The Deviant Underground (Time Bandit) (6 page)

Read The Deviant Underground (Time Bandit) Online

Authors: Elisabeth Roseland

Tags: #Superhero Romance

BOOK: The Deviant Underground (Time Bandit)
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“Bedroom,” she whispered. Sam stopped kissing her long enough to allow himself to be led down the hall. Once in the bedroom, it was an undressing free-for-all. Shoes were discarded, shirts were thrown across the room, and pants were slipped off. Kathryn quickly removed her unhooked bra and her panties and threw back the covers on the bed. When she turned back around to look at Sam, he was in the process of removing his dark blue boxer briefs. As they dropped to the floor, Kathryn smiled.
Yes. Perfect

A slow, sensuous grin spread across Sam's face as he slipped his large frame into the bed and pulled Kathryn to him. Having Sam naked next to her was the manifestation of a week’s worth of fantasies. His presence, his smell, his touch, his voice were all so intoxicating. Sam slowly kissed Kathryn’s neck and worked his way down to her breasts, licking each nipple with such deliberate passion that Kathryn though she was going to orgasm right then. As the kisses continued, his slipped his fingers inside her, causing her to gasp with the unexpectedness of his lovemaking. Suddenly, he stopped. “Wait,” he said. “I have to get the condoms.”

“Hold on a minute.” Kathryn grabbed him as he attempted to get up. “It’s okay. See this?” She held up her arm and pointed to a small cylinder shape just below the surface. “Birth control implant, good for three more years. I get regular check-ups, and I have a clean bill of health. You?”

Sam grinned from ear to ear as he realized what Kathryn was saying. “Same. Healthy as a horse. That’s okay with you?”

“Oh, yes.” Kathryn reached down to reactivate his erection.

Sam’s eyes rolled back up into his head. “Okay, me too,” he grunted.

Sam was gentle. He had complete and total control over his body, and he slowly eased himself inside of her. Kathryn’s body relaxed, released, and gave itself over to him. His rhythm was slow and smooth, taking her breath away with every thrust. It was then, however, that something deliciously strange happened.

The sensation started in her torso, and then slowly radiated out simultaneously to the tips of her toes and the top of her head. It was warm and tingly and incredibly sensual. Kathryn felt the hair on the top of her head beginning to stand up. It was a sensation she had never felt before. The closest she had ever come was the time her parents took her to the electricity exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry when she was a kid. They had one of those electric balls that if touched, made a person's hair stand on end. This sensation, however, was far more intense and incredibly erotic. All of a sudden, her body exploded with the force of her own orgasm. It was so powerful that it caught her by surprise. She couldn’t breathe, and intense waves of pleasure flowed over her body. Just when she began to be able to breathe again, Sam’s body shook with his own orgasm.

When they were both done, he rolled over next to her. Kathryn lay there staring at the ceiling, unable to move. Her vibrator-induced fantasies couldn’t even touch the reality of what had just happened. She couldn’t speak. Apparently, neither could he. For what felt like several minutes, they just lay there gasping for air, and Kathryn waited for the feeling to return to her body.

Sam spoke first. “Are you okay?”

She just nodded but then realized that he couldn’t see the gesture. “Uh-huh. You?”

“Yeah. I think so.” She heard him trying to get control of his lungs.

“Shit. That was incredible.”

Sam laughed weakly. “Good, I’m glad you thought so too. I didn’t want to be the only one.” He rolled over and wrapped his arms around her. “I’ve been wanting to do that ever since you first opened the door on Tuesday night,” he whispered.

Kathryn loved the feeling of being nestled next to him. It felt very comforting. Very safe. “Really? God, I felt the same way about you. I seriously wanted to tear your clothes off right there.”

“Well, why didn’t you?” Sam teased.

“Um, maybe because you would think that I was some sort of nympho-freak, and you probably wouldn't have wanted to see me again.”

“Aw, now that’s not true. Besides, there's nothing wrong with nympho-freaks. I don’t discriminate.” He hugged her even closer.

