The Enchantress (Wicked Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: The Enchantress (Wicked Book 1)
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Chapter Fifteen
They Will Carry Us Home

Laura and Leo burst through the doors into the hotel room, and Caspian was relieved
to see Grace wide awake, laughing with Gemma and Logan. Caspian’s eyes trailed
down to Logan and Grace’s interlaced hands and he grinned. He had always known
that Logan quite admired Grace, but it was humbling to see him finally showing
her just how deeply he cared.
  Stella was mixing up a new batch of salve, and jumped with surprise as the
three of them tumbled through the door. The second her eyes rested upon Leo and
Caspian’s blood stained shirts, she was running towards them, gasping. ‘Leo!’
  ‘Don’t worry, Stel, it’s not my blood,’ he reassured her calmly, drawing her
in to a hug.
  ‘What happened?’ she mumbles into his shoulder.
  As Leo gave a rundown of the last hour’s events, Caspian glanced around,
searching for Drew. He quietly slipped out the door, wandering down the hall.
  ‘Drew?’ he peered into their room, and found Drew sharpening his sword.
  Drew’s eyes flew to his face, startled, then relaxed when he saw it was only
Caspian, ‘how did the Flyer go?’
  ‘Aside from the fact that he nearly died? Yeah great. We leave for Alast
  He crossed the threshold, dropping down into a seat opposite Drew.
  Drew straightened, ‘Is the Flyer okay?’
  ‘I don’t know. Healers are with him as we speak.’
  ‘Why did you leave?’
  Caspian adjusted his dagger, removing it from his belt, ‘he was basically
screaming at us to leave, saying that the Wicked are stronger then we think and
we need to get moving.’
  ‘And Alast was their next destination?’
  ‘Yes. I assume he read the portal.’
  ‘They are using portals?’ Drew let out a whistled, ‘well that makes things
considerably harder.’
  Caspian sighed, ‘he said he saw Cara, too.’
  Drew met his gaze, ‘how did Laura take it?’
  ‘Considering he didn’t have any information for her aside from actually
seeing Cara alive, she took it pretty well.’
  ‘Good.’ Drew said and slid his sword into its scabbard.
  ‘So what happened here?’
  Drew shrugged, ‘not a lot, Grace’s burn is almost completely healed. She’ll be
  ‘I’m glad to hear,’ Caspian smiled warmly, ‘but why are you alone in your
  Drew shrugged, ‘I thought I should get some rest. Looks like mine don’t come
  ‘Guess you’ll have to go ugly for a while, we leave soon.’
  Drew grinned.
  Caspian paused, ‘are you okay? After everything with Grace, I can imagine you
were quite frightened.’
  Drew’s features contorted into a frown, ‘I was.’ He was quiet for a long
moment, and Caspian could see he was contemplating whether he should continue.
It seems he decided to do so. ‘I can’t lose her, you know? She’s all I have
left. Yet I’ve been so horrible to her.’ He sunk back into the chair. ‘I can’t
imagine why she would forgive me so easily.’
  ‘Because she loves you Drew. You’re her brother.’
  ‘But I’ve spent the past years pushing her away for fear of hurting her, when
I was doing just that in the first place. I’ve been so stupid.’
  ‘She understands, Drew. We all understand. After the things we’ve been
through, how can we not fear losing those we care about? How can we not
distance ourselves so not to risk caring too much for someone? Especially when
we could lose that someone like we lost our families.’
  Drew’s eyes rose to meet Caspian’s.
  ‘You are a good person Drew. But you need to learn to let others in. Its
hard. And there is always the fear of losing the ones we love. But we can’t
control the future. All we can do is live in the now.’
  Caspian stood, ‘you better get that beauty rest.’ He said, giving his best
friend a reassuring smile.
  Drew returned it with a nod. ‘Thanks, Caspian,’ he said, and Caspian knew he
meant it.

‘Grace, I’m
so glad you are okay!’ Laura exclaimed, taking Gemma’s seat after she and Logan
left to pack. Stella and Leo had disappeared moments after, hoping to talk to
the receptionist about checking out early.
  ‘Oh Laura, me too,’ she chuckled lightly, ‘I was so determined put up with
the pain until I got back so I could heal it myself that I didn’t allow my mind
to even register how stupid that idea was. Bravery isn’t my strong point.’
  ‘Grace, you are brave! I would never have been able to do that.’
