Read The E Utopia Project Online

Authors: Kudakwashe Muzira

Tags: #BluA

The E Utopia Project (15 page)

BOOK: The E Utopia Project
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“You can call me Kazimir.” This
time the young midget did not leave the lobby. He was under orders to listen to
the verbal exchange between Sara and the two UN officials.”

“Welcome, gentlemen,” Sara

“I’ve watched you many times
on TV,” Woodgate said with a winsome smile, extending a hand toward Sara. “It’s
a pleasure to finally meet you, Doctor Cummings.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you
too,” Sara said, shaking Woodgate’s hand.

Pires took Sara’s hand as
soon as Woodgate let it go. “How are you, Doctor Cummings?”

“I’m fine and you?”

“Fine too.”

“I’m James Woodgate, Under
Secretary-General for Safety and Security and this is my colleague, Didier
Pires, Assistant Secretary-General for Safety and Security. As you might have
guessed, we’re here in connection with the attempt on your life. Doctor
Cummings, the United Nations takes seriously the safety of its staff members. I
want to assure you that we shall do everything humanly possible to uncover the
truth. We want to ask you a few questions.”

“You’re free to ask

“We watched your press
conference on TV,” Didier Pires said. “Do you suspect that NASA, ESA and some
commercial satellite imagery companies are involved in the plot to assassinate

“Yes. I’ve good reason to
believe that some people connected to the two space agencies and six companies tried
to kill me. Something happened over the Indian Ocean and some people at NASA,
ESA and the six companies didn’t want the world to find out what happened. It
cannot be a coincidence that soon after I made this discovery, a hit man was
dispatched after me.”

“What do you think happened
in the skies above the Indian Ocean?” Woodgate asked.

“Sorry,” Sara said with an
apologetic smile. “I forgot to ask you to sit down. Please sit down,

“Thank you,” the two UN
security chiefs chorused before they sat opposite Sara.

“I also forgot to introduce
my boyfriend George,” Sara said. “I’m alive today because of him.”

“How are you, sir?” Woodgate

“How are you, sir?” Pires

“I’m fine,” George said.

“Your last question was...?”
Sara asked.

“What do you think happened
in the skies above the Indian Ocean?”

“I’m not sure, Mr. Woodgate,
but I believe that whatever happened on Wednesday happens frequently. I also
believe that this clandestine operation is somehow linked to El Monstruo.”

“Your deputy, Professor Wong,
thinks you’re suffering from some kind of nervous breakdown caused by work
pressure,” Pires said.

“Wong is entitled to his own
opinion, but I know what I saw.”

“Who did you tell about your
discovery?” Woodgate asked.

“Wong and my PA, Nzue.”

“Did it ever cross your mind
that one of them or both of them could have sold you out?” Woodgate said.


“Which one do you suspect?”

“I equally suspect them.”

“Can you describe to us the
incident in which you almost lost your life?” Pires asked.

Sara related the attempt on
her life.

“How did the gunman look?”

“I didn’t see him but George

“Sir, can you tell us how the
gunman looked?”

“I only saw a glimpse of him.
Everything happened so fast.”

“Was he Caucasian, black or
Asian?” Woodgate asked.

“Caucasian I think.”

“Doctor Cummings, you and
your boyfriend had been separated for how long?” Woodgate asked.

“Three years.”

“When was the last time you
saw George before the incident, Doctor Cummings?”

“More than two years ago.”

“Don’t you find it odd that
on the day that you bumped into him, someone fires a gun at you and George
saves you?”


“Did it ever cross your mind
that maybe George stage-managed the whole thing to play the hero and win you
back?” Woodgate asked.

“I don’t believe this!”
George exclaimed with rage. “Are you suggesting that I hired a gunman and had
him whizz bullets over our heads just to impress Sara? Are you accusing me of
endangering Sara’s life?”

“Doctor Cummings, you haven’t
answered the question,” Pires said.

Sara’s lips twitched. “No, it
never crossed my mind,” she lied, realizing she would lose George forever if
she confessed to suspecting him of stage-managing the shooting incident.
“George saved my life. How dare you accuse him of such a thing?”

“Please forgive us, Doctor
Cummings,” Pires said. “I’m sorry, sir. We were just trying to look at the case
from a different angle, that’s all.”

“Doctor Cummings, you don’t have
to stay in the embassy,” Woodgate said. “We have arranged police protection for
your colleagues and we can do the same for you.”

“I will only go out when I
feel safe. What if my enemies control the police?”

“What makes you think they
control the police?” Pires asked.

“They apparently have influence
over a federal agency like NASA. If they have so much influence over a federal space
agency, it’s very possible that they have influence over the police and the

“I get your point,” Woodgate
said. “We’re going to thoroughly investigate the matter. We’ll leave no stone
unturned in pursuit of the truth.”

The two men departed after
giving Sara their cards.

Sara and George wished the
ambassador would come and show them where they would stay during Sara’s asylum.
She felt a deep need for a bath and George was sleepy after spending the night

The Russian ambassador answered
their prayers twelve minutes later. He entered the lobby, smiling, clearly
enjoying his role in one of the greatest embarrassments to the US government in
years. “Forgive me for the delay,” he said. “Let me take you to my residence
where you shall stay during your asylum.”

“Thank you, Your Excellence,”
Sara said. “I’m dying to have a shower.”

Sara and George thought the
ambassador’s residence was located in the embassy complex and they were
disappointed when they were ushered into one of four limousines parked outside
the embassy’s ceremonial building. The ambassador and his bodyguards got into a
different limousine and all four limousines left in a motorcade.

