The Enchanted Quest (11 page)

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Authors: Frewin Jones

BOOK: The Enchanted Quest
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“Stop them!” Loud as the tumult was, Lord Balor’s voice was louder still. “Do not kill them! He who takes a life shall pay with his own!”

Tania found herself in the deep darkness under the arched gateway, the noise of hooves ringing in her ears. She saw Rathina just ahead, riding furiously— and Connor was at her side, his head thrust forward between his horse’s ears as he beat his way through the milling soldiers.

And then they were beyond the rear walls. More arrows rained down, skipping on the stones or embedding themselves in the ground.

Down the steep flanks of the hill the three horses went careering. It was all Tania could do to cling on as they galloped out onto the flats, turf kicking up high in their wake, trees all about them, the wind howling.

“Ride on!” Rathina’s voice was an exultant shriek. “We must ride on till the dawn!”

Far into the night they rode, urging on their tiring horses over open moorland and through woods of hazel and oak and star-burnished holly.

Rathina set the pace, and Tania was content to take her lead. She allowed the animals to slow to a trot for short periods of rest before pushing them into a canter again, the rhythmic triple sets of hoofbeats becoming as much a part of the night for Tania as the jingle of harness and the rasp of her own breath. Connor rode beside her, keeping close, his tired eyes narrowed against the wind.

At first Tania had heard pursuing hoofbeats and the distant voices of shouting men. But as the night wore away and Rathina drove them relentlessly on, those sounds faded and were lost.

For short periods over open ground the three horses were brought to a gallop, and then Tania’s whole body surged with the power of the animal as it sped on under her, and the night wind seemed to fill her brain like a dark cyclone.

It was early the next morning before Rathina called for a pause in their flight. They had come into a vast, rock-walled ravine filled with birch trees, the canopy of leaf-laden branches forming a screen against the fast-rising sun. A stream trickled over stones in the cleft. It seemed to Tania curiously similar to many lovely places she had seen in Faerie.

Rathina insisted they take the saddles and bridles off the horses, using only a running line to stop them from straying as they filled their bellies with grass and stooped their long necks to drink from the stream.

Then at last Rathina allowed them to catch their breath. Tania threw herself to the ground, exhausted by the long ride. Connor dropped into the lush grass, lying on his back, his arms across his face. Rathina sat cross-legged, her sword resting on her knees, a tired smile touching her lips.

Now there was time for Tania and Rathina to tell Connor all that had happened since they had been parted.

“We don’t have a clue who those two musicians were or why they were helping us,” Tania concluded. “But they led us to you, and the leaf that Rose gave us worked every time.”

“They are good folk; that is certain,” added Rathina. “And for now we must be content with that.”

“There’s not a whole lot for me to tell you,” said Connor. “The ship docked, and I was thrown across a horse and taken to the castle. I must have passed out, because the next thing I knew I was tied to that board and being shouted at by Lord Balor.” He looked at them. “I guess you heard me telling him that I’d sell you out,” he added. “It was the only thing I could think of to stop him from throttling me on the spot.”

“Don’t worry,” Tania said. “In your position I’d have done exactly the same. Anything to gain a bit of time. But why did he leave you alone in there, do you think?”

“I don’t know,” said Connor. “I assumed he’d finished interrogating me. I’d told him everything he wanted to know.”

“And more besides,” murmured Rathina, eyeing Connor thoughtfully. “It was a convincing display of cowardice and treachery, Master Connor.”

Connor looked at Rathina, a slight smile on his face. “I’m betting you were worried I was really going to sell you out,” he said.

“I am unsure as to the exact meaning of your words,” Rathina said, “but I did doubt you; that I will admit. Such lies do not trip quite so readily off the tongue among those I usually count as friends. You playact very well, Master Connor—I was all but persuaded of your villainy.” She frowned. “But Lord Balor shares that same illusion as do you,” she continued. “The belief that Faerie Immortality is a thing that can be enticed forth and caught in the hand, like a bird whistled down from the branch.” She shook her head. “Why do Mortals pursue such foolishness? To seek the secret of Immortality? You’d as like pluck stars from the skies to use as lanterns. ’Tis madness. Pure and simple.”