Kathryn laughed quietly. This post-coital comfort was something that she had never experienced before. With Derrick and those before, it was either a “Night, baby” followed by snoring or a “Thanks, I gotta go, baby.” But this was different, and this was nice.

“Hey, did you notice anything unusual? You know . . . during?”

Sam paused. “Like what?”

“I don’t know.” Kathryn struggled to find the words to describe it. “It was like a warm, tingly feeling. Like static electricity.”

Sam was silent, for a long time. In fact, he was quiet for so long that Kathryn began to wonder if he had heard her. She finally asked, “Sam? Did you hear me?”

“Yeah.” He paused again before speaking. “Um, no. I didn’t notice anything.”

“Hmm.” Kathryn shrugged as best she could while engulfed in Sam’s arms. “It was probably nothing.”

Sam remained silent. She listened to his slow, steady breathing. If she concentrated, she could feel his heart as it pounded against her back. The sound of his presence made her smile.

Finally, he spoke. “Do you want to take a nap?”

“Yeah, sure,” Kathryn mumbled, exhausted from the day’s activities—all of them.

“Can I stay the night?” he whispered.

“Of course.” Kathryn revealed a rare moment of tenderness. “I don’t want you to go.”

Sam nestled deeper in the pillow. “Good. I don’t want to go, either.”

Kathryn sighed, and as she drifted off to sleep she realized that for a fleeting moment, she felt truly happy.

Chapter Seven

After that day, Sam and Kathryn were inseparable. Now, when she went to work, Sam was in the forefront of her mind. Each day while on campus, she counted down the hours until she would see him again. Her overall mood improved, and her acquaintances at work seemed to notice it. The department secretary had even stopped her in the mailroom to tell her that she looked different.

“Different how?” Kathryn had asked.

“I don’t know.” The secretary’s eyes had scanned her face. “Did you get a haircut?”

There was no haircut to lift her spirits. There was just Sam.

The sex continued to be mindblowing. They satisfied their passion in every room of Kathryn’s apartment. They did it in the shower; they did it on the living room floor; they did it in the kitchen with Kathryn pressed up against the sink, and they did it somewhat uncomfortably on the living room couch. It was fun, athletic, creative, and thrilling. Kathryn had never experienced anything like it. Every once in a while, the tingly, static sensation reappeared, and when it did, those were the times her orgasms were the most intense.

The sex was not the only thing Kathryn enjoyed. She actually took pleasure in his company. They explored St. Louis together, going to places she had never visited in her two years of living there. They did the touristy things like go to the top of the Arch and tour the Anheuser-Busch brewery. They did the non-touristy things like went shopping at the Soulard Farmer’s Market on Saturday mornings and went to late-night movies at the Chase. Sam was part southern gentleman, part intellectual, part comedian, part Casanova, and all perfect. March warmed into April, and as the spring semester began to wind down, Kathryn’s relationship with Sam continued to heat up.

“Hey, I want to ask you something.” Sam’s naked body lay stretched out on the bed, and Kathryn’s wiry frame was positioned halfway on top of him. The sweat on their bodies drying after another marathon session.

She propped herself up on one elbow. “What’s up?”

“I know we haven’t really talked about this,” Sam’s fingers played gently up and down her spine, “but I want you to be my girl.”

Kathryn couldn’t help but laugh.

Sam’s eyes narrowed. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing.” Kathryn could see this was serious business to Sam. “It’s just . . . your ‘girl?’”

“Yeah, what’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing.” She then scooted up and put her nose directly in front of Sam’s. “Samuel Johnston,” she whispered, “are you asking me to go steady?”

Sam smiled and tickled her. “Yeah, maybe I am.” Kathryn erupted into fits of giggles. “I even think I may have an old letterman’s jacket you can wear.”

“Why, Sam!” Kathryn did her best imitation of a proper 1950s schoolgirl. “Are you going to pin me?”

Sam’s eyes grew wide, and in one smooth movement he flipped her over on her back and pressed his considerable weight down on top of her. Kathryn loved it. “Oh, I’ll pin you all right.” The force of Kathryn’s laughter was only stopped by the fact that Sam’s chest was on top of hers.

