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Authors: Kristabel Reed

The Escape (4 page)

BOOK: The Escape
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Eric’s strong hands gripped her about the waist, holding her steady. Then his mouth touched hers, and Gabrielle had never felt such relief, such passion. That kiss was all she remembered and more, so much more.

Her fears evaporated, gone as Eric’s familiar taste invaded her senses, one she would never forget. Gabrielle held him close and allowed herself to drown in his kiss. Beside her, she felt André’s presence, and wanted him as well. Wanted to see him again, to drink in his handsome face.

Eric must have sensed this, for he broke the kiss but still held her close. His hands were warm on her face as he cupped her cheeks and rested his forehead against hers. Gabrielle turned to look at André, started for him.

Her legs buckled, and Gabrielle let out a sobbing laugh. André closed the distance between them. His mouth covered hers, warm and demanding. Caught between her lovers, as she longed to be, Gabrielle felt the near perfection of this moment.

André’s warm brown eyes held hers, caressing her face. Beneath her hand, his strong chest felt real and solid. The fingers of one hand brushed down the side of her cheek and sent a tingle of awareness through her.

She couldn’t believe they stood before her, that she could see them, touch them. Taste them. Gabrielle had long believed the last time she’d ever see them was the night Theodore had abducted her from the Club. And the last thing she knew about them would be their names, haphazardly scribbled on a makeshift tombstone.

But that had changed yesterday when she saw Eric.

Standing here both her men holding her, Gabrielle vowed never to part from them again. She would not lose them again.

André’s hands slipped down her arms, back up over her shoulders. He alternately held her close and simply looked at her. Eric stood behind her, warm hands on her back. Steady. Unable to tear her gaze from André, Gabrielle reached behind her and tugged Eric closer. She needed to see them both at once. Fell them, touch them.

“What happened that night?” André demanded.

Chapter Four

André needed to know where she’d been these last two years. What happened that night remained a mystery no matter how many enquiries he and Eric had made. Gabrielle had simply gone. He knew Theodore had to have taken her, but they’d never found her again.

One moment, she’d been safely ensconced in the Club—the next she’d vanished from their lives.

The three of them had been introduced to the Hellfire Club once they’d reached their majority. Instead of indulging in all the various pleasures to be had within its hidden walls, the three of them had gravitated toward each other.

Amidst the chaos found on the streets, and a different kind in the Club, they’d found a safe haven in each other’s arms. That night, the night she’d disappeared, their haven had been broken.

Gabrielle hadn’t answered him immediately, but in her cobalt gaze he saw the softness and fear. In there, he saw his pain reflected.

“You must have guessed,” she said quietly. “Theodore took me. All but dragged me from the Club that night. I couldn’t turn back, couldn’t find you. He said the Club had been betrayed, and any moment the National Police would raid it; we’d all be arrested.”

She paused, and André heard more in her tone than her words implied. What had her miserable brother put her through these last years? What had he said to her, done to her in the ensuing years?

“I swear to you both,” she said fiercely. “I did everything in my power to escape him. To warn you about the police raid.”

Her hand drifted to her upper arm and drifted over the inside of her elbow. André couldn’t see it, not yet, but knew her body bore the effects of Theodore’s rage.

“We went to Theodore’s old townhouse, but didn’t stay there long. The National Police and their spies were everywhere; we couldn’t stay anyplace for long.” She paused and André’s rage built. He knew what her next words were and hated he hadn’t been there to protect her.

“You were imprisoned,” André guessed.

“Not immediately,” she whispered. “But yes. Theodore moved us from house to house until we stayed at the wrong one.”

“How long were you in prison?” Eric asked.

André looked sharply up at his lover. Rage burned just below Eric’s normally placid blue eyes. Looking back at Gabrielle, André tried to temper his anger, but knew he failed. She’d always been able to easily read him and despite the two years they’d been separated he doubted that had changed.

Gabrielle shook her head and smiled up at him. Memory from her time there shadowed her gaze and she shook. Whether from their meeting today or the reminder of her past, André couldn’t be certain.

If he ever saw Theodore Bertrand again, he vowed to kill the man.

“Just over six months,” she admitted, eyes closed.