“I agree with you,” said Connor. “I had plenty of time to think while I was tied to that board and waiting to get my throat cut.” His smile became bleak. “I realized something that had been pretty much staring me in the face ever since I came here.” He looked from Tania to Rathina. “This isn’t Earth,” he said. “This probably isn’t even in the same universe as Earth. This is some other place completely. I’ve been so busy trying to get my head around ways to make sense of all the stuff that goes on here that I never stopped to think that it’s a total waste of time.” He laughed breathlessly. “Physics and science and everything else that make our world tick don’t mean a thing here.” His smile widened and he held up his hands as if in surrender. “So, that’s it. I give in. The place is crazy, period. I get it now.”

“I’m glad about that,” said Tania. “But look, this isn’t your world. You came here to help us, and you
helped us. But we’re in Alba for a reason, Connor, and we can’t waste any more time.”

“I know that,” said Connor. “I didn’t get caught on purpose.”

Tania took a breath. “I know,” she said. “I’m sorry. But the thing is, you don’t need to stay here anymore. I can walk you back into Ireland right now.” She looked urgently at him. “You should go, Connor. Seriously. Right now. Before we get you into even more trouble.”

Connor’s smile faded. He sat for a long while looking into her face, saying nothing.

“My sister gives you wise counsel, Connor,” said Rathina. “This quest is for the benefit and succor of Faerie alone. It is none of yours. You should not risk yourself further for us. Go, with the grateful thanks of all good folk. Go home, Connor.”

Connor stood up, his face unreadable. Tania watched him closely as he made his way down to the thread of rushing water. He pushed his hands into his pockets, head bowed, staring down as the clear water bubbled and played over the smooth white pebbles. The fingers of his right hand moved in his pocket as though running over something.

Why is this hard for him? What’s he thinking? It’s a nobrainer, surely?

At last he turned, his face serious and determined. “Sorry,” he said. “Thanks for the offer but no can do. I started this thing and I want to finish it.”

Tania opened her mouth to protest, but he didn’t give her the chance to speak.

“How do you think I’m going to feel if I bail on the two of you?” he asked. “I know I’m not
—I don’t have any special powers like you—but I can help; I know I can. I
to help. And unless you tie me up and drag me back to Earth against my will and just dump me there, I’m
to help.” He looked at Rathina and then at Tania. “I’m coming with you,” he finished. “Discussion closed.”

Rathina stood up, her hand extended. He took it and she gripped the hand tight between the two of hers. “You do us honor,” she said. “I will make it my duty to see that no harm comes to you.”

“Thank you.” He turned to Tania, his eyebrows raised.

She stood up and gave him a quick hug, thinking of Edric and how he had once been the man promising to stand always at her side. “You’re totally loopy!” she said into Connor’s ear.

“So what else is new?” he replied, smiling broadly, his hands curling for a moment around her waist. She stepped quickly away—out from between his hands— but there was nothing in his expression to worry her.

“As to our quest,” Rathina broke in briskly. “We are in an alien land, and no doubt pursued by bitter enemies. What next, sister? Do you have any clear idea of the road that lies before us, for upon my oath, I do not.”

“We have to find Caiseal an Fenodree,” said Tania. “Mother said that the people there would help us.”

“Find it how?” asked Connor. “I don’t suppose she gave you directions?”

Tania shook her head. “All I know is that Caiseal an Fenodree is here in Alba,” she said. “To get to Tirnanog we have to travel west through Alba, then through Erin and Hy Brassail. Mother said I should ask the way to the Caiseal, but I’m not sure how good an idea that is now. Lord Balor wasn’t even born when Titania left Alba—she wasn’t to know that this whole area would be under his control.”

“A good point,” mused Rathina. “Dare we make ourselves known to the people of this land?”

“I vote we forget the Queen’s people,” Connor suggested. “We should head west—find Erin on our own. What do you say? Who’s up for it?”

“I’m not sure,” said Tania. “We’d have no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Those two guys we heard talking—they sounded like they were scared of what goes on in Erin.”

“Aye, true enough,” said Rathina. “They spoke of a Witch Queen. I’d know more of
before we venture into the west.”

“I agree,” said Tania. “Sorry, Connor. We don’t know a thing about Erin or Hy Brassail. The Queen’s people could be our only hope.”

Connor’s brows knitted, irritation crossing his face. “If we don’t dare even ask for directions to that castle you’re talking about, how will we ever find it? It could be miles away. It could be at the other end of the country! It might not even
anymore. A lot of stuff can happen in five hundred years.”

“Connor makes a good argument,” murmured Rathina. “Who can we trust in this unknown land? Whose word will guide us true?”