  Grace gasped, ‘don’t be silly. You are brave. Since the second I met you you’ve
been nothing
brave. I couldn’t hold myself together the way you have
  Laura felt tears brewing behind her eyes remembering that mornings break down.
She wasn’t brave at all, she was simply ignoring the pain as much as she could.
  ‘It’s hard,’ she admitted, ‘every second I am not busy I pray that this is a
dream. That my parents are all right. But when I pray for that, I remember all
I have learnt from and about the Spirit World, and realise that I want to know
more. Be more. I guess I want the best of both worlds.’
  Grace’s smile was sympathetic and genuine. She reached out and gave Laura’s
hand a reassuring squeeze, ‘we will get your mother back.’
  ‘I hope so,’ whispered Laura.

Evening was
setting in as Laura and her companions gathered in Drew’s training field.
  Laura was still overwhelmed by the support she was receiving from the people
around her. They were all so willing to help, and she couldn’t remember anyone
in her life exhibiting such loyalty. Except her parents.
  ‘How are we getting to Alast?’ Laura asked, breaking away from her thoughts.
  Stella had a grin on her face and even Leo couldn’t hold back his smile.
Laura regarded everyone curiously.
  Stella’s face was bright, her hair white in the dimming light. ‘We are going
to fly.’
  Wind rustled through the trees, and suddenly three enormous feathered
creatures swooped across the sky, crowing and screeching. Laura tipped her head
back and watched, backing away as she realised what flew above her. Birds. And
they were enormous.
  One of the eagles slowed as it approached, landing with a thump by Grace. The
earth quivered beneath them at the impact. The eagle shook out its feathers,
raising itself to its full height, and scratched at its wings with its beak,
cawing lightly.
  Laura almost cried out as she staggered further backwards, watching another bird
thud into the earth only a few meters from herself. The third landed much more
gracefully than its pals, waddling over to Stella, who remained calm as she
reached out to pat its feathered head.
  Laura gawked at the Eagle closest to her, who had hopped up beside her,
extending its head, begging to also be pat. She hesitated, then slowly reached
out, stroking its soft feathers. It curled its head into her hand like a cat,
and Laura laughed.
  Leo turned to Laura, ‘these birds are mixed with the blood of an Angel,
making them both larger and stronger. Both Angels and Demons can take on any
form when not occupying a Human body, and as a result, animals like these were
created. They will either serve the Enchanted, or the Wicked, depending on
their origin.’
  Stella made her way to her bird’s side, ‘they are friendly creatures. They
know where we want to go, so when you are ready, ask them to lay down so you
can climb on.’
  ‘Just, lay down?’ Laura asked.
  The bird flopped to the ground, panting like a dog at her feet. She laughed, rounding
the bird, and using its feathers as foot holders, clambering onto its back.
  ‘Yes, that’s it!’ Stella called. She was already perched atop her bird, Leo sitting
comfortably in front of her.
  Laura’s eyes wandered over to Logan as he gently helped Grace climb onto the
other birds back.
  ‘Mind if I ride with you?’ a voice asked softly.
  ‘Sure.’ Laura said, extending a hand to Drew.
  He griped it and pulled himself up, swinging his leg over the bird’s neck.
She could feel the warmth of his body as he settled in behind her. She wiped her
sweaty palms on her jeans and adjusted her bag so that it was hooked around one
of the bird’s feathers.
  ‘Good idea,’ Drew said, leaning around her to do the same.
  As he secured it, he glanced sideways, locking eyes with Laura, and she was acutely
aware of how close he was. She breathed in softly, butterflies yet again
fluttering in her stomach.
  ‘What about us?’
  Laura and Drew jerked apart and she glimpsed down at Gemma and Caspian, who
were birdless.
  The butterflies still wouldn’t settle. What was she doing?
Stop being so
stupid. Your Mother is missing. Nothing is more important than finding her.
scolded herself.
  ‘I’m sure I sent for four,’ Stella insisted.
  There was a screech from overhead, and a bird swooped into view. Then, it was
plummeting from the sky. There were a series of cries as the group watched on. Only
meters from the grass did the bird pull itself upright, landing with an earth
shaking crash. It slid a number of meters, before coming to a stop at Gemma’s
feet, beak buried under the dirt. The Eagle blinked, jumped up and shook itself
clean, all the while panting like a dog.
