The Eternal Empire (25 page)

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Authors: Geoff Fabron

BOOK: The Eternal Empire
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"How's your husband enjoying
Germania?" he asked changing the subject.

"Hates the place," she said,
"but loves the status and all the parades. He really likes having all the
other generals salute him, especially as he knows that they used to look down
on him."

They still do, thought Exanzenus to
himself. No self respecting soldier would feel happy about being commanded by a
pompous ass like Manual Dikouros.

"What's your interest in my absent
husband?" Stephanie asked, "I didn't think you cared about him one
way or the other."

"I care about him as much as you
do," he replied, which they both knew meant not at all. "I just need
him to confirm something for me."

Stephanie looked at him expectantly but
Exanzenus did not intend to explain anything to her that she did not need to
know. He turned away from her to admire the lights of the city again.

"I believe you've set quite a
record Stephanie."

"I have?"

"Yes, none of Alexander's other
mistresses have lasted anywhere near as long as you have."

She gave Exanzenus a smug smile.
"None of the others were anywhere near as good as I am." she stated
confidently. "They didn't know how to use their bodies to please him the
way I do."

She really is a slut, thought
Exanzenus. Expensive, high class and intelligent, but still a slut. No matter
he consoled himself, she was serving his purpose and was consequently serving
the Empire indirectly as well as its Emperor in a more direct manner.

"There you are Stephanie!"

They both turned to see Alexander
walking towards them, a large wine glass in his hand.

She immediately moved towards him.
"I was just trying to convince this boring old chief minister of yours to
rejoin the party," she said, her voice becoming light and frivolous,
"he was looking so lonely out here."

Exanzenus bowed to his Emperor and
smiled weakly. "I find the atmosphere in the ballroom rather stuffy your
Majesty and came out for some fresh air. The Lady Stephanie saw me leave and
came to see if I was feeling well."

"She's so considerate, isn't she
Exanzenus," said Alexander, "I must admit that I've been neglecting
her tonight, but I think it’s time to change all that!" He gave Stephanie
a leery grin which she returned with a look of excited anticipation.

"What an excellent idea," she
cooed and took his arm.

Exanzenus smiled benevolently, like a
kindly uncle, as he watched them leave. She's a slut and he's a randy spoiled
brat he thought behind the smile. They deserve each other.



April 1920

Rhine Frontier


Cornelius was glad to see Uncle
Tiberius again, and he received a warm welcome at the headquarters of the Rhine
Armies in Augusta Treverorum. He stayed at Tiberius's villa about halfway
between Colonia Agrippina where his uncles’ legion was based and the army
headquarters where he spent much of his time. That night Tiberius took
Cornelius to a legionary officers club. Cornelius had met a few of them during
his time in the army and the conversation, assisted by copious quantities of
cheap wine, was lively and uninhibited, but there was an undercurrent of
discontent. Later as they walked back to the villa, Cornelius broached the
subject with Tiberius.

"All the senior officers are
disgruntled," he admitted, "it’s bad enough not having the money to
train with new equipment, but to spend weeks preparing for fancy parades really
pisses everyone off!"

Cornelius was taken aback. "Drill
and parades are part of army life uncle. Since when have you objected to

"Ever since our commander has
taken to showing off the legions like they were a collection of toys!"

"You mean Manual Dikouros,"
said Cornelius.

"Yes, I mean General of the Army,
Manual Dikouros," said Tiberius, spitting out the name like a piece of
rotten fruit.

"Last month," Tiberius began,
"he had the entire legion, including motor carriages and landships, march
past in full ceremonial dress uniform, just because some friends of his came
for a visit from the capital!"

Cornelius could tell that his uncle was
getting worked up.

"And on top of all that,"
Tiberius continued getting more agitated, "he had all the air squadrons of
my legion and from the air cohorts do a fly past at the same time!"

His voice had risen several octaves by
this time and they were getting looks from the few people out at that hour.

"We used over an entire months
fuel budget preparing for that parade. I can't schedule any more training that
needs fuel until next month!"

They walked along in silence for a
while as Tiberius calmed down. As they got to the villa, he turned to

"I'm getting very worried about
the morale in this army Cornelius," he said, "the troops have no
confidence in their commander and you know what happens when troops sit around
with too much time on their hands. The number of punishments given out by my
provost has doubled since Christmas."

"And if the Saxons cross the
Rhine?" asked Cornelius.

Tiberius answered without hesitation.
"We can hold them, even in our current state. We will contain them and
then push them back."

The confidence in his voice wavered.
"But our sword is losing its edge Cornelius, which means that if it does
come to a war the butchers’ bill will be high."


The next day Tiberius took Cornelius to
meet the intelligence section at army head quarters, headed by tribune Silvanus
Anemas, with whom Cornelius had corresponded whilst at the embassy but had
never met in person.

After the introductions they sat down
and Cornelius explained why he was there.

"The new policies from
Constantinople have significantly increased the risk of war along this
frontier," he began. The three officers from the intelligence section,
Anemas and two senior centurions, nodded grimly. Cornelius continued.

"As there's an increased
probability of a Saxon attack in the near future, I would like to know how I
can best help you."

Anemas answered. "The usual
warning is the mobilisation of the Saxon army. As you know the bulk of their
military manpower is drawn from the civilian population in time of war. The
first signal of any trouble will probably come in the capital."