“Maybe no one’s word,” said Tania. “Maybe we need to try and contact Eden again?” She looked at her sister. “Rathina, will you help me?”

“I will.”

Tania sat, drawing Rathina down to sit facing her. They interlocked the fingers of both hands. Tania closed her eyes. The sun was high and bright by now and the world behind her eyelids glowed with a red light.

She tried to picture her oldest sister again the way she had in Dorcha Tur. But the image would not come, would not hold in her mind.
“Eden . . . ?”

She could hear Rathina’s breath—strangely loud and labored. Rathina’s fingers tightened on hers— and then her grip became weak and Tania had the horrible sensation that Rathina was being pulled away from her.

Her fingers snatched at nothing.

She could hear Rathina’s voice, calling frantically from far away. Connor’s voice as well—shouting in alarm.

A coldness filled her chest. Her limbs became heavy. She couldn’t open her eyes. Her head swam, and her whole body tingled and stung as though her veins were swarming with wasps.

The ground gave way under her, and she fell into a dizzying white void.

The pain was unbearable. It clawed in her abdomen, doubling her up, forcing her knees into her belly. She wrapped her arms around herself, hugging the pain while agonized tears ran from her eyes. The light now was golden—but it was cruel gold, bitter and spiteful, hot needles piercing her head, searing her thoughts.

Then the pain eased. She was able to breathe again, and the light in her brain was white and soft. Shaking, she pulled herself up. She swayed, exhausted in the aftermath of the pain.

She opened her eyes—but nothing changed. The light was still white, diffuse, opaque all around her. She was in a world of bright mist.

A gray shape formed, moving toward her.

“Eden . . . ?”

“Nay, sister—she cannot come.”

“Sancha . . . ?”

The misty shape came closer and was Tania’s solemn-eyed sister, clad as ever in a simple black gown, her long chestnut hair tied back, her face slender and pale.

“You look tired. . . .”

“As are we all, Tania. The Gildensleep drains us.”

“I’m lost, Sancha. I don’t know which way to go. I thought Eden might—”

“Eden cannot squander her power on you, Tania.”
The voice was critical but not unkind.
“All Faerie depends on her.”

“And on me! On me, too, Sancha!”

“Indeed. That is why I am here. What do you need? If it is in my power, I shall give it. But Tania, you cannot call on us again. You bleed the power from us.”

“Yes. Yes, I understand. . . . I have to know the way to Caiseal an Fenodree. I need to get there . . . I need—”

The words were ripped from her mouth as a great wind took her body and flung it up and far away. Tania found herself speeding along as fast as a falcon, meadows and woods and hills and downs rushing away beneath her.

From high above she saw a narrow valley filled with birch trees. She saw three horses and three people by a thread of silvery water. Two women and a man. One of the women was her—sprawled lifelessly on the ground while the others knelt over her.

She saw the valley curve to the north. There was open country, lush and well tended. There were farms and small villages. A range of rounded hills. A deep, dark forest. A lake as blue as the sky. An island shrouded in mist. The pinnacles of tall steeples and towers. A castle.

A voice in her ear, faint and far away.

“. . . Caiseal an Fenodree . . . remember, Tania . . . remember . . . ”

“She’s waking up!”

A dark blur. Pale faces. Worried eyes.

Tania blinked. Two heads framed by the night sky.

It was hard to form words, hard to move her lips. “You’ve got stars in your hair. . . .” she murmured.

“Does she dream still awhile?”

“No. She’s just a bit out of it, aren’t you, Tania? Do you want to try sitting up now—or are you okay where you are?”

“Up,” Tania mumbled, reaching out with her arms. “Up, please.”

She was helped into a sitting position. She felt like someone woken in the middle of the night by having a bright light shone in her face.

“What happened?” she asked.

“You keeled over,” said Connor. “One moment you were sitting there with Rathina, the next you were out cold like you’d fainted. Only we couldn’t bring you around.”

“How . . . long . . . ?”

“All day and half the night,” Connor said. “Do you remember what happened? I just figured you overloaded your brain trying to make contact with Eden. Is that what it was?”

“Did you speak with our sister?” asked Rathina.

“Yes. Well, no. Not with Eden—with Sancha.” Clarity began to return to Tania’s mind like clouds clearing from a summer sky. “I know the way to Caiseal an Fenodree!” she said. “I can take us there!” She tried to get up, but her legs wouldn’t support her.