  Gemma closed her eyes, ‘you’ve got to be kidding me.’
  Once everyone was secure, Stella let out a whistle, and the great beasts spread
their wings and began to run. Laura let out a squeal as the bird took off,
lifting into the sky.
  ‘Won’t we be seen?’ she shouted over the rush of air and beating of wings.
  Drew leaned into her neck, ‘no, the Angel blood gives them the same
invisibility influences Angels have.’
  Laura felt the wind in her face, her hair whipping wildly around her, as her
bird picked up speed, and she grinned as she watched the ground below her grow
  She could feel warmth radiating from Drew’s skin as he leaned into her, ‘mind
if I hold on?’ he asked kindly.
  ‘Sure,’ she called to him, and she felt the butterflies return as his warm
arms curl around her waist.
  She endeavoured to ignore them, instead turning her eyes to the ocean below.
The reflection of the setting sun glimmered on the surface of the water. For
the first time ever, she felt truly alive.

Chapter Sixteen
Home Of The Enchanted

It was
midnight by the time land came into view, an island of mountains, palm trees and
lakes, cities, temples and lights, rising up from the shimmering water.
  ‘Alast,’ Drew told her.
  ‘No wonder we fought for it,’ she breathed.
  The bird soared through the night sky, drawing closer to the beach.  
  ‘Brace yourself!’ Drew shouted, and she leaned down into the bird’s neck,
gripping its feathers in her fists.
  With an almighty thud, the Eagle hit the earth, hopped through the sand, and
came to a stop, bowing down.
  Laura raised her head, taking in the white sand and surrounding forest. All
the while, Drew dismounted, removed their bags from the bird’s back, and
extended a hand to Laura. Taking it, she swung her leg over the bird’s neck and
slid to the ground, landing on her feet in the soft sand. She hoisted her bag
onto her back and wandered around to the bird’s face. He was tired, but still
he managed to extend his neck, begging for a pat.
  She chuckled lightly and ran her fingers over its head while it wagged its
tail feathers like a dog.
  ‘Are you sure they are only part bird, part angel?’ she asked as the birds
tongue fell from its mouth, panting.
  He shrugged, ‘who knows, they have probably evolved over time. Or maybe
that’s just how these particular ones were trained.’
  Laura heard three thumps as the other bird’s landed around her.
  ‘Thanks Pergo,’ she whispered.
  ‘You named it?’ Drew raised his eyebrow.
  ‘He’s a good bird.’
  She gazed back at Pergo and he gave a little
before lifting into
the air and flying off into the night with his pals.
  The rest of the group crowed around, exhausted. Grace, it appeared, was the
brightest, which was reassuring.
  ‘It is nearly midnight,’ Stella said, ‘so I think it might be a good idea to
get some rest. After the incident with the Flyer, I suspect the kidnappers may
have changed directions, taking a different route in to Alast. I expect they
will arrive soon. Whatever they are searching for, it must be here. Wicked
wouldn’t risk coming to the home of the Enchanted if it wasn’t. So tomorrow, we
surprise them, before they have a chance to find it.’
  ‘Where will we stay?’ Logan asked, wrapping his jumper tighter around his
body as a cool breeze swept through the beach.
  ‘We have a close friend we can stay with,’ Leo answered.
  ‘Let’s go, its freezing,’ pleaded Gemma, teeth chattering.
  Stella complied, leading them across the sandy earth and towards a slight
break between the trees.
  The ground was grassy under foot as they followed the narrow path through the
bush. Soon, an enormous double gateway, intricate swirls covering its surface,
loomed up on them, and a tall stone, vine covered wall extended as far as the
eye could see in either direction.
  It opened upon their arrival, revealing two tall guards, covered from head to
toe in thick silver armour, both holding their blades at the ready.
  ‘Who goes there?’ one of them boomed.
  ‘I am Leo Mayfire and this is my wife, Estella, of the Corin Manor, Lastrala.
These are our students, and we wish to pass as we are currently on assignment.’
  ‘Marks,’ the other guard asked lazily and both Estella and Leo lifted their
sleeves to show their silver Identity Mark. They shimmered in the moonlight as
the second guard scanned them with a thin rectangular device. The guards seemed
to approve because they quickly withdrew their weapons and moved aside.
  Laura finally had her first glimpse of the City of Alast, and it was beautiful.
