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Authors: A.M. Madden

The Devil's Lair

BOOK: The Devil's Lair
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Book 4.5 of The Back-Up Series


A.M. Madden



The Devil’s Lair

A.M. Madden

Published by A.M. Madden

Copyright ©2014 A.M. Madden

First Edition, ebook-published 2014


Cover Design by Lindee Robinson Photography.

Interior Design by: Brenda Wright


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A.M. Madden

[email protected]

Twitter: @ammadden1

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To my three kings, you rule my world.




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen



Follow A.M. Madden


Nobody gets to live life backwards. Look ahead, that is where your future lies.



Every day is a gift, that’s why it’s called the Present.



Life experience is what defines our character, even if it means getting your heart broken or being lied to. You know, you need the downs to appreciate the ups. Going on the adventure or taking that risk is important.




If you had said to me a few years ago that I would find and marry the love of my life, have a few kids, and watch as every band mate found and married the love of their life, I would have called bullshit. No way in fucking hell did the Jack Lair of a few years ago think any of this would have happened to any of us. Why would I think it? Speaking for myself, I wasn’t looking for it. I was living the fucking life. We all were. We were having the time of our lives. Our vision was limited, of course. We only knew what instant gratification felt like. We were twenty-somethings with a line of vision that extended to the end of our cocks. I stole that line from my wife’s friend, Lori, but it’s true.

Show me one good-looking rock star on the rise that doesn’t act that way.

What happened to the members of Devil’s Lair was an onslaught of mind-blowing events that none of us could have ever predicted. Fuck, Trey Taylor is married. If that isn’t mind-blowing, I don’t know what the fuck is.

Such is life, right? To always expect the unexpected, embrace change, and grow as a person?

I can honestly say grow is what we all did. We grew up. Sure, we still fuck around like a bunch of teenagers when the environment calls for it. For instance, when we are hanging out backstage after a show, coming off the high we always feel after performing. Gone are the random, meaningless hookups. Gone are the groping, touchy-feely groupies who would spread their legs for a smile. In their place are our wives, our friends, and our crew.

And I can honestly say we laugh harder. We don’t miss the debauchery we all participated in. We’re all fucking happy and most importantly thankful.

Leila and I thank God every damn day for what we have. We have plenty of money. We’re young. We are blessed with a huge support system of friends and family who would kill for us. We have two little perfect people that take my breath away on a daily basis. I suddenly have a lot to lose and don’t take one second of it for granted. It’s easy to get lost in it all. The fame, the money, the cars, and the homes make it all extremely surreal. Leila keeps me grounded. She is always giving back, generous to a fault. Obviously she ensures that her dad, her stepmother, her brother, and my family all have whatever they need. More importantly, she gives to strangers in need, children’s charities, art programs for schools…the list goes on and on.

She’s remarkable.

The more time we are together, the more she stuns me with her beauty, her kindness, and her ability to love completely and honestly. She makes me a much better person. It’s all her. She’ll argue that fact, going as far as telling me that I am the reason she is who she is. Prior to me, she was much more introverted, much shier. This Leila lives hard, loves even harder, and enjoys every minute that’s given to her. She says we make a great team. It’s the combination that makes a perfect mix. I’ll give her that. We do make a great team, two pieces, two halves, and two sides of a golden coin.

BOOK: The Devil's Lair
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