“Rest yourself now, Tania,” said Rathina. “You have tried your strength to its limits. The night is already half done. Let us see what the dawn brings.”

She stretched out her hand over Tania’s forehead, moving it down to cover her eyes. Tania lay back in the grass and was swallowed by darkness.

Galleon clouds sailed high across the blue sky, huge and stately, shining like silk as they passed in convoy across the sun. The wind was fresh and clean from the north, and Alba lay open before them, a land of forested hills and heathered glens and wide, flower-scented meadows.

Tania had awoken at dawn, stronger and refreshed by her long sleep. The pain and the weakness were gone—perhaps only temporarily—but the relief filled her with hope and purpose.

And she knew the way to the white palace in the lake—the palace where her Faerie Mother had been born and raised.

Tania had been concerned at first over the time wasted while she was unconscious. Plenty of time for Lord Balor’s hunters to track them down, but whether by luck or some greater design, they saw no sign of pursuit as they climbed into the saddles and rode out of the ravine.

They avoided farmlands and any sign of human habitation, keeping to the open land, moving steadily northward.

Rathina was clearly intrigued by the land they were traveling through. “’Tis strangely like Faerie,” she murmured, “and yet the air has a different scent and the colors are mayhap a little less rich. Curious, indeed.”

It was late afternoon now, and the sun was standing on the western horizon. They had been traveling through dense forest and the trees seemed to have no end. The sun threw blinding arrows of slanting light through the branches, so that the forest was alternately filled with deep shadow and a glaring radiance.

“Are you sure this is right?” Connor asked, peering into the green gloom ahead of them. “This looks like it could go on forever. Wouldn’t it make more sense to head west after all?”

“The palace is this way,” Tania said. “You have to trust me, Connor.”

“But what if Sancha was just a hallucination?”

Tania frowned at him. “You think I can’t tell the difference?”

“I don’t know—can you?”

Rathina came trotting to catch up to them. Her face was anxious as she drew level.

“Problem?” asked Tania.

“A feeling,” said Rathina. “Some danger. Near to us but . . .” She paused, her eyes narrowing. “But . . . veiled,” she finished. “I do not understand it, but we should be wary.”

“Is it Balor, do you think?” asked Tania. “Might he have picked up our trail?”

“Possibly,” said Rathina. “How far to Caiseal an Fenodree, do you think?”

“I’m not sure.”

“This is crazy!” Connor said under his breath.

“Dark evening, day is ending
Through the night our path is wending
As we softly tread the gloaming way
O harbinger of twilight dusk
Share your evensong with us . . . ”

Rathina’s voice was like a gentle wind through the leaves, singing to herself as they rode on under the trees in the last failing light of day.

Tania was beginning to have doubts. Surely they should have come to the palace by now? And she was strongly aware of Connor riding at her side: He wasn’t saying anything, but she could feel his disapproval.

Maybe he was right. Maybe this was a waste of time.

“Do you feel anything?” Tania called back to Rathina.

“It rises and fades,” Rathina replied. “At times chilling me to the bone—at others nothing but hints and rumors. But there is
, of that I am sure.”

“What’s that?” Connor was leaning forward in the saddle, staring through the trees.

Tania followed the line of his gaze. Yes—there was something, a glittering in the distance—as though scatterings of Faerie stars had fallen to Earth and were shining like diamonds.

They emerged from the trees and found themselves gazing out across a wide dark lake stippled with points of light.

“We were seeing the stars reflected in the water!” said Connor breathlessly.

Maybe three hundred yards away, out in the middle of the night-black, star-flecked lake, there lay on the water a ball of pure white mist.

“This is it,” Tania said in relief. “We’ve found it!”

“Great,” Connor said dispassionately. “What’s the plan? Yell for a boat or swim across?”

“I would not advocate overmuch shouting,” said Rathina, turning in her saddle and staring back the way they had come. “Danger presses hard upon us. There is a cruel claw in my mind’s eye, and it reaches toward us. Tania, we dare not remain here long!”

Tania gazed out over the lake, remembering her mother’s advice.
Use these words to ensure that you are greeted as friends. Speak the words ‘caraid clainne.’ Remember them, Tania . . .

“Tania!” Rathina’s voice was an urgent hiss. “The danger is upon us!” Tania stood up in the stirrups and called out softly.

“Caraid clainne!”

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