Although she knew that the
windows of the limousines were bulletproof, Sara couldn’t help being apprehensive. 
The minutes it took the limousines’ electric motors to power the motorcade from
the embassy to the ambassador’s residence seemed like hours to Sara.

She heaved a heavy sigh of
relief when the motorcade passed through the gate in front of the ambassador’s
residence, a beautiful mansion that was considered the most expensive building
in Washington when it was built in 1910. The Tsarist government bought the
house in 1913 and it served as the embassy of the Russian Imperial Government
up to 1917 when the Tsar was overthrown in the Russian Revolution. The house
became the embassy of the Soviet Union in 1933 when the Soviet Union
established diplomatic relations with the US. After the collapse of the Soviet
Union, the house served as the embassy of Russia up to 1994 when the Russians
opened a new embassy building.

Men from Russia’s
Foreign Intelligence Service opened the doors of the limousine for
George, Sara and Snoopy.

The ambassador
ordered one of his men to find someone to take care of Sara’s dog. The man took
Snoopy’s leash from Sara and led the reluctant dog to the servant’s quarters.

“Don’t worry,
Doctor Cummings,” the ambassador assured. “Your dog will be in good hands.”

“Thank you
very much for everything you’re doing for us, Your Excellence.”

“Let me show
you to your room, lady and gentleman,” the ambassador said before he led Sara
and George into the richly furnished mansion.

The “room”
turned out to be a two-bedroomed apartment.

“My daughter
stays here when she visits,” Yuri Salenko said. “But she’s never visited since
she got married last year. It’s good to put the room to some use. On behalf of
the Russian Federation, I say to you feel at home.”

“Thank you,
Your Excellence.”

The Russian
diplomat pointed at a bell that was on the wall. “If you need anything, ring
the bell and a servant will quickly attend to you. We will serve you meals but
there is a kitchen if you want to cook for yourselves. If you want to cook for
yourselves, let us know and we will provide the ingredients.”

“Thank you
very much, Your Excellence. My boyfriend is a great cook but for today, we’ll have
ready meals.”

“Do you have
any special preferences?”

“As for me,
I’ll have whatever you’ll have ambassador as long as it’s healthy and low in cholesterol.”

“And you,
sir?” the ambassador asked George.

“I will have
whatever she has.”

“Okay then. I
should let you rest. You went through a difficult ordeal and you must be

“Thank you,
Your Excellence,” Sara and George chorused.

Sara went into
the bathroom as soon as the ambassador and his men left. George went into one
of the bedrooms, thinking he would quickly fall asleep but that was far from
the truth. Thoughts about Sara’s naked body glistening with moisture in the
bathroom kept him awake.

All sleep left
his eyes when she entered the room, wrapped in a towel. The two moved toward
each other as if they were on autopilot and when they came to their senses they
were glued to each other. She was naked, her towel lying in a bundle on the

His mouth
never leaving hers, George’s hands traced the curves of her hips before finding
the gluteal softness of her posterior. She put her hands around his waist and
pulled him tight, feeling the growing bulge in his groin pressing against her. After
a minute, she impatiently pulled up his T-shirt longing to feel his naked body
pressed against hers. He undressed with her help and they looked at each other
for seconds. His eyes moved up and down her body but her eyes remained stuck on
his erectile member.

He grunted
when she grabbed the erectile member and squeezed it. It was an impressive
member that she couldn’t cover with both hands. Knowing how much he loved oral
sex, she dropped to her knees. He closed his eyes anticipating the warmth and
wetness of her mouth on his member. The member felt salty in her mouth but
after seconds all the saltiness was gone. She concentrated on the tip of his
member. He grunted, holding her head with both hands, guiding her as she
pleasured him.

“Please stop,”
he said when he felt a tiny cramp in his left thigh. The cramp always came just
before he released his juices. He normally lasted much longer but he had missed
her so much that the feeling of her mouth on his member was too much. He pushed
her head away from her, knowing he would come if she continued pleasuring her.  He
tightened his pelvic floor muscles with all his might, fighting the torrent
that wanted to gush up his urethra. He sighed with relief when the pressure
subsided after a few seconds.

He carried her
to the bed and moved his lips from her lips, to her breasts, where they
lingered for a couple of minutes before they moved down to her belly and
finally to her other lips. She moaned when his tongue found her pleasure
button. He gave her the oral job for more than five minutes, giving himself
time to recover from the premature orgasm that he had thwarted. As his tongue ran
circles around her pleasure button, she cupped her breasts in her hands and
squeezed them. It took a lot of restraint for her to avoid strangling him with
her legs. She felt as if she was going up on a
. Muscles contracted inside
her. Her whole body felt like it was tingling and she felt breathless as if she
was sprinting. She shrieked when she felt herself moving down the rollercoaster
at increasing speed. It normally took her at least half an hour to reach the
big O but today it was different. It was a long time since she felt him on her
body and her need for him amplified the sexual stimuli.

She moaned
with pain when he finally drove his erectile member inside her. She always felt
oversensitive after orgasm. Waves of bitter-sweet pain reverberated from her channel
as he rocked inside her. But the pain seamlessly merged into pleasure after few
seconds. Each thrust lifted her up the pleasure scale, as if he was pumping a
jack. Her moans of pleasure gave him back his confidence and he pounded her in
earnest. They came almost at the same time.

George quickly
fell asleep, wrapping her in his arms. Sara fell asleep forty-five minutes

BOOK: The E Utopia Project
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