The Exodus Sagas: Book II - Of Dragons And Crowns (10 page)

BOOK: The Exodus Sagas: Book II - Of Dragons And Crowns
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Savanno unstrapped his chainmail
and plates
, piece by piece, and placed his armband with the feathered cross of Alden on the bed. “They are in the dining hall, Kalzarius has it all taken care of. We have
much time Rosana.”

She kissed his rugged stern features, soaking them all in as her gown dropped to the floor as her knight loosed her ebony hair from the braids and pins that held it up. “I have missed you this we
ek my love, my knight errant.” h
er kisses, matched by his, let out her words in staggered phrases and heavy breathing. The room had gotten warmer in mere moments. The two could barely talk as the passion of each others’ embrace took an intimate priority over the need for words or even air, neither could control it even if they had wanted to.

Savanno’s tunic and pants fell after his leather boots. He walked quickly to the windows, shutting all of the drapes of the queen’s chamber. “I have had many meetings with a priest and a knight from the south, good men that the bishop wishes now to condemn. Forgive me, my wife.”

“Do not say that
, for we will slip someday and someone will hear us!” she whispered l
oudly, but continued to kiss her husband
as he lifted her to the bed.

“Our marriage eight years ago in Caberra was in secret from your father the king, it remains a secret here in Harlaheim with this king. How can I not say what is on my lips and heart, but once or twice a week?” his hands pulled at her hair and gently stroked her curls over her naked tan body.

“We will need to leave soon, seek refuge in Shanador, or Chazzrynn, my knight. This cannot go on much longer, he
is suspicious and moreso each month. He wants an heir.” s
he closed her eyes, wishing they were somewhere else.

“Soon, my love, very soon indeed. I have spoken to the Duke of Gillian several times, we will have refuge and safety. Just a little while longer.” Savanno loved his queen, his wife, as if it had been a thousand years since last he had been with her. He made love to her, and she to him, as if it would be yet another thousand years.

Rosana could not help but feel safe in the arms of her husband, despite the consequences should either country or the church ever discover them. She prayed as they made love, prayed that they would leave soon. She held to that prayer tight, for dear life. For now she had not only she and her husband to worry for, but another life that had started three months earlier. The queen dared not tell Savanno he was to be a father, not until they were safely away from Harlaheim, forever.


Madame Florin motioned toward the thirty foot draperies of blue and gold, noticing a scarred and humbled Alec Silverblade awaiting his orders. She stared, and nodded twice, meaning he was to stay until the king left the throne room. She kept her course toward the king and bowed as she reached his feet. The others h
ad all left for the dining hall
and Richmond waited in anger at the words of the wizard, Kalzarius.

“King Richmond, you asked for me?” her tone was playful and quiet, as usual. The king knew that she knew things unseen and unheard. He did not care how, and had no desire to find out. The only female Knight of Harlaheim was as deadly as any man, save perhaps Savanno or Sulian, but
her skills at gathering the right information when needed were the real reason she was with title.

“Yes, what have your ears heard
, Florin? I know what your glances mean, and I am aware that you have knowledge of this scroll and the ones that carry it. How much?” the king whispered through his teeth, still gritting from the audacity of the old arcane teacher’s questions.
The wizard must have someone on the inside that knows about his payoff from the south, but who?
he thought.
The king had been sent a large sum of gold to ensure no assistance came to the aid of whomever the Altestani ship would be hunting down. That gold, from Prince Johnas of Chazzrynn, had bought him some new chambermaids he was particularly fond of.

“The scroll issue? Five thousand in gold. Howe
ver, I have something better.” s
he rose and whispered into his ear, teasing the skin on his neck with her short curls of dark brown. “Shame upon your best knight and lord, perhaps Kalzarius as well since they are in league. Or, would you prefer just the scroll
of Annar
that doze
ns of men crave already

“I care not about some relic of ancient history, burn it. I want those in power before me, my elders, to be gone so that my rule can rise higher than my fathers once did. I want Caberra, Shanador, Chazzrynn, and Altestan to fear and respect Harlaheim and me as they
should. How much, Madame
?” his whispers were filled with ambition and pride, angry and powerful.

“Perhaps, we can get them all at once. Your enemies at court, the scroll, the foreigners who hide, and even your queen to behave as a queen should. All the while you reaping the silent glory and pulling power beneath you, my king. The price
is twenty five thousand
coin.” Florin dangled the sweet offer, and threw a number large enough so that he took her seriously. Also, it was large enough for her to retire on a villa in Caberra should she succeed, and she always did.

“Agreed. When will this take place?” his impatience made him jitter in the throne. The vaults of Harlaheim were deep, vast and wealthy from many centuries of trade taxes and powerful cities that paid heavily for the protection of th
e kings that had

“Today your majesty. But
to my keep, and blood first.” t
he lady knight,
secretly the
domenarch of the White Spider in Harlaheim
, had always shook her deals with bloodstained hands. It was for sealing the agreement and effe
ct, a
reminder that breaking deals would result in bloody consequences, whether king or kin. She drew a dagger from her boot.

Both cut their hands
and shook as the blood hit the blue carpet in small drops that soaked into the lush velvet. “I will send s
omeone to clean that up
your highness.”
Florin walked behind the throne
and waited for the king to leave to the dining hall.

