Read The Dom With a Safeword Online

Authors: Cari Silverwood,Leia Shaw,Sorcha Black

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

The Dom With a Safeword (9 page)

BOOK: The Dom With a Safeword
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“Yes, Sabrina. I promise.”

Sabrina’s brow creased. “And how is it going to work with Jude. Do you really think you can share him with me without getting jealous?”

Q tried hard not to grin like an idiot. “I don’t think I’d mind sharing anything with you. You aren’t going to use him all up and not leave any for me, are you?”

“No!” She laughed. “I don’t even like sex that much. It’s awkward and messy and embarrassing. Don’t be surprised if this doesn’t work for me. Okay?”

“Okay. But we’ll work on fixing that.” Q hugged her. She still couldn’t understand how it was possible for anyone to not like sex. Though the thought was awful, what if Sabrina was right? Maybe she wouldn’t like it no matter what they did. She’d try her damnedest “Will you mind sharing Jude with me?”

“No. I’m a little jealous about sharing you with Jude, though. But it will be better with him there, I think. It would take the responsibility off of me. I don’t know if I could... uh... do things... uh... to you.” She blushed and looked away.

“Don’t worry about that. I can fix that myself if it’s not something you want to do. We should come up with a list of things that we will and won’t do, so that Jude will know ahead of time.” Even the thought of making the list was turning her on. How was she going to get things done at work with her mind in her pants all summer? “Do you want to do more things like we did at his house with the cuffs?”

“That would be... interesting.” Sabrina’s blush deepened and she fumbled with her hands.

Q’s eyes were drawn to Sabrina’s bare legs. Her boxers had bunched up, making her legs look impossibly long. She forced away the thought of them wrapped around her head, her mouth making Sabrina cry out in pleasure.

“Yes, I thought you enjoyed that.” Q smiled widely and ran her fingers up Sabrina’s arm.

She shivered. “I didn’t know you knew so much about those kinds of things. Did you learn it all online, or have you done this before?”

“It was something
was really into. He got me into it then left me for Isabelle because she was more serious about it than I was.” Somehow that thought wasn’t painful at that moment.

Sabrina’s eyes were round. “Really? Did he hit you with whips, like in movies?”

“Not quite the same as you see in movies, no. He did use a flogger and a crop on me. But he was more interested in service. He trained me to do certain sexual things on command, plus take care of his things, cook for him, clean... that sort of thing. He wanted me to stay home and serve him 24/7, but I didn’t want to give up my career. He didn’t want me to have friends or much contact with my family, for that matter.” Q downed the rest of her glassful of wine and poured Sabrina another. The room was getting fuzzy.

Sabrina grimaced then, seeming to come to some conclusion. She looked straight into Q’s eyes. “I’m not going to be some sort of nineteen-fifties housewife for Jude for the summer. No way in hell. I’m not signing up for that. This is about sex, not him controlling my life.”

Q nodded, starting to feel relaxed because of the wine. “He doesn’t want that anyway, little girl. He just wants a chance with you, like I do. But he has to leave and I don’t. Poor bastard. Oh, and he wants to do that séance at his house on Friday, if we can make it.”

Sabrina squeaked and jumped on Q, straddling her legs and hugging her hard. “On Friday? But it’s already Tuesday! I have to start getting things ready.” She tried to get up again but Q held her in place.

“Where are you going, beautiful? I like you right here.” Q held her by the hips and stared up into Sabrina’s eyes. The feel of her body in her hands made Q squirm and warmth suffused her groin.

Sabrina sucked in a breath but rubbed herself against Q’s jeans. The wine had apparently made off with some of her inhibitions.

“What do you want, girly?” Q’s voice was thick with lust and the effects of the alcohol.

Her girl whined and wriggled on her lap, rocking her boxer-clad hips against Q.

Q slid her hands around to Sabrina’s ass and squeezed, controlling her movements. “Kiss me or I’ll leave you frustrated.”

Sabrina’s eyes widened. “I don’t really know how to kiss. I’m terrible at it. I can let you kiss me, but I don’t know how to do it right.”

“Well now’s the time to learn then. Put your lips on mine.”

“No! You’re going to make fun of me.” Sabrina turned her head to the side and crossed her arms under her breasts, presenting them unintentionally to Q.

She leaned in and latched onto one of Sabrina’s hardened nipples, nibbling on it through her t-shirt. Sabrina squealed. Q continued nipping and sucking until Sabrina ground her groin again
st her, lost in the sensations.

Sabrina grabbed her by the shoulders. “No more,” she gasped.

The words hit home. She stopped immediately, despite the wine’s effects on her better judgment.

Sabrina made a sound of frustration. “Why’d you stop?” she glared down at Q, looking about as scary as a grouchy kitten. It made Q want to kiss her silly.

“You told me to. Are you the kind of girl that says stop when you don’t mean to?” Q asked, grinning up at her.

“I don’t know!” Sabrina grumped.

Q wished she could spank her – just for fun. But it was too soon. “Then I guess we’d better talk about
. And we’re also going to save this game for when we’re a lot more sober.”