André wrapped his arms around her and held her. He had no words of comfort, nothing he could say that would make that better. Eric met his gaze and again André saw the same emotions reflected there. The other man shook his head and moved closer. He wrapped his arm around Gabrielle.

They should have done more to find her. André couldn’t have said what; they spent the last two years searching for her. Every resource the Club had, they exploited all for naught. Until the chance meeting yesterday afternoon, neither of them had had any luck locating their lover.

“I don’t know how, but somehow Theodore arranged our release into General Fortier’s care.” Her voice was muffled, but she made no move to distance herself from their embrace. “The next I knew, the general wanted to marry me.”

André stiffened, wanted to pull back and look at her, but Gabrielle went on. “He isn’t a bad man, the general,” she said in a rush. “And his two grown daughters are very kind to me. I like them very much. But I never wanted that life, that family.” She did pull back then and turned so she could see the both of them. “I only wanted to find the two of you.”

André kissed her. He wanted to reassure her they’d protect her now. Wanted to say he’d take care of Theodore; that she’d never have to see the general again. He could feel Eric move, knew what the other man wanted. He kissed down the side of Gabrielle’s neck, knew Eric did the same.

Gabrielle shuddered in their arms, and André feared they rushed her. What else had she gone through? What had Theodore forced her to do to save his miserable ass?

“We’ll find a way to leave France,” Eric promised. He took her chin in his hand and made sure he had her complete attention. “You will come with us?”

She kissed him, leaving no room for doubt. “Yes.”

Eric kissed her forehead and took a step back. “Give me a bit of time,” he said. “I’ve arranged for less conspicuous clothing so you can move more freely about the city.” He kissed her again and nodded to André. “I’ll return shortly.”

André waited until he heard the door close behind Eric. The millenary was owned by a member of the Club, so they were safe as far as privacy went. Still, despite its reputation as a sex club with the occasional political maneuver tossed in, André had never met a bigger group of gossips than inhabited the Hellfire Club. The only thing that stifled their gossiping propensities was the constant threat of discovery by fanatical Revolutionaries.

He led Gabrielle to a small worktable and the single chair. Though he wanted to take her there, feel her move against him, hear her sighs of completion, André forced himself to settle for another kiss.

“It hasn’t been the same without you,” he admitted. His hand cupped her cheek, thumb running over the smooth softness of it. “We’ve missed you, Gabrielle…
missed you.”

She smiled, a faint answer to his statement, and leaned into his touch. “I’ve missed you, too.”

But she hesitated just enough for him to catch it, then glanced down, away from his gaze. André’s heart tightened at her response, and for a moment he wondered what had happened in the last years. What she’d been through. They’d all changed; they’d all had to in order to survive this new Paris.

In the aftermath of her hesitation, André waited for more, but none was forthcoming. Rather than bombard her with questions, demand a detailed history of her time spent away from he and Eric, André simply nodded. He didn’t wish to push her, refused to now that they’d just got her back.

“All I wanted this entire time,” Gabrielle said straightening from his touch, “since Theodore told me you and Eric had died, was to find your graves. I wanted to feel close to you one more time.”

She touched his face, light fingertips on his cheek; still hesitant, still uncertain. But her voice grew stronger with every word, and her gaze never wavered from his. “I never dreamed, never dared hope until Eric stood before me that you both still breathed.”

“Two years is a long time,” André whispered. His hand caught hers and held it against his face. He dreaded asking this next question, but had to know; needed to before they went any further. “Do you love him?”

Gabrielle blinked at him, stunned. He could see the confusion in her cobalt eyes, the surprise overriding all other emotions. Her head tilted to one side, as she studied him, and he swore she looked as if she wanted to protest the question. Refusing to give up, however, André wouldn’t let himself believe any answer until she said the words.

“Eric told me,” André said, “that you were engaged. Do you love him?”

“Oh!” She gave a soft laugh and shook her head. “General Fortier.”

Steeling himself for her admission, André waited. He didn’t release her hand, but his fingers tightened on hers. Gabrielle held his gaze and smiled. It was that same soft smile she used to give him after they made love, or when she saw him across the room at the Club.

