighter's Girl (8 page)

Read The Firefighter's Girl Online

Authors: Natasha Knight

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: The Firefighter's Girl
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She looked up at him and smiled a little. “Thank you,” she said. “Thank you so much, Sawyer.” She started to cry then, the tension of the last days finally needing release.

“Shh,” he coaxed, lifting her and pulling her onto his lap. “It’s going to be fine, Rebecca. We’ll get this all worked out and it will be behind you before you know it.”

“What if it’s not? I mean,” she pulled back to look up at him, “what if they don’t believe me?”

“They will. Try to get some sleep now.”

She nodded as he lay her back down and she closed her eyes when he brought his lips to her forehead and kept them there for a long moment.

“Good night, Rebecca,” he said, rising.

“Good night.”

Chapter Six



John Williamson arrived at precisely 9:00 the following morning. Rebecca had to wear the drab, too-big grey sweat suit from the jail as it was either that or one of Sawyer’s t-shirts until she could get some clothes. Mr. Williamson hardly batted an eye though when Sawyer introduced them and they gathered around the dining room table.

“John’s a good friend, Rebecca. I’ve known him for the last five years and I trust him.”

“I’ve done a little bit of research,” John began as he unpacked his briefcase and set up his laptop. He looked to be Sawyer’s age, maybe a year or two older, younger than Rebecca had expected him to be, but friendly. “From what I understand from Sawyer,” he said, sitting down as Sawyer set a cup of coffee in front of him and joined them at the table, “you were mixed up with the wrong crowd. But let me ask you first, just so I hear it from your own lips, did you have anything to do with what was going on in that apartment?”

Rebecca felt like a kid. Nervous and unsure, and it seemed like the confidence she had, the life she had built up and the persona she had made for herself had just vanished overnight. She now felt like a child, a naughty one, depending on others to believe her.

He must have felt her unease because he reached out a hand to touch hers. “Anything you tell me is in confidence. It’s part of the agreement.”

“It’s ok, Rebecca,” Sawyer said. She turned his way, feeling reassured by his presence. “I know you’re nervous, but we just have to go through this.”

Rebecca nodded. “I know. It’s just I never thought I’d be in a mess like this. I should just be at work now. I can’t believe what’s happened to my life.”

“Focus now, Rebecca,” Sawyer said, squeezing her hand tighter.

John sat back, waiting.

“No, Mr. Williamson, I did not know anything about the meth lab. I suspected Jeff and the others might be involved with drugs and the people I saw there were just not… right the few times I went downstairs to give Jeff something. I suspected they might be dealing drugs, but I never thought they were running a meth lab.”

“Call me John, please.”

Rebecca nodded and smiled a little. “Ok, thanks.”

John nodded and made some notes. “Can you tell me your relationship with the others?”

She went on answering a series of questions until John had the specifics. It was about an hour later that he sat back and looked at her. “I won’t lie to you, Rebecca. These are some pretty serious allegations and the DA who will be prosecuting this case is up for re-election in the coming months. I know that man and,” he shook his head, “I don’t trust him. He’s going to push this, I know that much. He will make an example out of you and the others and show the town how tough on drugs he is.”

Rebecca’s heart sank and although she wanted to cry, she forced herself to just sit and listen. Sawyer held her hand the entire time, his thumb rubbing against her palm in an attempt to reassure.

“I’ve worked with DA Parsons before too,” Sawyer said. “He’s a prick.”

John smiled. “Good news is it’s their word against yours. You were tested for drugs when you were arrested, correct?” he asked, looking through a file.

She nodded. “Yes.”

“Report came back clean. I have it here.”

“I don’t do drugs,” she said. “I never have.” As the words left her mouth, she remembered that one time with Jeff, Shannon, and Andy. But as she opened her mouth to correct her speech, Sawyer spoke.

“We know that, Rebecca,” Sawyer said.

She looked at him and closed her mouth again, looking down at her lap.

“The other defendants’ results were not as good as yours. The girl, Shannon Ellison, she didn’t have much in her system, but Jeff and Andy were pretty high. That will help us at least.”

“This is Andy and Shannon’s fault, you know,” Rebecca said.