A lamp-lit cobblestone path weaved its way through a lush lawn, encircling a
water fountain and leading into the heart of the city. Charming little cottages
made of brick and stone surrounded the city’s edge, and as Laura approached the
fountain, closed shops came into view. Only the Pubs were open, laughter and
music filling the night air as light spilled out onto the pavement.
  The further they wandered into the city, the livelier it grew. People filled
the streets, laughing and chatting.
  Laura was shocked to see most people dressed in their battle gear, their
weapons casually slung over their hips or strapped to their backs and legs. No
one seemed to give the group a second glance as they followed Stella through
the streets. They rounded a corner, and a gigantic stone temple perched upon a
hill in the distance came into view, which Laura assumed was the Grand Courts.
  ‘This way,’ Stella called, taking a right and hurrying to the front door of a
two story brick building. ‘Be polite, this is one of our oldest friends,’ she
warned, then stepped up onto the porch and knocked with three quick raps.
  All was quiet for a moment, and then they heard footsteps hurrying to the
door. The handle twisted and the door opened to a dark skinned woman with
almond eyes and black dreadlocked hair.
  ‘Stell! Leo! Oh what a surprise!’ She yelped in a thick accent Laura couldn’t
quite place. She pulled the two of them into a hug, grinning from ear to ear. ‘It
is so lovely to see you!’
  ‘And it is lovey to see you too Delilah, it has been too long!’ Stella chuckled
and Laura could see the joy in her eyes.
  ‘And who are these lovely children? Surely they can’t be all yours can they?’
She winked and Stella let out a laugh.
  ‘No, no, these are our students from the Corin Manor. We are here on an
assignment. I’m so sorry for such short notice but we were very much hoping we
could stay with you for the next few days? However don’t feel obliged to
  ‘Don’t be ridiculous, of course you can stay!’ She ducked her head behind the
door, ‘Grimilda, set up the guest bedrooms!’ her face reappeared and she stood
aside, holding the door wide open, ‘come in, come in.’
  They hurried inside, shuffling into the lounge room. On the far left wall was
a crackling fire, contributing a warm glow to the room. Angle ornaments and
paintings hung from the roof and walls.
  ‘Take a seat, here, give me your bags and I’ll have Grimilda take them to
your rooms.’ Delilah said as a woman carrying linen passed them and disappeared
into the stairwell.
  Grace, Drew, Gemma and Logan dumped their bags, moving quickly to the
couches, leaving Laura and Caspian chair-less. They settled for the floor,
scooting in close to the fire.  
  ‘Would you like a drink? Hot chocolate? Coffee?’ Delilah asked kindly.
  There was a chorus of shouts for hot chocolate and Delilah lead Stella and
Leo into the kitchen.
  Laura regarded her friends with a smile, all of them deep in conversation,
then turned to Caspian, who was watching the fire crackle and burn. ‘What’s on
your mind?’ she asked him quietly.
  She crossed her legs and watched the shadows from the flames dance across his
tanned skin, his messy hair golden in the light of the fire, and Laura was
suddenly struck by how hansom he was.
  He didn’t look up as he replied in a low voice, ‘when I lost my parents,
never in my life had I felt so alone. I didn’t know anything about the Spirit
World, and I felt like an outsider,’ he paused, his eyes flickering up to
Laura’s, the flames reflecting in them. ‘Finally, I feel I have met someone who
truly understands what its like. Not only losing the ones you love, but having
to face a new reality.’
  Laura inhaled at his words.
  ‘I just feel… less alone now, you know?’ He looked back down into flames. ‘Of
course I love my friends, and Stella and Leo are wonderful. I appreciate them
all. But I feel I can relate to you, and you understand me.’
  Laura’s heart contracted at his words, for she realised what he was saying
hit close to home. She had never had a friend she trusted enough to relay her
deepest, darkest thoughts to. She had never known anyone she truly connected
with and related to, someone she felt comfortable around.
  Caspian had rapidly become her closest friend, whom she turned to when she desperately
needed to talk or had questions she wanted to ask, because she didn’t feel
stupid asking him. He
  ‘Let’s make a promise.’ She said to him.
  He turned to her, listening intently.
  ‘From this day forward, we will be there for one another. To talk, to listen,
to do late night food runs, the lot of it.’
  His dimpled smile appeared, ‘I like the sound of that.’