Chapter 6


“Have you seen Jude’s online chat picture?” Q asked, her gaze locked on the computer screen. So that’s what she’d been up to. Chatting with Jude? Well, that
explained the random giggling.

Sabrina shifted uncomfortably on the couch, for the millionth time since having started one of Q’s kinky sex books.

“Uh-uh,” she managed to choke out. Her face must’ve flamed bright red. It was amazing Q hadn’t teased her yet. But she did catch quite a few amused smirks when Q snuck in peeks from the desk across the room.

Had Sabrina been hiding under a rock for most of her life? No, just in church. She couldn’t believe some of the stuff authors wrote in these books. Graphic words and scenarios she’d never dreamed of. Whips and chains didn’t often cross her mind, but that wasn’t the majority of the book’s content. Soft, silky ropes, leather-lined cuffs like she’d seen in Jude’s closet, gentle dominance – not the laughing sadists whipping girls until they cried like she’d seen on crime TV shows. It was all so…fucking erotic. She squirmed again, embarrassed of the dampening in her pants. At this moment, the heroine was being brought to orgasm with a crop on her…la
dy parts.

“Sabrina?” Q’s voice pulled her from the riveting scene.

She jerked her head up to meet Q’s amused gaze. “

“I said, how do you like the book?”

So hot that if the seam of my jeans rubs up against my clit one more time I might orgasm right here on the couch.

Q nodded, looking like she might burst into laughter any moment. Sabrina glared. Bitch. Sexy bitch, but still evil. When she turned back to the computer, Sabrina watched her. She had the brightest blue eyes she’d ever seen. An exotic contrast to her dark hair and olive skin. Her full pouty lips made Sabrina think of the feel of them between her teeth. Damn sexy. And that was saying a lot for a straight girl.

She still didn’t know what on earth had compelled her to agree to a summer fling with her best friend and some random – and granted hot – stranger who had a closet full of torture devices. For now, she’d blame the wine. And Q, of course.

She sighed. No. This mess was her own damned fault. She’d gotten Q drunk because she’d wanted to see how far she could push her – if she could get Q to act on her desires. It had backfired. Not only had she been left frustrated, but now she was stuck being bi! For a few months anyway. That’s what she got for tugging on the lion’s tail.

Q pushed away from the computer and looked at Sabrina. “I’m hopping in the shower.”

If she kept reading this book, she’d need one herself. A cold one. She did her best to smile nonchalantly. “Okay.”

Q disappeared down the hallway. Back in Constant Screwing Land, the heroine was having twenty screaming orgasms in a row. Sabrina threw down the book and went to check her email instead.

Just as she logged into Gmail, a ding signaled an online chat message. She clicked on the blinking window minimized on the bottom of the screen. Jude’s handsome face greeted her.

“He does have a hot profile
,” she murmured to herself.

She almost clicked the logout button then stopped short when she saw her name in a few messages. They’d been talking about her? She scrolled up the screen.



Sabrina agreed to experiment for the summer.


That was fast.


We were both pretty hammered when we talked.


Funny. But you better double check to make sure she agrees sober too.


She does. I’ve already mentioned it here and there. She seems nervous but I can tell she’s interested.


What kinds of things does she like?


I don’t know. We’ve never talked about kink before.


I’d like you to find out before we go any further.


Is that a command, oh


If you need it to be. *evil Dom eye*


Oh no! Your evil Dom eye has me so
intimidated I can barely type.


. Brat.


You’re surprised?


Not in the least. Just preparing myself. Is Sabrina a brat too?


Yes, but in a different way. She's easier to intimidate. Me, you'll have to beat. Her, the Dom eye may suffice. You man enough to handle both of us?


I eat brats like you for breakfast.


Is that a promise?


Depends on your behavior. What time are you coming over?


I have a photo shoot in the morning. Is 3pm okay?


That’s fine. Google BDSM checklist. I want you to fill one out with Sabrina.


Homework, oh


Yes. It’ll make things smoother. Trust me. And Q…




One of these days I’ll have you calling me Sir while you beg me to come.


We’ll see. Bye, Jude. See you Friday.


Bye, brat.


Sabrina inhaled a deep breath. Wow. As if her nerves weren’t frayed enough just dealing with Q’s advances. Now Jude wanted to eat her for breakfast. She gulped but her clit warmed at the idea. She needed more information. Keeping a keen ear out for the sound of the shower, she typed a message to Jude.



Are you still there?




Where to start. She thought for a moment, then typed again.



I meant to ask you…what do you like?


Hmm. Strawberry ice cream. A nice cold beer. Long walks on the beach ;)


Smart ass. She smiled.



That’s not what I meant and you know it.


I have a wide range of interests but I stay away from extremes.


Extremes? Like what?


Inflicting severe pain. Blood and knife play. I have no love for costumes either.
. Except for
sexy outfits on obedient subs.


She chuckled
picturing Jude wearing cowboy chaps and wielding a whip. But blood and knife play? There was nothing funny about that. Hesitantly, she typed another message.



Have you tied up girls before?




And they’ve never been injured or anything?


Flashes of limp limbs from lack of circulation needing amputation crossed her mind. She grimaced and fought not to call the whole thing off. Jude took longer to answer this time.



BOOK: The Dom With a Safeword
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