She felt Sawyer stiffen beside her, his hand stilling around hers. She glanced at him, but had to continue for reasons she herself couldn’t understand.

“Jeff was looking for work,” she said to the lawyer, all the while fully aware of Sawyer’s eyes on her. “When Andy and Shannon moved here, he just got mixed up in it again.”

John nodded but didn’t say anything. Instead, he glanced at Sawyer, then closed some files.

“Where are they? Are they in prison?”

“Awaiting trial,” John said. “They couldn’t make bail.”

“You shouldn’t be worried about them now, Rebecca,” Sawyer said. “They’re the main reason you’re in this mess, remember.”

She turned to him. “I feel bad for Jeff…”

Sawyer’s expression hardened then and John stood, clearing his throat.

“I’ll need to do a little bit of work, but I’d like to meet again in a few days’ time,” he said. “Is there anyone I can talk to who can testify for you, Rebecca?”

“I’ll testify,” Sawyer said.

“That’s good, we’ll need it. Anyone else? I have at least one witness who places you at the apartment where the lab was.”

“What? I was only there a few times and never inside!”

“And Jeff says you authorized him to buy whatever he needed on your credit card.”

“I don’t believe that! He wouldn’t!” she said, standing herself.

“Calm down, Rebecca,” Sawyer said, putting a hand on her shoulder, a little pressure making her sit back down.

“But it’s not true!”

“Maybe it’s best if you go up to your room,” Sawyer said. “I’ll finish up with John and you can calm down.”


John started packing his things.

“Rebecca,” Sawyer began, hauling her to her feet and walking her toward the stairs. “Go to your room and wait for me. We’ll discuss this in a few minutes.” She opened her mouth to protest, but he spoke first. “Do you remember what you promised me yesterday?” he said.

“You’re hurting my arm,” she said.

He eased his grip. “Do you remember?”

She nodded.

“Good. Now go up to your room and find yourself a corner to stand in until I get there.”

It seemed in that moment that the blood drained from her face and collected between her legs. Shame and arousal collided within her, but resistance was her only response.

“Sawyer,” John called from behind them. “I’ve got another appointment.”

Sawyer let her go and gestured with a quick nod of his head toward the stairs. She stomped up without so much as a goodbye to John, she was so angry.

She heard Sawyer starting to talk, but she slammed her door hard and sat on the bed, fuming. How dare he? This was her life they were talking about and he was sending her to her room like a misbehaving child! How dare he?
Find yourself a corner!
Her face turned red with the embarrassment at being treated like this even while her body reacted just like it had the last two times he had chastised her. Just like it had before she had determined never to see him again because Sawyer Hayes stirred things inside her that were not natural, that were not normal.

She stomped her foot and folded her arms across her chest, fisting her hands hard, wanting nothing more than to punch him right now.


* * *


Ten minutes later, Sawyer saw John out and went to the kitchen to pour himself another cup of coffee. He drank slowly, thinking all the while. He wanted to give Rebecca time to cool down, but he also needed some time himself. He had expected some resistance from her, of course he knew it was a part of the deal. In fact, he didn’t wholly mind it. He would punish her now for her behavior, but what bothered him was more her concern for Jeff still, after all he had done to her. He drained the last of his coffee and set the mug down on the counter before heading up to her room, absolutely certain he would not find her in the corner as instructed.

That was fine. He had no problem teaching her to obey him. But when, upon opening the bedroom door, he had to dodge a heavy book she threw at him, he knew he would have to be more firm with her now than he maybe at first had intended.

He ducked and the book hit the wall next to his head, landing on the floor with a hard thud. He looked from it to her, her face perhaps even more shocked than his.

“Get up,” he said, walking inside.

“No,” she said, scooting back onto the bed, her eyes betraying her uncertainty.

Sawyer took a deep breath and closed the door behind him. “Get up, come here, and pick up the book.”

He watched as she glanced nervously at the book then back at him, hesitating. “No,” she said, this time more quietly.

“I won’t ask nicely again. You have to the count of three. One.”

She only narrowed her eyes further.