“Okay! Okay!” she gasped.

“Is that a yes?” He nuzzled her neck.

“Yes! That’s a yes! Now get off of me!” Sam flipped back over, and Kathryn resumed her position sprawled on top of him.

Sam refluffed his pillow. “Good.”

She dragged her fingers slowly across his smooth chest. “So,” her fingers danced over his collarbone, “does this make you my ‘man?’”

Sam smiled. “It does.”

Kathryn’s heart fluttered. She was almost afraid that Sam could feel it. She had never been so happy to be someone’s “girl” in all her life. She tried to hide her enthusiasm and just said, “Good.”

They lay silent. Kathryn’s fingers continued their meandering. Usually she was gripping his chest. It was now nice to simply stroke it. Her fingers wandered over to his arm and traced the lightning bolt tattoo painted there. “I've been meaning to ask you—what does this mean?”

“It means my nickname.”

Kathryn frowned. “This tattoo means Sam?”

Sam laughed heartily. “No.” He gently touched the side of her face. “My nickname is Charge.”

Kathryn sat up slightly. “It is?! Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“Well,” Sam coaxed her to continue her light touch, “the name is very special to me, and I wanted to wait until the right time to tell you.”

There was honest sentiment behind his words. “Why is your nickname Charge?”

Sam smirked. “Because I’m electric!” He tickled her again. Through her giggles, Kathryn begged for him to stop. After he did, he grew serious again. “I want you to call me Charge, okay?” He looked deep into her eyes.

“Okay.” She liked the name, and it did fit. He was quite electric. She put her nose right up to Sam’s again. “But you can’t call me Kate or Katie or anything like that because I hate it!” With that, she tickle-attacked Sam and found, much to her pleasure, that he was just as ticklish as she was.


Kathryn, Susan, and Charge made dinner plans for the following Saturday night. This would be the first time that all three of them would be together, and instead of going out, Kathryn and Susan were going to cook. Kathryn was very excited. She was quite a good cook, and she decided to make her special homemade lasagna for dinner. Susan was making the dessert, a double-layer turtle cake. Kathryn was also going to supply the wine—a nice Spanish Rioja, her favorite. She made sure that her place was spotless. She even bought a bunch of cheery tulips and arranged them as the centerpiece on her small kitchen table.

Kathryn had forgotten to purchase a few key items, so she and Charge went to the grocery store on Saturday morning. It was such a beautiful day that they decided to walk. While on the way back, Kathryn had to laugh at herself. She had forgotten to purchase more than just a few things. She had run out of garlic and oregano, didn’t have enough tomatoes, and she didn’t realize until she opened her pantry that she was out of napkins altogether. Those items, along with a few impulse buys, had the two of them fairly laden down with bags as they strolled through the neighborhood back to her apartment.

As they turned up the walk and approached the front door of the complex, she heard someone calling her name.


She turned around and saw Derrick hastily approaching them. “What the hell are you doing here, Derrick?” With the grocery bags in her hands, she had the urge to fling one of them at him.

“Hey, baby.” Derrick tried to lean in to kiss her while shooting a glance at Charge, whose brow had begun to darken.

Kathryn stepped back sharply. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Derrick tried to play a smooth recovery. “I came over to apologize, baby. I know that we got into it, and some things were said that I know we
regret.” He paused as if waiting for a response. Kathryn gave him none. “So anyway, I came back to say I’m sorry.”

“What?” she scoffed. “Derrick, you and I were finished over a month ago.” Kathryn wanted to make it clear to Charge that Derrick was ancient history and had been for a while. In fact, looking at him now, she couldn’t believe that she ever went out with him in the first place. He just seemed so . . . puny next to Charge. “Did that bitch toss your sorry ass out?”

Derrick stuttered, “N-Naw, baby, see . . .”

“Hey, cool out, man.” Charge’s strong voice interrupted Derrick’s excuses, and the look on Charge’s face said he was even more irritated than she was. This could end quite badly. For Derrick.

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