Read The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1) Online

Authors: Elle Raven,Aimie Jennison

The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1)

BOOK: The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1)
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Stud Mafia Series #1







Copyright © 2014 Elle Raven and Aimie Jennison

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Elle Raven is in no way affiliated with any brands, songs, musicians or artists mentioned in this book.

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

Cover design by: Margreet Asselbergs of
Rebel Edit and Design

Edited by: Becky Johnson of
Hot Tree Editing

Formatted by: Max Henry of
Max Effect




This book is intended for mature audiences (18+).

It is a work of fiction and contains material readers may find offensive. There is very disturbing content, graphic sex, violence, religious beliefs and strong language, but does end with a HEA.




The Don: Sebastiano

SLASH - Godfather Theme

Elvis Presley - Amazing Grace

ACDC - Highway To Hell

Rolling Stones - I Can’t Get No Satisfaction

Elvis Presley - Can’t Help Falling In Love

Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines

Katy Perry - Unconditionally ft Brittany Spears - Scream & Shout

Flo Rida - Good Feeling

Andrea Bocelli - Ave Maria

The Tennessee Gospel Society - Glory, Glory Halleluja

Christina Aguilera - Fighter

ACDC - You Shook Me All Night

Bon Jovi - Hallelujah

Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion - The Prayer
Link to the Spotify list HERE!



To those of you who have ever believed in becoming a Princess, a Mafia Princess.

This is for you.



Thank you to all our Author Friends, Bloggers, Facebook Friends, Reviewers, Beta Reading Team and Editors. You all are phenomenal, and we wish we could name you all, but we want you to know that we appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.

A huge shout out to Elle’s Pimpette Team, Aimie’s Pack and Elle’s Ravens… you ladies are wonderful and inspire us daily. You seriously ROCK! Thank you.

Lastly we would like to thank our families. For trying to understand why we are missing in action all the time. Without you guys none of this would be possible. We know it hasn’t been easy on you all but we love you and thank you for all of your support, love, and encouragement.


Elle and Aimie



The Don: Sebastiano #1

(Stud Mafia series)

Power. Greed. Revenge. Submission.

Sierra Winters never planned on falling for the most powerful man in Sydney.

One minute, she’s an everyday twenty-eight-year-old, working class office girl. The next, she’s being blackmailed by Sebastiano Morassi, Sydney’s influential crime family boss, to settle her brother’s debts.

Sierra knows she should never have gone to him to ‘save’ her brother but she is captivated by him. His monstrous size, his malicious evil glare and more frightening is the scar, which marks his left cheek. Never has she met or seen anyone like him. The more time she spends with this frightening yet captivating man, the harder it becomes to want to escape.

Sebastiano Morassi is pure danger. So why does she crave him? He can make her tremble with fear and make her hairs stand on end, but he also has a sweetness to him, which tugs at her heart. Sierra soon finds herself merged into his world full of murder, revenge, and deceit.




Italian –

= Stop

= Bastard

= Beautiful

= Good evening

= You see, understand

= Second in command

Cara mia
= My dear, my darling

= Hello, Goodbye

= Mentor, advisor

= Christ

= God

= Family

= Jesus

Gesù Cristo
= Jesus Christ

= Thanks or thank you

il lavoro è fatto =
The job has been done

il rispetto è tutto =
Respect is everything

Lasciami andare =
Let me go

= Evil eye

mi capisci
= You understand me

Non posso credere che ama quella puttana =
I can’t believe he loves that whore

= Godfather

per favore
= Please

= Perfect

= Princess

= Whore, Prostitute

Rum buba
= (Italian sweet)

= Cheers

= Quiet, Be Quiet

= Miss

= Witch

= Shit, Bastard

Ti amo
= I love you

= Slut, whore

Un momento
= One moment

Va fanculo
= Go fuck yourself

Vienni qui
= Come here or get over here

= Uncle




What Aussie slang?

As we are both Aussie, the way we speak sounds normal to us. However, some of our non-Aussie beta readers questioned these few phrases. We apologise if there are other words or phrases you do not understand. Please feel free to contact us via our author pages or email.

Giving me the shits
= pissing me off

Beat the living shit out of
= beat the crap out of

= customers or patrons




Messina, Sicily - Italy 1985

1 John 1:9

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just

and will forgive us our sins and purify us

from all unrighteousness.”


