Read The Denim Dom (Siren Publishing Sensations) Online

Authors: Tymber Dalton

Tags: #Romance

The Denim Dom (Siren Publishing Sensations)

BOOK: The Denim Dom (Siren Publishing Sensations)
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The Denim Dom

Who needs leather when you can have denim? A denim Dom, that is.

Shayla Pierce dumped her lying ex and moved to Florida to start a job at a magazine. An assignment to write about BDSM leads her to discover a new world and make a slew of new friends, including the sinfully sexy Tony Daniels. She’s just not sure she can ever trust again.

Tony is used to teaching about BDSM, but he’s never trained a submissive he wasn’t dating before. After losing hope he’ll ever find the perfect submissive for him, Shayla walks into his life and asks him to train her for her series of articles. He knows about her bad breakup and their agreement is supposed to be nothing more than business. But as she raises the ante, he’s finding it harder to keep his heart under lock and key.

Will Shayla stay a hostage to her past, or allow Tony to become her Denim Dom?

BDSM, Contemporary

99,813 words








Tymber Dalton










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Siren Sensations




Copyright © 2013 by Tymber Dalton

E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-603-4


First E-book Publication: March 2013


Cover design by Harris Channing

All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.


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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.




Siren Publishing, Inc.

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The Denim Dom
by Tymber Dalton from or its official distributors, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your copy of this book.



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Amanda Hilton, Publisher




This one’s for Mr. B, who is Sir, Daddy, Pack Alpha, and pup all in one. With love, for His inspiration, His instruction, His love of perverting innocent kitchen implements and other common household items, and His own special brand of…eh, motivation. I am a
lucky pet.




Yes, I
wrote Tony’s story! LOL. For those of you who don’t know, he also makes appearances in
The Reluctant Dom
Domme by Default
. While this book and those two are all standalone books, the events in this book take place following the others. Leah and Seth also appear in
The Reluctant Dom
. Tilly, Landry, and Cris, and Ross and Loren, appear in
Cardinal’s Rule
. Clarisse, Mac, and Sully appear in
Safe Harbor
. All of these releases are available from Siren-BookStrand.

Some people don’t realize this, but it’s no secret that I am actively involved in the BDSM lifestyle. That’s one reason why I enjoy writing about it so much. While sometimes I draw characteristics for characters or inspiration from real-life events from my own experiences, everything I write is fictionalized to protect the…eh, guilty, so to speak. However, the kind of play I write about is the same kind of play I witness at nearly every party or private club outing I attend. Or is even play we engage in ourselves.

As of this writing, the screen names I invented do not exist. So if they ever do show up, please don’t bug the poor people about this book because they likely won’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

This book took me a long time to write for several reasons. Life got in the way, my health got in the way, my own paranoia of screwing it up and letting down my readers after the tremendous response for
The Reluctant Dom
got in the way…and we lost a very dear friend and mentor in the lifestyle to cancer. Quite frankly, that took my heart away for writing this for many, many months.
The Reluctant Dom
was my way of dealing with my grief over my grandmother’s death, and I knew I couldn’t handle recreating that experience with a ten-foot pole at this time. So I had to wait until I felt ready to write Tony’s story with the energy and heart and clarity of mind to give him the undivided attention he deserved.

My friend will one day get her own story, but this book isn’t it. It was never meant to be. It held its own set of experiences and emotions, and I hope it doesn’t disappoint those of you who’ve waited so long for it.

While Sarasota and some of the landmarks mentioned in the area do exist, I use them fictitiously. FetishCon (called FetCon by many) is a real event held every year in Tampa, but I’ve taken literary license with the event for my own purposes. The organizers of the convention have in no way endorsed or participated in the writing of this book. (But if you ever get a chance to go, you should. It’s a pretty rockin’ good time!) Characters in this book are completely fictitious and creations of my own warped imagination.




Copyright © 2013






Chapter One


Sunglasses…check. Coffee…check. Laptop—

Shayla Pierce glanced over her shoulder at the backseat.

She’d been damn lucky to fall into this job. Last thing she needed was to mess up her first day by forgetting something important.

She put her Civic into reverse, then hit the brakes.


Shifting back into park, she shut the car off and pulled the keys from the ignition.
Might help to have my purse today.
She jogged back to her apartment and found her purse sitting on the kitchen counter where she’d left it. She grabbed it and returned to the car.

One more try.

This time she made it out of her apartment complex and down the street. She turned onto Clark Road and headed west toward US 41. She’d timed her drive already. She should make it to her new office in downtown Sarasota in under forty minutes.

Tropical Sarasota was a far cry from her snowy Minneapolis childhood, college days spent in Athens, Ohio, at the Scripps School of Journalism, and a year on the copy desk at
The Plain Dealer
in Cleveland before being promoted to reporter, when she got to write her own copy.

Now, at thirty-three, she was starting her life over again. Or at least that was what it felt like.

No more snow. No more ice. No more turtlenecks.

Her fingers tightened around the steering wheel.
No more backstabbing, lying sack-of-monkey-shit bastard ex-fiancés named James I wasted eight years of my life on.

The publisher and editor in chief of
Sunshine Attitude Magazine
, Bill Melling, waved her into his office when she arrived ten minutes before eight.

He stood and offered his hand. “Glad to see you didn’t back out on us, Ms. Pierce.”

“You can call me Shayla, or Shay, Mr. Melling.”

He smiled. “Bill’s fine. We’re casual around here. We’ve got a morning editorial meeting at nine. We have them Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.” He glanced at his watch. “That’s in an hour. When Suzanne gets here, I’ll have her show you to your desk and get you up to speed.” A woman appeared in the office doorway. “Oh, there she is.”

Twenty minutes later, Shayla was seated at her new desk in a large cubicle with a window overlooking Ringling Boulevard. Not too bad. Not an office, but the only one with an office in this organization was Bill Melling, so that was fair. At least she had tall divider walls and more floor space than some of her coworkers.

She took a few minutes to quiet her nervous stomach.
This has
happened. I did it.

The day after the discovery three weeks ago, she’d been drowning her sorrows at a hotel bar with Allison, an old high school buddy. Finding out her fiancé had robbed her of over fifteen thousand dollars to pay for Internet porn tended to upset a girl.

Allison had been supportive, sympathetic, and more importantly, had called Shayla two days later with a proposal.

Fortunately, Shayla’s killer hangover had gone away by then.

“I was talking to my brother about what happened,” Allison said. “His best friend’s uncle has a magazine down in Florida, dead-tree and web editions. Pretty popular. It’s been around a long time. They’re looking for someone to replace one of their staff who’s leaving. A writer. You interested? I’ve got the info. He called him already and asked if he could refer you.”

Was she interested?

She’d called Bill Melling, talked with him over the phone, flew down three days later to meet with him in person, and got herself hired.

While in Sarasota she arranged to rent an apartment, and her whirlwind move began.

Shayla fought the urge to fidget while waiting for the editorial meeting to start. Instead, she rearranged her desk several times.

BOOK: The Denim Dom (Siren Publishing Sensations)
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