“Sawyer, I had every right to be there…”


She must not have expected him to move as quickly as he did because when, within the next few moments, he crossed the room and hauled her to her feet, even lifting her off the floor momentarily, she gave a surprised cry. She tried to free herself, but he held her easily and smacked her ass hard once.

“Ow!” she squeaked, covering her bottom with her one hand.

“I said get up and pick up the book.” He marched her toward the book and leaned her down.

“Let me go! I’ll do it, just let me go!”

“Pick it up,” he said, not letting her go. “Now.”

She picked it up and he turned her to face him. “Put it down on the dresser and come back here.”

He let her go and she did as he said, her eyes jumping from his to the book, nervous.

“What did I tell you to do when you got up here, Rebecca?” he asked.

“Sawyer…” she began. “Don’t be mad at me. Please.”

He looked down at her, her eyes wide on his. He exhaled and reached a hand to take hers. She seemed to relax a little when he did that. “Rebecca, I know this is hard for you, but you have to trust me now. I want to get you out of this mess. That is my first priority right now and, understandably, your reactions are more… emotional.”

“How can I not be emotional?”

“Exactly my point,” he said, walking her backward toward the far corner. Talking would only go so far with her right now.

“What are you doing?” she asked when he turned her to face the wall and tapped the spot just in front of her nose.

“I’m giving you your first lesson,” he said.


“We’ll start with some time spent in the corner with your nose touching the wall right here.”

She turned, but he forced her back. “This spot, Rebecca. Your nose touches this spot.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Nothing to understand. Nose touches the wall, just like that.” He stepped back and looked at her, ready for her to turn around, but she did not. He could imagine she was processing, he expected that and he would work with her to do just that, to learn how things would be, to learn what he expected and how to obey him.

“Good girl,” he said, looking at his watch. “We’ll take half an hour here before your spanking and another half hour afterwards.”

“Spanking too?” she asked, turning around.

“Nose to the wall,” he said.

She turned back.

“Good. Now drop your sweat pants down to your ankles. I want your bottom on display.”

“Sawyer!” she said, her hands coming to cover her bottom.

“Take them down, Rebecca. And while you’re being disciplined, you’ll call me sir.”

She turned her head and met his gaze, but it wasn’t with a smart remark this time. This time, it was with a questioning look, one that betrayed her insecurity, her desire to trust. He remained firm.

“Go on,” he encouraged. “Do as you’re told.”

She blinked then faced the wall before reaching for the waistband of her sweats and dropping them so they pooled around her ankles. The sweatshirt was long enough that it covered half of her bottom and Sawyer went to her and rolled it upward so it sat just above her waist and her bottom half was displayed for him. His cock thickened, but he wasn’t done yet.

“Interlace your hands at the back of your head.”

She began to move her arms upward, then hesitated, but slowly did as she was told. Sawyer stepped back and just watched her for some time, the look of her standing there as he’d said, her pants down around her ankles, the visible print of his hand when he had smacked her just moments ago, her arms high, nose to the wall awaiting her spanking, it made something inside him come alive with a fierce roar. She was his to protect but also his to discipline.

“Good girl,” he said. “Stay just like that. I’ll be back to spank you in half an hour.”

“Yes, sir,” she managed.

Sawyer smiled and dragged himself out of her bedroom.


* * *


Rebecca heard his footfalls on the stairs and just glanced behind her to find herself alone in her bedroom. He had left the door open behind him. She scratched an itch at her thigh, but then replaced her hands as he had instructed at the back of her head and touched her nose to the wall. He had said half an hour, but would he leave her alone for that half hour? She found the thing she wanted most was that he not leave her alone.

What had happened to her in the last week? She had gone from a normal—if not happy, at least normal—life to what? She had lost a job she loved as she was certain the suspension would lead to her dismissal. The hospital would not want to be associated with any scandal, especially not one like this, and she couldn’t blame them. She had a home, well, a rented apartment, but now that was gone along with everything she owned. She had just broken up with Jeff, she remembered how she had felt after he had left, that momentary freedom. It wasn’t a life filled with joy, not even close to it, but what she had she had gotten on her own. When Sawyer had come back into her life, she had even begun to feel that there were possibilities for more.

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