“Sebastiano, vienni qui! Get over here and sit with me now!” My father translated, in case I didn’t understand. “Don’t be such a wuss by sitting with the women.”

He made me move and sit beside him, along the front row of the church pews. This meant moving away from the comfort of my mother and grandmother. But I didn’t dare argue or question my father.

I love my father, but my mother is my world. I will do anything to protect her. Anything. My father is a very powerful man. He is Don Giovanni, the gran Mafioso and the Mafia Kingpin of Sydney, Australia. He is the most-feared man in the country. He is what some people would describe as a monster.

He kills people.

He has people kill people.

I know this because…I’ve watched. I’ve participated.

We are vacationing in Sicily, visiting the family for the summer. Well, that’s what my father says we are doing here. I am the only child of Don Giovanni and I have seen a lot in my sixteen years, but I’m sure my mother has seen a lot more.

Being Italian and having been baptised Catholic, we attend church every Sunday. I love my church. It is my sanctuary.

A place where I can find peace. A place where I can forget.

Forget all the violent and treacherous ways of the mafia.

I love everything about the church; the smell, the appearance, the history, the traditions and most importantly, God. My mother, God bless her, believes I’ll grow up to be a priest one day.

I doubt it.

Unbeknownst to my mother, I lost my virginity at thirteen to a whore my father paid for. I fucking loved it. I’m sixteen and I crave sex. Every day. Not just vanilla sex either, but hot, rough and raw kinky sex which only a whore can satisfy.

As the only son of Don Giovanni, he wants me to take his place. My father believes I have the makings of a ruthless Don. After the first human life on my conscience, I vowed I would never kill again. My face has been scarred forever by that night. The night my father made me kill for the very first time.

I know people must whisper about the scar, which runs from my left eyebrow down to my left cheek. How did he get that scar? He deserves it.

Yes, I probably do deserve it, but it’s who I am. I can’t change the fact I’ve been a mafia child all my life. I can only pray. Pray for forgiveness of my sins and live in hope that the memory of my sins will keep me on the straight and narrow.

I doubt it.


I stand here with blood dripping down my hands.

I have become a monster.

I’m sixteen years old, and I have murdered my father.

I run. I walk to my sanctuary, my local church.

I enter.

I pray.

“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.”




Sydney, Australia – Present day


There was nothing better than watching two gorgeous women going for it. It was every man’s fantasy, right?

I leaned back against the expensively-decorated, leather-embossed headboard of the hotel room and took a long swig of my Johnny Walker, Blue Label Scotch. Clutching the rosary beads around my neck, I settled in for the show.

The naked blonde with the huge tits was balanced on her knees, head thrown back as the naked brunette, with an equally-impressive set of well-endowed breasts, feasted noisily on her nipples. Fuck knew what their names were. I didn’t give a flying fuck. In my position as The Don, the head of the biggest crime family in Sydney, - I didn’t
to know names. It wasn’t like I was ever going to see them again.

Everyone knew that I, Sebastiano Morassi, used women for my own pleasure. I didn’t do relationships.

Never had. Never would.

The only women I’d ever been with have been whores. No other woman could satisfy me. As a kinky fucker, any conventional or
woman just wouldn’t cut it. These bitches would do anything to have sex with me.

This I learnt from experience – my ex-wife, Teresa. That bitch was a piece of work; she still was. The only reason she was still alive was because she was the mother of my only child. She deceived me and tricked me. If she wasn’t carrying my daughter at the time, I would have put that
to the ground.

Since that
, I was very wary of who I fucked. I didn’t need or want any whore becoming attached to me again. That was exactly what Teresa wanted and still wanted.

No woman would trap me ever again. I had to marry that slut to give my daughter my name. It was the right thing to do. The Catholic thing to do.

Anytime I wanted or needed sex, I got it on tap. Women knew the drill. So when these two bitches offered me a show after a long, hard day, I accepted. Who would refuse live porn? The buxom blonde—Lacey or Lily, whatever the hell her name was—grabbed the brunette’s by the hair, trying to force the younger girl to take more of her nipple into her mouth. Then the brunette—Christina or Clarissa?—smacked her on her arse.

“Christina,” the petite blonde whimpered, “that hurt.”

BOOK: The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1)
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