“No.” Her voice firmed, and when she nodded this time, the move was decisive. “I don’t. Never for a moment. My engagement,” Gabrielle paused but this time André didn’t sense hesitation, more that she gathered her words.

He wondered about the truth of the matter. What she clearly didn’t wish to tell him.

“Theodore arranged my engagement,” she admitted. “As far as I know,” she continued, voice cracking, “he did it in exchange for our release from prison.”

André stilled. His fingers tightened on hers for the barest of heartbeats before he dropped them. He didn’t want to hurt her, would never hurt her.

The sound of his heart pounding in his ears blocked all else out, and he very carefully took a deep breath and blanked his face from all emotion. Stepping back, André held himself stiff and tried to form words. Tried to ask her for more. He clenched his jaw, knowing that the instant he opened his mouth, soothing words were not what he’d say to his beloved lover.

So he took another moment and watched her. Gabrielle barely met his eyes, looking at him then glancing away. As if she had aught to be ashamed of. Theodore on the other hand, had much to answer for.

André was going to throttle that man.

Slowly opening hands that had curled into fists, he shook his head and focused on Gabrielle. What had Theodore demanded of her? What had he forced her to do—while in prison, afterwards, or with the general? What had she done to survive these last two years? And would she ever tell them?

Fear made his blood ice, and visions of what she’d endured crowded his mind’s eye. André knew what went on in Robespierre’s prisons. Rumors were ripe, but beyond that he knew several people who had experienced the brutality first hand. They never said how they’d made it through, or even how they’d come to be released. They hadn’t needed to.

Gabrielle’s admission that Theodore sold her to a general for their freedom didn’t surprise André. Theodore had always been a coward, intent on saving his own ass at the expense of anyone else’s. Even,
, his sister’s.

The fact that it didn’t surprise André did not make Theodore’s actions more palpable.

“We still want you, Gabrielle,” he promised and didn’t miss the relief in her blue eyes. “I’ve never let you go....neither of us has.”

Before she could react, before she could do anything, André kissed her. Every day that passed, every night spent without her, every morning he woke only to remember she was not in their bed. He poured it all into his kiss. And when she kissed him back, when she opened to him, accepted him, André wondered if this moment was real or if he dreamed of her again.

Fear, desperation, loneliness, and loss dwindled into nothing now that he held her back in his arms. And if Gabrielle had hesitated in kissing him back, if she stood awkwardly in his arms for a moment, he understood. But in that time, the years separating them vanished.

“André,” she whispered, and again he wondered if it was a memory. Her hand cupped his cheek and blue eyes, shimmering with tears, looked into his.

“I have so many questions, André.” Gabrielle rested her head on his chest.

Anger still simmered beneath the surface, but André held it to him. She didn’t need any more guilt; Theodore had done quite enough of that. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her and held her. The position, so familiar and yet so foreign, took a moment to adjust to. André breathed in her scent, the soft lavender of it, and closed his eyes.

He’d never let her go.

“Is it over now?” Gabrielle’s voice, once again uncharacteristically timid, floated around him in the milliner’s storage. “Or must I go back to Theodore while we figure out what comes next?”

“No.” His voice sounded too loud in the small room, and André controlled himself. “I don’t want you out of my sight. Once Eric returns with your things, I want you to stay with one of us at all times.” He’d prefer that neither she nor Eric left his sight, or bed, again, but knew that to be unreasonable. “Now we can leave France, start anew in England.”

Chapter Five

Eric LeClaire nodded cordially to a few vague acquaintances as they left Rue de Fleur. Gabrielle strolled beside him, her steps jerky, her body rigid. He took her hand, cold and stiff on his arm, and patted it. The gesture felt as hollow as it no doubt looked, but given the very public setting they now found themselves in, it was all he could do at the moment.

André walked on Gabrielle’s other side, not touching her though Eric knew his lover well enough to know how the other man wanted to. Still, this was how they had presented themselves in the past, whenever they ventured beyond the catacomb walls of the Hellfire Club; h e and Gabrielle as the couple, André as the friend joining them on their outing. Eric wasn’t sure how that had evolved, but none of the three of them minded especially since in the bedroom they didn’t have to pretend.

BOOK: The Escape
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