Cornelius made a note on a pad of paper
in front of him. "I'll get word to you immediately if I hear even a rumour
that the army is being mobilised. What else?"

"News of troop movements from
other parts of Saxony to the Rhine," said one of the centurions,
"especially from their borders with the Ottomans and the Rus."

"They may try to build up their
forces along the Rhine without mobilising by stripping other regions of their
troops," added the other centurion.

More items were mentioned and Cornelius
noted them down. When he had finished, the tribune asked what they could do for

"My sources are concentrated
mainly around the capital," said Cornelius. "I have very little
direct data coming in from the frontier region. Any information you get - troop
movements, any type of unusual activity- will help me to produce a better
analysis of the situation."

The intelligence officers looked at
each other. "We'll give you what we can," said the tribune guardedly,
"but we're not getting that much information at the moment."

"Our budget has been severely
curtailed," explained one of the centurions bitterly, "and if we
can't pay for information, we don't get it!"

Cornelius looked over at his uncle who
had been sitting quietly during the meeting. He nodded his head knowingly.

"Do you have any new
information?" asked Cornelius hopefully.

"There are more manoeuvres than
usual," said the other centurion.

"At least they don't have a budget
constraint!" interjected Tiberius.

"And the security at their bases
and training areas has increased," he continued.

Useful to know thought Cornelius, but
given the sudden change in relations between the two states it was neither
unexpected nor unreasonable. He was about to ask another question when the door
to the conference room burst open and a legionary in dress uniform marched in.

"General officer present!" he

Everyone, including Cornelius, got to
their feet as Manual Dikouros strode into the room. His uncle and the
intelligence offices saluted, whilst Cornelius gave him a respectful nod of his

Dikouros looked at each man in the room
before his eyes came to rest directly on Cornelius.

"Are you are Cornelius

"Yes sir," replied Cornelius,
wondering what this was all about.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm the military analyst at the
Minden embassy and I am meeting with my counterparts here...."

Dikouros cut him off. "You send
them regular reports, don't you?"

"Yes general, and due to the
current situation I have requested that they keep me up to date with any information..."

"YOU provide US with information
Petronius!" snapped Dikouros, "not the other way around. Leave here
immediately and don't return!" He turned to Tiberius.

"Legate Petronius, if I find this
relative of yours in my head quarters again I'll hold you personally
responsible. Is that clear?"

"Yes general," said Tiberius,
still at attention, his face devoid of any emotion.

Dikouros next turned to the three
intelligence officers.

"Chief Minister Exanzenus has
requested an evaluation of the threat from Saxony," he informed them.
"I've already informed him that the legions of this army stand ready to
repel any aggression from across the Rhine. Produce a report confirming that.
You are dismissed."

Silvanus Anemas and his two centurions
saluted and left. Dikouros turned and followed them, but at the door he stopped
and turned towards Cornelius.

"People who cross Demetrius
Exanzenus should not expect any co-operation. I suggest you remember


Tiberius drove Cornelius back to
Colonia Agrippina and dropped him off near the bridge over the Rhine into
Saxony. As he got out his uncle spoke to him.

"If I hear anything of interest,
I'll try and let you know. Being out of favour with the chief minister doesn't
change the fact that you are a first class analyst as well as being my
favourite nephew."

"Thank you uncle, I'll also keep
in touch," said Cornelius gratefully.

As Tiberius drove off to inspect one of
his cohorts nearby, Cornelius made his way towards a small tavern and sat down
at a table outside. He had a couple of hours free before he had to cross the
bridge to catch his train to Minden. It was a pleasant day, so he called a
waitress and ordered coffee and some pastries whilst he relaxed in the spring
sunshine watching the ships and barges ply their trade up and down the Rhine.
It was sad to think that this mighty river could be the cause of conflict
between the Empire and Saxony, thought Cornelius. The Saxons would not pay to
use a river that they regarded as much theirs as ours.

Cornelius was on his third cup of
coffee when he was startled out of his reverie by a familiar voice.

"Well there you are, I've found
you at last Cornelius Petronius!"

Cornelius nearly spilt the hot drink
over himself as he turned to face his unexpected visitor.

"Fulvia! What are you doing

"I've been following you around
for the last twenty four hours trying to catch up with you!"

She sat down at the table and ordered a
glass of white wine. Cornelius asked her why she was chasing after him.

"Because our mothers want me to
marry you, why do you think!" she said drawing a laugh from Cornelius.
"I was in Colonia Agrippina last night," explained Fulvia more
serious now, "and had a letter from your father to Uncle Tiberius. I was
told that he was at his villa with his nephew from Minden, so this morning I
drove down to the villa, only to find that you had gone to Augusta

"And in Augusta Treverorum,"
added Cornelius, trying to keep a straight face, "you found that we had
returned to Colonia Agrippina."

"I finally caught up with Uncle
Tiberius where I had started from and he told me where he had left you."

Cornelius raised his cup in salute.
"Well done Fulvia. Heaven help the man you do want to marry, he doesn't
stand a chance of getting away!"

Fulvia made a face at him and helped
herself to one of his pastries.

"So, how are you then?" she
asked relaxing back into her chair.

Cornelius gave Fulvia a brief summary
of his activities since he had left Minden for Constantinople, the turmoil
caused by the new trade policies and his unsuccessful meeting with Exanzenus.

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