  She extended her pinkie finger and he let loose a laugh, grasping it in his
  ‘Here you go,’ Delilah said passing two steaming mugs of hot chocolate to
  They broke away, taking their drinks gratefully, the cup warming their hands.
  The sound of thud, thud, thudding echoed around the room and Grimilda
appeared at the bottom of the stairs, ‘the guest rooms are ready, miss,’ she
said, giving a little curtsy before scooping up everyone’s bags and returning
to the second floor.
  ‘Hey, be careful with that!’ Gemma called, jumping up and following the maid.
  Grace stood also, taking her and Gemma’s hot chocolates with her, and Stella
followed, insisting on dressing her burn before bed. Leo and Logan followed not
long after, and before they knew it, nine had become four.
  ‘You three are welcome to stay up as long as you like, but I suggest getting
some rest. This island is a big one, and will take a lot of energy to explore,’
Delilah said kindly before climbing the stairs to her own room.
  Laura rose to her feet and stretched, suddenly grasping just how tired she
was. She bid Caspian and Drew goodnight, and made her way to bed.

Drew’s eyes
flickered to Caspian’s and he was overwhelmed with an unexpected wave of
jealously. What had they been talking about before?
  The two boys remained quiet for a moment before Drew couldn’t stand the
silence any longer and stood, readying to leave.
  ‘You like her.’ Caspian said, shifting to his feet.
  ‘So do you.’
  Caspian bowed his head, a smile on his lips, ‘I do. However I suspect my
liking for her is not similar to your own.’
  Drew’s gaze hardened, ‘What?’
  ‘I mean to say that we are friends.’
  ‘That’s not what it looked like before, you two holding hands and all.’
  Caspian laughed, and Drew was horrified. ‘What’s so funny?’
  ‘You.’ Caspian shook his head. ‘Drew, I care for Laura, but as a friend. I
don’t think there is any clearer a way I can put it.’
  Drew’s body relaxed, ‘truly?’
  ‘Yes. Although, if you feel so strongly as to almost take on your best
friend, perhaps you should do something about it.’
  Avoiding eye contact, Drew said, ‘I didn’t realise how I felt until now.’ He
paused, the familiar look of contemplation altering his features. ‘I mean, I
think I knew from the beginning, but, well this is still only the beginning
isn’t it? We barely know each other. I’m being stupid. I don’t know,’
  ‘I think you do know,’ Caspian insisted.
  Drew groaned, ‘how can I say anything though? She is still grieving for her
father, and who knows what will happen with her mum. I can’t dump this on her,
after knowing her for, what - a week? A week and a half? Mind you, she was out
of it for a number of those days. - and expect her to return my sentiments.’
  ‘I get that. But after we find her mum, I think you need to talk to her. See
where she is at. You never know. It’s only the beginning, but it may be the
beginning of something great.’
  ‘But if I do, and she is taken-‘
  Caspian was quick to cut in, ‘we have to live for here and now.’
  Drew shook his head, ‘when did you become so wise?’
  Caspian shrugged, ‘it comes naturally.’

Laura was
woken by muffled voices floating down the hall. She propped herself up on her
elbows, observing that it was still dark out. Confused, she peered over at the
two neighbouring beds to find Grace and Gemma still sound asleep. Pulling back
the rug, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and padded across the
carpeted floor, peeking through the open door. A light was on downstairs. She
crept down the hall, pausing at the stairwell, squinting as her eyes adjusted
to the light.
  Delilah, still dressed in her nightgown, standing with her arms crossed, came
into focus at the bottom of the staircase.
  ‘I told you, no one is staying here. If they were, I would call to them right
now to come talk to you, but they aren’t. So if you could please leave, it
would be greatly appreciated.’
  A black figure came into view, and suddenly a dagger was in Delilah’s hands.
She wasn’t fast enough.
  Laura gasped, her hand flew to her mouth and she staggered backwards. She
couldn’t pull her eyes away as she watched Delilah double over, clutching her
stomach where the blade had pierced her skin, unable to scream.
  The man moved to stand over Delilah, grasping the blood smeared blade in his
right hand.
  Delilah fell to her knees, and the man placed the tip of his sword to her
chin, tilting her head back until her eyes met his. Laura could only see his
back as he pressed the blade harder to Delilah’s throat, drawing blood. Delilah
let out a screech as he whipped the sword back and sliced it straight through
her neck.

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