Alec bowed to his superior, Madame Florin, his face still red and swollen, cut from jaw to ear across his nose from his duel with Shinayne
, and pain in
his chest as well from the recent
laceration. “What must I do, Florin.”

By hell you look awful, what happened to your face?”

“A duel with the highborne elf. Lives up to her name, for now. Killed five of my men as well. You needed me, Madame?”

“Are you capable in this poor form?”


“Then h
ead to the balcony by the queen’s chambers, I will take my guards to her door and demand entrance. When Savanno comes out, challenge him. He will be out o
f sorts from his little romance
and not ready for you. Kill him in view, but make it look honorable, Alec. I will have the queen arrested, then we make for the tower to take the rest. I know a way to get in, from undernea
th. Are you well enough to for this
, or
perhaps the elven woman’s cuts
require more time to heal?” h
er smile was enough to scare children from fifty feet away.

“I am well, Florin. I will have my blades in her chest very soon.” Alec was still burning inside, despite the healing ointments for the outside he had received. His playful smiles seemed to have vanished with this scar to his
face and pride.

“Use that anger you have there, the anger on your pretty nose, and head to the balcony.” Florin knew that this one, her best swordsman, would do anything for her at any time. She had trained him for almost fifteen years since she was in her twentieth season and rising already through the ranks of the White Spider.

“Yes Madame, consider it done. What of the other knights, his nephew Sulian?” the young scarred swordsman backed up, uncomfortable with her grin.

“Once I am Lady Knight Errant
they will not matter. I will serve the king
dom and strengthen both us and our patriarch
. Now go.”
Florin turned to the great hall
to find her guards and expose th
e nobility of L’Herrim castle.
y master Johnas Valhera will be most pleased as well,
she thought.


They both heard it, someone outside on the balcony, moving slow and drawing a blade. Savanno rushed out of bed, throwing his clothes
on as fast as he could,
quietly. Rosana did the same, assisting her knight with his armor, neither speaking a word. The knock at the door came, a woman’s voice followed in a demanding tone that they ignored. It had only been an hour, hardly near the time the two had hoped for.

“They know about us, what do we do?” Rosana tried to remain calm, her eyes
darting back and forth, tears
welling and her breath shortening.

“I will go to Kalzarius’ tower
and remain hidden, they know nothing and have no proof. I must meet my cousin, Cristoff outside the city. Once that is done, I will come and get you and we l
eave for Shanador. I promise.” t
he lord strapped on his blade, kissed his wife, and made for the closet. “Deny anything, say nothing. I love you Rosana.”

The banging continued, Madame Florin’s voice more stern and accusatory with each moment. The queen of Harlaheim got dressed in her evening gown, and noticed the armband of her knight on the bed. She quickly picked it up just as the door unlocked revealing several guards and the lady knight.

“Where is he?! Lord Knight Errant Savanno Lisario, where is he?!” the lady domenarch of the White Spider drew her rapier and searched the queen’s chambers with her men. She noticed the queen hiding something behind her back, and moved to take it from her.

“Don’t you dare, Florin. The king shall hear of this at once. Now leave my chambers! You are
but a knight with a false title! You wish I was
as queen
, however I am here
and you will be punished
. The king will know of this
!” Rosana stood firm, balling the armband into her fist to hide it.

“He already has, your majesty. Why do you think I am here?”
he knight looked at the queen

s hands, seeing nothing, and continued to search the room.

“I know not what you speak of, and you shall pay dearly for your false accusations
” Rosana saw the manacles come off Florin’s hip. She quickly tossed the armband of her husband’s to the floor and kicked it under the bed, knowing they would ask for her hands.

“You can explain your adultery and lies to h
is majesty, save your breath.” t
he Harlian woman opened and bound the queen’s hands, and motioned for the guards to take her. Florin searched every window, doorway, piece
of furniture, and even the latrine. The she saw it, under the bed that smelled of lust, the armband of Alden that the Lord Savanno wore. She picked it up, placing it in her belt. Florin smiled, and opened the drapes. She spotted Alec running down the stairs quickly, in obvious pursuit of someone that had made it to the streets.
“Get him my scarred swords
man, get him and kill him
she whispered in silent victory.


Savanno marched faster than he had ever marched before. He wondered how they had caught on, what it was after all these years. The only men that knew were Cristoff and Kalzarius, and even they knew little. He felt as though he sh
ould return
and face whatever lack of evidence they would produce, but had a sense that he was being trailed. Savanno put his hand on his rapier, then felt someone at his side that was not there a moment earlier. He turned with his guard up, only to see the bearded master of the arcane floating alongside at the rapid pace he was keeping.

“By Alden’s wings Kalzarius, I could have killed you right there!” he kept marching, sheathing his blade once more.

“No, you could not have. They have arrested your lov
er, the queen.” t
he black robed professor continued to float inches from the ground, people parting ways for the two known men of Harlaheim. His words were sharp and full of disappointment at his old friend’s son.

“My wife, wizard. We married in Caberra before she was give
n to Richmond many years ago.” h
is face stayed forward, emotionless and focused.

“Secrets always reveal themselves in the wrong fashion, do they not? Stay on this street, you have an assassin behind you. Do not look, we need to get to the safety of the tower.”
he wizard concentrated on Cilano, his best student. He uttered a few arcane words, and alerted him to raise the alarm throughout the tower.

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